Sleep is associated with different psychophysiological processes contributing to
adequate recovery, improved performance, and training load adjustments [1]. During sleep, there is a peak of pulsatile
secretion of growth hormone and testosterone, reduction of cortisol secretion,
memory consolidation, and potentiation of immune system responses [1]. If there is sleep restriction or deprivation,
these processes can be compromised, causing a decrease in the ability to recover and
adapt to training [2]. On the other hand, sleep with
ideal quantity and quality can favor better physical performance [3], while sleep extension can improve sports
performance [4], as long as it is not a rebound and
chronic effect of the sleep restriction period but rather an increase in total sleep
time with rested athletes.
However, scientific evidence shows that regardless of modality, gender, team or
individual sport, athletes have difficulty sleeping, especially elite athletes who
have poor sleep quality [5]
[6]. Among the factors that can negatively alter sleep, we highlight
travel, competition, and training schedules [7].
Regarding competitors, in the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, for example, the semifinals
and finals of swimming took place at night (from 10 pm until midnight) [7], which can impair the performance of athletes, as
psychomotor vigilance is lower, there is a decrease in core temperature, and a
greater propensity for sleep onset at this time [8].
In addition, the training schedule, competitions, and post-competition commitments
can compromise regular sleep behaviors and reduce the quantity and quality of
chronic sleep [9]. To mitigate athletes’
sleep-related problems, some strategies can be adopted, including nutritional
interventions, such as the intake of carbohydrates, tryptophan, valerian, and
melatonin [10], as well as interventions aimed at
sleep hygiene and exposure to light [11].
However, as far as is known, Olympic athletes have poorer sleep characteristics than
non-athletes [12], reinforcing the concern of
multidisciplinary teams with the sleep of high-performance athletes, mainly because
this population is exposed to different stressors that can impair their sleep, such
as travel and training schedules, in addition to pressure for results. Therefore,
this systematic review aims to (1) systematize the evidence from research aimed at
describing the patterns and quality of sleep of Olympic athletes and (2) identify
which instruments are used to assess and monitor the sleep of Olympic athletes.
Materials and Methods
Search strategy
This systematic review was based on the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic
Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines (PRISMA) [13]. [Fig. 1] shows the search
strategy and the number of studies excluded and included at each stage. In
addition, searches were performed in the following databases: Scopus, Web of
Science, and Pubmed. The investigations were conducted in February 2023, and the
keywords used were divided into two categories: Population (“Olympic” OR
“Olympic Sport” OR “Olympic Sports” OR “Olympic Athlete”) and Outcome: (“Sleep”
OR “ Sleep Deprivation” OR “Sleep Quality” OR “Sleep Efficiency” OR “Sleep
Stages” OR “Sleep Hygiene” OR “Total sleep time” OR “Sleep Intervention”).
Fig. 1 Flow chart of study search and selection process.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria
A specific quality assessment tool could not be applied adequately to this
review, nor were the studies assessed for risk of bias, as this was not a
systematic literature review of randomized controlled trials [14]. However, a specific set of study
inclusion/exclusion criteria was developed. This systematic review included
studies that investigated at least one of the following sleep parameters,
without restriction by year: TST, sleep latency (SOL), sleep efficiency, wake
after sleep onset, quality of sleep, daytime sleepiness, and chronotype,
obtained with instruments such as polysomnography, actigraphy, commercial
devices, smartphone applications, questionnaires, sleep diaries, and scales.
The following eligibility criteria were followed: a) original and peer-reviewed
article; b) samples comprising at least one group of Olympic athletes,
regardless of age group and sport modality; c) articles that evaluated at least
one sleep parameter; d) articles are written in English, Spanish, or Portuguese.
Studies that did not meet the above criteria were considered ineligible for this
systematic review, as well as review studies, short communications, editorials,
reviews, opinion articles, books, journals, editorials, non-academic texts,
animal studies, that mixed the sample among Olympic, Paralympic athletes or with
other athlete profiles. Thus, all studies involving any sleep variable or
jointly assessing other variables associated with sleep in Olympic athletes were
included in this review.
Study selection and data extraction
Titles and abstracts of potentially relevant articles were selected, and
duplicates were removed independently by two researchers (reviewer one and
reviewer two), in consultation with reviewer three, if necessary. Reports that
did not meet the eligibility criteria were blindly, randomly, and independently
excluded by the aforementioned reviewers ([Fig.
In addition, it is important to highlight that the studies included were
evaluated using the STROBE tool (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational
Studies in Epidemiology), which is used to assist in the elaboration and
evaluation of cohort, case-control, and cross-sectional studies [16]. Nevertheless, it is worth noting that the
STROBE tool was not developed to assess the methodological quality of scientific
studies, but to guide the quality of reporting of these studies at the time of
writing (Supplemental Digital Content) [14]
The search phrase used returned a total of 280 studies. Of these, 36 were excluded
because they were duplicated and 233 studies were excluded by title analysis,
abstract or were read in full. At the end of the process, 11 studies were considered
eligible and were included in this systematic review.
Study characteristics
Of the 12 articles included, three articles are about the sleep characteristics
of Olympic athletes [17]
[18], one is about the differences between the sleep of Olympic
athletes compared to the sleep of non-athletes [12], one article studies the relationship between sleep and
psychological aspects [19], three articles
examine the sleep of Olympic athletes during training periods [20]
[22], and four articles are on sleep interventions
in Olympic athletes [23]
[Table 1] summarizes the key findings from the
studies included in this systematic review. The studies were published between
2012 and 2023, seven of which were developed with assessments carried out in
preparation for the Rio 2016 Olympic Games [16]
[26]. The number of participants in the studies ranged from 5 to 146,
totaling 596 Olympic athletes, while the age ranged from 19 to 29 years.
Table 1 Characteristics of the studies involving the sleep
of the Olympic athlete.
Sample characteristics
Evaluation period
Instrument to assess sleep
Main results
Botonis et al. [20]
Subjects: 8 Olympic water polo athletes
Mean age: 24 (2) y
Before, during and after a residential-based conditioning
camp (CAMP)
During CAMP, athletes sleep and wake up earlier, in
addition to greater WASO. In the post-CAMP period,
SE increased, and WASO decreased
Vitale et al. [21]
Subjects: 5 Olympic open water swimmers
Mean age: 25 (3) y
During 14 days of training at an altitude of 1500 m
Subjective sleep quality
Halson et al. [19]
Subjects: 131 Olympic athletes from ND sports
Mean age: 25 (4) y
4 months before the 2016 Rio Olympic Games
Narciso et al. [17]
Subjects: 70 Olympic athletes from athletics,
handball, swimming and shooting
Mean age: 24 (1) y
10 days before entry to the Olympic Village for the Rio 2016
Olympic Games
78% with indifferent chronotype
07 h:18 min on average of TST
SOL (30.88+±+16.19 min) and WASO (39.26+±+23.66 min)
higher during pre-competition training days
Individual sports athletes demonstrated higher WASO
and lower SE compared to team sports athletes
Hoshikawa et al. [26]
Subjects: 6 Olympic wrestling athletes (experimental
group) and 5 fencing athletes (control group)
Mean age: 20 (1) y
While traveling to the 2016 Rio Olympic Games
Mello et al. [25]
Subjects: 14 Olympic swimmers
Mean age: 27 (2) y
3 months before the 2016 Rio Olympic Games
Decrease in total awake time (Δ+=+-13%; ES+=+1.0) and
SOL (Δ+=+-33%; ES+=+0.7) and increase in TST
(Δ+=+13%; ES+=+1.1; p+=+0.04) after an intervention
with light therapy
64% with indifferent chronotype
Silva et al. [16]
Subjects: 146 Olympic athletes from modern pentathlon,
artistic gymnastics, canoeing, swimming, athletics, judo,
beach volleyball and sailing
Mean age: 24 (5) y
15 months before the 2016 Rio Olympic Games
Stages of sleep
Sleep disorders
Sleep complaints
53% of athletes had sleep complaints
32% had insufficient sleep and woke up tired
21% snored
19% had insomnia
Male athletes had higher SOL, lower SE and N3 than
female athletes
Drew et al. [18]
Subjects: 132 Olympic athletes in boxing, equestrian,
football, gymnastics, hockey, rowing, rugby sevens, sailing,
triathlon and water polo
Mean age: 25 (4) y
3 months before the 2016 Rio Olympic Games
Subjective sleep quality
daytime sleepiness
49% with poor sleep quality
22% with excessive daytime sleepiness
Poor sleep quality was associated with
gastrointestinal tract symptoms in the previous
Rosa et al. [24]
Subjects: 22 Olympic swimmers
Mean age: 25 (3) y
10 days before entering the Olympic Village for the Rio 2016
Olympic Games
Sargent et al. [22]
Subjects: 7 Olympic swimmers
Mean age: 22 (2) y
During a training period 9 months before the 2008 Beijing
When athletes trained in the morning, they slept and
woke up earlier, spent less time in bed, and TST was
lower when compared to days without training
Leeder et al. [12]
Subjects: 47 Olympic athletes from Canoeing, Diving,
Rowing, Short track speed skating and 20 non-athletes
(control group)
Mean age: ND
ESS+=+Epworth Sleepiness Scale; PSQI+=+Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index;
HOQ+=+Horne and Ostberg’s Questionnaire; ND+=+Non Declared; WASO+=+Wake
After Sleep Onset; TST+=+Total Sleep Time; SE+=+Sleep Efficiency;
SOL+=+Sleep Onset Latency; CAMP+=+Residential-Based Conditioning
The Olympic sports that the athletes were involved in were water polo, open water
swimming, athletics, handball, swimming, shooting, wrestling, fencing, modern
pentathlon, artistic gymnastics, canoeing, judo, beach volleyball, sailing,
boxing, equestrian, football, gymnastics, hockey, rowing, rugby sevens,
triathlon, diving, short track speed skating.
Sleep parameters
According to the reviewed studies, the main characteristics of the sleep
parameters of the Olympic athletes demonstrated that, on average, the athletes
have a TST of 6 h and 10 min, SE of 84%, SOL of 28 min, and WASO of 49 min
([Table 2]). These data were obtained by
calculating the weighted average of data collected from studies that evaluated
sleep using objective methods.
Table 2 Information on sleep parameters of Olympic
TST (min)
SE (%)
SOL (min)
WASO (min)
Vitale et al. [21]
Narciso et al. [17]
Hoshikawa et al. [26]
Mello et al. [25]
Rosa et al. [24]
Sargent et al. [22]
Leeder et al. [12]
Silva et al. [16]
Pondered mean+±+SD
WASO+=+Wake After Sleep Onset; TST+=+Total Sleep Time; SE+=+Sleep
Efficiency; SOL+=+Sleep Onset Latency; ND+=+Non Declared; SD+=+Standard
Regarding subjective parameters, two studies [17]
[25] demonstrated that the most
predominant chronotype is the indifferent one (78% and 64%, respectively), while
one study [18] presented a 22% prevalence of
daytime sleepiness. Subjective poor sleep quality was 49% in one of the studies
[18] and 53% in the other study [19], demonstrating that from a combined sample of
263 Olympic athletes, 51% have poor sleep quality.
Concerning sleep complaints [16], it is noteworthy
that 53% of the athletes in a group of 146 Olympic athletes had sleep
complaints, with 32% reporting insufficient sleep and waking up tired, 21%
snoring, and 19% insomnia.
Instruments used to assess sleep
It was possible to identify five instruments used to assess sleep:
polysomnography, actigraphy, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI), sleep diary,
and the Likert sleep quality scale. In addition, three instruments are related
to sleep: the Hörne and Ostberg Chronotype Questionnaire (HOQ), the Epworth
Sleepiness Scale (ESS), and the Sleep Complaints Questionnaire ([Table 3]).
Table 3 Information about the instruments used to assess
the sleep of Olympic athletes.
Strong points
Negative points
Measured variables
Objective instruments
Long-term monitoring in a realistic environment;Non-intrusive
and less expensive than polysomnography;Validated with
It does not assess sleep stages;Some devices do not disclose
the algorithms;Not suitable for diagnosing most sleep
disorders (eg, apnoea).
TST, SE, WASO, SOL, time awake, time in bed, the time you
woke up and slept, heart rate, body movements, luminosity,
and body temperature.
The gold standard for sleep assessment;Diagnosis of sleep
disorders;Sleep stage assessment.
Expensive and intrusive assessment;Usually in laboratory;One
day assessment.
TST, SE, WASO, SOL, sleep disorders, REM sleep latency (min),
REM sleep (%), Stages N1, N2, and N3 of NREM sleep (%),
heart rate, body temperature, and breathing.
Subjective instruments
Sleep diary
Long term monitoring;Non-intrusive, low cost, and time.
It may be influenced by memory and response
bias;Overestimates sleep duration and efficiency compared to
polysomnography;It depends a lot on the responsibility and
effort of the athlete.
TST, SE, SOL, bedtime, wake and sleep time, wake time.
Short and long-term assessments;Non-intrusive, low cost, and
It may be influenced by memory and response bias;May
overestimate sleep parameters.
TST, SE, SOL, time in bed, the time you woke up and slept,
time awake, subjective sleep quality, sleepiness, sleep
complaints, sleep-related behaviors, chronotype, and
WASO+=+Wake After Sleep Onset; TST+=+Total Sleep Time; SE+=+Sleep
Efficiency; SOL+=+Sleep Onset Latency; REM+=+Rapid Eye Movement;
NREM+=+Non Rapid Eye Movement.
Regarding objective methods to assess sleep, actigraphy was the most used
instrument (n+=+8) [12]
[26], followed by polysomnography
(n+=+1) [16]. Regarding subjective methods to
assess sleep, two studies used the PSQI [18]
[19], two studies used the sleep diary [21]
[24] and one
study used the Likert scale to assess sleep quality [21]. On the other hand, to evaluate aspects related to sleep, two
studies used the HOQ [17]
[25], one study used the ESS [18] and one study used the Sleep Complaints
Questionnaire [16]. The following table presents
methods for assessing sleep and was adapted from Driller et al. [27].
According to the systematic review, Olympic athletes have a TST of approximately
06:10 h, SE of 84%, SOL of 28 min, and WASO of 49 min. However, for restorative
sleep, the recommended parameters [28] are+>+7 h
in healthy people and between 9 and 10 h for athletes (short or long sleepers are
excluded),+<+20 min for WASO,+<+30 min for SOL, and+>+85% for SE,
indicating that Olympic athletes are outside the recommended values for TST, SE, and
WASO. On the other hand, when it comes to Paralympic athletes, although different
types of disabilities are a factor that can generate sleep disorders, for example,
people with spinal cord injuries have significantly more sleep problems than the
population without disabilities [29], a recent
systematic review [14] showed that Paralympic
athletes have a subjectively assessed TST of 7 h and SOL of 28 min, demonstrating
that the sleep of Olympic athletes who do not have disabilities that affect sleep
may still be poorer than that of Paralympic athletes.
From this perspective, Narciso et al. [17] evaluated
70 athletes before the Rio 2016 Olympic Games with actigraphs. They observed that
the athletes had on average 07:18 h of sleep per night and had a WASO of 39 min and
SOL of 31 min during pre-Olympic training days. In terms of sleep complaints in this
population [16], it is noteworthy that 53% of
athletes from a group of 146 Olympic athletes had sleep complaints, with 32% having
an insufficient sleep (average of 05:31 h of TST) and woke up tired, 21% snored, 19%
had insomnia, and 36% of athletes had sleep disturbances before the Rio 2016 Olympic
Games. Overall, these results indicate that Olympic athletes during training before
the Olympic Games Rio 2016 had poor sleep quality [16]
[17], which may be a concern for the
health area and the technical committee of the teams, considering that the low
quality of sleep or insufficient sleep can be related to injuries in soccer
athletes, for example [30]
On the other hand, regarding subjective sleep parameters, poor subjective sleep
quality was reported by 49% of respondents in one study [18] and 53% in the other study [19],
demonstrating that in a pooled sample of 263 Olympic athletes, more than half of the
athletes have poor sleep quality. This poor quality of sleep, associated with
significant competitions such as the Olympic Games, can have consequences for the
health of athletes. Halson et al. [19] investigated
130 athletes four months before competing in the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. They
observed that a state of more significant stress perceived by athletes was
associated with poor sleep quality and increased sleep disturbances. Furthermore,
they indicated that relatively high levels of psychological stress are associated
with poor sleep quality in Olympic athletes. In the same perspective, the study by
Drew et al. [18] observed a high prevalence of
daytime sleepiness and poor sleep quality. Furthermore, poor sleep quality was
associated with greater chances of having gastrointestinal disorders, reinforcing
the need for interdisciplinary programs for health prevention and management in
high-performance sports.
In the same perspective, however, when dealing with Paralympic athletes before the
Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games [32], of the 27
athletes evaluated, 83% of them had poor sleep quality and excessive daytime
sleepiness, while 72% of the athletes who had an average level of anxiety also had
poor sleep quality. In another study, Silva et al. [33] observed that increased symptoms of insomnia, night awakenings,
movements during sleep, and poor sleep quality were associated with the occurrence
and/or severity of health problems. In addition, in futsal athletes, for example,
athletes who had a better subjective sleep quality the night before also felt more
recovered the next day [34], thus demonstrating that
sleep quality is a factor that is related to the perception of recovery [34], the occurrence and/or severity of health problems
[33], and level of daytime sleepiness [32].
Another important aspect of the sleep of Olympic athletes is related to
chronobiology, which refers to the individual preference of wakefulness and sleep
hours. The human population is divided into three basic chronotypes: morning,
evening, and indifferent [35]. According to the
evidence systematically reviewed in this study [17]
[25], the majority of Olympic athletes
(78% and 64%, respectively) are classified as having an indifferent chronotype,
which is characterized by a lack of preference for sleep and wakefulness, and the
phases of their endogenous rhythms are intermediate to those of the afternoon and
morning chronotypes [35]. This finding is important
since obtaining information about the athletes’ chronotype can help the technical
committees plan the best times for training, competitions, social activities, and
leisure [36]. Furthermore, the type of sport must be
considered since soccer players [37] and swimmers
[25] have an indifferent chronotype, and marathon
runners [38] have a morning chronotype.
Thus, Olympic athletes generally have an indifferent chronotype, sleep complaints,
poor sleep quality, daytime sleepiness, and TST, SE, and WASO outside the
recommended parameters. In this sense, Leeder et al. [12] have already shown that Olympic athletes, compared to non-athletes,
have poor sleep parameters (SOL, WASO, and SE) and that this difference could be due
to the habits and behaviors arising from the sports practices contributing to these
poor sleep characteristics.
Among the aspects that influence the sleep of Olympic athletes, travel, competition
time, and training stand out. From this perspective, Sargent et al. [22] investigated the impact of training performed in
the morning (06:00–08:00 h) on the amount of sleep of Olympic swimmers during 14
days of intensified training in preparation for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. The
results showed that on the nights before the training days, the sleep onset and
offset were earlier, and the amount of sleep was also less than on the nights before
the rest days (7.1 h+>+5.4 h of TST), indicating that morning workouts
drastically restrict the amount of sleep Olympic athletes get. However, chronic
sleep restriction, as in this case, can compromise psychophysiological functioning,
limiting the effectiveness of sports training and compromising performance and
recovery [22].
In the case of intensified water polo training in a preparation camp for the Tokyo
2020 Olympics [20], interruptions during nighttime
sleep and in salivary cortisol were observed while simultaneously worsening the
athletes’ subjective well-being. The increased workload during the preparation camp,
associated with a change in environment, may explain the negative differences.
However, after this training period, the reduction in workload, along with the
return to their homes, decreased sleep interruptions and salivary cortisol, but
subjective well-being remained unchanged. These results suggest that the increase in
workload, along with inadequate recovery, can increase the athletes’ risk of
infection and that for effective monitoring, subjective and objective parameters of
psychophysiological variables must be taken into account [20].
In addition to training issues, competition is also a factor that can influence
athletes’ sleep and performance [7]. In the Rio 2016
Olympic Games, for example, some preliminary and final disputes were held at
night/dawn, which could negatively affect sleep and consequently compromise the
decision-making, attention, and physiological aspects of athletes [7]. In this way, interdisciplinary teams can intervene
in the circadian rhythm to minimize the impact on sports performance.
Rosa et al. [24] carried out interventions during the
Olympic Games acclimatization period (8 days), through intervention with artificial
light therapy lasting 30 and 45 min per day, in addition to recommendations on sleep
hygiene for 22 athletes in swimming. The results showed that light therapy, along
with sleep hygiene, delayed sleep/wake cycles and improved reaction times in
swimmers. Thus, this type of intervention proved to be effective in modulating the
sleep/wake cycles and improving reaction time performance, and it can be used with
athletes who have competitions that occur late at night [24].
In the same perspective, Mello et al. [25] performed
an intervention where the athletes stayed for a certain period in a room with
adequate lighting and also used specific glasses for light therapy aimed at
phase-shifting the sleep phase of swimming athletes in preparation for the 2016
Olympic Games in Rio. With the phase drag, it was observed that the athletes
decreased the total time in wakefulness and SOL and increased TST between pre and
post-intervention. In addition, the athletes’ block reaction time improved
throughout the competition, demonstrating that the light therapy intervention
effectively minimized the effects on sports performance and improved sleep [25]. Therefore, sports calendar and competition
schedules must be considered when planning for the team.
In this sense, in the case of long trips such as, for example, the transition of 12
time zones from Japan to Brazil to compete in the Rio 2016 Olympic Games, Hoshikawa
et al. [26] intervened with exposure to bright light
at night to perform gradual delays in the wakefulness/sleep cycle, associated with
the use of 8 mg of Ramelteon to treat insomnia in athletes. The experimental group
that underwent this intervention had a lower SOL and higher SE compared to the
control group, indicating an improvement in sleep parameters with this type of
intervention and suggesting that this method may be an option for teams planning a
transition from time zones due to travel [26].
Despite this, a meta-analysis [39] demonstrated that
this short-term drug was associated with improving some sleep parameters in patients
with insomnia but with a small clinical impact and a negative effect on daytime
sleepiness. Therefore, using these drugs must be done with caution and planning not
to compromise the athlete during the day.
In the context of Olympic sports, we can observe that the most used methods to assess
athletes’ sleep are objective, such as actigraphy [12]
[26], followed by polysomnography [16]. Among
these instruments, actigraphy stands out, a device similar to a watch that records
the movement of the limbs using an accelerometer [40]. This method allows the monitoring of sleep over several days, reporting
data on the athlete’s behavior and sleep routine, which is very important in the
sports context due to the variation in the quality and quantity of sleep depending
on the periods of training and competition seasons [41], in addition to being non-invasive and less expensive than
polysomnography [42]
In addition to objective methods, there are also subjective instruments to assess
athletes’ sleep. Subjective and objective instruments are antagonistic, particularly
in data collection, but both complement each other. However, one of the main
differences between them is that subjective instruments are influenced by personal,
interpretation, or memory factors. On the other hand, an objective method is based
impartially, and personal biases do not affect the data presented, but they may
contain systematic errors, algorithms, and technical bias [14]
Subjective instruments used to assess the sleep of Olympic athletes include the PSQI
[19], HOQ
[25], ESS
[18], Sleep Complaints Questionnaire [16], Likert scale to assess sleep quality [21] and sleep diary [21]
[24]. These tools are mainly for
self-assessment and aim to assess various sleep-related parameters. They are used
widely for screening, identifying athletes with more severe sleep problems, and
facilitating referral to a sleep specialist when needed [43]. Nevertheless, these instruments have not been validated specifically
for the athletic population. Yet they have a high level of popularity in research
focused on sports. Regarding validation in the athletic population, there are
already specific instruments for athletes, such as the Athlete Sleep Screening
Questionnaire [45] and the Athlete Sleep Behavior
Questionnaire [46].
Regarding limitations and future perspectives, although most studies have used
objective methods to assess sleep, the study by Silva et al. [16], which was the only one to evaluate with
polysomnography, demonstrated that from a sample of 146 Olympic athletes, the
average TST was 05:31 h, indicating a TST well below the other studies [17]
[24]. This
difference may have occurred due to the evaluation method; however, to have greater
clarity regarding the sleep characteristics of these athletes, more studies
investigating sleep with polysomnography would be necessary.
Furthermore, despite the fact that the present review has a total of 596 athletes
from 26 different sports, there are still 20 Olympic modalities that have not been
explored, opening a margin for new research. Additionally, depending on the sport
modality, circadian preferences may vary; for example, athletes in individual sports
sleep less (individual vs. team; 6.5 vs. 7.0 h) than athletes in team sports [47]; however, they have better sleep regularity [48]. Therefore, studies with other Olympic sports and
different manipulations of external and internal training load may also be
interesting, in order to better understand sleep during training.
In conclusion, Olympic athletes have TST (06:10 h), SE (84%), and WASO (49 min)
poorer than the values recommended for the general population. In addition, sleep
complaints, poor sleep quality, and daytime sleepiness were also observed in these
athletes, while the most predominant chronotype was indifferent. Regarding the
methods to assess sleep, among the objective methods, the most used was actigraphy
(n+=+8 studies), and among the subjective methods was the PSQI (n+=+2 studies).