Transvenous embolization (TVE) through the superior ophthalmic vein (SOV) is a useful approach for the treatment of cavernous sinus (CS) dural arteriovenous fistulae (DAVFs). This venous route is usually confirmed by angiography. Herein, we present a case of favorable embolization of the CS DAVF through the angiographically occlusive SOV. A 61-year-old man presented with progressive exophthalmos and hypertonia. The patient was diagnosed with a CS DAVF, and TVE was planned. The first approach through the inferior petrosal sinus was infeasible; therefore, we attempted to approach the fistula through the left facial vein. The microcatheter was easily advanced to the shunt point through the angiographically occlusive SOV. We performed coil embolization, and the CS DAVF was completely obstructed.
Angiography - cavernous sinus dural arteriovenous fistula - exophthalmos - facial vein - superior ophthalmic vein - transvenous embolization