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DOI: 10.4338/ACI-2010-01-CR-0003
Paradigm Shift or Annoying Distraction
Emerging Implications of Web 2.0 for Clinical PracticePublication History
09 January 2010
31 March 2010
Publication Date:
20 December 2017 (online)

Web 2.0 technologies, known as social media, social technologies or Web 2.0, have emerged into the mainstream. As they grow, these new technologies have the opportunity to influence the methods and procedures of many fields. This paper focuses on the clinical implications of the growing Web 2.0 technologies. Five developing trends are explored: information channels, augmented reality, location-based mobile social computing, virtual worlds and serious gaming, and collaborative research networks. Each trend is discussed based on their utilization and pattern of use by healthcare providers or healthcare organizations. In addition to explorative research for each trend, a vignette is presented which provides a future example of adoption. Lastly each trend lists several research challenge questions for applied clinical informatics.
Citation: Spallek H, O’Donnell J, Clayton M, Anderson P, Krueger A. Paradigm shift or annoying distraction – emerging implications of Web 2.0 for clinical practice. Appl Clin Inf 2010; 1: 96–115
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