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DOI: 10.4103/ejd.ejd_249_17
Accuracy of computer-guided surgery for dental implant placement in fully edentulous patients: A systematic review
13. September 2019 (online)

Assess clinical studies regarding accuracy between virtual planning of computer-guided surgery and actual outcomes of dental implant placements in total edentulous alveolar ridges. A PubMed search was performed to identify only clinical studies published between 2011 and 2016, searching the following combinations of keywords: “Accuracy AND Computer-Assisted Surgery AND Dental Implants.” Study designs were identified using the terms: Case Reports, Clinical study, Randomized Controlled Trial, Systematic Reviews, Meta-Analysis, humans. Level of agreement between the authors in the study selection process was substantial (k = 0.767), and the study eligibility was considered excellent (k = 0.863). Seven articles were included in this review. They describe the use of bone and muco-supported guides, demonstrating angular deviations cervically and apically ranging from (minimum and maximum means), respectively, 1.85-8.4 (°), 0.17-2.17 (mm), and 0.77-2.86 (mm). Angular deviations obtained most inaccuracy in maxila. For cervical and apical deviations, accuracy was preponderantly lower in maxilla. Despite the similar deviations measurement approaches described, clinical relevance of this study may be useful to warn the surgeon that safety margins in clinical situations.
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