Thieme E-Books & E-Journals - The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon / <conference><conf-date><day>29</day><month>02</month><txt>–</txt><day>03</day><month>03</month><year>2020</year></conf-date><conf-name>49th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery</conf-name><conf-num>01</conf-num><conf-loc>Wiesbaden</conf-loc><conf-sponsor/><conf-president/></conference>

The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Category: 29020303202049th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery01Wiesbaden

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Issue S 01/2020

Weber, A.; Schmidt, V.; Leuders, P.; Pfaff, M.; Hesse, J.; Schrader, J.; Lichtenberg, A.; Akhyari, P.: Dysregulation of ATPases Promotes the Degeneration of Aortic Valves
Feirer, N.; Dieterlen, M. T.; Klaeske, K.; Kiefer, P.; Ossmann, S.; Salameh, A.; Borger, M.; Hoyer, A.: Impact of Custodial-N Cardioplegia on Acute Kidney Injury after Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Gollmann-Tepeköylü, C.; Graber, M.; Pölzl, L.; Nägele, F.; Hirsch, J.; Bonaros, N.; Grimm, M.; Schneeberger, S.; Resch, T.; Holfeld, J.: RNA Release Triggers Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury in Cardiac Transplantation
Alhussini, K.; Sales, V.; Benitez Cristaldo, R.; Penov, K.; Madrahimov, N.; Radakovic, D.; Magyar, A.; Hassan, M.; Leyh, R.; Bening, C.: Comparison of Half Relaxation Time and Peak Force of Intact Muscle Fibers of Elective CABG Patients with Diastolic Dysfunction Grade I–III
Lahm, H.; Dreßen, M.; Beck, N.; Doppler, S.; Lange, R.; Krane, M.: MYBPHL Plasma Levels Are Increased after Induced Atrial Damage
Guo, Y.; Korkmaz-Icöz, S.; Jiang, W.; Brlecic, P.; Radovits, T.; Brune, M.; Yard, B.; Karck, M.; Loganathan, S.; Szabó, G.: N-Octanoyl Dopamine Is Superior to Dopamine in Protecting Graft Contractile Function when Administered to the Heart Transplant Recipients from Brain-Dead Donors
Pallos, L. K.; Dietrich, J. M.; Simon, A.; Carls, E.; Matthey, M.; Fleischmann, B. K.; Wenzel, D.; Roell, W.: Characterization of a Pulmonary Hypertension Model Caused by Left Heart Disease in Mouse
Korkmaz-Icöz, S.; Akca, D.; Shiliang, L.; Loganathan, S.; Brlecic, P.; Ruppert, M.; Brune, M.; Radovits, T.; Karck, M.; Szabó, G.: Left-Ventricular Hypertrophy in 18-Month-Old Donor Hearts Was Not Associated with Graft Dysfunction in the Early Phase of Reperfusion after Cardiac Transplantation: Gene Expression Profiling
Deuse, T.; Hu, X.; Gravina, A.; Wang, D.; Tediashvili, G.; Reichenspurner, H.; Davis, M. M.; Lanier, L. L.; Schrepfer, S.: Hypoimmunogenic Derivatives of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells Evade Immune Rejection in Fully Immunocompetent Allogeneic Recipients
Zhou, P.; Guo, Y.; Loganathan, S.; Radovits, T.; Brlecic, P.; Ruppert, M.; Sayour, A. A.; Karck, M.; Korkmaz-Icöz, S.; Szabó, G.: Conditioned Medium from Mesenchymal Stem Cells Reduced Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction in Rats’ Vascular Grafts
Schröter, F.; Kuehnel, R. U.; Hartrumpf, M.; Ostovar, R.; Albes, J.: Valve in Valve in Rapid Deployment Valves
Schlömicher, M.; Haldenwang, P.; Naraghi, H.; Useini, D.; Moustafine, V.; Bechtel, M.; Strauch, J.: Conduction Disorders Associated with Rapid Deployment AVR
van Kampen, A.; Meyer, A.; Kiefer, P.; Sündermann, S. H.; Van Praet, K.; Hommel, M.; Falk, V.; Kempfert, J.: Right Anterolateral Thoracotomy versus Full Sternotomy for Isolated Aortic Valve Replacement: A Dual-Center Propensity Score Matched Analysis
Guzman, J.; Bauernschmitt, R.; Grunebaum, J. P.; Sodian, R.: Transfemoral Self-Expanding TAVI to Treat Severe AI after Valve-Sparing David Operation
König, F.; Kramer, A.; Grab, M.; Mehilli, J.; Hagl, C.; Thierfelder, N.: Simulation of TAVI in Patient-Specific Testing Inserts at Physiologic Flow Conditions
Silaschi, M.; Eckert, L.; Hofmann, B.; Oezkur, M.; Charitos, E.; Sedding, D.; Treede, H.: Durability of Transcatheter Aortic Valves Beyond 5 Years: A Retrospective Single-Center Analysis
Polat, E.; Müller, C.; Sinani, L.; Neumann-Schniedewind, P.; Peterss, S.; Juchem, G.; Pichlmaier, M.; Hagl, C.: Long-Term Durability and Valve Integrity of Aortic Valve Bioprostheses: Single-Center Experience with Patients under 50 Years of Age
Rösch, R. M.; Dohle, D. S.; Buschmann, K.; Brendel, L.; Vahl, C. F.: Surgery in Patients following Infective Endocarditis after Primary TAVI Procedure: A Single-Center Series
von Stumm, M.; Sequeira Gross, T. M.; Böhm, J.; Reichenspurner, H.; Girdauskas, E.: Anticoagulation-Related Complications after an Isolated Mitral Valve Repair
El-Sayed Ahmad, A.; Salamate, S.; Amer, M.; Sirat, S.; Akhavuz, Ö.; Bakhtiary, F.: First Experiences with MANTA Vascular Closure Device in Minimally Invasive Valve Surgery
Wilbring, M.; Matschke, K.; Kappert, U.: No Visible Scars LVAD Implantation
Zhigalov, K.; Alofesh, A.; Easo, J.; Eichstaedt, H.; Ennker, J.; Weymann, A.: Clinical Outcomes of Venoarterial Extracorporeal Life Support in 462 Patients: Single-Center Experience
Mehmet, S.; Rohrbach, S.; Oswald, I.; Denke, M.; Weiss, B.; Uhlich, H.; Mayer, K.; Böning, A.; Niemann, B.: Influence of Nutrition on the Short- and Long-Term Outcome after ECLS and ECMO Therapy
Fleissner, F.; Mogaldea, A.; Rümke, S.; Salman, J.; Haverich, A.; Kühn, C.: Next Level ECLS-Assisted Transport: Venoarterial Support
Zipfel, S.; Reiter, B.; Barten, M.; Becher, M.; Lubos, E.; Söffker, G.; Westermann, D.; Kluge, S.; Reichenspurner, H.; Bernhardt, A.: Impella 5.0 Treatment as a Bridge-to-Decision Option after Extracorporeal Life Support in Patients with Unclear Neurologic Outcome
Madrahimov, N.; Bening, C.; Alhussini, K.; Sales, V.; Radakovic, D.; Penov, K.; Benitez Cristaldo, R.; Magyar, A.; Hoffmann, J.; Leyh, R.: The Potential Role of Magnetorheological Elastomers as “Smart Materials” in the Future Design of the Artificial Heart and Circulatory Support
Buchholz, S.; Rosenthal, L. L.; Von Samson-Himmelstjerna, P.; Haas, N.; Hörer, J.; Hagl, C.; Michel, S.: Bridging Patients in Cardiogenic Shock with the Berlin Heart Excor Biventricular Assist Device to Heart Transplantation: A Single-Center Experience
Westhofen, S.; Bernhardt, A.; Sadeq, A.; Reichenspurner, H.; Barten, M.: Cardiac Reverse Remodeling in Mechanically Unloaded Hearts: Analysis of Gender-Specific Differences
Klaeske, K.; Dieterlen, M. T.; Eifert, S.; Sieg, F.; Wittke, J.; Garbade, J.; Jawad, K.; Borger, M.; Meyer, A.: Impaired Platelet Activation in Patients after Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation
Madrahimov, N.; Alhussini, K.; Sales, V.; Radakovic, D.; Penov, K.; Benitez Cristaldo, R.; Hoffmann, J.; Hassan, M.; Leyh, R.; Bening, C.: First-Ever Built Magnetically Driven Micropump Using 3D Technology for VAD and ECMO Studies in a Mouse Model
Schrage, B.; Dabboura, S.; Yan, I.; Hilal, R.; Becher, M.; Bernhardt, A.; Kluge, S.; Reichenspurner, H.; Blankenberg, S.; Westermann, D.: Validation of the SCAI Cardiogenic Shock Classification in 1,039 Patients Presenting with Cardiogenic Shock
Joskowiak, D.; Meyer, A.; Lühr, M.; Kamla, C.; Peterss, S.; Juchem, G.; Hagl, C.: Long-Term Survival and Quality of Life of Patients with Prolonged Intensive Care Unit Stay: Fate of the Survivors
Hassan, K.; Stoeck, M.; Brüning, T.; Bein, B.; Caspary, M.; Schmoeckel, M.; Geidel, S.: Budget Impact Analysis of Sorbent Hemadsorption during Emergency Cardiac Surgery in Ticagrelor-Loaded Patients
Merkle-Storms, J.; Cizmic, A.; Weber, C.; Plata, C.; Rustenbach, C.; Zeriouh, M.; Wahlers, T.: Impact of Acute Kidney Injury on Outcomes and Mortality after Bentall Surgery
Schafigh, M. J.; Hamiko, M.; Schiller, W.; Treede, H.; Probst, C.: Predictive Factors for High Blood Product Use in Patients with Acute Stanford Type A Dissection
Kapahnke, J.; Huenges, K.; Salem, M.; Kolat, P.; Schoettler, J.; Schoeneich, F.; Puehler, T.; Friedrich, C.; Cremer, J.; Haneya, A.: The Circulatory Arrest Time in Patients with Acute Type A Aortic Dissection: Does It Influence the Outcome?
Tsagakis, K.; Janosi, A.; Dimitriou, A. M.; Osswald, A.; Shehada, S. E.; Mourad, F.; Wendt, D.; Thielmann, M.; El Gabry, M.; Ruhparwar, A.: True Lumen Stabilization of the Entire Thoracoabdominal Aorta in Acute Type I Aortic Dissection: A New Technique toward Complete Aortic Repair in One Stage
Brendel, L.; Rösch, R. M.; Pfeiffer, P.; El Beyrouti, H.; Vahl, C. F.; Dohle, D. S.: Proximal and Distal Reinterventions in Chronic Residual Aortic Type A Dissection
von Aspern, K.; Haunschild, J.; Khachatryan, Z.; Simoniuk, U.; Ossmann, S.; Branzan, D.; Schmidt, A.; Borger, M.; Etz, C.: Optimal Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Optode Positioning for Extensive Aortic Procedures Investigated in an Established Large Animal Model
Brickwedel, J.; Alassar, Y.; Demal, T. J.; Reichenspurner, H.; Detter, C.: Aortic Arch Replacement in Zone 2 versus 3 Using the Frozen Elephant Trunk Technique
Haunschild, J.; von Aspern, K.; Davierwala, P.; Holzhey, D. M.; Misfeld, M.; Borger, M.; Etz, C.: Institutional Learning Curve over Two Decades for Complex Procedures Leads to Excellent Contemporary Results: 782 Bentall Procedures
Rösch, R. M.; Brendel, L.; Pfeiffer, P.; Chaban, R.; El Beyrouti, H.; Vahl, C. F.; Dohle, D. S.: Short- and Long-Term Outcome of Acute Type A Aortic Dissection after Previous Cardiac Surgery
Demal, T. J.; Bax, L.; Brickwedel, J.; Reiter, B.; Girdauskas, E.; Conradi, L.; Reichenspurner, H.; Detter, C.: Risk Factors for Impaired Neurological Outcome in Aortic Surgery
Büch, J.; Müller, C.; Saha, S.; Fabry, T.; Lühr, M.; Joskowiak, D.; Juchem, G.; Hagl, C.; Pichlmaier, M.; Peterss, S.: Beyond Industry Sponsored Trials—Severe, Symptomatic Aortic Stenosis and Low–Surgical Risk
Fabry, T.; Steffen, J.; Hagl, C.; Mehilli, J.; Lühr, M.; Theiss, H. G.; Joskowiak, D.; Massberg, S.; Pichlmaier, M.; Peterss, S.: Redo Aortic Valve Replacement following Root Replacement with a Homograft: Open Surgery or TAVI?
Pollari, F.; Pfeiffer, S.; Vogt, F.; Blankenhorn, L.; Omlin, J.; Schwab, J.; Fischlein, T.: Utility of Preoperative Valvular Calcium Load Assessment Comparing Surgical Replacement versus Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation
Wilbring, M.; Petrov, A.; Kappert, U.; Arzt, S.; Alexiou, K.; Matschke, K.: What TAVI Has Done with Us—Impact of Catheter-based Procedures on a Surgical Aortic Valve Program
Fujita, B.; Bozkurt, K.; Saad, M.; Emmel, E.; Eitel, I.; Aboud, A.; Langer, H.; Ensminger, S.; Kurz, T.: Surgical versus Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement for Treatment of Bicuspid Aortic Valve Stenosis
Elderia, A.; Eghbalzadeh, K.; Zeschky, C.; Zeriouh, M.; Adam, M.; Baldus, S.; Mader, N.; Kuhn, E.; Wahlers, T.: Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: Cardiologists versus Cardiac Surgeons
Liebrich, M.; Schweder, M.; Degler, A.; Narr, A.; Röhl, T.; Ocker, V.; Schweigmann, U.; Uhlemann, F.; Doll, N.; Tzanavaros, I.: Triple-Arterial Cannulation for Whole-Body Perfusion during Complex Aortic Arch Reconstruction in Newborns Improves Clinical Outcome: A Matched-Pair Analysis
Heinisch, P.; Bartkevics, M.; Widenka, H.; Erdoes, G.; Glöckler, M.; Hutter, D.; Humpl, T.; Carrel, T.; Kadner, A.: Vertical Right Axillary Minithoracotomy: Extending the Spectrum from ASD to CAVSD
Cesnjevar, R.; Harig, F.; Purbujo, A.; Cuomo, M.; Blumauer, R.; Münch, F.; Alkassar, M.; Dittrich, S.: Tracheobronchial Compression by Congenital Vascular Anomalies – Surgical Procedures and Results
Kleinöder, J.; Purbujo, A.; Blumauer, R.; Cuomo, M.; Alkassar, M.; Dittrich, S.; Cesnjevar, R.: Long-Term Results after Fallot’s Repair
Sen-Hild, B.; Yörüker, U.; Sprengel, A.; Valeske, K.; Müller, M.; Jux, C.; Akintürk, H.: Surgical Outcomes for Congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries with Two Ventricles
Heck, R.; Montagner, M.; Bozso, S. J.; Nagendran, J.; Chu, M. W.; El-Hamamsy, I.; Ouzounian, M.; Kempfert, J.; Starck, C.; Moon, M. C.: Acute and Midterm Results after AMDS (Ascyrus Medical Dissection Stent) Implantation for Arch Remodeling in the Treatment of Acute DeBakey-I Dissections: A Prospective International Trial
Dumfarth, J.; Kofler, M.; Gasser, S.; Lukas, S.; Zujs, V.; Christoph, K.; Grimm, M.: Arterial Cannulation in Type-A Dissection in the Era of Antegrade Cerebral Perfusion: Should We Avoid the Femoral Access?
Haldenwang, P.; Luta, A.; Sikole, M.; Elghannam, M.; Useini, D.; Schlömicher, M.; Moustafine, V.; Christ, H.; Bechtel, M.; Strauch, J.: Distal Arch and Proximal Descending Aorta Treatment in Aortic Dissection: Treat First what Kills First!
Kreibich, M.; Berger, T.; Beyersdorf, F.; Rylski, B.; Siepe, M.; Czerny, M.: The Frozen Elephant Trunk Technique for the Treatment of Acute and Chronic Type B Aortic Dissection
Saha, S.; Fabry, T.; Büch, J.; Ali, A.; Joskowiak, D.; Lühr, M.; Hagl, C.; Pichlmaier, M.; Peterss, S.: Time Is Essential: Where Can We Improve in Acute Aortic Dissection?
Gasser, S.; Zujs, V.; Lukas, S.; Kofler, M.; Krapf, C.; Semsroth, S.; Grimm, M.; Dumfarth, J.: Antegrade stengraft Delivery in Acute Type-A Dissection: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
Brickwedel, J.; Demal, T. J.; Bax, L.; Reichenspurner, H.; Detter, C.: Midterm Outcome after Frozen Elephant Trunk Procedures
Beckmann, E.; Martens, A.; Krüger, H.; Stettinger, A.; Kaufeld, T.; Korte, W.; Haverich, A.; Shrestha, M. L.: Is Total Aortic Arch Replacement with Frozen Elephant Trunk Procedure in Septuagenarians Justified?
Tsagakis, K.; Shehada, S. E.; Dimitriou, A. M.; Mourad, F.; Osswald, A.; Wendt, D.; Thielmann, M.; El Gabry, M.; Ruhparwar, A.: Fate of Extra-anatomic Aortoaxillary Bypass for Facilitation of Frozen Elephant Trunk Surgery in Zone 2: Midterm Results
Detter, C.; Bax, L.; Demal, T. J.; Reiter, B.; Reichenspurner, H.; Brickwedel, J.: Total Aortic Arch Replacement Using the Frozen Elephant Trunk Technique: Risk Factor Analysis Influencing Early Mortality
Beckmann, E.; Martens, A.; Krüger, H.; Stettinger, A.; Kaufeld, T.; Korte, W.; Haverich, A.; Shrestha, M. L.: Total Aortic Arch Replacement with the Frozen Elephant Trunk after Previous Repair for Type-A Aortic Dissection
Kuehnel, R. U.; Schroeter, F.; Loladze, G.; Michera, L.; Pallmann, M.; Claus, T.; Hartrumpf, M.; Albes, J.: How Safe is the Combination of Negative Pressure Therapy and Polyhexanid Instillation in Deep Sternal Wound Complications?
Saemann, L.; Zubarevich, A.; Wenzel, F.; Korkmaz-Icöz, S.; Karck, M.; Szabó, G.; Veres, G.: Impact of Preparation Quality during Skeletonized Internal Mammary Artery Harvesting on Sternal Microcirculation
Nemchyna, O.; Dandel, M.; Solowjowa, N.; Hrytsyna, Y.; Stein, J.; Soltani, S.; Knierim, J.; Felix, S.; Falk, V.; Knosalla, C.: Strain Study in Patients after Surgical Ventricular Repair: Prognostic Role of Strain Parameters and Evaluation of Left-Ventricle Remodeling
Koechlin, L.; Boeddinghaus, J.; Nestelberger, T.; Wussler, D.; Walter, J.; Twerenbold, R.; Mueller, C.: 0/1-Hour Algorithms Using High-Sensitivity Cardiac Troponin I in Patients With Prior Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Reiter, B.; von Stumm, M.; Tauber, J.; Sill, B.; Brickwedel, J.; Reichenspurner, H.: Is Aprotinin Back? Retrospective Analysis in a Historical Cohort of CABG Patients
Lahm, H.; Jia, M.; Dreßen, M.; Gilsbach, R.; Hein, L.; Lange, R.; Meitinger, T.; Cordell, H. J.; Müller-Myhsok, B.; Krane, M.: Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies Novel Risk Loci in Patients with Transposition of the Great Arteries and Anomalies of the Thoracic Arteries and Veins
Marx, J.; Schwarzer, M.; Schenkl, C.; Koch, L. G.; Britton, S. L.; Doenst, T.: Genetic Predisposition for High- or Low-Exercise Capacity Does Not Affect the Detrimental Impact of Sepsis in Rats
Jenke, A.; Kistner, J.; Saradar, S.; Yazdanyar, M.; Weber, A.; Akhyari, P.; Lichtenberg, A.: Transforming Growth Factor-β1 Promotes Fibrosis and Attenuates Calcification in a Tissue-Based Three-Dimensional CAVD Model
Petersen, J.; Grammatika-Pavlidou, N.; Kloth, B.; Eschenhagen, T.; Nikolaev, V. O.; Reichenspurner, H.; Christ, T.; Molina, C. E.; Girdauskas, E.: Why Valvular Cardiomyopathy May Persist after Surgery? A Joint Basic Science—Clinical Effort
Cetinkaya, A.; Ganchewa, N.; Hein, S.; Bramlage, K.; Doss, M.; Bramlage, P.; Schönburg, M.; Richter, M.: Long-Term Outcomes of Stay Alone Mitral Valve Surgery versus Concomitant Tricuspid Valve Repair—A Propensity Match Analysis
Sideris, K.; Burri, M.; Prinzing, A.; Krane, M.; Guenzinger, R.; Lange, R.; Voss, B.: Long-Term Results of Edge-to-Edge Mitral Valve Repair in Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease: A Single-Center Experience
Pausch, J.; Sequeira Gross, T. M.; Müller, L.; Kloth, B.; Sinning, C.; Reichenspurner, H.; Girdauskas, E.: Subannular Repair for Functional Mitral Regurgitation Type IIIb in Patients with Ischemic versus Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Sequeira Gross, T. M.; Pausch, J.; Müller, L.; von Stumm, M.; Sinn, M.; Lund, G.; Reichenspurner, H.; Girdauskas, E.: Impact of Myocardial Fibrosis on the Left Ventricular Reremodeling after Subannular Repair for Type-IIIb Functional Mitral Regurgitation
Geidel, S.; Hassan, K.; Alessandrini, H.; Wohlmuth, P.; Caspary, M.; Bein, B.; Schmoeckel, M.: Mid-Term Results of Surgery in Patients with Unsuccessful MitraClip Implants for Degenerative Mitral Valve Disease
Conradi, L.; Ludwig, S.; Kalbacher, D.; Schäfer, A.; Schneeberger, Y.; Schofer, N.; Schäfer, U.; Blankenberg, S.; Reichenspurner, H.; Lubos, E.: Results of an Early Series of Transcatheter Mitral Valve Implantation with Dedicated Devices: Experience with Three Different Transapical and Transseptal Devices
Noack, T.; Thuijs, D.; Kappetein, P.; Serruys, P.; Mohr, F. W.; Morice, M. C.; Mack, M.; Holmes, D.; Davierwala, P.; Head, S.: Ten Year Survival after Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting versus Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: The SYNTAX Extended Survival (SYNTAXES) Study
Thielmann, M.; Wendt, D.; Slottosch, I.; Welp, H.; Martens, S.; Schiller, W.; Neuhäuser, M.; Wahlers, T.; Ruhparwar, A.; Liakopoulos, O.: Emergency Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients with Acute Coronary Syndromes following Primary PCI: A Current Report of the North–Rhine–Westphalia Surgical Myocardial Infarction Registry
Shehada, S. E.; Mourad, F.; Balaj, I.; Reichardt, E. M.; Spangel, G. M.; Wendt, D.; Thielmann, M.; El Gabry, M.; Ruhparwar, A.; Jakob, H.: Outcomes of Patients Undergoing Coronary Endarterectomy within Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: A 20-Year Single-Center Study
Demal, T. J.; Fehr, S.; Reiter, B.; Reichenspurner, H.; Gatti, G.; Onorati, F.; Mariscalco, G.; Santini, F.; Biancari, F.: Outcome of Patients with Elevated Risk of Bleeding in on- versus off-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG)
Tulun, A.; Panholzer, B.; Schoeneich, F.; Schoettler, J.; Puehler, T.; Cremer, J.; Haneya, A.: Outcome of Postinfarction Ventricular Septal Defect Repair in the Era of Mechanical Circulatory Support
Schrage, B.; Christina, M.; Westermann, D.; Meyns, B.; Felix, S.; Gummert, J.; Theo, D. B.; Reichenspurner, H.; Bernhardt, A.: Development of a European Risk Score for Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation—The EUROMACS-LVAD Score
Saeed, D.; Potapov, E.; Loforte, A.; Schibilsky, D.; Zimpfer, D.; von Aspern, K.; Haneya, A.; Lichtenberg, A.; Borger, M.; Gummert, J.: Transition from VA-ECMO to Durable VAD Systems. Do We Need Cardiopulmonary Bypass Machine? On Behalf of ECMO-VAD Study Group
Kalampokas, N.; Erbel-Kurdtsize, S.; Arkikan, M.; Rellecke, P.; Boeken, U.; Albert, A.; Lichtenberg, A.; Aubin, H.; Akhyari, P.: Effects of Preoperative Levosimendan on Perioperative Outcome after LVAD Implantation
Saeed, D.; Jawad, K.; Huhn, S.; Schulz, U.; Eifert, S.; Sipahi, N.; Kalampokas, N.; Garbade, J.; Lichtenberg, A.; Borger, M.: Less Invasive Ventricular Assist Device Implantation Lowers Rethoracotomy Rate for Bleeding and Reduces Postoperative Hospital Stay: Multicenter Experience
Pausch, J.; Girdauskas, E.; Reichenspurner, H.; Barten, M.; Bernhardt, A.: Prognostic Impact of Functional Mitral Regurgitation at the Time of Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation
Heyne, E.; Färber, G.; Walther, O.; Kirov, H.; Freiburger, S.; Doenst, T.; Schwarzer, M.: Mitochondrial Function in Human Heart Failure is Dependent on Etiology, Severity, and the Presence of Diabetes
Niemann, B.; Araci, N.; Ling, L.; Knapp, F.; Molenda, N. S.; Rohrbach, S.: Epicardial Adipose Tissue—Metabolic Memory of the Heart?
Weber, A.; Schöttler, F.; Schmidt, V.; Lichtenberg, A.; Akhyari, P.: Metformin Exerts Protective Effects against the Degeneration of Aortic Valves
Ramzan, R.; Rhiel, A.; Weber, P.; Irqsusi, M.; Vondran, M.; Rastan, A.; Vogt, S.: Papaverine Blocks Vasospasm but Induces ROS in Cardiac Mitochondria
Razumov, A.; Marcus-André, D.; Zittermann, A.; Schramm, R.; Hakim-Meibodi, K.; Gummert, J.; Morshuis, M.: SynCardia Total Artificial Heart: A17-Year Single-Center Experience with 187 Patients
Zuo, Y.; Sakatsume, K.; Sasaki, K.; Nakajima, S.; Fukushima, N.; Horiuchi, H.; Saiki, Y.; Lvadavws, I.: Severity of vWF Degradation Depends on LVAD types: Preliminary Results from a Multicenter Prospective Study
Aboud, A.; Hüting, F.; Fujita, B.; Zittermann, A.; Brünger, F.; Al-Khalil, R.; Kizner, L.; Ensminger, S.; Gummert, J.: Short and Long-Term Outcomes of Venoarterial ECMO for the Treatment of Perioperative Cardiogenic Shock in 576 Patients undergoing Cardiac Surgery
Ilias, C.; Pizanis, N.; Koch, A.; Papathanasiou, M.; Luedike, P.; Ruhparwar, A.; Kamler, M.: Vascular Complications after Peripheral (V-A) ECLS Cannulation in Cardiogenic Shock
Aboud, A.; Fujita, B.; Stierle, U.; Hemmer, W.; Lange, R.; Franke, U.; Leyh, R.; Laufer, G.; Sievers, H. H.; Ensminger, S.: Long-Term Outcomes for Patients Undergoing the Ross Procedure in 10 European Heart Centers: An Update from the Ross Registry
Komarov, R.; Chernov, I.; Chragyan, V.; Tarasov, D.; Arutyunyan, V.; Kadyraliev, B.; Enginoev, S.; Tcheglov, M.; Zhigalov, K.; Weymann, A.: Report of the Multicenter Aortic Valve Neocuspidization Registry: In-Hospital Outcomes of the First 170 Patients
Petersen, J.; Lenz, A.; Adam, G.; Reichenspurner, H.; Bannas, P.; Girdauskas, E.: Changes of Wall Shear Stress after Congenital Aortic Valve Repair Measured by 4D Flow Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Karliova, I.; Lämmerzahl, J.; Schneider, U.; Garibli, M.; Matsushima, S.; Abdul-Khaliq, H.; Schäfers, H. J.: Mid and Long-Term Results after Aortic Valve Repair in Children and Adolescents
Ius, F.; Draeger, H.; Sommer, W.; Salman, J.; Schwerk, N.; Gottlieb, J.; Welte, T.; Haverich, A.; Tudorache, I.; Warnecke, G.: Impact of Unilateral Diaphragmatic Dysfunction on Postoperative Outcome after Bilateral Lung Transplantation
Hennig, F.; Kemper, D.; Felix, S.; Yeter, R.; Potapov, E.; Starck, C.; Falk, V.; Knosalla, C.: Evolving Results in Post-VAD Heart Transplantation
Rojas, S. V.; Ius, F.; Kaufeld, T.; Sommer, W.; Goecke, T.; Poyanmehr, R.; Avsar, M.; Bara, C.; Haverich, A.; Warnecke, G.: Ex vivo Heart Perfusion for Heart Transplantation: A Single-Center Update after 5 Years
Barbara, S.; Sebastian, M.; Hagl, C.; Nikolaus, K.; Schneider, C.; Schramm, R.: The Evolution of Pulmonary Hypertension in Terminal Lung Failure
Ius, F.; Sommer, W.; Salman, J.; Siemeni, T.; Kühn, C.; Avsar, M.; Schwerk, N.; Haverich, A.; Tudorache, I.; Warnecke, G.: Six-Year Clinical Results of an IgA-and IgM-Enriched Human Immunoglobulin-Based Therapy for Early Anti-HLA Donor Specific Antibodies after Lung Transplantation
Zschirnt, M.; Thul, J.; Hahn, A.; Mazhari, N.; Schranz, D.; Skrzypek, S.; Müller, M.; Akintürk, H.; Jux, C.; Rupp, S.: 30-Year Long-Term Outcome of Heart Transplanted Children with Cardiomyopathy
Schiffer, M.; Carls, E.; Dürr, G. D.; Treede, H.; Delafuente, J. M.; Pfeifer, A.; Fleischmann, B. K.; Roell, W.: Grafting of Connexin43 (Cx43) Overexpressing Cardiac Fibroblasts Protects from Postinfarct Arrhythmia
Grab, M.; Emrich, J.; Schepp, N.; Kamla, C.; Hagl, C.; Thierfelder, N.: Combining 3D-Printing and Tissue Decellularization—A Novel and Cost-Effective Approach
Avci-Adali, M.; Steinle, H.; Weber, M.; Behring, A.; Mau-Holzmann, U.; Wendel, H. P.; Schlensak, C.: Improving the Footprint-Free iPSC Generation by Nonintegrative Self-Replicating RNA-Based Reprogramming
Kloth, B.; Bernhardt, A.; Barten, M.; Eschenhagen, T.; Reichenspurner, H.; Christ, T.: Human Ventricular Tissue for Experimental Studies: A New Source?
Weber, M.; Baur, J.; Steinle, H.; Wendel, H. P.; Avci-Adali, M.; Schlensak, C.: Pluripotency Evaluation of Newly Generated iPSC Lines using Chorioallantoic Membrane Assay
Khachatryan, Z.; von Aspern, K.; Haunschild, J.; Simoniuk, U.; Ossmann, S.; Branzan, D.; Schmidt, A.; Borger, M.; Etz, C.: Perioperative Real-Time Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Monitoring of the Spinal Cord Collateral Network: Comparison of Two Clinically Available Systems
Motekallemi, A.; Usai, M.; Ibrahim, A.; Martens, S.; Oberhuber, A.; Dell 'Aquila, A.; Rukosujew, A.: Volume Changes of the True- and False-Lumen in the Descending Aorta after Frozen Elephant Trunk Implantation
Berger, T.; Andreas, V.; Kreibich, M.; Rylski, B.; Beyersdorf, F.; Siepe, M.; Czerny, M.; Winkler, A.; Seitelberger, R.; Gottardi, R.: Aortic Diameter Changes in Patients with Acute Traumatic Aortic Injury: Possible Implications for Stent-Graft Sizing
Haunschild, J.; Khachatryan, Z.; von Aspern, K.; Bianchi, E.; Ossmann, S.; Borger, M.; Etz, C.: Impact of CSF Pressure Increase on Spinal Cord Perfusion Simulating Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysm Repair in a Large Animal Model
Hanke, J.; Dogan, G.; Mariani, S.; Deniz, E.; Merzah, A.; Chatterjee, A.; Haverich, A.; Schmitto, J. D.: Effect of Artificial Pulse and Pulsatility on Gastrointestinal Bleeding Rates after Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation
Vogeler, E.; Dieterlen, M. T.; Garbade, J.; Lehmann, S.; Julia, F.; Jawad, K.; Alaeldin, A.; Borger, M.; Meyer, A.: Telemedicine-Managed Anticoagulation Is Not Superior to Self-Management in LVAD Patients
Zayat, R.; Al-Khusein, R.; Tewarie, L.; Khattab, M. A.; Schnoering, H.; Moza, A.; Autschbach, R.: Impact of Atrial Fibrillation on Hemocompatibility-Related Adverse Events and Survival in Patients with the HeartMate II and HeartMate III LVADs
Varghese, S.; Awad, G.; Saha, S.; Wacker, M.; Slottosch, I.; Staack, T.; Wippermann, J.; Scherner, M.: Complications following Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation—Comparison of HeartWare and HeartMate III: A Single-Center 5-Year Experience
Saeed, D.; Potapov, E.; Schibilsky, D.; Zimpfer, D.; Haneya, A.; Loforte, A.; Lichtenberg, A.; Ramjankhan, F.; Borger, M.; Gummert, J.: Implanting Durable VAD Systems in Patients on VA-ECMO: Comparing Less Invasive to Sternotomy Approach—On Behalf of ECMO-VAD Study Group
Daniel, W.; Kieser, T.; Giammarco, G.; Trachiotis, G.; Puskas, J.; Kappetein, P.; Ruhparwar, A.; Jakob, H.; Head, S.; Taggart, D.: Intraoperative Transit-Time Flow Measurement in CABG: Insights from the Registry for Quality Assessment (RE-QUEST) Study
Grieshaber, P.; Oswald, I.; Albert, M.; Sodah, A.; Roth, P.; Diegeler, A.; Sedding, D.; Franke, U.; Böning, A.: Staged Complete Hybrid Revascularization in Patients with Multivessel Disease and Acute Myocardial Infarction—A Prospective Angiographic and Clinical Study
Schäfer, A.; Conradi, L.; Schneeberger, Y.; Sill, B.; Reichenspurner, H.; Kastrati, A.; Von Scheidt, M.; Schunkert, H.: Complete versus Incomplete Revascularization and Influence of Postoperative Antiplatelet Therapy in Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting: Results from the TiCAB Study
Krüger, T.; Forkavets, O.; Brefka, S.; Conzelmann, L.; Thomas, C.; Mehlhorn, U.; Liebold, A.; Schlensak, C.; Eschweiler, G.: Postoperative Delirium and Cognitive Dysfunction after On- and Off-Pump CABG Surgery: A Prospective Trial in Aged Patients
Berger, T.; Kreibich, M.; Rylski, B.; Kondov, S.; Pingpoh, C.; Beyersdorf, F.; Siepe, M.; Czerny, M.: The Frozen Elephant Trunk Technique Is Safe after Previous Aortic Repair
Penov, K.; Westarp, E.; Radakovic, D.; Sales, V.; Madrahimov, N.; Alhussini, K.; Gorski, A.; Aleksic, I.; Bening, C.; Leyh, R.: Surgery for Aortic and Aortic Valve Pathology in Bicuspid and Tricuspid Valves Has Excellent Short- and Long-Term Outcomes: A Single-Center Experience
Rylski, B.; Schwaller, N.; Beyersdorf, F.; Büsch, C.; Böning, A.; Haunschild, J.; Etz, C.; Lühr, M.; Kallenbach, K.: Gender-Related Differences in Patients with Acute Aortic Dissection Type A
Petersen, J.; Gaekel, D.; Girdauskas, E.; Reichenspurner, H.; Detter, C.: Long-Term Outcome after Aortic Valve-Sparing Root Surgery in Patients with Connective Tissue Disorder
Petersen, J.; Gaekel, D.; Girdauskas, E.; Reichenspurner, H.; Detter, C.: Long-Term Single-Center Experience in Aortic Root Surgery: Aortic Valve-Sparing Surgery versus Bentall Procedure
Potratz, M.; Mohemed, K.; Friedrichs, K.; Rudolph, V.; Gilis-Januszewski, T.; Furukawa, N.; Schramm, R.; Bleiziffer, S.; Gummert, J.; Rudolph, T.: Comparison of Hemodynamic Performance of Two Current Generation Transcatheter Heart Valve Prostheses
Bhadra, O. D.; Pagnesi, M.; Kim, W. K.; Barbanti, M.; Stefanini, G.; Schofer, J.; Schäfer, U.; Colombo, A.; Latib, A.; Conradi, L.: Insights from a Multicenter, Retrospective, Propensity-Matched Register of Next-Generation Self-expanding Devices for Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
Sarwari, H.; Schäfer, A.; Schirmer, J.; Schofer, N.; Seiffert, M.; Schneeberger, Y.; Blankenberg, S.; Reichenspurner, H.; Westermann, D.; Conradi, L.: Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation for Pure Noncalcified Native Aortic Valve Regurgitation
Kuehnel, R. U.; Schroeter, F.; Hartrumpf, M.; Ostovar, R.; Ioannou, S.; Braun, C.; Filip, T.; Mueller, T.; Erb, M.; Albes, J.: Valve Fracturing of Degenerated Stented Bioprosthesis during Valve-in-Valve Procedure Is a Myth
Santer, D.; Miazza, J.; Koechlin, L.; Rrahmani, B.; Doebele, T.; Zenklusen, U.; Gahl, B.; Eckstein, F. S.; Reuthebuch, O.: CytoSorb in Endocarditis Patients Undergoing Valve Surgery
Hajduczenia, M.; Kikhney, J.; Wießner, A.; Moter, A.; Grubitzsch, H.: New Perspectives of PVE Diagnostics: Impact of FISH/PCR
Westhofen, S.; Girdauskas, E.; Alassar, Y.; Detter, C.; Reichenspurner, H.; Conradi, L.: Isolated Repair versus Replacement for Infective Native Mitral Valve Endocarditis
Born, F.; Wieser, A.; Oberbach, A.; Oberbach, A.; Ellgass, R.; Peterss, S.; Kur, F.; Grabein, B.; Hagl, C.: Five Years without Mycobacterium chimaera
Li, J.; Zilz, C.; Schach, C.; Flörchinger, B.; Holzamer, A.; Reinhold, K.; Marcus, C.; Schmid, C.: Long-Term Results of Patch Repair in Destructive Native and Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis
Szczechowicz, M.; Mkalaluh, S.; Mashhour, A.; Zhigalov, K.; Weymann, A.; Dewald, O.; Easo, J.: Aortic Root Replacement for Destructive Endocarditis—Microbiological Considerations: A Single-Center Study
Salzmann-Djufri, M.; Giessler, T.; Rohrbach, S.; Knapp, F.; Ling, L.; Vogt, S.; Mirow, N.; Böning, A.; Niemann, B.: New-Onset Atrial Fibrillation—Metabolic Markers, Cytokines, and Remodeling Anticipating Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation
Kuzmin, B.; Knüppel, P.; Lux, A.; Scherner, M.; Slottosch, I.; Awad, G.; Varghese, S.; Argawi, A.; Wippermann, J.; Wacker, M.: Detection of Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation with a Smart Watch: Preliminary Results of a Clinical Investigation
Kühn, C.; Rellecke, P.; Joskowiak, D.; Erler, S.; Garbade, J.; Eifert, S.; Grieshaber, P.; Hain, A.; Burger, H.; Knaut, M.: Multicenter Experience with Wearable Cardioverter Defibrillators following Cardiac Surgery
Adermann, L.; Hofmann, B.; Khizaneishvili, L.; Oezkur, M.; Sedding, D.; Wilbring, M.; Treede, H.; Silaschi, M.: Long-Term Pacemaker Dependency after Permanent Pacemaker Implantation Secondary to Heart Valve Surgery
Oberhoffer, M.; El Beyrouti, H.; Ammar, M.; Kornberger, A.; Beiras-Fernandez, A.; Dorweiler, B.; Vahl, C. F.: Acute Successful Baroreceptor Activation Therapy for Uncontrolled Arterial Hypertension in Two Post–Aortic Dissection Patients
Assmann, A. K.; Goschmer, D.; Sugimura, Y.; Chekhoeva, A.; Assmann, A.; Lichtenberg, A.; Akhyari, P.: A Role for Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor Gamma (PPARy) Agonists in Counteracting the Degeneration of Cardiovascular Grafts
Hamdani, N.; Kolijn, D.; Lodi, M.; Herwig, M.; Kovács, Á.; Van Linthout, S.; Bagi, Z.; Mügge, A.; Strauch, J.; Haldenwang, P.: Endothelial and Cardiomyocyte Dysfunction in Heart Failure with Preserved Ejection Fraction Is Attenuated via PDE9A Inhibition
Laux, M. L.; Braun, C.; Hartrumpf, M.; Hübner, J.; Schroeter, F.; Ostovar, R.; Albes, J.: Frailty Can Be Handled—First Results of the PREDARF Prospective Study (PREoperative Detection of Age-Related Factors)
Bork, N. I.; Grammatika-Pavlidou, N.; Reiter, B.; Girdauskas, E.; Reichenspurner, H.; Nikolaev, V. O.; Molina, C. E.: CGMP as a New Drug Target in Atrial Fibrillation
Guzman, J.; Bauernschmitt, R.; Grunebaum, J. P.; Sodian, R.: MANTA—The First Percutaneous Closure System Meeting Surgical Claims
Wilbring, M.; Alexiou, K.; Arzt, S.; Matschke, K.; Kappert, U.: One-Access Concept for Minimally Invasive Valve Surgery
Rufa, M.; Ursulescu, A.; Nagib, R.; Albert, M.; Ahad, S.; Göbel, N.; Franke, U.: Long-Term Follow-up of Multivessel Off-Pump Minimally Invasive Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
Schaefer, H.; Krankenberg, D.; Walle, U.; Liebrich, M.; Roser, D.; Wehbe, M. S.; Merk, D. R.; Doll, N.: 10-Year Follow-up of 1,829 Patients Undergoing Minimally Invasive Mitral Valve Repair: A Single-Center Experience
Hassan, K.; Brüning, T.; Radtke, A.; Kannmacher, J.; Bein, B.; Schmoeckel, M.; Geidel, S.: Low Bleeding after Emergency CABG Using CytoSorb Adsorption of Ticagrelor: A 2-Year Clinical Experience
Kuehnel, R. U.; Schroeter, F.; Michera, L.; Pallmann, M.; Paun, A.; Hartrumpf, M.; Ioannou, S.; Braun, C.; Loladze, G.; Albes, J.: Preoperative Decolonization Reduces Surgical-Site Infection of Heart Surgery Patients
Böttger, C.; Mehdiani, A.; Aubin, H.; Westenfeld, R.; Erbel, S.; Sipahi, F.; Dalyanoglu, H.; Akhyari, P.; Lichtenberg, A.; Boeken, U.: Primary Graft Dysfunction after Heart Transplantation: Optimal Timing of Levosimendan Application
Castro, L.; Reichart, D.; Rübsamen, N.; Blankenberg, S.; Reichenspurner, H.; Bernhardt, A.: Development and Validation of a Risk Model for Primary Graft Failure after Heart Transplantation and Comparison to the RADIAL Risk Score
Ius, F.; Rojas, S. V.; Kaufeld, T.; Sommer, W.; Goecke, T.; Salman, J.; Bara, C.; Haverich, A.; Avsar, M.; Warnecke, G.: Heart Preservation with the Organ Care System in Extended Criteria Donors: A Single-Center Experience
Sommer, W.; O□, J. M.; Pruner, K. B.; Bean, A.; Dehnadi, A.; Hanekamp, I.; Colvin, R. B.; Benichou, G.; Kawai, T.; Madsen, J. C.: Detrimental Effects of Donor Brain Death on Tolerance Induction May Be Eliminated by Delaying Mixed Chimerism in Nonhuman Primates
Kalka, K.; Keldenich, Z.; Pizanis, N.; Carstens, H.; Reiner, G.; Ruhparwar, A.; Kamler, M.; Koch, A.: The Isolated Pig Lung from the Slaughtering Process as a Model for Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion: A Comparison in a Model for uDCDD
Dürr, A.; Eisenmann, L.; Albrecht, G.; Liebold, A.; Hoenicka, M.: Optimizing Pulsatility in Minimally Invasive Extracorporeal Circulation (MiECC)
Becher, M.; Goßling, A.; Schrage, B.; Fluschnik, N.; Seiffert, M.; Bernhardt, A.; Reichenspurner, H.; Blankenberg, S.; Westermann, D.: Procedure Volume and Outcomes in Patients with VA-ECMO Support
Radakovic, D.; Opacic, D.; Prashovikj, E.; Marcus-André, D.; Schramm, R.; Morshuis, M.; Kizner, L.; Rudolph, V.; Gummert, J.; Flottmann, C.: Timing of Left Ventricular Unloading with Impella Device in Patients with VA-ECMO: A Propensity Score–Matched Analysis
Rastogi, P.; Philipp, A.; Camboni, D.; Flörchinger, B.; Holzamer, A.; Schopka, S.; Vasin, S.; Hilker, M.; Rupprecht, L.; Schmid, C.: Economic Aspects of ECMO-Assisted Resuscitation (ECPR)
Veitinger, A.; Komguem, A.; Heep, M.; Niemann, B.; Grieshaber, P.; Boengler, K.; Böning, A.: Acute Myocardial Infarction in the Rat Model: Esmolol-Based Cardioplegia versus Potassium-Based Cardioplegia
Thielmann, M.; Vaghiri, S.; Dirkmann, D.; Neuhäuser, M.; Peters, J.; Heusch, G.; Jakob, H.; Ruhparwar, A.; Kamler, M.; Kleinbongard, P.: Remote Ischemic Preconditioning in Elective Cardiac Surgery: Long-Term Overall Survival Benefit in a Single-Center Randomized Double-Blinded Controlled Trial
Paraforos, A.; Friedrich, I.: The Digital Heart
Peivandi, A.; Martens, S.; Motekallemi, A.; Martens, S.; Hoffmeier, A.: Integrating 3D Printing in Surgical Teaching: A Novel, Low-Cost Method for Prospective Cardiac Surgeons
Chaban, R.; Buschmann, K.; Ghazy, A.; Dohle, D. S.; Vahl, C. F.: Training in Cardiac Surgery
Martens, A.; Korte, W.; Merz, C.; Kirchhoff, F.; Beckmann, E.; Fleissner, F.; Arar, M.; Goecke, T.; Haverich, A.; Shrestha, M. L.: Applying the Principles of Deliberate Practice to Train Complex Aortic Root Surgery: Development of the Aortic Root Module of the Early Exposure and Assessment (EASE) Training Program
Liebrich, M.; Schlereth, S.; Roser, D.; Strauss, H.; Merk, D. R.; Hupp, T.; Doll, N.; Voth, V.; Hemmer, W.: Hans Georg Borst Preis: Midterm Results with the Frozen-Elephant Trunk Technique (E-vita Open) in Thoracic Aortic Disease: A Single-Center Experience in 199 Patients
Shrestha, M. L.; Beckmann, E.; Kaufeld, T.; Krüger, H.; Stettinger, A.; Korte, W.; Haverich, A.; Martens, A.: Open Surgery for Complications after Endovascular Repair
Wilbring, M.; Alexiou, K.; Matschke, K.; Kappert, U.: Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement without Visible Scars: The Right Lateral Access