
Rubrik: 20 most-cited SYNTHESIS articles published in 2020/2021

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Ausgabe 01/2021

Molina Betancourt, Ricardo; Echeverria, Pierre-Georges; Ayad, Tahar; Phansavath, Phannarath; Ratovelomanana-Vidal, Virginie: Recent Progress and Applications of Transition-Metal-Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation and Transfer Hydrogenation of Ketones and Imines through Dynamic Kinetic Resolution

Ausgabe 02/2020

Kletskov, Alexey V.; Bumagin, Nikolay A.; Zubkov, Fedor I.; Grudinin, Dmitry G.; Potkin, Vladimir I.: Isothiazoles in the Design and Synthesis of Biologically Active Substances and Ligands for Metal Complexes

Ausgabe 03/2020

Ausgabe 04/2020

Ausgabe 04/2021

Ausgabe 05/2020

Meng, Yan-Ping; Wang, Shi-Meng; Fang, Wan-Yin; Xie, Zhi-Zhong; Leng, Jing; Alsulami, Hamed; Qin, Hua-Li: Ethenesulfonyl Fluoride (ESF) and Its Derivatives in SuFEx Click Chemistry and More

Ausgabe 06/2020

Ausgabe 07/2020

Ausgabe 09/2020

Ausgabe 11/2020

Ausgabe 12/2020

Ausgabe 14/2020

Ausgabe 16/2020

Ausgabe 17/2020

Ausgabe 18/2020

Ausgabe 24/2020

Pang, Xiaobo; Peng, Xuejing; Shu, Xing-Zhong: Reductive Cross-Coupling of Vinyl Electrophiles