The aim of this consensus recommendation is to provide guidance to healthcare experts
and physicians regarding clinical indications, execution and interpretation of
[18F]-Fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) Positron emission tomography/magnetic resonance
imaging examinations ([18F]-FDG PET/MRI) for whole-body staging in oncology [1].
PET is a noninvasive imaging technique that provides quantitative information on
3-dimensional distributions of radioactively labelled biomolecules (tracer) in
tissues. [18F]-FDG is a tracer composed of radiolabeled glucose, which is the most
common tracer for oncology imaging indications [2].
For the majority of tumors, malignant cells display activated glycolytic pathways
resulting in increased glucose utilization via upregulation of glucose transporter
expression and hexokinase activity [3], [4]. Thus, more of the glucose analog, [18F]-FDG, is
taken up in metabolically active cancerous cells than in surrounding healthy
tissues. Therefore, [18F]-FDG-PET has been demonstrated to be a sensitive method and
well-established imaging modality for detection, re-/staging as well as for the
evaluation of therapy response of solid tumors [5],
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive imaging technique that provides
anatomical 3D visualization of tissues with high spatial resolution based on
relative differences in resonance frequencies of spins following external excitation
[7]. In addition, MRI employs multiple imaging
sequences and associated soft-tissue contrasts that yield noninvasive insight into
functional and cellular aspects of tissues and organs [8]. The magnetic field-based excitation and resonance measurement method
sets MRI apart from computed tomography (CT), which is a pure transmission method
based on the attenuation of ionizing radiation. In contrast to CT-based transmission
imaging, MRI does not employ ionizing radiation. Thus, the exposure of patients
undergoing PET/MRI to ionizing radiation originates from the PET portion only and
therefore is significantly lower compared to PET/CT [9].
While attenuation correction is a well-established aspect of PET/CT imaging, it was a
methodologically challenging task to overcome in integrated PET/MRI (please also
refer to the section “Attenuation correction”). Thus, the introduction of
MR-compatible PET detector systems provided the basis for the hardware integration
of PET and MRI components into a single, integrated system [10], [11]. Prior
work of developers of small-animal imaging systems [12] has helped to replace the photomultipliers in PET detectors with
semiconductor-based diodes that are capable of amplifying the scintillation signal
in the scintillator crystals without being affected by the magnetic field [13]. Following further technical and methodological
work, fully integrated PET/MRI systems have been introduced for clinical use with a
magnetic field strength of 3T [14] and MRI
sequences were developed that enable a reliable correction of attenuation artifacts
in PET with comparable quality to CT transmission maps for PET/CT imaging (please
also refer to section “Attenuation correction”).
At present, the number of clinical studies with PET/MRI is continuously increasing.
Recent publications comparing the diagnostic accuracy of whole-body PET/MRI
demonstrated equivalence to that of PET/CT (using the same tracers) [15], [16]. However,
a number of potential benefits for PET/MRI have been highlighted with regards to the
high soft-tissue contrast of MRI and consecutively improved delineation of tumorous
lesions [17], [18], [19], [20]. Such studies will benefit from overcoming of the existing variations
in the use of PET/MRI for distinct diagnostic questions [21], and, therefore, consensus recommendations are mandatory to limit
these a priori variations through harmonization and standardization approaches.
Similar to the endeavors to establish consensus recommendations for combined PET/CT
imaging protocols and definitions [6], [22], [23], we will
use the following definitions for combined PET/MRI for easier understanding:
A combined PET/MRI system is an integrated PET and MRI system that enables
the generation of PET and MRI data during the same patient acquisition
without the need to reposition the patient between examinations.
Fully integrated PET/MRI refers to a hardware combination of both imaging
systems that permits the simultaneous acquisition of PET and MRI data,
requiring the use of MRI-compatible PET detectors.
PET/MRI and MR/PET can be used interchangeably. The same is true for PET-MRI
and MRI-PET.
The information contained in the images from a PET/MRI examination is given
by the tracer-of-choice, the method of acquisition of the emission data
(static or dynamic mode) and the mode of the MR acquisition (T1-weighting,
T2-weighting, dynamic contrast-enhanced sequences, proton density,
diffusion-weighted imaging, arterial spin labelling, apparent diffusion
coefficient, etc.).
In the clinical routine, PET/MRI examinations do not include a transmission
measurement, and, therefore, alternative means have to be provided to derive
attenuation correction factors (ACF) for the PET data in order to quantify
the molecular signals [24].
Artifacts comprise all types of PET and MR image distortions that include
visually perceived deviations from typical representations of anatomy and
function that may or may not cause a quantitative bias (e.g., lesion size,
tracer concentration, etc.). These distortions are likely not to arise from
a disease process but from methodological pitfalls or system malfunctions
PET/MRI examination
Necessary patient information
In preparation for [18F]-FDG-PET/MRI examinations, the following
information should be collected from the patient:
History focused on the type and location of the malignant
Date of the initial diagnosis,
Type of diagnostic confirmation,
Treatment prior to the current PET/MRI scan (e.g. biopsy date and
results, histology, surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy),
Medication at the time of examination, and
Any prior examination (particularly imaging studies)
History of diabetes mellitus, last food intake, infections or recent
Ability of the patient to lie still for the duration of the scan (30–60
Claustrophobia: Ability of the patient to remain in the PET/MRI system
for the duration of the examination
Ability to provide informed consent
Patient preparation
The main objectives of patient preparation are the reduction of tracer uptake in
normal tissue (e.g. heart, skeletal muscle) while preserving tracer uptake in
the target structures (tumor tissue). The following is a general-use
MRI safety
The following points relevant to MRI safety in PET/MRI are to be considered:
For patient safety, all patients should be routinely checked and screened
with standardized checklists for potential MR contraindications (e.g.
pregnancy, previous contrast agent reactions, catheters, ports, metallic
implants, vascular stents, active implants, cardiac pacemakers, etc.)
All metal objects (e.g. dental prostheses, clothing with zippers and
buttons) should be removed from the patient and cotton clothing without
metal should be provided to the patient.
Regarding implants, the specific kind of implant, its location, and its
material need to be investigated beforehand. Information about the MR
compatibility and safety of an implant can be assessed from the implant
pass and/or directly from the implant/device manufacturer (e.g. online
sources). The following safety regulations apply and should be adhered
to: “MR unsafe” – absolute contraindication; “MR conditional” – relative
contraindication, conditions apply; “MR safe” – no contraindication. In
case of “MR conditional” implants, all conditions (e.g. max. field
strength, SAR limitations, etc.) as provided by the implant manufacturer
and online sources must be reviewed and applied during the MRI (PET/MRI)
examination. In case of “MR unsafe” implants, the indication for the
PET/MRI examination needs to be scrutinized and other imaging options
should be considered.
Beyond safety concerns, implants may cause artifacts, large-volume signal
voids and geometric distortions in MR imaging. This may hamper image
Attenuation correction
In contrast to CT-based attenuation correction (AC) in PET/CT [31], the attenuation properties of tissue cannot
be derived directly from complementary MR images. Therefore, different concepts
of MR-based attenuation correction have been introduced [24]. The most commonly applied method is based
on a two-point Dixon technique, which facilitates a 4-compartment-model
attenuation map (µ-map) to identify air, lung tissue, fat, and soft tissue [32], [33],
[34]. Based on this segmentation of MR
images into distinct tissue classes, the individual compartments are assigned a
predefined linear attenuation coefficient (LAC) for the corresponding tissue
[33], [35], [36].
A number of challenges including the systematic underestimation of PET
quantification related to standard MR-based attenuation correction have been
reported, the most prominent being the lack of consideration of bone tissue and
the occurrence of truncation artifacts [36],
[37] (for further information please refer
to the section “Artifacts”). Different compensation approaches for brain and
whole-body imaging have been proposed to account for the misclassification of
bone tissue as soft tissue [38], [39]. Promising results for whole-body imaging
were shown when utilizing a CT-based 3-dimensional bone-model of major bones as
an adjunct to MR-based AC data [34], [40], [41],
Following the introduction of integrated PET/MRI systems, a number of artifacts
have been reported that are related to PET-only, MRI-only or integrated PET/MRI
acquisitions. A selection of the most common artifacts and potential solutions
is discussed in the following paragraph [25].
The most evident artifacts have been shown to be related to MR-based attenuation
correction, causing a systematic underestimation of PET quantification when
compared to PET/CT [43], [44]. Apart from the misclassification of bone
tissue (please refer to the section “Attenuation correction”), truncation
artifacts are a major concern in integrated PET/MRI. Due to the limited
transaxial and lateral field of view (FOV) in MR imaging to a spherical diameter
of about 50 cm, structures beyond these dimensions show geometric distortions
and signal voids, resulting in truncation artifacts alongside the patient arms
and incorrect PET quantification [25], [45]. In addition to the PET-based MLAA algorithm
(maximum likelihood estimation of attenuation and activity) deriving the
patients outer body contours from PET data [46], [47], a novel purely MR-based
truncation correction method was introduced by Blumhagen et al. [48], [49]. This
method, also referred to as HUGE (B0 homogenization using gradient enhancement),
enlarges the lateral FOV in MR imaging beyond the conventional 50 cm diameter,
effectively eliminating truncation artifacts along the patients arms in MR-based
attenuation correction [48], [50].
Involuntary patient and organ motion causing a misalignment of emission and
attenuation data is a known challenge in PET/CT imaging that may be further
enhanced in PET/MR imaging due to prolonged examination times. Unlike in PET/CT
and owing to simultaneous PET and MR data acquisition, PET/MRI has potential for
MR-based motion correction of PET data. Different methods for motion correction
have been proposed to account e.g. for respiratory motion artifacts including
real-time MR imaging and 4 D MR data of breathing motion or free-breathing MR
imaging to retrospectively perform motion correction [51], [52], [53].
The following points relevant to MR-based attenuation correction and artifacts in
PET/MRI are to be considered:
In PET/MRI, AC is based on MR imaging. Thus, artifacts in MR-AC have a
direct effect on PET quantification. Consequently, MR-based AC needs to
be accurate and free of artifacts to provide precise PET quantification.
MR-AC images shall be routinely checked for artifacts, consistency and
plausibility during PET/MR image reading. Typical artifacts are
mis-segmentation of air/soft tissue/fat/bone and metal artifacts due to
dental prostheses and due to metallic implants such as stents and
surgical clips, etc. Artifacts may be displayed as signal voids,
exceeding the true dimensions of metal inclusions. Thus, artifacts are
mostly easily detectable in MR-AC, indicating regions of potentially
inaccurate PET quantification [45],
While new features for the improvement of MR-AC are constantly developed
and implemented into the commercial software of available PET/MRI
systems, including high-resolution Dixon AC, ultrashort echo time (UTE),
zero TE (ZTE) sequences and/or bone models for bone detection in PET/MRI
attenuation correction [17], [34], [40], [41], users need to
remain attentive to MR-AC related limitations and artifacts in SUV
Truncation artifacts along patient arms in MR-AC may affect PET
quantification. The standard method on all available PET/MRI systems for
truncation correction is the PET-based MLAA algorithm [46]. A more recent method for improved
MR-based truncation correction in MR-AC is HUGE [41], [48], [50].
Only radiofrequency (RF) coils that are labelled for combined PET/MRI use
should be used. Using standard RF coils that are labelled for MR-only
use will not be considered in PET/MRI AC and may, thus, lead to
inaccurate PET quantification and artifacts in PET [32], [55].
Quality control
Quality control of PET tracers is governed by the “Draft Guidelines for
Radiopharmacy” [56]. Quality control and
application recommendations for MR contrast agents are addressed in the
guidelines of the European Society of Urogenital Radiology [26]. Quality control procedures for the PET and
MRI subsystems should be set up in accordance with the published guidelines
[57], [58]
but shall at least follow the vendor’s recommendations. In addition, proper
cross-calibration of the PET system with the respective dose calibrator has to
be ensured. In routine operation, daily quality control scans (using a dedicated
phantom) shall be conducted prior to patient scans to ensure correct PET
acquisition and quantification.
Imaging workflows
Imaging workflows may vary with the clinical indication. Similar to PET/CT
imaging in oncology, PET/MRI can be performed in whole-body mode, meaning that
patients are scanned over multiple, consecutive bed positions to cover larger
co-axial imaging ranges. Given the extensive variability of MR imaging protocols
and the choice of MR sequences, whole-body PET/MRI examinations have been shown
to take longer than PET/CT examinations of the same co-axial imaging range.
Therefore, the need for optimized and standardized PET/MR imaging workflows has
become widely recognized. Over the past years, a number of proposals have been
published [59], [60]. This document sets out to describe suitable imaging conditions
and protocols for whole-body [18F]-FDG-PET/MRI of oncology patients. Of note,
specific protocols and MR sequences are subject to change depending on the user,
vendor and indication for the examination.
For reasons of simplification and conformity to PET/CT imaging, all workflows
mentioned below apply to whole-body coverage from skull-base to mid-thighs. This
coverage is usually achieved within four to five bed positions (BP) depending on
the patient height. Accordingly, a combination of dedicated
(attenuation-corrected) radiofrequency (RF) head and neck coils and a varying
number of phased-array body surface RF coils are utilized as needed [32]. Imaging is commonly performed in a supine
position starting from mid-thigh to skull-base to ensure minimal impairment of
lesions in the vicinity of the bladder due to increased [18F]-FDG activity in
the bladder.
In a first step MRI localizers are acquired to define the axial range for the
examination. Pre-scanning of the shimming and adjustment of the magnetic field
are followed by the attenuation correction (AC) sequence for every BP (for
detailed information regarding MR-based AC please refer to section “Attenuation
Workflow 1: Ultra-fast PET/MRI
This workflow is based on a 2-min/BP acquisition that facilitates ultra-fast
“PET/CT-like” whole-body staging within a total time of just under 20 min
[61]. The reasoning for this specific
algorithm is to facilitate ultra-fast whole-body staging, e.g., in patients
with low compliance (e.g. elderly, pediatric) or as a whole-body coverage
adjunct to local dedicated imaging (e.g., local dedicated tumor staging in
head and neck cancer or soft tissue sarcoma + whole-body ultra-fast).
Indications for this ultra-fast workflow include whole-body staging, e.g.,
for lymphoma or staging and exclusion of relapse of tumors.
Potential sequences to be obtained within the 2-min PET include: (1) Fast
T2-weighted spin echo sequence (e.g. HASTE) and (2) non-enhanced fast
fat-saturated T1-weighted gradient echo sequence (e.g. VIBE). Contrast media
injection and acquisition of post-contrast fast T1-weighted fat-saturated
imaging may be performed subsequent to the non-enhanced sequences. In case
of primary tumors (e.g. malignant melanoma, neuroendocrine tumors) known to
cause hyperarterialized metastases of the parenchymatous organs, additional
dynamic contrast-enhanced imaging of the upper abdomen (e.g. VIBE) can be
added. The combination of the sequences above enables the combined
assessment of T2, non-enhanced and contrast-enhanced features of potential
lesions ([
Fig. 1
Fig. 1 Schematic workflow for the ultra-fast whole-body
Workflow 2: Fast PET/MRI
This workflow is based on a 4-min/bed acquisition that comprises
diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) in addition to the above-mentioned
sequences listed in the ultra-fast algorithm ([
Fig. 2
]) [62], [63]. The additional diffusion-weighted
sequence offers complementary tissue information to PET and may be applied
as a “search” sequence as it is considered useful particularly in the
detection of small lesions, e.g., liver metastases that may be too small to
be picked up by PET. Together with potential post-contrast T1w gradient echo
sequences, this “fast PET/MRI” algorithm should require less than 30 min
depending on the total amount of BP and duration of shimming, etc. ([
Fig. 3
Fig. 2 Imaging example of a 45-y/o patient with a celiac lymph
node metastasis (white arrows) imaged in ultra-fast and fast
Fig. 3 Schematic workflow for fast whole-body
Workflow 3: Dedicated local and whole-body PET/MRI
This workflow comprises dedicated local PET/MRI of the tumor region (e.g.,
head and neck, cervical cancer, soft tissue sarcoma of the limbs) and fast
sequences for whole-body coverage. The aim of this workflow is to facilitate
a dedicated workup of the primary cancer and whole-body staging in one
examination. The MR protocol for the dedicated local PET/MRI scan should be
selected in accordance with the primary tumor and guideline recommendations
(e.g., cervical cancer [64]). Whole-body
imaging can be performed utilizing the above-named ultra-fast or fast
algorithm depending on patient compliance, potential benefit derived from
DWI and desired length of the examination ([
Fig. 4
], [
Fig. 4 Schematic workflow of dedicated local [18F]-FDG-PET/MRI
+ whole-body staging.
Fig. 5 Imaging example of a [18F]-FDG-PET/MRI scan of a 52-y/o
patient with a large soft tissue sarcoma of the left lower limb
(thick arrows). The figure displays the dedicated local PET/MRI
protocol a for assessment of the primary tumor and the fast
protocol for whole-body staging b, revealing an iliac lymph
node metastasis in the left hemipelvis.
Reading and reporting
The following recommendations on reading and reporting are intended to serve as
assistance to novice PET/MRI readers and help standardization. High quality reading
and reporting of PET/MRI examinations is based on expert knowledge of PET and MRI
imaging [65]. Hence, PET/MRI reading should be
performed jointly by a radiologist and a nuclear medicine physician or by adequately
trained dual-certified physicians (nuclear medicine and radiology).
It is important to evaluate the “raw” MRI and PET data as well as fused imaging. In
contrast to rather distinct differences in the required expertise and duration of
reading MRI versus CT, PET/MRI reporting can be conducted similar to PET/CT
reporting. After reporting of the definition of the exam, clinical information,
examination procedure and key parameters (including the applied radioactivity,
uptake time and amount of contrast agent), the actual report, in terms of imaging
findings and their evaluation, can be written as an integrated (conjoint description
and evaluation of findings in MRI and PET) or separate report (subsequent
description of findings in MRI and PET and conjoint evaluation).
Since its introduction in 2010, whole-body PET/MRI has become well-established in
scientific and clinical imaging. Still, a number of basic, methodological and
professional challenges have limited its wider general acceptance in the oncologic
community as well as its utilization as a diagnostic alternative to PET/CT. The
greatest obstacle is caused by extensive and heterogenous protocols that have
rendered PET/MRI a research tool that is incompatible with clinical use and is
economically challenging. Thus, we introduced recommendations on workflow options
that offer efficient and fast imaging protocols open for adaptation to meet the
purpose of the examination. The three categories of imaging protocols above allow
the standardization and harmonization of PET/MRI, which is a prerequisite for
multi-center trials and the assessment of large patient cohorts. This may support
the future adoption of PET/MRI in clinical routine imaging and institute