RDD Rosai-Dorfman-Disease
TP53 Tumor protein p53
CNS Central nervous system
Dexa dexamethasone
ESR Erythrocyte sedimentation rate
IC-2 Initial Course 2 of LCH-registry Therapy (Vinblastine and
Prednisolone)LCH-registry International Collaborative TreatmentProtocol for
Children and Adolescents with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
LDH Lactate dehydrogenase
MRD Minimal residual disease
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
N-LCH Non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Nel Nelarabine
Cyt Cytarabine
Eto Etoposide
Dara Daratumomab
Non-Langerhans cell histiocytosis (N-LCH) comprises a spectrum of proliferative
disorders of histiocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells. There is a wide spectrum
of benign or malignant, localized or multifocal/systemic manifestations. One
subgroup of N-LCH is the Rosai-Dorman-Disease (RDD), also called sinus histiocytosis
with massive lymphadenopathy, which is generally a benign and self-limiting disease.
RDD is characterized by a reactive proliferation of macrophages showing
emperipolesis and expression of S100 protein (Abla O et al. Blood . 2018; 131:
2877–90; Classen CF et al. Klin Padiatr . 2016; 228: 294–306;
Papo M et al.. Curr Oncol Rep . 2019; 21: 62). Immunohistochemically the cells
are typically positive for S100, CD68-PGM1 and CD163, but negative for langerin,
clusterin, CD1a and BRAF. Clinical characteristic are bilateral, painless, cervical
lymph node enlargement with or without B-symptoms. 30–40% of
patients show extranodal involvement including cutaneous (10%), CNS
(<5%), head and neck (11%), intrathoracic (2%),
kidney, gastrointestinal, bone and hematologic manifestations.
An association to hemato-lymphoid malignancies or immune diseases is suspected, but
has not been validated so far. There are few reports of children suffering from NHL,
Hodgkin-Disease or Leukemia who developed a secondary histiocytosis after treatment
(Classen CF et al. Klin Padiatr . 2016; 228: 294–306). Here, we
present the case of a 6-year old male patient who was diagnosed with multifocal
extranodal RDD developing a secondary biphenotypic, treatment-resistant leukemia
during treatment and partial response of N-LCH .
Case Description
At the age of 4 years and 10 month, our patient was diagnosed with
Rosai-Dorfman-Disease by lymph-node and skin biopsy with manifestations cervical,
mediastinal, pulmonal, renal and bone ([Fig.
1a–c ]). This led to an upper venous congestion. Furthermore,
papular skin lesions could be found. He was initially treated with two cycles of
Methylprednisolone pulse therapy due to the multifocal extranodal disease. Restaging
after 3 weeks showed progressive disease, so chemotherapy according to the Initial
Course- 2 of International Collaborative Treatment Protocol for Children and
Adolescents with Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis was initiated, consisting of
vinblastine and prednisone. As disease control was not sufficient after one cycle
methotrexate and 6-mercaptopurine were added in accordance with the registry
committee. A partial response of local masses to chemotherapy could be seen in the
MRI-control after 7 weeks of therapy. The patient was in excellent clinical
condition without relevant restrictions.
Fig. 1 FDG-PET-CT showing initial manifestations of RDD: nasal
(a ), renal (b ) and supraclavicular lymph node
manifestations (c ). MR showing splenic infarctions (d ).
Fifteen months after diagnosis, the patient presented in reduced general condition
with diffuse abdominal pain. Ultrasound revealed splenomegaly, MRI showed several
splenic infarctions ([Fig. 1d ]). Whereas ESR and
C - reactive protein showed values within the normal range, LDH was increased (3450
U/l) and blood count showed hyperleukocytosis (max
124.000/µl leukocytes) with 77% leukemic blasts (L1).
Leukemic blasts showed expression of CD2, CD10, cyCD3 and CD99, suitably with
pre-T-ALL. Molecular genetics could not detect rearrangements, especially no
bcr/abl, MLL rearrangements or TEL-AML1. Because of additional
hyperfibrinolysis with disseminated intravascular coagulation, the lumbar puncture
and bone marrow puncture were postponed. CNS Status 2a with 7% blasts,
defined as negative (overall cell number 1/µl) could be diagnosed on
day 14 of therapy.
Treatment according to AEIOP-BFM ALL 2017 registry was started immediately with
dexamethasone. Because of further increasing leucocyte count, cyclophosphamide was
given at days 2 and 3 in addition, followed by vincristine, daunorubicin and
asparaginase at day 8 und 15. Reduction of blasts was detected on day 8 in
peripheral blood (leukocytes 150/µl; 4% blasts) but already
on day 21 of protocol IA another blast crisis occurred (Leucocytes
28.660/µl; 85% blasts). Protocol IB was therefore started
earlier on day 21, including cyclophosphamide, cytarabin,6-mercaptopurine and
intrathecal methotrexate. As another blast crisis occurred after protocol IB with
37% blast (cytomorphologic MRD- 89%) an individual experimental
therapy consisting of nelarabine, cytarabine and etoposide was attempted, but
leukemia remained refractory ([Fig. 2 ]).
Fig. 2 Leucocyte and blast count versus time since diagnosis.
Treatment modification according to diagnosis and therapy response. Dexa,
dexamethasone; Nel, nelarabine; Cyt, cytarabine; Eto, etoposide, Dara,
daratumomab. BMP, bone marrow puncture.
Bone marrow puncture on time point 2 of the protocol detected for the first time a
second atypic promyelocytic blast population (CD34 neg, low expression of CD117 and
TdT) besides the known lymphoblastic cells, so that a biphenotypic leukemia was
suspected. Cytogenetic and molecular genetic aberrations (t(4;7), t(14;16), del(9))
could be seen. As lymphoblasts showed CD38+expression, in an off label use
of daratumomab, a specific antibody, was administered (2 cycles,
500 mg/m²). After two cycles, again leukemic blast crisis was
documented. As a next step, a modified therapy with cytarabine and mitoxantrone was
started. However, the increase of leucocytes and blast crisis could not be
controlled ([Fig. 2 ]). The patient died three
month after diagnosis of secondary leukemia.
Hypothezing that RDD and the secondary leukemia could be based on the same malignant
clone/precursor or on a cancer predispostion syndrome,
whole-exome-sequencing of a saliva sample and a blood sample (leukemic cells) were
performed in addition. Saliva analysis showed a pathogenic splice site variant
affecting the MLH1 gene (c.790+1 G>A, p.?), which was
also detected in the blood sample. Furthermore, sequencing results of leukemic cells
revealed a pathogenic variant in the TP53 gene (c.844 C>T
p.(Arg282Trp) also being detected low-frequently in the saliva sample. Both mutated
genes constitute well-known cancer predisposition genes, as they are causative for
different hereditary cancer-predisposing syndromes, including Lynch and Li-Fraumeni
syndrome. For further discrimination whether the secondary leukemia and the RDD are
genetically related, a DNA sample of initial RDD diagnosis was examined according to
the MLH1 and TP53 mutational status. Both sequence variants could not
be detected in the RDD sample. Finally, we could not prove a genetically association
of these both diseases. Moreover, the sequencing data do not point to a germline
MLH1 mutation.
Diagnosis and management of RDD has been lately discussed1 , but etiology,
prognosis, diagnostic markers and relation to other diseases still are not
completely understood. An association of Non-LCH with malignant hematologic neoplasm
has been reported in a few cases, suggesting that this is more than a coincidence (
Classen CF et al. Klin Padiatr . 2016; 228: 294–306; Zanelli M et al.
Int J Surg Pathol . 2019; 27: 396–8; Bonometti A et al. J Cutan
Pathol . 2021; 48: 637–43; Park IS et al. Korean J Intern Med .
2012; 27: 459–62; Castro EC et al. Pediatr Dev Pathol . 2010; 13:
225–37; Ambati S et al. Pediatr Blood Cancer . 2008; 51:
433–5; Allen MR et al. Med Pediatr Oncol . 2001; 37: 150–2;
Rodig SJ et al.Am J Hematol . 2008; 83: 116–21). In most cases,
leukemia preceded Non-LCH or occurred at the same time. Furthermore, a MAP2K1-driven
mixed histiocytosis with Langerhans cell histiocytosis, Rosai-Dorfman-Destombes
disease, and Erdheim-Chester disease features and cutaneous involvement, progressing
to a fatal and clonally-related acute myeloid leukemia has been described (Bonometti
A et al. J Cutan Pathol . 2021; 48: 637–43). This report is a rare
case of acute leukemia following RDD as a secondary malignancy in a child. Since
therapy related secondary malignancy after treatment of RDD with low dose MTX
(20 mg/m2 /week) and 6-mercaptopurine
(50 mg/m2 /day) has not been described
previously, we suspect leukemia to be rather an association with histiocytosis than
a secondary, treatment-related malignoma.
This remarkable case, especially because of its switch to biphenotypic leukemia (from
a pre-T-ALL (CD2, CD10, cyCD3 and CD99) to a second atypic promyelocytic blast
population (CD34 neg, low expression of CD117 and TdT) after day 78 of
treatment) , illustrates how important a better understanding and a central
collection of clinical courses of Non-LCH are. In our case a common marker of cell
lines of histiocytosis and leukemic blasts - as described in literature (Bonometti A
et al. J Cutan Pathol . 2021; 48: 637–43; Park IS et al. Korean J
Intern Med . 2012; 27: 459–62; Scott DW et al. Cornell Vet .
1979; 69: 176–97; Venkataraman G et al. Am J Surg Pathol . 2010; 34:
589–94), has not been found. As we could not detect a genetic tumor relevant
mutation, an association between these both diseases can only be hypothesis, not
confirmed. Further studies are necessary to identify genetic and molecular markers
that can prove the association of Non-LCH with leukemia as well as predicting the
progression to a malignant haematologic disease.
Summarizing our demonstrated case, we could find a therapy refractory acute leukemia
in a patient treated for Rosai-Dorfmann disease. Even if we did not confirm an
association between those two diseases an association with Rosai Dorfmann disease to
other hematologic diseases seems likely, as there are several case reports in Rosai
Dorfmann patients with other hematological diseases. Since pathogenesis remains
unclear, molecular genetic examinations in those patients will help to advance the
understanding of the disease and will help to detect possible innovative therapy
strategies and disease associations.
Contributor’s Statement
AT, VW contribution to study concept and design and drafting or revising the
manuscript. KS, KE, KM, SH performed genetical analysis and interpretation of data
CB, AB performance and interpretation of radiologic images and designed figure 1.
PGS, CH, CFC, ME and MW: drafting or revising the manuscript.