Mitochondria are cellular organelles that produce most of the ATP during aerobic
conditions [1]. Mitochondrial proteins are encoded by
both mitochondrial DNA and nuclear DNA. The integration of both protein pools
provides a unique environment where adaptations to both mitochondrial DNA and
nuclear DNA must occur for optimal functioning of the mitochondria. Due to the
importance of mitochondria in bioenergetics, researchers have sought to examine
mitochondrial differences between healthy and diseased individuals.
Investigations on how mitochondria adapt are plentiful, with the first publications
documenting the organelle in the 1840s [2]. In the
field of exercise physiology, the study of skeletal muscle mitochondrial adaptations
to endurance training was largely spurred by Dr. John Holloszy’s 1967
publication demonstrating that mitochondrial enzyme activities in the hind limb
muscles of rats were two-fold higher in animals that treadmill-trained for 12 weeks
versus age-matched sedentary controls [3]. Other
studies have since reported that an increase in aerobic capacity due to training are
in part due to improvements in mitochondrial biogenesis and function [3]
[7]; however the exact signaling cascades that allow
for such responses are still being investigated [8].
These topics are not the focus of the current review, and readers interested in this
information are directed to other excellent reviews [9]
Well-known resistance training adaptations include increases in strength and muscle
hypertrophy. Several reviews on this topic have been written, and we encourage
readers to refer to these papers for more nuanced discussion [12]
[14]. In novice trainees, chronic resistance training
results in an increase in strength followed by an increase in muscle size [15]. Rapid strength adaptations have been attributed to
neural adaptations (e. g., increased motor unit recruitment and
synchronization, decreased co-contraction of antagonist muscles, increased neural
drive from the central nervous system, and increased motor unit hypertrophy) [14]
[17]. Strength adaptations are associated with lifting
intensities such that higher training loads (e. g., repetitions at
85–90% one repetition maximum) will result in a greater strength
adaptation compared to lower loads (e. g., repetitions at
55–65% one repetition maximum) [15]
[18]. There are a plethora of molecular events that
facilitate skeletal muscle hypertrophy (e. g., increases in mammalian target
of rapamycin complex 1 signaling leading to an upregulation in protein synthesis,
increases in ribosome biogenesis, and myonuclear accretion), and readers are
directed to other reviews for a discussion of these signaling events [19]
Studies have found equivocal results regarding mitochondrial adaptations with
resistance training, with some reporting increases or no changes in markers of
mitochondrial biogenesis or oxidative capacity following resistance exercise
training [15]
[23]. Resistance training has also been of great
interest in an elderly population given that the ability to maintain or improve
strength results in a better quality of life and a reduction in frailty-related
outcomes [24]
[26]. Interestingly, older individuals have been
reported to experience an increase in mitochondrial biogenesis and oxidative
capacity following periods of resistance training [27]
[29]. This may suggest that mitochondrial adaptations
with resistance training occur in a population-specific manner. Notwithstanding,
studies investigating mitochondrial adaptations with resistance training have
heavily focused on various enzyme activities, and few studies have directly
investigated mitochondrial respiration rates [23]
The primary purpose of this review is to provide an overview of what is currently
known regarding mitochondrial adaptations following resistance training (summarized
in [Table 1]). Additionally, there will be a brief
discussion of how resistance training in elderly individuals is beneficial for
combating sarcopenia, and we discuss how resistance training may provide
mitochondrial benefits that are not consistently observed in younger, healthier
populations. Lastly, we will briefly discuss investigative avenues that could be
pursued to better understand how resistance training affects mitochondrial
adaptations. The current review meets the ethical standards of the International
Journal of Sports Medicine as discussed in Harriss et al. [36].
Table 1 Summary of studies that investigated the effect of
resistance training on mitochondrial function.
Sample Size
Training Intervention
Mitochondrial Measurement Technique
Mitochondrial Protein Markers/Activities
Mitochondrial Respiration
Mitochondrial Volume
Muscle Fiber Size
11 Young Males
RT 3x/week for 12 weeks @ 60–80% 1RM
Muscle biopsies (VL) to measure mitochondrial capacity via
permeabilized fibers
↑ CI Protein Content ↑ COX4I1 mRNA ↑
↑ CI substrate respiration ↑ CI + CII
substrate respiration ↓ CII substrate control ratio
↔ CS Activity
Resistance training increases respiratory capacity mainly through
CI adaptations
15 Old Males & 15 Old Women
RT 3x/week for 14 weeks @ 50% 1RM to 80%
Muscle biopsies (VL) to measure enzyme activities
↑ CIV Activity ↑ CIV/CI+III
↔ CS Activity
Resistance training increases activity of ETC enzymes
12 Old Males
RT 3x/week for 12 weeks @ 50% 1RM to 80%
Muscle biopsies (VL) to measure enzyme activities
↑ Catalase Activity ↑ SOD1 Activity
↔ CS Activity
Resistance training increases activity of antioxidant enzymes
15 Young Males & Females
RT 3x/week for 12 weeks @ 2–84% 1RM
Muscle biopsies (VL) to measure enzyme activity
↓ SDH Activity
Resistance training increases muscle hypertrophy while decreasing
mitochondrial enzyme activity
6 Young Males
RT 3x/week for 12 weeks @ 3 sets of 6–8
repetitions to failure
Muscle biopsies (VL) to measure enzyme activity
↔ SDH Activity
Resistance training increases muscle hypertrophy while causing no
change in mitochondrial enzyme activity
25 Young Males
RT 3x/week for 12 weeks @ 50–108% 1RM
Muscle biopsies (VL) to measure mitochondrial enzyme content and
↔ PGC-1α protein content ↔ OXPHOS protein
↓ CS Activity
Resistance training increases muscle hypertrophy and decreases
mitochondrial protein content and volume
22 Young Males
All individuals performed 1 bout of continuous exercise and 1
bout of knee extensions for an acute RT
Muscle biopsies (VL) to measure oxidative respiration via
permeabilized fibers
↑ State 3 respiration ↔ Leak respiration
↑ Respiratory control ratio
↔ CS activity
↑ in RT subjects
Resistance training individuals had a higher oxidative
respiration despite having a lower VO2 peak when
normalized to whole body muscle mass
6 Young Males
RT 3x/week for 6 months @ 3–5 sets of
8–10 reps to failure
Muscle biopsies (TB) to measure Vmito via electron
↓ Vmito
Resistance training causes mitochondrial dilution
12 Young Males
5 individuals underwent RT 3x/week for 6 months. 7
individuals were elite bodybuilders
Muscle biopsies (TB) to measure Vmito via electron
↓ Vmito
Resistance training causes mitochondrial dilution
21 Young Males
RT 3x/week for 6 months
Muscle biopsies (VL) to measure enzyme activities
↓ Hexokinase ↓ Myofibrillar ATPase ↓
Phosphofructokinase ↔ Lactate Dehydrogenase ↓
Myokinase ↓ Creatine Kinase
↓ CS Activity
Resistance training results in decreases in both glycolytic and
oxidative enzyme actives
30 Young Males
RT 3x/week for 6 weeks @ 60% 1RM
Muscle biopsies (VL) to measure enzyme activities
↓ CS Activity
Resistance training resulted in mitochondrial dilution
26 Young Males
RT 3x/week for 12 weeks @ 4–5 sets of 12 reps to
failure concentric and/or eccentric movements
Muscle biopsies (VL) to measure enzyme activity
↔ Phosphofructokinase ↔ Hexokinase ↔
Lactate Dehydrogenase ↔ Myokinase ↔
Mg2+ ATPase
↔ CS Activity
Resistance training results in no changes in glycolytic or
oxidative enzyme activity
24 Young Females
RT 2x/week for 20 weeks @ 40 to 85% 1RM
Muscle biopsies (VL) to measure enzyme activity
↔ Creatine Kinase ↔ Phosphofructokinase ↔
GAPDH ↑ Cytochrome Oxidase ↔ HADH ↑
↑ Absolute Vmito ↔ Percent
Vmito ↔ CS Activity
Resistance training decreases type IIB fibers along with an
increase in important oxidative phosphorylation enzyme
12 Young Males
RT 5x/week for 12 weeks @ repetitions to failure,
starting at 10–12 week 1 and going to 5–6
Muscle biopsies (VL) to measure enzyme activity
↑ β-HAD ↑ Hexokinase ↔
↑ CS Activity
Resistance training increases glycolytic and oxidative enzyme
8 Young Males & Females
One-legged cycle training in normoxic or hypoxic environment for
4 weeks @ 65% maximal power output
Muscle biopsies (VL) to measure oxidative respiration via
permeabilized fibers and enzyme activities
↔ COX activity
↔ State 3 respiration ↔ State 4 respiration
↔ Respiratory control ratio ↔ P/O
↑ CS activity with normoxia
Adaptations observed in normoxia were abolished with hypoxia.
21 Young Men
RT 3x/week for 10 weeks @ 30% 1RM or 80%
Muscle biopsies (VL) to measure mitochondrial protein content
↑ COX IV ↔ Cytochrome c ↑ OPA1 with
30% 1RM ↑ Fis1 with 30% 1RM ↑
Drp1 with 30% 1RM ↑ SOD 1
Resistance training at a lower load (30% 1RM) resulted in
similar hypertrophy increases with additional increases in
mitochondrial dynamic markers
10 Old Males
RT 3x/week for 12 weeks @ 80% 1RM
Muscle biopsies (VL) to measure oxidative respiration via
permeabilized fibers and enzyme activities
↔ CI protein content ↔ CII protein content
↔ CIII protein content ↔ CIV protein content
↑ ADP sensitivity
↑ State 3 respiration ↔ State 4 respiration
Resistance training improved ADP sensitivity in older individuals
with no change to the electron leak to
27 Old Males & Females 45 Young Males &
RT 2x/week for 12 weeks @ 4 sets of 8–12
Muscle biopsies (VL) to measure oxidative respiration via
differential centrifugation
↑ 6 Mitochondrial specific mRNA ↑ Mitochondrial
fractional synthesis rate in older individuals
↔ State 3 CI + II substrates
Resistance training resulted in enhanced proteins for the
mitochondria, potentially through enhancing translational
19 Old Males
RT 3x/week for 12 weeks @ 8–12 repetitions to
Muscle biopsies (VL) to measure oxidative respiration via
differential centrifugation and enzyme activity
↓ PGC-1α mRNA content ↑ β-HAD
activity ↔ ROS production
↔ Pyruvate oxidation ↔ Fatty acid oxidation
↔ CS Activity
Resistance training at a low volume does not change skeletal
muscle oxidative capacity
ADP (adenine diphosphosphate), β-HAD(3-hydroxyacyl-CoA
dehydrogenase), CI (complex I), CII (complex II), CII (complex III), CIV
(complex IV), COX4l1 (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 4 isoform 1), CS (citrate
synthase), Drp1(dynamin related protein 1), ETC (electron transport chain),
Fis1(mitochondrial fission 1 protein), GAPDH (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate
dehydrogenase), H2O2 (hydrogen peroxide), HADH
(hydroxyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenase), NAMPT (nicotinamide
phosphoribosyltransferase), OPA1 (OPA1 mitochondrial dynamin like GTPase),
OXPHOS (oxidative phosphorylation), PGC-1α (peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha), RCR (respiratory
control ratio), RM (repetition maximum), ROS (reactive oxygen species), RT
(resistance training), SDH (succinate dehydrogenase), SOD (superoxide
dismutase), TB (triceps brachii), VL (vastus lateralis), Vmito (volume of
Mitochondrial adaptations to resistance training in younger
Measuring mitochondrial content (or volume) in human skeletal muscle can be
technically challenging for a variety of reasons. First, muscle biopsies are
required, which itself presents a significant barrier for many exercise
physiology laboratories. Examining the relative space occupied by the
mitochondria using high-resolution transmission electron microscopy is the gold
standard in determining mitochondrial volume [37].
However, transmission electron microscopy methodologies are laborious, and the
equipment needed for these analyses is not widely accessible. Other surrogate
measures in biopsy specimens have been used to determine mitochondrial volume,
and a study by Larsen et al. [37] determined that
citrate synthase activity as well as complex I-V protein content and activity
were highly correlated with mitochondrial volume as assessed using transmission
electron microscopy imaging.
Many studies have examined mitochondrial adaptations that occur in response to
endurance training [38]
[41]. During endurance training, mitochondrial
biogenesis facilitates mitochondrial growth through numerous molecular
interactions. There is ample evidence to suggest that the peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1 alpha (PGC-1α)
protein is largely involved with mitochondrial biogenesis [42]. For instance, PGC-1α works in concert
with other proteins, such as peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor beta
(PPARβ), to facilitate interactions with other nuclear transcription
factors to up- or down-regulate mitochondrial biogenesis [8]
[43]. PGC-1α has been shown to regulate
the transcriptional activity of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor
gamma (PPARγ) nuclear receptor that in turn up-regulates the expression
of electron transport chain genes [44].
PGC-1α binds to and activates the nuclear respiratory factor-1 (NRF-1)
transcription factor in muscle cells, thereby upregulating genes that facilitate
mitochondrial DNA replication [45]. These findings
are bolstered by numerous reports suggesting endurance training promotes
mitochondrial biogenesis through the induction of PGC-1α expression
following a bout of training [46]
[49]. The relationship between mitochondrial
volume density and relative VO2max has been suggested for many years
[50]. Likewise, correlations have been observed
between skeletal muscle oxidative capacity and VO2max as well as
mitochondrial volume density and VO2max following conventional
endurance and intermittent training [10]
[52]. Thus, mitochondrial adaptations to endurance
training are seemingly critical in facilitating increases in aerobic exercise
Although mitochondrial biogenesis has been well documented in response to
endurance training, the mitochondrial adaptations that occur in response to
resistance training are not as clear. In the early 1980s, MacDougall et al.
[53] characterized the skeletal muscle of
healthy male participants who underwent resistance training for six months.
These researchers reported that training significantly increased cross-sectional
area for both type I and type II fibers. Electron microscopy additionally
revealed that mitochondrial volume relative to myofibrillar volume significantly
decreased with training, whereas cytoplasmic volume significantly increased.
These results agreed with earlier observations by the same laboratory [34], and the researchers stated that
“…resistance training leads to a dilution of the mitochondrial
volume”. A subsequent study demonstrated similar findings in 8 male
subjects who resistance-trained for six weeks [15]; specifically, increases in strength and vastus lateralis muscle
cross-sectional area were observed, whereas a significant decrease in
mitochondrial volume as measured by transmission electron microscopy occurred.
[Figure 1] depicts a simplistic schematic of
these observations.
Fig. 1 Schematic of how resistance and endurance training can
affect skeletal muscle mitochondrial volume.
The notion of resistance training-induced mitochondrial dilution has also been
supported by several studies that have assessed the activities of various
mitochondrial enzymes in muscle homogenates. For instance, 6 months of
resistance training has been shown to decrease the enzymatic activity of citrate
synthase [54], which as stated above, is strongly
correlated with mitochondrial volume. Additionally, 12 weeks of resistance
training results in significant increases in cross-sectional area of both fiber
types as well as significant decreases in protein content of the mitochondrial
succinate dehydrogenase enzyme [30]
[31]. Our research group recently reported that
high hypertrophic responders to 12 weeks of resistance training possessed higher
citrate synthase activity compared to low responders [32]. However, citrate synthase activity decreased in both cohorts
with resistance training. Additionally, we recently reported six weeks of
high-volume resistance training significantly decreased muscle citrate synthase
activity during weeks 3 (mid-testing) and 6 (post-testing) in lieu of
cytoplasmic expansion within muscle fibers [55].
Interestingly, the mitochondrial dilution response to training does not seem to
be specific to muscle fiber type. Green et al. [31] reported that following 12 weeks of resistance training, there
was an increase in the cross-sectional area of all fiber types in the quadriceps
muscle, but no changes were observed in succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity
in any fiber type. Similar findings (i. e., increases in cross-sectional
area with no change in overall SDH activity) have also been reported elsewhere
Not all studies report that mitochondrial volume decreases with resistance
training. For instance, one study examined skeletal muscle adaptations in 20
males who completed a resistance training protocol for 12 weeks [56]. Enzyme activities of citrate synthase as well
as phosphofructokinase, hexokinase, lactate dehydrogenase, myokinase, and
Mg+2-stimulated ATPase were measured. Researchers
observed no statistically significant differences in any of these enzyme
activities following resistance training, which suggests that neither
mitochondrial volume density nor cytosolic enzymes were diluted with training. A
maintenance of mitochondrial volume in females has also been observed following
20 weeks of resistance training [57].
Additionally, these authors observed a significant increase in cytochrome c
oxidative (complex IV) activity with no significant changes in citrate synthase
In contrast to the several studies above reporting a dilution effect with
mitochondria in response to resistance training, findings are inconsistent
regarding whether training alters the intracellular concentrations of glycolytic
enzymes. Wang et al. [57] observed a significant
increase in vastus lateralis hexokinase activity following 18 weeks of
resistance training. Similarly, Tang et al. [58]
observed a significant increase in vastus lateralis hexokinase activity after 12
weeks of resistance training, but phosphofructokinase activity was not altered.
As discussed above, Tesch at al. [56] did not
observe significant changes in either hexokinase or phosphofructokinase activity
in vastus lateralis after 12 weeks of resistance training. Another paper states
that the relative abundance of numerous glycolytic enzymes increased in the
vastus lateralis in response to six weeks of high-volume resistance training
[55]. These data collectively suggest that
although mitochondrial dilution may occur with resistance training, there may be
an increase or no change in glycolytic enzyme concentrations. Alternatively
stated, these data largely suggest that a dilution of mitochondria occur with
resistance training, whereas other metabolic enzymes in the sarcoplasm are
Fewer studies have investigated the effects of resistance training on
mitochondrial function and oxidative potential. One study involved 12 weeks of
resistance training, and oxidative function in permeabilized fibers was assessed
[35]. The authors reported that resistance
training resulted in a nonsignificant increase in citrate synthase activity
(measured from muscle homogenates), a significant increase in maximal
respiration from complex I stimulated by ADP when normalized to maximal
uncoupled respiration, and a significant increase in complex I protein content.
These results suggest that resistance training resulted in improved functional
changes mainly driven through complex I. Interestingly, the same researchers
noted a decrease in the ability of the skeletal muscle to produce ATP through
electron flow via complex II despite an increase in total maximal
Salvadego et al. [59] measured oxidative function
in 11 males classified as resistance trained and 11 males who were physically
active but did not actively participate in resistance training. A muscle biopsy
was taken from the vastus lateralis, and mitochondrial function was measured in
permeabilized fibers. In agreement with the previous investigation cited above
[35], the resistance-trained individuals
presented higher state 3 respiration and respiratory control ratio (RCR) values.
Notably, state 3 respiration is the measure of maximal ATP production and RCR is
the ratio between state 3 respiration and state 4 respiration (basal ATP
production), a functional measure of overall mitochondrial function [60]. Additionally, these researchers observed no
significant differences in citrate synthase activity between the
resistance-trained individuals and control subjects. Interestingly, Salvadego
and colleagues hypothesized that O2 delivery may be impaired during
muscle hypertrophy, thus causing a hypoxic environment. In turn, this form of
cellular stress could increase the expression of the hypoxia-inducible
transcription factor-1 (HIF-1) gene, which, through various signaling cascades,
may result in an increase in the efficiency of the complex IV enzyme of the
electron transport chain [61]
[62]. Although an attractive hypothesis, it seems
that studies that have investigated the effects of hypoxia on oxidative function
with resistance training have not supported this model. One study investigated
the mitochondrial response of eight weeks of resistance training in 16 male
subjects who performed resistance training in either a normoxic environment or a
hypoxic environment (14.4% O2) [63]. Researchers observed both training environments resulted in no
change in PGC-1α mRNA and protein content, and a significant decrease in
citrate synthase activity. Additionally, the authors did not observe an increase
in HIF-1 mRNA content with the hypoxic exposure. Another study investigated the
effects of a normoxic or hypoxic environment (13.5% O2) on
endurance and resistance training adaptations for 10 weeks [64]. Investigators reported higher fatty acid
oxidation capacity in both normoxic and hypoxic conditions with both training
interventions. Furthermore, there was an increase in oxidative potential in both
training environments. However, these researchers did not measure HIF-1 mRNA or
protein levels, so it is possible the hypoxic-like environment did not stimulate
a physiological hypoxic response. Another study has also reported four weeks of
resistance training increased maximal power output regardless of normoxic or
hypoxic exposure during exercise [65].
Additionally, the authors observed a significant increase in citrate synthase
activity and state 3 respiration rates in normoxic resistance training
environment, which again suggests that resistance training in lieu of hypoxia
may not stimulate appreciable mitochondrial adaptations. Others have also
investigated the effects of low-load resistance training (with or without blood
flow restriction) to failure for six weeks in a within-subject design [66]. Both legs had similar muscle strength and size
increases. However, mitochondrial respiratory capacity from vastus lateralis
muscle biopsies increased only in the leg without blood flow restriction. These
data further support the above statement that hypoxia, even transiently, does
not facilitate mitochondrial changes with resistance training.
As with the few studies that have examined the effects of resistance training on
mitochondrial function, there is also a paucity of data regarding alterations in
mitochondrial dynamics with resistance training. A recent publication reported
the response of mitochondrial dynamics markers with high-load, low-repetition
training compared to low-load, high-repetition training and a work-matched
intensity to the high-load, low-repetition training [67]. Researchers reported that the muscle protein content of the
mitochondrial fusion marker OPA1 was significantly increased in the low-load,
high-repetition individuals compared to pre-intervention and other groups.
Additionally, the mitochondrial fission marker DRP1 was significantly higher
post-intervention in the work-matched individuals. The low-load, high-repetition
group had higher protein content of the mitochondrial fission marker DRP1 and
FIS1 post-intervention. Furthermore, FIS1 was significantly higher compared to
high-load, low-repetition training post-intervention. Lastly, researchers
reported the MFN2/DRP1 ratio increased significantly in the high-load,
low-repetition group post-intervention. These results suggest that regardless of
the load, repetition to failure causes a positive response on mitochondrial
dynamics to maintain mitochondrial structures. Animal studies have also observed
an increase in OPA1 protein levels with chronic 4-week electrical stimulation;
however these studies did not see a response to any mitochondrial fission
proteins [68]. These animal studies also have
observed an increase in protein expression of complex III that parallels the
human response of an increase in protein content of COXIV with high-load and
low-load resistance training [67].
Numerous reports suggest resistance training does not decrease and may even
increase VO2max [69]
[71]. Thus, it is unlikely that resistance
training-induced mitochondrial dilution leads to functional deficits in aerobic
capacity. One potential explanation as to how resistance training may increase
VO2max in lieu of citrate synthase activity deficits is that
citrate synthase activity (or other enzyme activities) typically are assessed in
crude muscle homogenates and the results are normalized to total protein
content. For example, for a given pre- and post-resistance-training comparison,
if contractile proteins (e. g., actin, myosin, etc.) increased due to
hypertrophy and citrate synthase activity remained constant or even increased
(albeit to a lesser extent than contractile proteins), then a mitochondrial
dilution effect will be detected but respiration capacity (i. e.,
VO2max) could still be equal/higher.
Collectively, much of the literature that has examined mitochondrial content via
transmission electron microscopy or citrate synthase activity suggests
resistance training decreases mitochondrial volume. However, certain studies
also suggest resistance training enhances mitochondrial function, potentially
though affecting complexes of the electron transport chain. It should also be
noted that many of the studies above that have observed decreases in
mitochondrial volume have examined young, healthy males. Therefore, it is
possible that resistance training may elicit differential mitochondrial
adaptations depending on age and health of the individual, and this is discussed
in greater detail below. Furthermore, it is possible the discrepancy in results
reported is due to different training paradigms. High-load, low-repetition
training may elicit a different response to the mitochondria compared to
low-load, high-repetition training; specifically, low-load, high-repetition
training may stimulate more profound mitochondrial adaptations due to the higher
volumes being “aerobic-like.” This phenomenon is often observed
in elderly individuals and will be discussed in greater detail below.
Mitochondrial adaptations to resistance training in older individuals
Sarcopenia is characterized by a loss of muscle mass and a decrease in strength
that results in a poor ability to function [72]
[74]. Functional declines in aging might be caused
by a decrease in aerobic capacity seen [75].
Decreases in muscle strength and aerobic capacity lead to a poorer quality of
life, which contributes to an increase cardiovascular disease and frailty [72]
[76]. Previous reports have found that resistance
training in older adults increases muscle mass and strength, thus combating
sarcopenia [24]
The mitochondrial theory of aging, also known as the free radical theory of
aging, has also been of great interest in aging research. This theory suggests
that as aging continues, an increase in reactive oxygen species production
results in an accumulation of oxidative damage to lipids, proteins, and DNA
[79]. Additionally, the model posits that
mitochondrial dysfunction arises over the lifespan given that mitochondrial DNA
is highly susceptible to oxidative damage. During aerobic respiration, reactive
oxygen species are produced at eleven distinct sites, but complex I and III of
the electron transport chain are commonly recognized as the major sites [80]
[82]. In general, superoxide is rapidly converted
into hydrogen peroxide via superoxide dismutase 2 [80]. Hydrogen peroxide is capable of localizing to the cytosol to
react with other cellular structures and organelles [80]. This oxidative damage is suggested to contribute to the aging
process [77]
Although the evidence is limited, some studies have examined how resistance
training affects markers of skeletal muscle oxidative stress as well as
mitochondrial function in older individuals. Parise et al. [28] investigated the effects of whole-body
resistance training for 14 weeks in elderly men and women on oxidative damage
markers, antioxidant enzyme activity, and electron transport chain complex
activity. The researchers observed a significant increase in complex IV activity
and complex IV/complex I and complex III ratio, suggesting an increase
in electron transport chain efficiency. Using the hydraulic theory as an
analogue of the electron transport chain [83], the
higher activity of complex IV drives the relationship of complex
IV/complex I and complex III ratio as observed by Parise et al. [28]; this allows for a greater flux down the
electron transport chain. This increase in oxygen utilization at complex IV
allows for increased delivery of electrons at complex I and II due to the
decrease in “electron backup” at complex IV. These events may
result in a decrease in the electron leakage and, potentially, a reduction in
oxidative stress. Parise et al. [28], also noted
no change in the protein content of the antioxidants catalase and superoxide
dismutase 1 and 2. In a follow-up study, Parise at al. [29] observed a significant increase in catalase and superoxide
dismutase 1 enzyme activities. Collectively, both studies suggest that
resistance training in older individuals results in: a) direct changes in
electron transport chain complex activities, and b) an increase in catalase and
superoxide dismutase 1 enzyme activities. These findings re-iterate that
examining mitochondrial enzyme activities, rather than the protein content of
these enzymes, may yield more insightful findings. More recently, Holloway et
al. [84] determined how resistance training
affects ADP sensitivity in elderly individuals. These researchers examined 10
healthy old males who partook in a 12-week resistance training program and
compared the metabolic skeletal muscle profile of these individuals to 10
healthy younger males. Mitochondrial respiration was lower and hydrogen peroxide
emission, an indirect measure of the generation of reactive oxygen species, was
greater in older versus younger participants. Additionally, although resistance
training caused an increase in ADP sensitivity, the oxidative state was not
altered as determined by the lack of change observed in reactive oxygen species
production. The authors did observe a significant increase in maximal
respiration (state 3) with resistance training, albeit there were no significant
changes in the respiratory control ratio.
Further, a study conducted by Robinson et al. [85]
determined the effects of twelve weeks of resistance training, high-intensity
interval training, and combined training on exercise adaptations in younger and
older participants. Whereas younger individuals in the high intensity interval
training group experienced increases in VO2max, this response was
impaired (but still increased) in the older participants. Additionally, younger
or older individuals in the resistance training group did not experience
alterations in VO2max or alterations in state 3 respiration for
complexes I and II, and the mitochondrial DNA copy number decreased in both
groups, which further supports mitochondrial dilution model. However, a
significant increase in mitochondrial protein fractional synthesis rates and
increases in various mitochondrial proteins (determined via proteomics) were
observed following the resistance training intervention in older individuals.
Not all studies agree that resistance training can cause a change to skeletal
muscle oxidative capacity in older individuals. For instance, one study reported
no change in skeletal muscle oxidative capacity in older males that
resistance-trained for 12 weeks [86]. The authors
also reported that training did not affect mRNA levels of PGC-1α, TFAM,
or PPARδ, and citrate synthase activity remained unaltered. The authors
did acknowledge the limitations of using a very healthy group of older
individuals and individuals who were on statins, which may have affected their
results. In this regard, statins have been reported to have deleterious effects
on skeletal muscle mitochondria [87]
[88], but it has also been reported that
resistance training can help counter the increase in ROS observed in the
skeletal muscle of individuals who have taken statins [89].
Collectively, the studies above largely indicate that resistance training
facilitates positive redox and mitochondrial adaptations in older individuals.
Although typically not reported, it is notable that pre-intervention activity
levels may play an appreciable role in the mitochondrial adaptations to
resistance training. Alternatively stated, resistance training may stimulate
enough of an energy demand to facilitate appreciable mitochondrial adaptations
in older individuals existing in a state of low habitual physical activity prior
to training. [Figure 2] illustrates this concept,
although more research is needed to validate this hypothesis.
Fig. 2 Simple illustration summarizing how exercise training can
maintain (in lifelong exercise-trained individuals) or increase skeletal
muscle mitochondria density (in lifelong sedentary individuals that
participate in resistance training).
Future research directions
Although decades of research have been devoted to the hypertrophic and strength
adaptations that occur in response to resistance training [15]
[90], much more research is needed to elucidate
mitochondrial adaptations. One current limitation is that few studies have
investigated the effects of resistance training on mitochondrial adaptations in
females [91]. Although there may be no appreciable
gender differences in response to resistance training, this remains to be
determined. Additionally, although several studies cited herein suggest a
dilution of mitochondria occurs with resistance training, there is equivocal
evidence to support this notion [34]
[56]. We posit that it is currently unclear how
resistance training affects mitochondrial biogenesis, and this is likely a
result of different studies utilizing different training paradigms as well as
methods to quantify mitochondria. It seems logical that high-volume resistance
training likely has a greater impact in increasing mitochondrial biogenesis
compared to high-load resistance training, given that the former style of
training leads to greater metabolic perturbations (e. g., greater
increases in blood lactate) [55]
[93]. Thus, continuing to examine how higher
volume versus higher load resistance training affects markers of mitochondrial
biogenesis is warranted. Although a plethora of evidence does suggest that
mitochondrial dilution may occur with resistance training, more studies that
include measurements of mitochondrial function via permeabilized fibers would
provide a more comprehensive perspective regarding how training affects
mitochondrial adaptations. Additionally, given that mitochondrial dynamics play
a role in biogenesis and network expansion, future research is needed to
determine how resistance training affects markers of mitochondrial fission and
fusion as well as the mitochondrial reticulum [94]
[96]. Specifically, there have been differences in
mitochondrial reticulum volume between mice and humans, suggesting that any
changes that may have been observed in a mouse model may not translate to
adaptations of the mitochondrial reticulum seen in humans [94]. The ability of the skeletal muscle
mitochondria to possess proactive and reactive mechanisms for protection
(i. e., mitochondrial dynamics, for more details please refer to [95]) suggests an intricate series of events in
regard to electrical conductance and mitochondrial fission and fusion that need
to be elucidated to be able to further understand how the stress of exercise
affects the mitochondrial reticulum adaptations.