CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · World J Nucl Med 2018; 17(02): 106-111
DOI: 10.4103/wjnm.WJNM_14_17
Case report

Accuracy of quantitative positron emission tomography assessment for differentiating cerebral age-related from pathological amyloid deposition: A preliminary report from a case-series study

Fulvio Lauretani
1   Department of Geriatric Rehabilitation, Internal Medicine and Critical Subacute Care Unit, Cognitive and Motoric Ambulatory
2   Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Parma, Parma
Livia Ruffini
3   Department of Radiology, Nuclear Medicine Unit, University Hospital of Parma, Parma
Andrea Ticinesi
1   Department of Geriatric Rehabilitation, Internal Medicine and Critical Subacute Care Unit, Cognitive and Motoric Ambulatory
2   Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Parma, Parma
Antonio Nouvenne
1   Department of Geriatric Rehabilitation, Internal Medicine and Critical Subacute Care Unit, Cognitive and Motoric Ambulatory
2   Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Parma, Parma
Marcello Maggio
1   Department of Geriatric Rehabilitation, Internal Medicine and Critical Subacute Care Unit, Cognitive and Motoric Ambulatory
2   Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Parma, Parma
Tiziana Meschi
1   Department of Geriatric Rehabilitation, Internal Medicine and Critical Subacute Care Unit, Cognitive and Motoric Ambulatory
2   Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Parma, Parma
› Author Affiliations

Previous observational studies using old qualitative methods have not clarified the role of amyloid positron emission tomography (PET) in the assessment of dementia. Given the moderately positive predictive value, the presence of amyloid deposition does not necessarily imply the diagnosis of dementia. Conversely, the absence of amyloid PET deposition has been shown to be useful in excluding the neurodegenerative pathology, irrespective of the aging process. We describe the clinical application of new innovative software recently developed to increase the sensitivity of this technique and to discriminate pathological deposition of cerebral amyloid from the age-related changes, reporting preliminary findings from a case-series study. In three different clinical profiles, we underline the need of integrating neuropsychological assessment and findings with this new PET scan and software that provide quantitative information of the cerebral amyloid and may increase the probability of rapid and accurate assessment of Alzheimer's disease. Although this amyloid quantification is promising, these preliminary results should be confirmed in future prospective studies with adequate sample size.

Publication History

Article published online:
17 May 2022

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