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DOI: 10.1016/S2213-6320(16)30016-1
From Editor's Desk
06. Mai 2018 (online)
On behalf of Editorial Board Members of International Journal of Epilepsy, it gives us immense pleasure to present to the readers Volume 3/Number 1/January–June 2016 issue of IJEP.
A good news to share that the International Journal of Epilepsy (IJEP) has been listed in Scopus on completion of two years of publication of the Journal.
The submission of articles in IJEP has been shifted to a new system called EVISE w.e.f 10th May 2016. This System further help us to submit the articles in an easy way and is quite user friendly.
This issue has three interesting original articles:
The article of Dr. Lara M. Schrader et al. from UCLA studied four-period crossover design, scheduled for four LF-rTMS sessions that were at least four weeks apart comparing of low frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation parameters on motor cortex excitability in normal subjects. The authors suggest that LF-rTMS's effect on cortical excitability with a larger number of subjects and a control group are needed to propose a conclusive evidence of cortical excitability as a bio-marker for epilepsy.
Dr. Amirthalingam Palanisamy group studied “Comparative assessment of Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) and Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) in apolipoprotein E (APOE) e4 allele carriers in epilepsy” and concluded that MOCA is a better tool than MMSE for cognitive assessment.
Dr. Suvarna P. Ingale et al. observed that the aqueous extract of Moringa oleifera has anti-epileptic and anxiolytic properties.
Indian Epilepsy Society has published Consensus Document on Phenobarbitone. The shorter version of Consensus document has been published in Volume 2 Issue 2.
Likewise synopsis of Valproic Acid Consensus Document is being published in this issue.
We sincerely express our gratefulness to the contributors and national advisors for their dedication and efforts. We will also like to acknowledge the valuable suggestions received from Prof. Emilio Perucca (President ILAE), Prof. Lim Shih Hui–Singapore, Prof. K.P. Vinayan –India and Prof. Sangeeta Ravat-India. Sincere thanks for kindly peer reviewing this document and their valuable comments.
You will also find other feature in this issue like teaching EEGs, MCQs and Scientific Abstracts presented during Asian Epilepsy Surgery Congress held at Udaipur (India) October 23–25, 2015.
Your valuable suggestions/inputs are solicited.
Man Mohan Mehndiratta
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