Endoscopy 2022; 54(10): E602-E603
DOI: 10.1055/a-1704-7834

Endoscopic ultrasound- and fluoroscopy-guided jejunojejunostomy with a lumen-apposing metal stent for malignant afferent loop obstruction

1   Department of Medicine, University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA
Stuart K. Amateau
2   Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA
Martin L. Freeman
2   Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA
Guru Trikudanathan
2   Department of Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, University of Minnesota, Minnesota, USA
› Author Affiliations

    A 57-year-old white woman with history of stage IV signet ring cell adenocarcinoma of the ampulla, who had previously undergone a Whipple procedure with Billroth II reconstruction followed by adjuvant chemotherapy, was referred for afferent loop obstruction due to newly diagnosed peritoneal metastatic pancreatic cancer. Small-bowel enteroscopy found a 3-cm segment of extrinsic stenosis near the hepaticojejunostomy, with upstream dilatation. A 10 × 80-mm uncovered self-expanding metal stent (SEMS) was deployed across the stenosis under fluoroscopic guidance ([Fig. 1]). Drainage of bile was immediate; however, within 72 hours, the patient developed cholangitis, with evidence of persistent afferent loop obstruction on repeat computed tomography imaging ([Fig. 2]). After multidisciplinary team discussion, endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-guided transmural drainage of the dilated afferent loop was pursued ([Video 1]).

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    Fig. 1 Endoscopic image showing a self-expanding metal stent placed across an afferent loop stenosis near the hepaticojejunostomy.
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    Fig. 2 Computed tomography image showing C-loop formation after placement of the self-expanding metal stent, indicating persistent afferent loop obstruction.

    Video 1 Endoscopic ultrasound- and fluoroscopy-guided jejunojejunostomy with a lumen-apposing metal stent to treat malignant afferent loop obstruction.


    On repeat EUS, the dilated afferent loop was endosonographically visualized from about 2 cm distal to the gastrojejunal anastomosis ([Fig. 3]). A 19-gauge needle was advanced into the dilated afferent loop and 200 mL of saline was injected to adhere it to the gastrojejunal anastomosis. The decision was then made to create a jejunojejunostomy. The common wall between the distal jejunum and afferent loop was imaged using color Doppler to identify any interposed vessels. A cautery-enhanced lumen-apposing metal stent (LAMS) delivery system was used to create a stoma and working channel. A 15 × 15-mm Axios stent (Boston Scientific, Natick, Massachusetts, USA) was deployed and then balloon dilated to a maximum diameter of 15 mm. There was minimal bleeding after dilation and there was no evidence of free gas or a pneumoperitoneum. Direct visualization showed the LAMS to be in an appropriate position ([Fig. 4]). Over the next 24 hours, the patient defervesced, and both her symptoms and liver function tests improved.

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    Fig. 3 Endoscopic ultrasound image showing the dilated afferent loop prior to advancement of the needle.
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    Fig. 4 Endoscopic direct visualization of the lumen-apposing metal stent (LAMS) placed between the distal jejunum and the afferent loop.

    EUS- and fluoroscopy-aided enteroenterostomy is a novel way to palliatively treat afferent loop obstruction as an alternative to, or in addition to, conventional methods.


    Endoscopy E-Videos

    Endoscopy E-Videos is an open access online section, reporting on interesting cases and new techniques in gastroenterological endoscopy. All papers include a high quality video and all contributions are freely accessible online. Processing charges apply (currently EUR 375), discounts and wavers acc. to HINARI are available.

    This section has its own submission website at https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/e-videos


    Competing interests

    S. K. Amateau, M. L. Freeman and G. Trikudanathan have provided consultancy to Boston Scientific. The remaining authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

    Corresponding author

    Guru Trikudanathan, MD
    Department of Medicine
    Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition
    University of Minnesota Medical Center, MMC 36
    420 Delaware Street SE
    MN 55455

    Publication History

    Article published online:
    13 January 2022

    © 2022. Thieme. All rights reserved.

    Georg Thieme Verlag KG
    Rüdigerstraße 14, 70469 Stuttgart, Germany

    Zoom Image
    Fig. 1 Endoscopic image showing a self-expanding metal stent placed across an afferent loop stenosis near the hepaticojejunostomy.
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    Fig. 2 Computed tomography image showing C-loop formation after placement of the self-expanding metal stent, indicating persistent afferent loop obstruction.
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    Fig. 3 Endoscopic ultrasound image showing the dilated afferent loop prior to advancement of the needle.
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    Fig. 4 Endoscopic direct visualization of the lumen-apposing metal stent (LAMS) placed between the distal jejunum and the afferent loop.