Key words
intracerebral hemorrhage - glycemic variability - mortality - functional outcome - meta-analysis
Currently, intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) remains the most severe cerebrovascular
disease, which is associated with an overall mortality of approximately 40%
within the first month of disease onset [1]
[2]. Besides, it has been
reported that between 61 and 88% of patients with ICH have poor functional
outcomes during the follow-up durations of 12–50 months [3]. Accordingly, identification of novel risk
factors, which are associated with the poor prognosis of patients with ICH is still
of great clinical significance [4].
It has been recognized that age, severity of initial neurological impairment,
hemorrhage volume, and location of the hematoma, etc. may be important predictors
for the clinical outcome in patients with ICH [5]. Besides, glycemic disorders have also been suggested as an important
risk factor of the poor prognosis of patients with ICH [6]. Indeed, an early meta-analysis confirmed
that there is a significant association between early hyperglycemia and early-term
death in patients with ICH, regardless of the cut-off point for hyperglycemia [7]. In addition, another meta-analysis also
suggested that hyperglycemia may also be a predictor of poof functional outcome in
patients with ICH [8]. Interestingly, growing
evidence has also suggested an association between hypoglycemia and the early
functional outcome and mortality risk in patients with ICH [9]
suggesting a more complicated influence of glycemic disorder on the prognosis of
patients with ICH.
In recent decades, a concept of glucose variability (GV) has been introduced [11]. Unlike the indices for mean blood glucose
level, GV focuses on the extent of glucose fluctuation within months to years
(chronic GV) or within days (acute GV) [12].
Subsequent studies have linked acute GV to the severity and poor prognosis of
various diseases, such as ischemic stroke [13]
[14], acute coronary syndrome
[15], and sepsis [16]. Although GV is important clinically, its
optimum method of characterization remains unclear. Acute GV, also called short-term
GV, is characterized by sudden and rapid changes in blood glucose levels within a
day or between days. Clinically, acute GV could be calculated from self-monitoring
of blood glucose (SMBG) or continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), and various
indicators have been derived, such as standard deviation of blood glucose (SDBG),
coefficient of variation of blood glucose (CVBG), and the mean amplitude of glycemic
excursions (MAGE) etc. [11]. Although some
pilot studies have observed the association between acute GV and clinical outcomes
in patients with ICH [10]
[23], the results were not consistent [24]. Therefore, in this study, we performed a
meta-analysis to systematically evaluate the association between acute GV and
prognosis in patients with ICH.
Materials and Methods
We followed the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses
(PRISMA) statement [25]
[26] and Cochrane’s Handbook [27] during the design, performing, and
presenting of the meta-analysis.
Search of electronic databases
We identified studies by a systematic search of Medline, Web of Science, Embase,
China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI), and Wanfang databases using the
following terms: (1) "glycemic" OR "glyceamic"
OR "glucose"; (2) "variability" OR
"variation" OR "fluctuation"; (3)
"brain" OR "cerebral" OR
"intracranial" OR "intracerebral" OR
"aneurysmal" OR "aneurysm" OR
"subarachnoid" OR "stroke"; and (4)
"bleeding" OR "hemorrhage" OR
"hemorrhagic". Only studies involving human patients and
published in English or Chinese were selected. We did not restrict the outcomes
of included studies in the literature search strategy, and we used this
extensive literature search strategy to avoid missing the potentially relevant
studies. An additional manual check-up for the reference lists of relevant
original and review articles were performed as supplement. The last literature
search was conducted on September 22, 2022.
Selection of eligible studies
Inclusion criteria were (1) observational studies published as full-length
articles, including cohort studies, case-control studies, and cross-sectional
studies; (2) included adult patients (18 years or above) who were admitted for
ICH as evidenced by cerebral computed tomography and/or magnetic
resonance imaging; (3) acute GV was evaluated during hospitalization with one or
more parameters; (4) incidence of poor functional outcome and/or early
mortality were reported as outcomes of interest and compared between patients
with higher versus lower acute GV; and (5) reported relative risk for the
incidence of poor functional outcome and/or early mortality comparing
between ICH patients with higher versus lower acute GV. The definitions of
parameters for acute GV were consistent with the criteria applied of the
included studies. Specifically, the SDBG calculated as the square-root of the
average of the squared differences between individual blood glucose values and
the mean [28]. A poor functional outcome
was defined as ICH patients with functional dependency evaluated by modified
Rankin Scale (mRS)>2 during follow-up [29]. Reviews, preclinical studies, studies that did not include
patients with ICH, studies without the evaluation of acute GV, or studies that
did not report the outcomes of interest were excluded.
Extraction of data and evaluation of study quality
Two of the authors independently conducted electronic database search, extraction
of study data, and assessment of study quality according to the inclusion
criteria described above. If there were discrepancies, they were resolved by
consensus between the authors. The extracted data included the following: (1)
name of the first author, year of the publication, study design, and country;
(2) patient characteristics, including the diagnosis, total number, mean age,
sex, and proportions of patients with diabetes; (3) parameters used for the
evaluating of acute GV, cutoffs for defining of patients with higher versus
lower acute GV, and the duration of blood glucose measuring for evaluating GV;
(4) follow-up durations, outcomes reported, and numbers of ICH patients with the
outcomes during follow-up; and (5) variables adjusted when the association
between acute GV and outcome was evaluated. The Newcastle-Ottawa Scale [30] was used for study quality assessment,
which included three domains such as defining of study groups, between-group
comparability, and validation of the outcome. This scale totally scored from 1
to 9 stars, with 9 stars indicating the highest study quality level.
Statistical analyses
Risk ratio (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were selected as the
general variable for the relationships of acute GV with risks of poor functional
outcome and all-cause mortality in patients with ICH during follow-up. In cases
where the odds ratio (OR) was described, we converted data to a relative risk
for meta-analysis
(RR=OR/([1−pRef]+[pRef×OR]), where pRef
is the prevalence of the outcome in the reference group [31]. Data of RRs and standard errors (SEs)
were calculated from 95% CIs or p-values, and an additional
logarithmical transformation was performed to stabilize variance and normalize
to the distribution [27]. The
Cochrane’s Q-test was used to evaluate the heterogeneity, and the
I2 statistic was also estimated [27]. Heterogeneity was deemed to be significant if
I2>50% [32]. We
used a random-effect model for data synthesis because this model has
incorporated the potential between-study heterogeneity and could provide a more
generalized result [27]. Sensitivity
analyses were performed by omitting one individual study at a time to examine
the robustness of the finding [27]
[33]. The funnel plots were constructed and
a visual inspection of the symmetry was conducted to reflect the publication
bias [34]. The Egger’s regression
asymmetry test was further performed for the evaluation of potential publication
bias [27]. We used the RevMan (Version
5.1; Cochrane Collaboration, Oxford, UK) and Stata (version 12.0; Stata
Corporation) software for the statistical analyses.
Results of database search
The database search process is summarized in [Fig. 1]. Briefly, 451 articles were found in the initial literature
search of the databases; after excluding the duplications, 379 studies remained.
An additional 357 studies were excluded through screening of the titles and
abstracts mainly because of the irrelevance to the meta-analysis. The remaining
22 studies underwent a full-text review, of which, 14 were further excluded for
the reasons listed in [Fig. 1]. Finally,
ten observational studies [10]
[23] were included.
Fig. 1 Flowchart of the database search.
Characteristics of the included studies
Overall, eight cohort studies involving 3400 patients with ICH were included in
the meta-analysis. The characteristics of the studies are summarized in [Table 1]. Briefly, these studies were
published between 2014 and 2020, and performed in China [18]
[23], Japan [19]
[20], and the United States
[17]. All of the included studies were retrospective cohort studies,
expect one study, which was a prospective cohort study [20]. As for the diagnosis, five studies
included patients with overall or severe ICH, while the other three studies
included patients with subararachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). The mean ages of the
patients varied between 53 and 67 years, and the proportions of men ranged from
29 to 66%. All of the included used SDBG as the indicator of acute GV,
and the cutoffs for the determination of patients with higher versus lower acute
GV were medians [10]
[23] or tertiles (third
versus first tertile) [22] of SDBG.
Duration of blood glucose measuring for the calculation of SDBG varied from
72 hours of CGM to 14 days after admission, and the follow-up durations
were during hospitalization for two studies [17]
[19], 1 month for four
studies [18]
[23], and 3 months for the
other two studies [10]
[20]. The incidence of poor functional
outcome in ICH patients was reported in five studies [19]
[23], and the incidence of all-cause mortality was reported in four
studies [10]
[22]. Multivariate analyses
were performed in all of the included studies when the association between acute
GV and the outcome of patients with ICH was estimated, and variables such as
age, sex, Glasgow Coma Scale, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II
Score, the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale, comorbidities, and the
location and volume of the hematoma. The quality of the included studies was
generally good, with NOS varying from seven to nine stars ([Table 2]).
Table 1 Characteristics of the included observational
Study [Ref]
No. of patients
Mean age (years)
Men (%)
DM (%)
GV measurements and cutoff
Duration of BG measuring for evaluating GV
Follow-up duration
Outcomes reported and number of patients with outcomes
Variables adjusted
Kurtz 2014 [17]
SDBG (median)
During ICU stay
During hospitalization
All-cause mortality (7)
Age, GCS, Hunt and Hess grade, and DCI
Guo 2015 [18]
Severe ICH
SDBG (median)
72 h CGM
28 days
All-cause mortality (38)
Age, APACHE II Score, and hypoglycemic events
Wada 2018 [20]
SDBG (median)
72 h CGM
3 months
Poor functional outcome (23)
Age, sex, history of CAD, history of CHF, and NIHSS score on
Okazaki 2018 [19]
SDBG (median)
During ICU stay
During hospitalization
Poor functional outcome (54)
Age, Hunt and Kosnik grade, and minimal BG during ICU
Wu 2018 [21]
SDBG (median)
7 days
30 days
Poor functional outcome (171)
Age, GCS, hematoma location and volume, IVH, and diabetic
Chen 2020 [22]
Severe ICH
SDBG (T1: T3)
14 days
28 days
Poor functional outcome (66) and all-cause mortality (42)
Age, GCS, hematoma location and volume
Gao 2020 [23]
Severe ICH
SDBG (median)
7 days
30 days
Poor functional outcome (126)
Age, GCS, minimal BG during hospitalization
Sadan 2020 [10]
SDBG (median)
5 days
3 months
All-cause mortality (693)
Age, gender, Hunt and Hess grade, smoking, history of CAD,
HTN, DM, and surgical treatment
DM: Diabetes mellitus; GV: Glucose variability; BG: Blood glucose; RC:
Retrospective cohort; PC: Prospective cohort; SAH: Subararachnoid
hemorrhage; ICH: Intracerebral hemorrhage; NR: Not reported; SDBG:
Standard deviation of blood glucose; ICU: Intensive care unit; CGM:
Continuous glucose monitoring; GCS: Glasgow Coma Scale; DCI: Delayed
cerebral ischemia; APACHE II: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health
Evaluation II; CAD: Coronary artery disease; CHF: Congestive heart
failure; NIHSS: The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale; IVH:
Intraventricular hemorrhage; HTN: Hypertension; T3:T1: Tertile 3 vs.
tertile 1.
Table 2 Details for the assessment of the study quality
via the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale.
Study [Ref]
Representativeness of the exposed cohort
Selection of the non-exposed cohort
Ascertainment of exposure
Outcome not present at baseline
Control for age
Control for other confounding factors
Assessment of outcome
Enough long follow-up duration
Adequacy of follow-up of cohort
Kurtz 2014 [17]
Guo 2015 [18]
Wada 2018 [20]
Okazaki 2018 [19]
Wu 2018 [21]
Chen 2020 [22]
Gao 2020 [23]
Sadan 2020 [10]
Results of the pooled analyses
The association between acute GV and the incidence of poor functional outcome in
patients with ICH were reported in five studies [19]
[23]. Because one study
[21] reported the association
according the diabetic status of the patients (diabetic or non-diabetic), these
two datasets were included into the meta-analysis separately. Overall, five
studies with a total of 831 patients reported the incidence of poor functional
outcome, and 440 (52.9%) of them developed poor functional outcome.
Pooled results showed that ICH patients with higher SDBG were associated with a
higher risk of poor functional outcome as compared to those with lower SDBG (RR:
1.84, 95% CI: 1.41 to 2.42, p<0.001; [Fig. 2a]) with no significant
heterogeneity (I2=0%, p for Cochrane’s
Q-test=0.94). Sensitivity analyses by excluding one dataset at a time
showed consistent results (RR: 1.77 to 2.00, p all<0.05). In addition,
four studies [10]
[22] with 2706 ICH patients
reported the association between acute GV and risk of all-cause mortality. Of
them, 780 (28.8%) died during a follow-up duration with 3 months. Pooled
results of these four studies showed that ICH patients with higher category of
SDBG were also associated with a higher mortality risk (RR: 2.39, 95%
CI: 1.79 to 3.19, p<0.001; [Fig.
2b]) with no significant heterogeneity
(I2=0%, p for Cochrane’s
Q-test=0.70). Sensitivity analyses by omitting one study at a time
showed consistent results (RR: 2.21 to 2.71, p all<0.05).
Fig. 2 Forest plots for the meta-analyses of the association
between acute GV and clinical outcomes in patients with ICH. A:
The association between SDBG and poor functional outcome of patients
with ICH and B: The association between SDBG and all-cause
mortality of patients with ICH.
Publication bias
[Fig. 3a,b] display the funnel plots
regarding the relationship between SDBG with the risks of poor functional
outcome and all-cause mortality in patients with ICH visual inspection found
symmetry of the plots, which suggested low risks of publication biases. The
Egger’s regression tests were unable to perform since the limited
datasets available for each outcome.
Fig. 3 Funnel plots for the publication biases underlying the
meta-analyses of the association between acute GV and clinical outcomes
in patients with ICH. a: Funnel plots for the meta-analysis of
the association between SDBG and poor functional outcome and b:
Funnel plots for the meta-analysis of the association between SDBG and
all-cause mortality.
In this meta-analysis, we combined the results of eight available cohort studies, and
the results showed that compared to ICH patients with a lower SDBG at admission,
those with a higher SDBG were associated with higher risks for the development of
poor functional outcome and all-cause mortality during the follow-up duration within
3 months. Additionally, sensitivity analyses by excluding one dataset at a time
showed consistent results. Taken together, these results suggested that a higher
acute GV evidenced by increased SDBG at admission may be a predictor of poor
functional outcome and early mortality in patients with ICH.
To the best of our knowledge, this study may be the first meta-analysis, which
summarized the relationship between acute GV and prognosis of patients with ICH.
Although two recent meta-analyses have showed that increased acute GV in patients
with acute stroke is associated with poor functional outcome [13] and increased mortality risk [14], patients included in these studies were
predominantly with acute ischemic stroke (AIS), and it remains unknown whether the
association remains in patients with ICH. Understanding the role of acute GV in
patients with ICH is essential because the pathogenesis and clinical course are
different between ICH and AIS. Methodologically speaking, this study also has
several strengths. First, an extensive literature search was performed in five
electronic databases, aiming to retrieve all available studies for a comprehensive
meta-analysis on this topic. Second, all of the included studies were cohort
studies, which could provide a longitudinal association between acute GV and poor
prognosis of patients with ICH. Besides, multivariate analyses were applied in all
of the included studies when the association between acute GV and poor prognosis was
estimated, which suggested that the association was less likely to be affected by
potential confounding factors, such as age, comorbidities, and severity of ICH.
Finally, sensitivity analyses were performed to evaluate the influence of individual
study on the pooled results, and the consistent results further confirmed the
stability of the meta-analysis result, which was not predominantly driven by either
of the included dataset. Taken together, results of the meta-analysis showed that
increased acute GV as indicated by SDBG may be a predictor of poor functional
outcome and early mortality in ICH patients. These results highlight the importance
of blood glucose monitoring in the acute phase of ICH and evaluating acute GV may
provide additional prognostic information for these patients. In addition, studies
may be considered to determine possible clinical benefits of lowering acute GV for
patients with ICH.
The potential mechanisms underlying the association between a higher acute GV and
poor prognosis in patients with ICH are still need to be determined.
Pathophysiologically, a higher level of glucose fluctuation has been associated with
the severity of systemic oxidative stress [35]
[36], which is considered as the
key mechanism underlying the association between acute GV and cardiovascular
complications in patients with diabetes. Interestingly, oxidative stress has been
increasingly recognized as a key mechanism, which is responsible for the secondary
brain injury in patients with ICH [37],
probably via the induction the subsequent mechanisms involving inflammatory
response, apoptosis, autophagy, and blood-brain barrier disruption [38]
Therefore, it could be hypothesized that increased glucose fluctuation in patients
with ICH may deteriorate the cerebral dysfunction by enhancing systemic oxidative
stress inducing subsequent adverse molecular pathways, which may cause neural
injury. Experimental studies are warranted in the future for validating these
This meta-analysis also has limitations. First, all of the included studies used SDBG
as the indicator of acute GV. The association between other parameters for acute GV
and the prognosis of patients ICH should be further investigated, such as the
coefficient of variation of blood glucose and the mean amplitude of glycemic
excursion etc. [28]. More importantly, it is
necessary to determine the optimal parameter and cutoff of GV, which are also with
the poor prognosis in patients with ICH. Besides, the optimal cutoff of SDBG for
predicting the poor functional outcome and early mortality in ICH patients remains
to be determined in the future. In addition, the number of the included studies and
sample size of the studies are small, and the results of the meta-analysis should be
validated in large-prospective cohort studies. Moreover, although no significant
statistical heterogeneity was observed for the meta-analyses, clinical heterogeneity
may be significant among the included studies, which is probably caused by different
diagnosis of the patients, measuring methods (frequency and times of BG measuring)
for SDBG, cutoffs of SDBG for defining patients with high GV, and follow-up
durations, etc. Besides, we could not determine if differences in study
characteristics may affect the association between acute GV and prognosis of ICH
patients, such as the diabetic status of the patients. Finally, as a meta-analysis
of observational study, we could not determine if the association between acute GV
and poor prognosis of ICH is causative. As mentioned before, clinical studies may be
considered to evaluate the potential clinical benefit of reducing acute GV in
patients with ICH.
In conclusion, results of the meta-analysis suggest that a high acute GV as evidenced
by increased SDBG may be a predictor of poor functional outcome and early mortality
of patients with ICH. Although the results should be validated in large-scale
prospective cohort studies, these findings suggest that evaluating acute GV may
improve the prognostic stratification of patients with ICH.