CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Ibnosina Journal of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 2019; 11(02): 90-92
DOI: 10.4103/ijmbs.ijmbs_25_19
Practice Point

A role for nurses during echocardiography procedure in ethnically sensitive settings

Elhadi Aburawi
1   Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, United Arab Emirates University
2   Department of Health, Alain Hospital, Al-Ain
Ekhlass Mohammad
2   Department of Health, Alain Hospital, Al-Ain
› Author Affiliations

Echocardiography is the main procedure for diagnosis in both acquired and congenital heart diseases (CHD). In pediatric cardiology, the surgeons accept more than 80% of children with CHD for surgery just based on echocardiography investigation. The role of nurses before, during, and after the procedure is well known since 1982. Their role is becoming more and more challenging with the development of technology and easier manipulation during echocardiography procedure. In this practice point, we are highlighting a new role for female cardiac nurses in the outpatient clinical setting. This new nurse's role is to handle the probe during the echocardiography procedure for the adolescent girls by a female nurse.

Financial support and sponsorship


Publication History

Received: 02 May 2019

Accepted: 10 May 2019

Article published online:
07 July 2022

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