CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Eur J Dent 2018; 12(04): 496-501
DOI: 10.4103/ejd.ejd_375_17
Original Article
Dental Investigation Society

Usefulness of measuring radiographic density of axis vertebra in patients at risk of osteoporosis: A cone-beam computed tomography study

Mustafa Alkhader
1   Department of Oral Medicine and Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan
Mohammad S. Alrashdan
1   Department of Oral Medicine and Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dentistry, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan
Yousef Khader
2   Department of Community Medicine, Public Health and Family Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Jordan University of Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan
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23. September 2019 (online)


Objective: Using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) images, the aim of the study was to evaluate the usefulness of measuring radiographic density of the axis vertebra (RDAV) in patients at risk of osteoporosis. Materials and Methods: Two hundred and forty-seven old patients (109 males and 138 females) aged between 50 and 80 years (mean age: 59.68 ± 7.27) were examined by CBCT. Using InVivoDental, v. 5.0 (Anatomage Inc., San Jose, CA), RDAV and mental index (MI) were measured twice and correlated using Pearson's correlation coefficients. Patients were divided into two categories: high risk and low risk of osteoporosis using 3.1 mm of MI as a cutoff value, and the mean value of RDAV was compared and correlated using independent samples' t-test and regression analysis. Receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis was also used to examine the predictive power of RDAV. Results: The mean value of RDAV was moderately correlated with MI (r = 0.32), and in patients at low risk of osteoporosis, the mean value of RDAV was significantly higher than in patients at high risk of osteoporosis. In multivariate binary logistic regression, the odds of being at risk of osteoporosis decreased by 1% with one unit increase in RDAV (odds ratio = 0.988, 95% confidence interval: 0.983–0.993; P < 0.005). ROC analysis showed that the mean value of RDAV had a high predictive power for predicting patients at risk of osteoporosis (area under the curve = 0.761 for females and 0.649 for males). Conclusions: Measuring RDAV is considered useful in predicting patients at risk of osteoporosis.


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