CC BY 4.0 · Brazilian Journal of Oncology 2019; 15: e-20190020
DOI: 10.5935/2526-8732.20190020
Original Article

How is advanced melanoma treated in the Public Health System in Brazil: a call for change.

Como o melanoma avançado é tratado no Sistema Público de Saúde no Brasil: um pedido de mudança.

1   Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Medical Oncology - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
Andre Marques Santos
2   CliqueSUS, Scientific - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
Tiago Farina Matos
3   Instituto Oncoguia, Institute - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
Luciana Holtz
3   Instituto Oncoguia, Institute - São Paulo - SP - Brazil
› Author Affiliations
Financial support : none to declare.


Introduction: Treatment of advanced melanoma has been revolutionized in the last decade. The adoption of new treatments is necessary in order to offer significantly longer survival. Objective: To evaluate how patients are being treated for advanced melanoma at the Public Health System in Brazil. Methods: We evaluated the Authorization of Ambulatory Care Procedure (APAC) related to all patients treated for advanced melanoma between January 2015 and December 2017. We grouped treatments according to their reported efficacy as being inadequate, minimally effective, moderately effective or effective treatments. We evaluated treatments given according to the efficacy, variety of treatments in first line and duration of overall treatment. Results: We analyzed 10,843 APACs, related to the treatment of 4,338 patients. Patients were 57% male, 43% female, 72% were older than 50 years of age. The median number of APACs filled per patient was 2 (ranging from 1 to 15). The mean of different types of treatment prescribed to individual patients was 1.22 (1 - 5). We identified 19 different treatment protocols used as first line, of which 11 consisted of single drug and 8 of drug combinations. Over the two-year period, 3,097 (88%) and 281 (8%) patients initiated treatment with a minimally effective or moderately effective regimen, respectively. Only 0.4% of patients initiated their treatment with an effective therapy. The average length on any treatment was six months. Conclusion: More than 98% of patients treated between 2015 and 2017 for advanced melanoma at the Public Health System in Brazil received minimally effective treatments.


Introdução: O tratamento do melanoma avançado foi revolucionado na última década. A adoção de novos tratamentos é necessária para oferecer uma sobrevivência significativamente maior. Objetivo: Avaliar como os pacientes estão sendo tratados para o melanoma avançado no Sistema Público de Saúde no Brasil. Métodos: Avaliamos a Autorização do Procedimento de Assistência Ambulatorial (APAC) relacionada a todos os pacientes tratados para o melanoma avançado, entre janeiro de 2015 e dezembro de 2017. Nós agrupamos o tratamento de acordo com a eficácia relatada, como sendo: inadequada, minimamente eficaz, moderadamente eficaz. Avaliamos tratamentos administrados de acordo com a eficácia, variedade na primeira linha de tratamentos e duração do tratamento no geral. Resultados: Foram analisadas 10.843 APACs relacionadas ao tratamento de 4.338 pacientes. Os pacientes eram 57% homens, 43% mulheres, 72% tinham mais de 50 anos de idade. A mediana do número de APACs preenchidos por paciente foi de 2 (variando de 1 a 15). A média dos diferentes tipos de tratamento prescritos para pacientes individuais foi de 1,22 (1 - 5). Identificamos 19 diferentes protocolos de tratamento usados como primeira linha, dos quais 11 consistiam de drogas simples e 8 combinações de drogas. No período de dois anos, 3.097 (88%) e 281 (8%) pacientes iniciaram o tratamento com um regime minimamente eficaz ou moderadamente eficaz, respectivamente. Apenas 0,4% dos pacientes iniciaram o tratamento com uma terapia eficaz. A duração média de qualquer tratamento foi de seis meses. Conclusão: Mais de 98% dos pacientes tratados, entre 2015 e 2017, receberam tratamentos minimamente efetivos para melanoma avançado no Sistema Público de Saúde no Brasil.


Rafael Aliosha Kaliks: Collection and assembly of data, Conception and design, Data analysis and interpretation, Final approval of manuscript, Manuscript writing.

Andre Marques Santos: Collection and assembly of data, Data analysis and interpretation, Final approval of manuscript, Manuscript writing, Provision of study materials or patient.

Tiago Farina Matos: Conception and design, Data analysis and interpretation, Final approval of manuscript.

Luciana Holtz: Conception and design, Data analysis and interpretation, Final approval of manuscript.

Publication History

Received: 01 June 2019

Accepted: 21 July 2019

Article published online:
02 December 2019

© 2022. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

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Bibliographical Record
Rafael Aliosha Kaliks, Andre Marques Santos, Tiago Farina Matos, Luciana Holtz. How is advanced melanoma treated in the Public Health System in Brazil: a call for change.. Brazilian Journal of Oncology 2019; 15: e-20190020.
DOI: 10.5935/2526-8732.20190020