Endoscopy 2022; 54(02): v6
DOI: 10.1055/a-1476-4580
Author commentary

Author commentary on Judith A. Kwakman et al.


    Judith A. Kwakman et al. Risk evaluation of duodenoscope-associated infections in the Netherlands calls for a heightened awareness of device-related infections: a systematic review

    In this systematic literature review of all outbreaks in the Netherlands of duodenoscope-associated infection (DAI) during an 11-year study period, the authors confirmed three outbreaks across three medical centers, with a total of 21 confirmed cases. Based on an estimated number of 204 170 ERCPs performed during the study period, the minimum estimated DAI risk was 0.01 %, or 1 case in every 10 000 ERCPs.



    Publication History

    Article published online:
    27 January 2022

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