The Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgeon

Category: 111402202352nd Annual Meeting of the German Society for Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery (DGTHG)Congress Center Hamburg

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Issue S 01/2023

Martens, A.; Isleem, E.; Kaufeld, T.; Arar, M.; Natanov, R.; Korte, W.; Rudolph, L.; Krüger, H.; Gerber, I.; Haverich, A.; Shrestha, M. L.: Insufficient Reimbursement for Complex Aortic Arch Procedures within the German DRG System
Knochenhauer, T.; Demal, T. J.; Detter, C.; Nappi, F.; Di Perna, D.; Pol, M.; Juvonen, T.; Mariscalco, G.; Gatti, G.; Peterss, S.; Perrotti, A.; Fiore, A.; Pettinari, M.; Dell'aquila, A. M.; Vendramin, I.; Rinaldi, M.; Quintana, E.; Pinto, A. G.; Field, M.; Reichenspurner, H.; Biancari, F.; Conradi, L.: Outcome in Night- versus Daytime Surgery for Acute Type A Aortic Dissection
Walter, T.; Czerny, M.; Rylski, B.; Berger, T.; Kondov, S.; Gottardi, R.; Benk, J.; Kreibich, M.: Postoperative Thrombus Detection within the FET Stent Graft
Luehr, M.; Yildiz, M.; Ma, W. G.; Heck, R.; Polycarpou, A.; Jassar, A.; Kreibich, M.; Dohle, D. S.; Weiss, G.; Hagl, C.; Rega, F.; Schachner, T.; Martens, A.; Corte, A. Della; Osada, H.; Tsagakis, K.; Schoenhoff, F.: Acute Type A Aortic Dissection in Under 30 Years: Demographics, Etiology, and Postoperative Outcomes of 139 Patients
De Silva, N.; Salem, M.; Friedrich, C.; Diraz, S.; Broll, A.; Pommert, N. S.; Puehler, T.; Schoettler, J.; Cremer, J.; Haneya, A.: Does Duration of Aortic Cross Clamp Affect Outcome in Patients Undergoing Surgical Repair of Acute Dissection of Aorta Type A? A Large Retrospective Cohort Study
Bax, L.; Demal, T. J.; Beckenbauer, J.; Sitzmann, F.; Brickwedel, J.; Reichenspurner, H.; Detter, C.: Reinterventions after Surgery for Chronic Aortic Dissections
Friedrich, C.; Broll, A.; De Silva, N.; Diraz, S.; Salem, M.; Puehler, T.; Cremer, J.; Haneya, A.: Sex-Specific Short- and Long-Term Outcome in Patients after Ascending Aortic Surgery
Hamiko, M.; Jahnel, K.; Kohistani, Z.; Schafigh, M. J.; Spaeth, A.; Roell, W.; Bakhtiary, F.: Long-Term Outcome and Quality of Life after Replacement of the Ascending Aorta
Morjan, M.; Mestres, C. A.; Savic, V.; Mustafa, G.; Mathias, V. H.; Sromicki, J.; Vogt, P. R.; Reser, D.: Is Less More? Outcomes of Reoperative Surgery after Type A Acute Aortic Dissection Repair
Bax, L.; Demal, T. J.; Beckenbauer, J.; Sitzmann, F.; Brickwedel, J.; Reichenspurner, H.; Detter, C.: Predictors for Early Mortality after Surgery for Type A Aortic Dissection
Sandhaus, T.; Abdyvasiev, K.; Samson-Himmelstjerna, P.; Safarov, R.; Lang, S.; Rachow, T.; Sponholz, C.; Steiner, M.; Oczko, J.; Kirov, H.; Färber, G.; Doenst, T.: Nonintubated VATS Combined with Pleurodesis and PleurX Catheter in Patients with Recurrent Pleural Effusions
Friedrich, M. G.; Lehrke, J.; Iwanowski, I.; Tirilomis, T.; Kutschka, I.: A Stress-Reducing Support System for Staff in Cardiac Surgery
Reimann, G.; Schrepper, A.; Spielmann, N.; Gailus-Durner, V.; Fuchs, H.; De Angelis, M. Hrabe; Szibor, M.; Doenst, T.; Schwarzer, M.: Higher Cardiac Ischemia and Reperfusion Tolerance in Complex III–deficient (Uqcrh-KO) Mice Is Associated with a Shift from Oxidative to Anaerobic Metabolism
Assmann, A. K.; Reimers, S.; Schrauder, J. S.; Schartz, L.; Neidlin, M.; Moussavi, A.; Boretius, S.; Lichtenberg, A.; Assmann, A.: MRI-Based Validation of Aortic Blood Flow Simulations in a Rabbit Model of Extracorporeal Circulation
Reuter, L.; Yildirim, Y.; Petersen, J.; Degener, L.; Pahrmann, C.; Reichenspurner, H.; Pecha, S.: Lentiviral Transduction of Human-Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (hiPSCs) for High Sensitivity Bioluminescence Cell Tracking
Kozin, I.; Chechoeva, A.; Münch, P.; Jashnieh, P.; Schmidt, V.; Gräf, M.; Soler, S.; Bartok, E.; Lichtenberg, A.; Weber, E.; Aubin, H.: Early Immune Response of Decellularized Extracellular Matrix in Rat Aortic Conduit Implantation Model
Immohr, M. B.; Adrego, F. Dos Santos; Teichert, H. L.; Schmidt, V.; Barth, M.; Sugimura, Y.; Lichtenberg, A.; Akhyari, P.: Development and Comparison of Native Extracellular Matrix-Derived Hydrogels for 3D-Bioprinting of Ovine Aortic Valve Interstitial Cells
Yildirim, Y.; Reuter, L.; Odah, S.; Petersen, J.; Pahrmann, C.; Reichenspurner, H.; Pecha, S.: Nanotechnological Coating Reduces Bacterial Growth on Vascular Prostheses: An In Vitro Bioluminescence Imaging Study
Pölzl, L.; Hirsch, J.; Eder, J.; Nägele, F.; Graber, M.; Lechner, S.; Engler, C.; Grimm, M.; Holfeld, J.; Gollmann-Tepeköylü, C.: Innate Reverse Remodeling Reveals Novel Treatment Option for Heart Failure
Pecha, S.; Ismaili, D.; Geelhoed, B.; Knaut, M.; Reichenspurner, H.; Eschenhagen, T.; Schnabel, R.; Christ, T.; Ravens, U.: Less Negative Resting Membrane Potential in Women's Atria: Protection against Atrial Fibrillation?
Münch, P.; Jashnieh, P.; Kozin, I.; Schmidt, V.; Gehlweiler, K.; Chekhoeva, A.; Gräf, M.; Soler, S.; Bartok, E.; Lichtenberg, A.; Weber, E.; Aubin, H.: Influence of Decellularized Aortic Valve ECM on the Phenotype of Bone Marrow–Derived Macrophages
Schröter, F.; Kühnel, R. U. Dr. med.; Hartrumpf, M.; Ostovar, R.; Albes, J.: A Concept for a Novel Type of Mitral Valve Prosthesis
Petrov, A.; Diab, A. H.; Taghizadeh-Waghefi, A.; Alexiou, K.; Wilbring, M.; Matschke, K.; Kappert, U.: Concomitant Transventricular Mitral Valve Replacement in Posterior Postinfarction Ventricular Septal Defect
Schlömicher, M.; Haldenwang, P.; Useini, D.; Naraghi, H.; Moustafine, V.; Bechtel, M.; Strauch, J.: Conduction Disorders after Rapid Deployment Aortic Valve Replacement Compared to Conventional Aortic Valve Replacement
Silaschi, M.; Alaj, E.; Wilde, N.; Vogelhuber, J.; Sugiura, A.; Tanaka, T.; Sudo, M.; Zimmer, S.; Nickenig, G.; Weber, M.; Bakhtiary, F.: Reoperative Mitral Valve Replacement versus Transcatheter Valve-in-Valve and Valve-in-Ring Procedures in High-Risk Patients
Sarwari, H.; Al Assar, Y.; Pecha, S.; Sinning, C.; Girdauskas, E.; Conradi, L.; Reichenspurner, H.; Petersen, J.: Acute and Midterm Outcomes of Patients Undergoing Right-Sided Heart Valve Surgery for Carcinoid Heart Valve Disease
Pommert, N. S.; Puehler, T.; Zhang, X.; Saad, M.; Haneya, A.; Schöttler, J.; Huenges, K.; Frank, D.; Cremer, J.; Lutter, G.: Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Does Not Change Concomitant Tricuspid Regurgitation
Taghiyev, Z. T.; Fuchs, M. V.; Jaeger, K. E.; Niemann, B.; Roth, P.; Nef, H.; Böning, A.: Permanent Pacemaker Implantation after Combined Percutaneous Treatment for Coronary Artery Disease and Aortic Valve Stenosis
Petersen, J.; Iqbal, S.; Gedeon, N.; Dr, B. K.; Pecha, S.; Eschenhagen, T.; Reichenspurner, H.; Christ, T.; Girdauskas, E.: Valvular Cardiomyopathy in Aortic Valve Disease Correlates with Myocardial Fibrosis
Sobik, F.; Naito, S.; Schneeberger, Y.; Reichenspurner, H.; Sill, B.: Prevention of Poststernotomy Wound Infection by Application of Vancomycin Paste: A Retrospective Analysis
Kühnel, R. U. Dr. med.; Schröter, F.; Ostovar, R.; Magdalena, L.; Rashvand, J.; Hartrumpf, M.; Albes, J.: Blood Management in the OR: Does Quantification of Platelet Function Help Optimize Postoperative Outcome?
Laux, M. L.; Braun, C.; Ostovar, R.; Schröter, F.; Albes, J.: Assessment of Sarcopenia as Frailty Parameter in Patients Awaiting Cardiac Surgery
Pecha, S.; Burger, H.; Chung, D. U.; Möller, V.; Madej, T.; Maali, A.; Osswald, B.; De Simone, R.; Monsefi, N.; Ziaukas, V.; Erler, S.; Perthel, M.; Wehbe, M. S.; Ghaffari, N.; Sandhaus, T.; Busk, H.; Schmitto, J. D.; Bärsch, V.; Easo, J.; Albert, M.; Treede, H.; Nägele, H.; Zenker, D.; Hegazy, Y.; Gessler, N.; Knaut, M.; Reichenspurner, H.; Willems, S.; Butter, C.; Hakmi, S.: Safety and Efficacy of Laser Lead Extraction in Octo- and Nonagenarians: A Subgroup Analysis from the GALLERY Registry
Hassan, M.; Radakovic, D.; Berikbol, M.; Keller, D.; Madrahimov, N.; Hamouda, K.; Leyh, R.; Bening, C.: Impact of the Atrial Approach on Atrial Arrhythmia Behavior in Mitral Valve Repair/Replacement Surgery: Do the Ends Justify the Means?
Sarwari, H.; Bhadra, O. D.; Demal, T. J.; Grundmann, D.; Waldschmidt, L.; Sörensen, N.; Schirmer, J.; Schofer, N.; Pecha, S.; Blankenberg, S.; Reichenspurner, H.; Conradi, L.; Seiffert, M.; Schäfer, A.: TAVI Using a Balloon-Expandable Transcatheter Heart Valve in Patients with Aortic Annuli Exceeding Formally Approved Dimensions
Demal, T. J.; Weimann, J.; Ojeda, F. M.; Bhadra, O. D.; Linder, M.; Ludwig, S.; Grundmann, D.; Voigtländer, L.; Waldschmidt, L.; Schirmer, J.; Schofer, N.; Blankenberg, S.; Reichenspurner, H.; Conradi, L.; Seiffert, M.; Schäfer, A.: Temporal Changes of Patient Characteristics Over 12 Years in a Single-Center Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation Cohort
Tirilomis, T.; Quitzau, M. C.; Steinmetz, M.; Großmann, M.; Hanekop, G. G.: Long-Term Outcome after Repair of Coarctation of the Aorta with Focus on Hypertension
Gaisendrees, C.; Schlachtenberger, G.; Sabashnikov, A.; Gerfer, S.; Krasivskyi, I.; Luehr, M.; Deppe, A. C.; Wahlers, T.: Extracorporeal Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation for In- and Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest: Patient Characteristics and Survival
Terrazas, J. A.; Philipp, A.; Stadlbauer, A.; Li, J.; Lunz, D.; Diez, C.; Camboni, D.; Schmid, C.: Age-Related Quality-of-Life Analysis in Postcardiotomy Patients in Need of Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation
Kremer, J.; Philipps, H.; Meinert, F.; Arif, R.; Sommer, W.; Warnecke, G.; Karck, M.; Meyer, A. L.: Strategies in the Usage of Temporary Mechanical Circulatory Support
Kohistani, Z.; Kebir, S.; Hamiko, M.; Akhavuz, Ö.; Schafhaus, M.; Repschläger, S.; Bakhtiary, F.: Prediction of Mortality Using Machine Learning Algorithms in Post-CABG Patients with ECMO Support
Berger, T.; Miriam, G.; Rylski, B.; Fagu, A.; Roman, G.; Kondov, S.; Czerny, M.; Kreibich, M.: Incidence and Risk for Distal Aortic Failure after the Frozen Elephant Trunk Procedure
Demal, T. J.; Detter, C.; von Kodolitsch, Y.; Mariscalco, G.; Gatti, G.; Peterss, S.; Büch, J.; Onorati, F.; Perrotti, A.; Fiore, A.; Pettinari, M.; Dell'aquila, A. M.; Pol, M.; Field, M.; Vendramin, I.; Rinaldi, M.; Lega, J. R.; Juvonen, T.; Onorati, F.; Quintana, E.; Pinto, A. G.; Nappi, F.; Di Perna, D.; Reichenspurner, H.; Biancari, F.; Conradi, L.: Predictor Analysis for Acute Type A Aortic Dissection in Small Aortic Diameters
Valencia-Nunez, D. M.; von Aspern, K.; Roeschner, C.; Schmidt, T.; Becker, V.; Otto, K.; Schneider, M.; Lehmann, S.; Garbade, J.: A Conservative Approach to Acute Type A Aortic Dissection: To Arch or Not To Arch?
Kretzer, J. A.; Böning, A.; Feisst, M.; Rylski, B.; Arif, R.; Dohle, D. S.; Krüger, T.; Holubec, T.; Brickwedel, J.; Pöling, J.; Jawny, P.; Etz, C.; Peterss, S.: Neurologic Dysfunction after Acute Aortic Dissection Type A (AADA): A Long-Term Analysis of the German Registry for Acute Aortic Dissection Type A (GERAADA)
Zwaans, V.; Mohr, F.; Remes, A.; Müller, O.; Karck, M.; Zaradzki, M.; Wagner, A.: The Anti-Inflammatory Capacity of Rapamycin in Aortic Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells from Marfan Syndrome Mice
Dumfarth, J.; Gasser, S.; Stastny, L.; Kofler, M.; Bonaros, N.; Grimm, M.: Coronary Malperfusion in Acute Type A Aortic Dissection: Myocardial Injury Pattern and Impact on Outcome
Munz, M.; Hüners, I.; Carstens, H.; Sachweh, J. S.; Biermann, D.; Hübler, M.: Integrating 3D Imaging into Clinical Practice for Surgical Planning of Complex Cardiac Defects
Weixler, V.; Brüning, J.; Kramer, P.; Goubergrits, L.; Schulz, A.; Murin, P.; Solowjowa, N.; Kühne, T.; Berger, F.; Photiadis, J.: 3D Modeling and Printing for Complex Biventricular Repair of Double Outlet Right Ventricle
Szczechowicz, M.; Karck, M.; Zubarevich, A.; Torabi, S.; Easo, J.; Ruhparwar, A.; Weymann, A.: Heidelberg Score: A New Simple Risk Assessment Model for Nonelective Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Bazhanov, I.; Naito, S.; Sobik, F.; Reichenspurner, H.; Sill, B.: Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction: Is Off-Pump Worse?
Assmann, A.; Assmann, A. K.; Akhyari, P.; Lichtenberg, A.: Impella 5.0 Allows for OPCAB in Spite of Severely Impaired Left Ventricular Function
Pölzl, L.; Thielmann, M.; Cymorek, S.; Nägele, F.; Hirsch, J.; Engler, C.; Eder, J.; Graber, M.; Lohmann, R.; Abfalterer, H.; Holfeld, J.; Grimm, M.; Ruttmann-Ulmer, E.; Bonaros, N.; Gollmann-Tepeköylü, C.: Impaired Outcome after CABG in Women
Heck, R.; Wisniewski, J.; Podlowski, L. M.; Rauf, H.; Kaemmel, J.; Lanmüller, P.; Falk, V.; Starck, C.: Risk Stratification of Incomplete Intracardiac or Intravascular Mass Aspiration with a Percutaneous Aspiration System
Ostovar, R.; Schröter, F.; Zinab, F. Seifi; Fritzsche, D.; Hartrumpf, M.; Chopsonidou, S.; Minden, H. H.; Lasheen, N.; Ritter, O.; Braun, C.; Dörr, G.; Albes, J.: Infective Endocarditis: Do Registry Data Help Improve Treatment Strategies?
Saha, S.; Ali, A.; Schnackenburg, P.; Büch, J.; Kaiser, R.; Dashkevich, A.; Pichlmaier, M.; Hagl, C.; Joskowiak, D.: Aortic Root Involvement in Prosthetic Valve Endocarditis Treatment: Strategies and Outcomes
Moschovas, A.; Caldonazo, T.; Doenst, T.; Franz, M.; Färber, G.; Kirov, H.; Diab, M.: The Overall Accuracy of the Latest Modified Duke Criteria: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Song, L.; Paletta, J.; Vogt, S.; Talipov, I.; Sequeda-Cubides, D.; Irqsusi, M.; Rastan, A.: Cooperative Study to Address Infections and Biofilm Formation of Alloplastic Implants: Respiration of Osteoblasts Matters
Diab, M.; Franz, M.; Moschovas, A.; Hamadanchi, A.; Färber, G.; Safarov, R.; Kirov, H.; Lehmann, T.; Schulze, C.; Doenst, T.: Improving Preoperative Abscess Detection in Infective Endocarditis by Adding High-Sensitivity Troponin I to Transesophageal Echocardiography—A REMOVE Trial Analysis
Assmann, A. K.; Reimers, S.; Schrauder, J. S.; Moussavi, A.; Boretius, S.; Lichtenberg, A.; Assmann, A.: Establishment of a Rabbit Model for MRI-Based Blood Flow Analysis under Extracorporeal Circulation
Stastny, L.; Hofmann, N.; Huemer, N.; Ampferer, A.; Egger, A.; Sommerauer, F.; Wagner, J.; Martini, J.; Putnina, L.; Helbok, R.; Putzer, G.; Schneeberger, S.; Grimm, M.; Dumfarth, J.: Assessment Tools in Ex Situ Heart Perfusion: An Evaluation in a Pig Model
Görtz, L. A.; Resch, U.; Schmidt, L. M.; Saynisch, M.; Müller, S.; Lackmann, J. W.; Cappallo, M.; Hayungs, M.; Batool, R.; Bayraktar, S.; Schmidt, V.; Krueger, M.; Artur, L.; Weber, E.; Aubin, H.: 3D Spheroid Model for the Investigation of the Inflammatory Role of Smooth Muscle Cells in Cardiovascular Diseases
Steinmaurer, M.; Lu, K.; Semisch, M.; Milz, S.; Hagl, C.; Juchem, G.; Dendorfer, A.; Herrmann, F.: Investigation of Transmural Atrial Tissue Biomimetic Culture for the Development of an Atrial Fibrillation Model
Bamberger, A.; Szibor, M.; Gellerich, F. N.; Doenst, T.; Schwarzer, M.: Calcium-Controlled Cytosolic Pyruvate Supply Is Essential to Adjust Mitochondrial OXPHOS to Cardiac Power
Gollmann-Tepeköylü, C.; Lechner, S.; Hirsch, J.; Pölzl, L.; Nägele, F.; Graber, M.; Eder, J.; Grimm, M.; Tancevski, I.; Holfeld, J.: Posttranslational Modifications of Biglycan Orchestrate Inflammation in Calcific Aortic Valve Disease
Vogt, S.; Ramzan, R.; Cybulski, P.; Rhiel, A.; Weber, P.; Ruppert, V.; Irqsusi, M.; Rohrbach, S.; Niemann, B.; Rastan, A.: Isoform Switching of Cytochrome c Oxidase Is Found in the Event of Permanent Atrial Fibrillation
Niemann, B.; Molenda, N. S.; Schmitz, M. L.; Rohrbach, S.: Role of miR-146b-5p in Atrial Fibrillation–Induced Atrial Remodeling
Kirov, H.; Schäfer, M.; Franz, M.; Färber, G.; Otto, S.; Caldonazo, T.; Doenst, T.; Diab, M.: Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (MIDCAB) for Chronic Total Occlusion of the Left Anterior Descending Artery
Wilbring, M.; Arzt, S.; Alexiou, K.; Charitos, E.; Matschke, K.; Kappert, U.: Clinical Safety and Efficacy of the Transaxillary Access Route for Minimally Invasive Aortic Valve Replacement
Pausch, J.; Bhadra, O. D.; Hua, X.; Stolfa, P.; Schäfer, A.; Reichenspurner, H.; Conradi, L.: Early Outcome of Endoscopic Mitral Valve Surgery in Elderly Patients: A High-Volume Single-Center Experience
Bilic, C.; Heinisch, P. P.; Helena, S.; Hager, A.; Ewert, P.; Hörer, J.; Ono, M.: Somatic Development after Total Cavopulmonary Connection: Factors Influencing Catch-up Growth
Bohn, C.; Heinisch, P. P.; Staehler, H.; Ewert, P.; Hörer, J.; Ono, M.; Hager, A.: Tachyarrhythmia in Patients after the Staged Fontan Palliation: Prevalence, Therapy, and Risk Factors
Dushaj, S.; Rings, L.; Ntinopoulos, V.; Fleckenstein, P.; Papadopoulos, N.; Biefer, H. Rodriguez Cetina; Dzemali, O.: The Effect of External Stenting for Saphenous Vein Grafts on Early Postoperative Patency
Solowjowa, N.; Nemchyna, O.; Hrytsyna, Y.; Schönrath, F.; Knierim, J.; Falk, V.; Knosalla, C.: Computed Tomography and Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography as Multimodality Imaging Approach for Planning of Surgical Ventricular Restoration
Knipp, S. C.; Holst, T.; Bilbilis, K.; Diener, H. C.; Jöckel, K. H.; Jakob, H.; Ruhparwar, A.; Weimar, C.: Five-Year Results of Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting with or without Carotid Endarterectomy in Patients with Asymptomatic Carotid Artery Stenosis: CABACS RCT
Doppler, S.; Wirth, F.; Lahm, H.; Heinisch, P.; von Stumm, M.; Cleuziou, J.; Hörer, J.; Lange, R.; Dreßen, M.: Cellular Composition of Right Atrial and Right Ventricular Samples from Pediatric Patients with Congenital Heart Disease
Hübler, S.; Van Rüth, V.; Kozlik-Feldmann, R.; Hübler, M.; Biermann, D.; Sachweh, J. S.: Early Obstruction of Systemic to Pulmonary Artery Shunts in Neonates and Infants
Abfalterer, H.; Bichler, M.; Graber, M.; Pölzl, L.; Ruttmann-Ulmer, E.; Gollmann-Tepeköylü, C.; Sandner, S.; Grimm, M.; Bonaros, N.: SYNTAX Score II Is Associated with Mortality after Isolated Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting
Naito, S.; Sobik, F.; Schneeberger, Y.; Reichenspurner, H.; Sill, B.: Bilateral Internal Thoracic Artery Grafting: Obsolete for Obese Patients?
Ghazy, T.; Jacob, C.; Brückner, F.; Vondran, M.; Andrasi-Wensauer, T.; Vogt, S.; Irqsusi, M.; Rastan, A.: Complete Arterial Revascularization Shows Excellent Results after 20 Years of Follow-up
Plassmeier, F.; Tauber, J.; Naito, S.; Reiter, B.; Sill, B.; Reichenspurner, H.; Schneeberger, Y.: Bilateral Skeletonized Internal Mammary Artery in Insulin-Dependent Diabetic Patients
Abfalterer, H.; Khatib, S.; Raad, R.; Gollmann-Tepeköylü, C.; Pölzl, L.; Grimm, M.; Bonaros, N.; Ruttmann-Ulmer, E.: Impaired Long-Term Graft Patency of Skeletonized versus Pedicled Left Internal Thoracic Artery Bypass
Göbel, N.; Stankowski, T.; Pollari, F.; Hassan, K.; Jückstock, H.; Schubel, J.; Sellin, C.; Zielezinski, T.; Elhmidi, Y.; Sack, F. U.; Feyrer, R.; Dörge, H.; Hausmann, H.; Massoudy, P.; Schmoeckel, M.; Fischlein, T.; Fritzsche, D.; Franke, U.: Partial versus Complete Sternotomy for Surgical Aortic Valve Replacement: Results of a Multicenter Study
Schmid, N.; Ghinescu, M.; Schanz, M.; Christ, M.; Schricker, S.; Ketteler, M.; Alscher, M. D.; Franke, U.; Göbel, N.: Algorithm-Based Detection of Acute Kidney Injury According to Full KDIGO Criteria Including Urine Output following Cardiac Surgery: A Descriptive Analysis
Braun, C.; Laux, M. L.; Schröter, F.; Kühnel, R. U.; Ostovar, R.; Sido, V.; Albes, J.: Do Age or Gender Influence Sternal Instability and Deep Sternal Wound Healing Disorders after Median Sternotomy?
Kalkhoff, S.; Dewitz, B.; Bibo, R.; Castano, L. Vallejo; Wisniowski, P.; Lichtenberg, A.; Aubin, H.; Schmid, F.: Immersive VR-Based Patient Journey
Pitts, L.; Pasic, M.; Buz, S.; Bauer, M.; Knosalla, C.; Düsterhöft, V.; Starck, C.; Kempfert, J.; Jacobs, S.; Falk, V.: Transposition of the Greater Omentum into the Mediastinum for Treatment of Infected Prosthetic Grafts of the Ascending Aorta and Aortic Arch
Haldenwang, P.; Heute, C.; Elghannam, M.; Useini, D.; Schero, K.; Schlömicher, M.; Strauch, J.: Management of Urgent Endovascular Aortic Repair Requiring Coverage of the Left Subclavian Artery
Kasiri, M. M.; Gollackner, B.; Neumayer, C.: Peripheral Artery Disease Causes More Harm to Patients than COVID-19
Rahe, C.; Rümke, S.; Rubalskii, E.; Natanov, R.; Burgwitz, K.; Haverich, A.; Kühn, C.: Development of New Model for Evaluation of Antibacterial Therapy of Biofilm-Associated Vascular Graft Infections
von Aspern, K.; Valencia-Nunez, D. M.; Roeschner, C.; Schneider, M.; Otto, K.; Becker, V.; Schmidt, T.; Lehmann, S.; Garbade, J.: Surgeons Learning Curve in Acute Type A Aortic Dissection
Saeed, D.; Stark, C.; Loforte, A.; Zimpfer, D.; Bernhardt, A.; Schibilsky, D.; Riebandt, J.; Jawad, K.; Lichtenberg, A.; Haneya, A.; Potapov, E.; Albert, A.; Otto, W.; Huenges, K.; Aubin, H.; Lewin, D.; Raweh, A.; Morshuis, M.; Jorde, U.; Reichenspurner, H.; Borger, M.; Gummert, J.: Validation Study of a Survival Predictor Formula for Patients Bridged from Extracorporeal Life Support (ECLS) to Durable Mechanical Circulatory Support Systems: On behalf of Durable MCS after ECLS Study Group
Pausch, J.; Bhadra, O. D.; Barten, M.; Schofer, N.; Conradi, L.; Reichenspurner, H.; Bernhardt, A.: Results after Left Ventricular Assist Device Implantation in Patients with Status Post Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Repair
Radwan, M.; Salewski, C.; Boburg, R. Sandoval; Sebastian, S.; Walther, T.; Schlensak, C.; Marinos, S.; Emrich, F.: Left Ventricular Assist Devices and their Related Acute Adverse Events: Causes, Outcome, and Management Protocol
Bhadra, O. D.; Pausch, J.; Aubin, H.; Akhyari, P.; Lichtenberg, A.; Barten, M.; Schäfer, A.; Alassar, Y.; Reichenspurner, H.; Bernhardt, A. M.: LVAD Explantation Using a Double-Patch Technique
Von Stumm, M.; Illig, J.; Heger, G.; Wolf, C. M.; Ewert, P.; Hörer, J.; Cleuziou, J.: Double-Outlet Right Ventricle Fallot Type versus Tetralogy of Fallot: Comparison of Native Anatomy, Surgical Patterns, and Outcomes
Grieshaber, P.; Uzdenov, M.; Jaschinski, C.; Arnold, R.; Karck, M.; Gorenflo, M.; Loukanov, T.: Outcomes after Pulmonary Valve-Preserving Correction of Tetralogy of Fallot Using Intraoperative Pulmonary Valve Annulus Balloon Dilatation
von Stumm, M.; Heger, G.; Wolf, C. M.; Ewert, P.; Hörer, J.; Cleuziou, J.: Midterm Evaluation of Residual Pulmonary Valve Dysfunction after Repair of Tetralogy of Fallot
Heise, E.; Franz, M.; Aburahma, K.; Iablonskii, P.; Bobylev, D.; Saipbaev, A.; Schwerk, N.; Sommer, W.; Greer, M.; Avsar, M.; Warnecke, G.; Haverich, A.; Kühn, C.; Salman, J.; Ius, F.: Nine-Year Experience with Perioperative Desensitization in Patients with Preformed Donor-Specific Antibodies in Lung Transplantation
Oehler, D.; Voss, F.; Scheiber, D.; Schultheiss, H. P.; Kelm, M.; Lichtenberg, A.; Boeken, U.; Westenfeld, R.: Subclinical Myocardial Leukocyte Infiltration after COVID-19 Vaccination in Heart-Transplant Recipients
Oehler, D.; Immohr, M. B.; Bruno, R.; Sigetti, D.; Haschemi, J.; Aubin, H.; Tudorache, I.; Westenfeld, R.; Bönner, F.; Kelm, M.; Lichtenberg, A.; Boeken, U.: Treatment and Outcome of COVID-19 after Heart Transplantation: Update from a German Transplant Center
Brenner, P.; Reichart, B.; Längin, M.; Bender, M.; Mayr, T.; Güthoff, S.; Michel, S.; Buchholz, S.; Radan, J.; Mokelke, M.; Buttgereit, I.; Neumann, E.; Klymiuk, N.; Wolf, E.; Walz, C.; Reimann, K.; Ayares, D.; Hagl, C.; Steen, S.; Abicht, J. M.: State of the Art and Major Progress in Preclinical and Clinical Cardiac Xenotransplantation
Spetsotaki, K.; Haubold, J.; Benedikt, S.; Theodoropoulos, F.; Ruhparwar, A.; Koch, A.; Kamler, M.; Pizanis, N.: X-Ray Analysis of Donor Lungs within an Ex Vivo Lung Perfusion System (EVLP): A Pilot Study for the Assessment of the Brixia Score to Predict Transplantability
Heise, E.; Franz, M.; Greer, M.; Aburahma, K.; Natanov, R.; Iablonskii, P.; Saipbaev, A.; Welte, T.; Haverich, A.; Salman, J.; Kühn, C.; Ius, F.: Lung Transplantation in Patients with Irreversible Lung Injury Due to SARS-CoV-2: A Single-Center Experience
Karner, B.; Herbst, C.; Urganci, E.; Schlein, J.; Greil, S.; Michel-Behnke, I.; Wiedemann, D.; Zimpfer, D.: Total Artificial Heart Implantation Using Two Rotary Blood Pumps in a 4-Year-Old Child
Kuschnerus, K.; Cho, M. Y.; Murin, P.; Miera, O.; Potapov, E.; Starck, C.; Photiadis, J.: Microaxial Flow Pump Devices as a Bridging Modality in Children
Penov, K.; Merz, T.; Radakovic, D.; Madrahimov, N.; Hamouda, K.; Gorski, A.; Leyh, R.; Bening, C.: 15 Years of Experience with 231 Ross Procedures in Adults: A Single-Center Study
Hua, X.; Fuhrmann, R.; Sinning, C.; Holst, T.; Pecha, S.; Al Assar, Y.; Sill, B.; Girdauskas, E.; Reichenspurner, H.; Petersen, J.: Assessment of Cardiac Performance by Global Longitudinal Strain after Aortic Valve Surgery in Severe Aortic Regurgitation
Stephan, H.; Curta, A.; Onkes, M.; Clevert, D.; Thierfelder, N.; Hagl, C.; Grefen, L.; Grab, M.: In Vitro Comparison of Aortic Valve Prostheses in a 3D-Printed Aortic Arch Using State-of-the-Art 4D Imaging
Sadat, N.; Osterloh, A.; Scharfschwerdt, M.; Fujita, B.; Ensminger, S.: Long-Term Calcification of Transcatheter and Surgical Aortic Valves under Standardized Ex Vivo Condition
von der Linden, J.; Herrmann, F.; Belyaev, S.; Juchem, G.; Peterss, S.; Hagl, C.; Dashkevich, A.: Surgical Bicuspid Aortic Valve Replacement with Rapid Deployment Aortic Valve Prosthesis in Sievers Type 0 versus Sievers Type 1 Morphology
Salzmann, S.; Laferton, J.; Shedden-Mora, M.; Horn, N.; Gärtner, L.; Schröder, L.; Rau, J.; Schade-Brittinger, C.; Murmann, K.; Rastan, A.; Andrási, T.; Böning, A.; Salzmann-Djufri, M.; Löwe, B.; Brickwedel, J.; Albus, C.; Wahlers, T.; Hamm, A.; Hilker, L.; Albert, W.; Zimmermann, T.; Ismail, I.; Strauß, B.; Doenst, T.; Schedlowski, M.; Moosdorf, R.; Rief, W.: Pre-surgery Optimization of Patients’ Expectations to Improve Outcome in Heart Surgery: Study Protocol of the Randomized Controlled Multicenter PSY-HEART-II Trial
Kucherenko, M.; Kukucka, M.; Sang, P.; Hegemann, N.; Hennig, F.; Yeter, R.; Gransar, T.; Mladenow, A.; Emmerich, A.; Grune, J.; Falk, V.; Kübler, W. M.; Knosalla, C.: Ultrasound Assessment of Pulmonary Artery Stiffness in Pulmonary Hypertension due to Left Heart Disease (PH-LHD)
Mayer, C.; Agrafiotis, E.; Nebert, C.; Regitnig, P.; Zimpfer, D.; Holzapfel, G.; Mächler, H.: Early Aortic Stiffening after TEVAR: An In Vitro Mock Perfusion Study
Pölzl, L.; Sterzinger, P.; Lohmann, R.; Eder, J.; Nägele, F.; Holfeld, J.; Hirsch, J.; Graber, M.; Ruttmann-Ulmer, E.; Bonaros, N.; Grimm, M.; Engler, C.; Gollmann-Tepeköylü, C.: High-Sensitivity Troponin T and Creatine Kinase MB Predict Mortality after Cardiac Surgery
Immohr, M. B.; Hettlich, V.; Aubin, H.; Dalyanoglu, H.; Brandenburger, T.; Kindgen-Milles, D.; Tudorache, I.; Akhyari, P.; Lichtenberg, A.; Boeken, U.: Early Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation after Intubation Increases Outcome in Critically Ill COVID-19 Patients
Kuzmin, B.; Movsisyan, A.; Azizzadeh, F.; Praetsch, F.; Keyser, O.; Fadel, M.; Slottosch, I.; Scholz, F.; Wippermann, J.; Scherner, M.: Death Predictors in Patients with COVID-19 on Venovenous ECMO
Hettlich, V. H.; Immohr, M. B.; Brandenburger, T.; Kindgen-Milles, D.; Feldt, T.; Akhyari, P.; Igor, T.; Aubin, H.; Dalyanoglu, H.; Lichtenberg, A.; Boeken, U.: Life Beyond ECMO: A Six-Month Follow-Up After ECMO Support for Therapy-Refractive ARDS in Case of SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Immohr, M. B.; Hettlich, V.; Aubin, H.; Dalyanoglu, H.; Ballázs, C.; Kindgen-Milles, D.; Tudorache, I.; Lichtenberg, A.; Akhyari, P.; Boeken, U.: Outcome of Veno-Venous Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation in Obese COVID-19 Patients Is Not Inferior to Normal Weight Patients
Saemann, L.; Hoorn, F.; Georgevici, A. I.; Korkmaz-Icöz, S.; Veres, G.; Guo, Y.; Simm, A.; Karck, M.; Wenzel, F.; Szabó, G.: Ex Situ Perfusion with Histidine-Tryptophan-Ketoglutarate-N Improves Myocardial Microvascular Circulation and Diastolic Dysfunction of Porcine Donor Hearts
Dieterlen, M. T.; Schütte, P.; Klaeske, K.; Wiesner, K.; Kang, J.; Ginther, A.; Bovet, M.; Ossmann, S.; Dix, M.; Borger, M. A.; Hoyer, A.: Comparable Grade of Kidney Injury in DelNido and HTK Cardioplegia after 90-Minute Cardiopulmonary Bypass
Böning, A.; Hemmerich, C.; Heep, M.; Gärtner, U.; Niemann, B.; Schneider, M.; Taghiyev, Z. T.: Experimental Evaluation of Cardioplexol Compared to Pure Ischemia
Schneider, U.; Mukharyamov, M.; Färber, G.; Kirov, H.; Caldonazo, T.; Doenst, T.: Type of Cardioplegia and Its Application May Not Explain Improvements in Cardiac Surgery Outcomes during the Last Two Decades
Natanov, R.; Madrahimov, N.; Rümke, S.; Wiegmann, B.; Haverich, A.; Kühn, C.: Does Repeated Levosimendan Improve ECMO Weaning and Survival in Postcardiotomy ECMO Patients?
Hemmerich, C.; Heep, M.; Gärtner, U.; Niemann, B.; Taghiyev, Z. T.; Böning, A.: Warm Calafiore Blood Cardioplegia Offers Better Myocardial Protection than Cold Cardioplexol Crystalloid Cardioplegia
Aburahma, K.; Franz, M.; Julia, C.; Heise, E.; Saipbaev, A.; Mueller, C.; Kühn, C.; Haverich, A.; Warnecke, G.; Avsar, M.; Schwerk, N.; Salman, J.; Bobylev, D.; Ius, F.: Nine-Year Experience with Treatment of Early Donor Specific Anti-HLA Antibodies in Pediatric Lung Transplant Recipients
Ludwig, S.; Ben, A. W.; Coisne, A.; Ruge, H.; Bleiziffer, S.; Weimann, J.; Duncan, A.; Nickenig, G.; Hausleiter, J.; Adam, M.; Dumonteil, N.; Sondergaard, L.; Garatti, A.; Schmidt, T.; Gry, D.; Maurizio, T.; Walther, T.; Kempfert, J.; Obadia, J. F.; Reardon, M.; Andreas, M.; Denti, P.; Praz, F.; Von, B. R.S.; Blankenberg, S.; Reichenspurner, H.; Modine, T.; Conradi, L.: 2-Year Outcomes after Transcatheter Mitral Valve Replacement: Results from the CHOICE-MI Registry
Marin-Cuartas, M.; De Waha, S.; Naumann, S.; Deo, V.S.; Noack, T.; Hoyer, A.; Holzhey, D.; Leontyev, S.; Saeed, D.; Misfeld, M.; Ender, J.; Abdel-Wahab, M.; Desch, S.; Thiele, H.; Borger, M.; Kiefer, P.: Incidence and Outcomes of Emergent Intraprocedural Surgical Conversion during Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation: Insights from a Multicentric Germany-Wide Analysis
Schäfer, A.; Bhadra, O. D.; Conradi, L.; Westermann, D.; Reichenspurner, H.; De Backer, O.; Sondergaard, L.; Qureshi, W. T.; Kakouros, N.; Amat-Santos, I.; Kaneko, T.; Teles, R.; Nolasco, T.; Abecasis, M.; Werner, N.; Sacha, J.; Trani, C.; Mangieri, A.; Regueiro, A.; Biancari, F.; Niemelä, M.; Giannini, F.; Buono, A.; Bruno, F.; Savontaus, M.; Ielasi, A.; Ferraro, P.; Biondi-Zoccai, G.; Morello, A.; Giordano, A.: Procedural Success in Transaxillary Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation According to Type of Transcatheter Heart Valve: Results from the Multicenter TAXI Registry
Beyer, M.; Muller, D.; De Marco, F.; Badhwar, V.; Obadia, J. F.; Praz, F.; Modine, T.; Tonino, P.; Dahle, G.; Cerillo, A.; Reichenspurner, H.; Conradi, L.: Secondary Retensioning of a Tethered Device for Transapical Transcatheter Mitral Valve Implantation
Sadat, N.; Nghiem, H.; Scharfschwerdt, M.; Saisho, H.; Schaller, T.; Ensminger, S.; Fujita, B.: Impact of Valve Model and Orientation on Valve-in-Valve Clotting Formation: An In Vitro Study
Serio, D.; Renker, M.; Blumenstein, J.; Möllmann, H.; Eckel, C.; Grothusen, C.; Tiyerili, V.; Choi, Y. H.; Hamm, C.; Kim, W. K.; Charitos, E.: An Investigation on the Factors that Affect Sizing in Two Generations of Self-Expandable Transcatheter Valves and Their Influence on Paravalvular Regurgitation (PVR)
Krammer, J.; Pichlmaier, M.; Stana, J.; Heinisch, P. P.; Hagl, C.; Grefen, L.; Grab, M.: Biomimetic Multilayered Aortic Grafts: Combining 3D-Printing and Electrospinning to Improve Prosthesis Performance
Jashnieh, P.; Münch, P.; Schmidt, V.; Kozin, I.; Gehlweiler, K.; Chekhoeva, A.; Gräf, M.; Soler, S.; Bartok, E.; Lichtenberg, A.; Weber, E.; Aubin, H.: Decellularized Aortic Valve Tissue Induces Inflammatory Chemokine/Cytokine Secretion of Smooth Muscle Cells
Immohr, M. B.; Teichert, H. L.; Adrego, F. Dos Santos; Schmidt, V.; Barth, M.; Sugimura, Y.; Lichtenberg, A.; Akhyari, P.: 3D-Bioprinting of Ovine Aortic Valve Endothelial and Interstitial Cells for Development of Multicellular Tissue Engineered Scaffolds
Sadat, N.; Aherrahour, Z.; Osterloh, A.; Erdmann, J.; Fujita, B.; Ensminger, S.: Comparison of Different Calcification Media on Gene Expression Using a Porcine Aortic Valve Ex Vivo Assay
Schiffer, M.; Carls, E.; Hildebrand, S.; De La Fuente, J. M.; Hesse, M.; Geisen, C.; Pfeifer, A.; Bakhtiary, F.; Fleischmann, B. K.; Roell, W.: Reduction of Post-Infarct Ventricular Tachycardia by Transplantation of Transgenic Cardiac Fibroblasts
Leiler, S.; Kalisnik, J. M.; Bernik, R.; Bauer, A.; Günzler, V.; Sluet, P.; Kounev, S.; Fischlein, T.: Association between Postoperative Atrial Fibrillation Recurrences and Interatrial Block by the Time of Open-Heart Surgery
Bazhanov, I.; Stolfa, P.; Petersen, J.; Reichenspurner, H.; Pecha, S.: Rhythm Outcome Predictors after Concomitant Ablation during Mitral Valve Surgery
Schülke, J.; Biehler, N.; Dominik, E.; Rohrbach, S.; Böning, A.; Niemann, B.: NOMI: Association with the Use of Different Vasoconstrictors in Cardiac Surgery
Guenther, S.; Cheaban, R.; Höpner, L.; Weinrautner, N.; Kirschning, T.; Al-Khalil, R.; Brünger, F.; Serrano, R.; Barndt, I.; Wiemer, M.; Rudloff, M.; Helms, S.; Gummert, J.; Schramm, R.: Six-Month Outcomes after Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Therapy for Severe COVID-19-Related Pulmonary Failure
Silaschi, M.; Cattelaens, F.; Alirezaei, H.; Vogelhuber, J.; Sugiura, A.; Tanaka, T.; Sudo, M.; Zimmer, S.; Nickenig, G.; Weber, M.; Bakhtiary, F.; Wilde, N.: Propensity Score Matched Comparison of Transcatheter Edge-to-Edge Mitral Valve Repair versus Minimally invasive Mitral Valve Surgery
Conradi, L.; Petronio, A. S.; Ruge, H.; Labrousse, L.; Walther, T.; Reuthebuch, O.; Praz, F.; Zierer, A.; Kempfert, J.; Nia, P. Sardari; Bleiziffer, S.; Dahle, G.; Lutter, G.; Dumonteil, N.: Periprocedural Outcomes of Transcatheter Mitral Valve Implantation Using a Tethered Device in a Post-market Follow-up Study
Silaschi, M.; Wilde, N.; Alirezaei, H.; Vogelhuber, J.; Sugiura, A.; Tanaka, T.; Sudo, M.; Kavsur, R.; Cattelaens, F.; Ahmad, A. El-Sayed; Fehske, W.; Zimmer, S.; Nickenig, G.; Bakhtiary, F.; Weber, M.: Transcatheter Tricuspid Valve Repair versus Minimally Invasive Beating-Heart Tricuspid Valve Surgery in High-Risk Patients
Ostovar, R.; Schröter, F.; Kühnel, R. U. Dr. med.; Hartrumpf, M.; Albes, J.: When Is a Concomitant Mitral and Tricuspid Valve Repair a Bad Idea?
Sheytanov, V.; Tzanavaros, I.; Uhlemann, F.; Schepp, C.; Ocker, V.; Kerst, G.; Loff, S.; Seeburger, J.; Sidler, M.: Correction of Vascular Rings: Do We Still Need an Incision?