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DOI: 10.5935/2526-8732.20210003
Pharmacogenomic tests in Oncology - finding the right dose
Testes farmacogenômicos em oncologia: encontrando a dose certa
Financial support: none to declare.
A pharmacogenetics/genomics (PGx) anticancer drug testing program is being developed by Kurtz and his group at the Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA). Drug -gene pairs were selected for PGx testing based on the presence of clinically validated PGx associations and the availability of international guidelines with PGx-informed dosing recommendations. Fluoropyrimidines-DPYD, irinotecan-UGT1A1 and thiopurines-TPMT/NUDT15 were initially included. The current estimation of anticancer therapy doses usually does not reflect the complexities of metabolism. Therefore, efforts should be made in order to refine the ways we prescribe these drugs, being conventional cytotoxic or newer ones. This program is extremely welcome and may lead to more multi-institutional partnerships and should bring a broader discussion on the use of PGx and pharmacokinetics in routine oncology practice.
Um programa farmacogenética / genômica (PGx) para drogas anticancer está sendo desenvolvido por Kurtz e seu grupo no Instituto Nacional do Câncer (INCA). Pares de droga-gene foram selecionados para o teste de PGx com base na presença de associações de PGx clinicamente validadas e na disponibilidade de diretrizes internacionais com recomendações de dosagem informadas por PGx. Fluoropirimidinas-DPYD, irinotecanoUGT1A1 e tiopurinas-TPMT / NUDT15 foram inicialmente incluídos. A estimativa atual de dosagem da terapia anticâncer geralmente não reflete as complexidades do metabolismo. Portanto, esforços devem ser feitos para refinar as formas de prescrever esses medicamentos, sejam os citotóxicos convencionais como os mais novos. Este programa é extremamente bem-vindo e pode levar a mais parcerias multi-institucionais e deve trazer uma discussão mais ampla sobre o uso de PGx e farmacocinética na prática oncológica.
DPYD - fluoropyrimidines - irinotecan - NUDT15 - pharmacogenomics - thiopurines - TPMT - UGT1A1Descritores:
DPYD - fluoropirimidinas - irinotecano - NUDT15 - farmacogenômica - tiopurinas - TPMT - UGT1A1Publication History
Received: 09 December 2020
Accepted: 19 December 2020
Article published online:
14 May 2021
© 2022. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Thieme Revinter Publicações Ltda.
Rua do Matoso 170, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, CEP 20270-135, Brazil
Jeziel Basso, Gilberto Schwartsmann. Pharmacogenomic tests in Oncology - finding the right dose. Brazilian Journal of Oncology 2021; 17: e-20210003.
DOI: 10.5935/2526-8732.20210003
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