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DOI: 10.4103/ejd.ejd_56_18
Endodontic irrigants: Different methods to improve efficacy and related problems
Publication History
Publication Date:
16 September 2019 (online)

Shaping and cleaning a root canal system along with the preservation of the surrounding periodontal tissues are the principal goals of an endodontic treatment. While most of the attention is paid to the mechanical aspects of a root canal treatment, an essential feature of it is the irrigation. All over the years, many materials have been used to clean the root canal of a tooth, and certainly, the sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid solutions are the most used and most reliable ones. Putting them inside of a canal is mostly done using a normal syringe, but many techniques have been involved in this process, including the use of sonic/ultrasonic instruments, the use of shaping files, and even laser, to increase the efficacy of irrigant solutions, especially of NaOCl one. Each one of this technique faces some disadvantages, just as the vapor lock effect and the apical extrusion, and has a different action on features such as the reaction rate and the shear stress of an endodontic irrigant solution. In this narrative review, we describe the different features of many irrigant solutions and the different ways of upgrading their efficacy in the cleaning of a root canal system, with the use of tables to summarize the entire description, and drawing the readers' attention to a photographic illustration for a better understanding of the topic.
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