CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 · Facial Plast Surg 2024; 40(04): 514-524
DOI: 10.1055/a-2305-2007
Original Research

Approaches to the Management of Synkinesis: A Scoping Review

1   Department of Plastic and Hand Surgery, Inselspital University Hospital Bern, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
Ankit Punreddy
2   Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York
Danielle Mayorga-Young
2   Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York
2   Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Rochester Medical Center, Rochester, New York
3   Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, The Great Ormond Street for Sick Children, London, United Kingdom
Adriaan O. Grobbelaar
1   Department of Plastic and Hand Surgery, Inselspital University Hospital Bern, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland
3   Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, The Great Ormond Street for Sick Children, London, United Kingdom
› Author Affiliations


Postparalysis facial synkinesis (PPFS) can develop in any facial palsy and is associated with significant functional and psychosocial consequences for affected patients. While the prevention of synkinesis especially after Bell's palsy has been well examined, much less evidence exists regarding the management of patients with already established synkinesis. Therefore, the purpose of this review is to summarize the available literature and to provide an overview of the current therapeutic options for facial palsy patients with established synkinesis. A systematic literature review was undertaken, following the Preferred Reporting Items of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses 2020 guidelines. MEDLINE via PubMed and Cochrane Library were searched using the following strategy: ([facial palsy] OR [facial paralysis] OR [facial paresis]) AND (synkinesis) AND ([management] OR [guidelines] OR [treatment]). The initial search yielded 201 articles of which 36 original papers and 2 meta-analyses met the criteria for inclusion. Overall, the included articles provided original outcome data on 1,408 patients. Articles were divided into the following treatment categories: chemodenervation (12 studies, 536 patients), facial therapy (5 studies, 206 patients), surgical (10 studies, 389 patients), and combination therapy (9 studies, 278 patients). Results are analyzed and discussed accordingly. Significant heterogeneity in study population and design, lack of control groups, differences in postoperative follow-up, as well as the use of a variety of subjective and objective assessment tools to quantify synkinesis prevent direct comparison between treatment modalities. To date, there is no consensus on how PPFS is best treated. The lack of comparative studies and standardized outcome reporting hinder our understanding of this complex condition. Until higher quality scientific evidence is available, it remains a challenge best approached in an interdisciplinary team. An individualized multimodal therapeutic concept consisting of facial therapy, chemodenervation, and surgery should be tailored to meet the specific needs of the patient.


Facial synkinesis, defined as the presence of unintentional muscle motion produced during intentional movement in another area, is often described as one of the most frustrating sequelae of facial palsy.[1] Postparalysis facial synkinesis (PPFS) can develop after any type of physical trauma or condition associated with damage to or partial recovery of the facial nerve. The proposed mechanism behind synkinesis is the aberrant regeneration of the facial nerve when, for example, fascicles from the buccal branch erroneously regenerate along the zygomatic branch, and the patient develops involuntary closure of their eye when they smile[2] ([Fig. 1]). Alternative explanations focus on peripheral ephaptic transmissions between neighboring regenerating axons or synaptic reorganization and hyperexcitability of the facial nerve nucleus.[3] However, newer findings such as reduced intrinsic connectivity in subnetworks of the central nervous system highlight that the full extent of the pathophysiology may not yet be completely understood.[4] Synkinetic movements have an undeniable aesthetic impact and can, in severe cases, be quite painful. Overall, PPFS can be socially debilitating, limit interpersonal interactions, and has a significant impact on the quality of life of affected patients.[5] [6]

Zoom Image
Fig. 1 (A) Normal anatomy. (B) Aberrant regeneration of fascicles from the buccal branch along the zygomatic branch after facial nerve injury. (C) As a result, the patient develops involuntary oculo–oral synkinesis.

Bell's Palsy is an idiopathic, acute-onset (typically less than 72 h), unilateral facial nerve weakness. It is the most common cause of peripheral facial weakness, and accounts for 60 to 75% of all cases of unilateral facial paralysis. Clinically, it presents as a patient who is unable to properly close an eye, retract the angle of the mouth, and/or raise an eyebrow/wrinkle the forehead.[7] It can also have accompanying retro-/auricular pain, changes in tearing, hyperacusis, changes in sensation and taste, and/or other pain.[7] [8] [9] [10] The etiology of Bell's Palsy remains unclear, but the belief is that most cases are secondary to reactivation of latent herpes simplex virus infection.[7] [11] Although the return to normal facial nerve function can range from 71 to 86%,[8] [10] it is heavily dependent upon the initial severity of the paralysis (94% recovery in partial; 61% in complete) and interval between onset and the beginning of remission.[10] Combined with an incidence of 20 to 43 cases per 100,000 person-years in the United States, Bell's Palsy causes a great deal of morbidity.[8] [9] [11] [12] [13]

Following Bell's Palsy, synkinesis can develop in up to 21.3% of patients, with 6.6% being moderate-to-severe cases.[14] However, in patients that develop long-term paralysis, some degree of synkinesis is expected in almost all patients.[15] Interestingly, data suggest that PPFS affects significantly more females than male patients and appears significantly more often in older patients.[15] While the roles of corticosteroids,[16] antivirals,[17] early surgical intervention,[18] and physical therapy[19] in the prevention of synkinesis after developing Bell's Palsy have been comparably well examined, much less high-level evidence exists regarding the management of patients with already established PPFS.[20] Therefore, the purpose of this review was to summarize the available literature and to provide an overview of the current therapeutic options and level of evidence in the treatment of facial palsy patients with established synkinesis.


A systematic literature review was undertaken, following the Preferred Reporting Items of Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses 2020 guidelines.[21] MEDLINE via PubMed (National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD) and Cochrane Library were searched on November 13, 2023. The following search strategy was used: ([facial palsy] OR [facial paralysis] OR [facial paresis]) AND (synkinesis) AND ([management] OR [guidelines] OR [treatment]). Only publications written in English and with full-text availability were considered. No limitations for inclusion were set regarding the time period. After discarding duplicates, all titles and abstracts of studies located by the search were screened for relevance by two study members, where there was a conflict, a senior author decided. Studies of potential importance were then reviewed in full text. Only studies providing original outcome data on the treatment of established PPFS were included. Reviews, case reports, animal studies, and cadaveric studies were excluded. Due to the nature of this study, formal ethics application and approval by the institutional review board were not required.



The initial search yielded 201 articles of which 38 fulfilled the study's inclusion criteria ([Fig. 2]). [Table 1] shows the details of the studies included, as well as their characteristics.

Table 1

Characteristics of the included studies




Study design


Number of patients

Age focus

Principal synkinesis outcome measurement

Mountain et al[25]







Expert review of photographs + custom patient reported outcome

Toffola et al[26]







Sunnybrook Facial Grading System

Filipo et al[29]







Sunnybrook Facial Grading System + Synkinesis Assessment Questionnaire

Dall'Angelo et al[31]







Sunnybrook Facial Grading System + custom platysma-specific evaluation of presence and severity of synkinesis

Maria and Kim[27]







Sunnybrook Facial Grading System

Neville et al[30]







Synkinesis Assessment Questionnaire

Patel et al[32]







Synkinesis Assessment Questionnaire

Thomas et al[35]



Randomized control trial




Synkinesis Assessment Questionnaire








Patient-reported symptoms (custom)

Pescarini et al[34]







Synkinesis Assessment Questionnaire

Krag et al[66]







Emotrics and FaceGram photographic analyses

Díaz-Aristizabal et al[28]







Sunnybrook Facial Grading System + Synkinesis Assessment Questionnaire

Beurskens et al[48]


Facial therapy

Randomized control trial




Sunnybrook Facial Grading System

Fujiwara et al[50]


Facial therapy





Sunnybrook Facial Grading System

Micarelli et al[46]


Facial therapy

Randomized control trial




Sunnybrook Facial Grading System

Gil-Martínez et al[38]


Facial therapy





Electromyographic feedback

Neville et al[65]


Facial therapy





Sunnybrook Facial Grading System








Expert judgement

Bran et al[53]







Custom adaptation of the Hemifacial spasm questionnaire (HFS-30)

Chuang et al[24]







Sunnybrook Facial Grading System








Sunnybrook Facial Grading System

Biglioli et al[56]







Dichotomous clinical judgement (synkinesis present/not present)

van Veen et al[61]







Palpebral fissure width + Mean units of botulinum toxin necessary pre- and postoperatively

Azizzadeh et al[59]








Gray et al[55]







Emotrics software

Chuang et al[54]







Sunnybrook Facial Grading System

Park et al[60]







Synkinesis Assessment Questionnaire + palpebral fissure width

Monini et al[45]


Chemodenervation + facial therapy versus facial therapy alone

Randomized control trial




Sunnybrook Facial Grading System

Azuma et al[41]


Chemodenervation + facial therapy





Palpebral fissure width

Pourmomeny et al[44]


Chemodenervation + facial therapy versus facial therapy alone

Randomized control trial




Sunnybrook Facial Grading System + custom measurements on photographs

Lee et al[42]


Chemodenervation + facial therapy





Sunnybrook Facial Grading System

Mandrini et al[43]


Chemodenervation + facial therapy





Sunnybrook Facial Grading System

Pourmomeny et al[39]


Chemodenervation versus facial therapy

Randomized control trial




Sunnybrook Facial Grading System

Jeong et al[40]


Chemodenervation + facial therapy





Computer-based numerical scoring system

Terzis and Karypidis[58]


Surgery ± chemodenervation and facial therapy





Sunnybrook Facial Grading System

Terzis and Karypidis[57]


Surgery ± chemodenervation and facial therapy





Sunnybrook Facial Grading System

de Jongh et al[36]







Synkinesis Assessment Questionnaire

Nakano et al[49]


Facial therapy





Sunnybrook Facial Grading System

Zoom Image
Fig. 2 Flow diagram of eligible studies. After screening and applying exclusion criteria, 38 studies from the initial 201 items were included in this systematic review.

Overall, the 36 original articles reported data on 1,408 patients. Articles were divided into the following treatment categories: (1) chemodenervation (12 studies, 536 patients, 45 patients/study), (2) facial therapy (5 studies, 206 patients, 41 patients/study), (3) surgical (10 studies, 389 patients, 39 patients/study), and (4) combination therapy (9 studies, 278 patients, 31 patients/study). Only one of these studies was specifically concerned with PPFS in the pediatric population.

Of the two meta-analyses, one examined the effect of chemodenervation (106 patients) and one the success of facial therapy (179 patients).

The Sunnybrook Facial Grading System (FGS) was the most commonly used clinical assessment tool to quantify the severity of synkinesis, reported in 20/38 (53%) of studies. Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) were assessed in 11/38 (29%) of studies, most often using the Synkinesis Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ). Other modalities, including expert review or clinical judgement (3/38, 8%), were utilized in 14/38 (37%) of papers ([Table 1]).



To date, there is no consensus on how PPFS is best treated. Although certain concepts are common, the exact management varies greatly between centers and often relies on expert opinion.[20] While there is ample literature on the treatment of facial palsy, most studies focus on facial reanimation. Synkinesis is mostly mentioned as an adverse secondary outcome and its prevention investigated. Comparably few articles examine the treatment of patients with already established synkinesis and hence generate outcome data specific to this population. Furthermore, no clinical tool for synkinesis assessment and therefore outcome reporting is universally accepted. Most frequently, the Sunnybrook FGS is used as the objective measurement because it allows for a separate quantification of the degree of synkinesis. However, it was found that this assessment of synkinesis is not consistent between examiners.[22] Subjective outcome measures in the form of PROMs are evaluated increasingly more often. Yet, the most common tool, the SAQ[23] was still only used in 21% of studies.

Another key challenge is the clinical heterogeneity of patients suffering from PPFS. There is a high level of variation in the number and extent of involved muscles as well as the strength of synkinesis. Furthermore, in most cases, synkinesis does not exist as a standalone symptom but as part of a more complex affliction involving varying degrees of paresis, hyperkinesia, stiffness, and spasms of the facial musculature, which also have to be addressed. Therefore, attempts have been made to classify synkinesis based on the preservation of smile and degree of synkinesis and to target the therapy accordingly.[24] However, no such classification has been widely adapted.

For the purpose of this review, we have separated articles based on intervention as described below.

Management Strategies


Most of the included studies (58%) were focused on treating synkinesis with botulinum toxin A (BTX-A) injections. Thirteen articles examined BTX-A alone and nine in combination with surgery or facial therapy. BTX-A injections have been used to treat facial synkinesis for over 30 years.[25] BTX-A, the most potent of the neurotoxins, produces paralysis by blocking presynaptic release of the neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) at the neuromuscular junction, with reversible chemical denervation of the muscle fiber, thereby inducing partial paralysis and atrophy. Through targeting the synkinetic muscles on the affected side, as well as hyperactive ones on the healthy side, the goal is to control synkinesis and restore facial symmetry.

Although there are many reports examining the effect of BTX-A treatment on PPFS, the studies are typically single cohorts comparing synkinetic complaints pre- and postinjection, with no separate matched control group, making it difficult to draw any definitive conclusions. Based on improved objective synkinesis measurements, these articles report that BTX-A treatment is effective in reducing facial synkinesis and improving facial symmetry both at rest and during voluntary movements.[26] [27] Furthermore, improvement in subjective symptomatic burden and quality of life[28] [29] have been documented, an effect that persists with repeated injections.[30]

Lately, focus has pivoted to further improving treatment success by not only targeting the classic mimetic muscles, but also others that are innervated by the facial nerve. Muscle tightness in the neck and banding may be addressed by targeting the platsyma,[31] residual facial tightness with buccinator[32] [33] injections, and jaw discomfort by infiltrating the posterior belly of the digastric muscle.[34] In properly selected cases, these individualized adaptations to the standard regimen provided improved synkinesis scores and subjective symptom control.

While BTX-A is the most widely used neurotoxin to treat PPFS, other derivatives are available, and usage appears to depend mainly on personal preference and regional supply. Limited data exist on their respective efficacies: one randomized controlled trial in 28 patients compared three types of BTX-A. Abobotulinumtoxin A (Dysport®), onabotulinumtoxin A (Botox®), and incobotulinumtoxin A (Xeomin®)—all showed similar effects during the first 4 weeks after injection. After that, incobotulinumtoxin A (Xeomin®) had significantly less effect on the SAQ compared with onabotulinumtoxin A (Botox®), due to a suspected shorter duration of action. The authors conclude that shorter intervals between treatments or larger doses may be required when using incobotulinumtoxin A (Xeomin®) for facial synkinesis.[35]

While rare, adverse events associated with BTX-A treatment mainly depend on location and dosage as well as technique of infiltration. They include, but are not limited to, hematomas, headache, stiff face, difficulty speaking, ptosis of both lip and eyes, dry eyes, diplopia, and epiphora.[25] [36] Unfortunately, studies seldomly report and elaborate on these adverse events and those that do present heterogeneous data that are incomplete, making it impossible to reliably estimate their incidence in PPFS patients treated with BTX-A in comparison to the general population.[36]

A recent meta-analysis tried to objectify the benefit of BTX-A in patients with synkinesis. Of the 4,299 articles screened, only three studies (covering 106 patients) met the criteria for inclusion in the quantitative analysis. The evaluation showed a significant effect of BTX-A treatment on the SAQ scores, and therefore patient reported outcomes, 2 weeks after injection. Due to inconsistencies in reporting, follow-up, and outcome measurements, no other analysis was possible.[36]


Facial Therapy

Thirteen included studies evaluated the efficacy of physical therapy, six as their main focus and seven in combinations with other treatment options.

Historically, various techniques have been used for facial palsy rehabilitation. Early efforts focused on global activation and animation of the paralyzed face were later adapted to minimize synkinetic motion.[37] One of these techniques, neuromuscular retraining therapy (NMRT), provides patients with an individualized training program incorporating patient education, facial exercises, massages, and typically some sort of feedback (surface electromyography [EMG], biofeedback, mirroring). A proof-of-concept study analyzing electromyographic feedback pre- and postmirror therapy with a computerized treatment system (Specular Face biofeedback) showed that visual mirror feedback therapy changes the pattern of synkinesis and the facial muscle function as well as improves involuntary discriminatory capacity of the muscle activity in patients with PPFS.[38]

Clinical findings suggest that neuromuscular retraining not only leads to significant improvements in facial symmetry but also allows patients to overcome synkinesis.[39] Although great differences in the exact regimen exist between centers, adaptations of NMRT are nowadays in use worldwide, often in combination with BTX-A injections. This combination has been shown to improve facial movements and synkinesis control in patients with chronic PPFS regardless of the degrees of facial synkinesis and asymmetry before treatment,[40] an effect that seems to last even long after the effect of BTX-A has faded.[41] [42] Long-term facial therapy, supported by repeated BTX-A injections have therefore become standard. However, evidence suggests that a certain plateau of improvement is reached after four sessions of this combined therapy.[43]

Yet, the question as to what extent BTX-A contributes to the success of combination therapy remains controversial. One study separated 34 participants into two groups: one group (treatment) received a single BTX-A dose followed by 4 months of rehabilitation with muscle stretching and EMG biofeedback sessions three times weekly as well as mirror biofeedback at home, the second group (placebo) received a single saline injection followed by the same rehab protocol. While both groups showed significant improvements in facial symmetry, voluntary movements as well as synkinesis, multiple analysis modalities failed to demonstrate any significant difference between the two groups.[44] Conversely, Monini et al demonstrated that BTX-A pretreatment resulted in significantly better outcomes.[45]

Collagen “filler” injections have also been used to augment the effect of physical therapy; however no significant improvement was demonstrated.[46]

Mime therapy has also gained increased popularity in recent years. This approach combines elements of automassage, relaxation exercises, inhibition of synkinesis, coordination exercises, and emotional expression exercises. One retrospective study of 155 patients undergoing between 3 and 5 months of mime therapy demonstrated significant improvement in facial impairment, disability, and quality of life. Interestingly, after therapy the number of patients with synkinesis increased, however, the overall average of synkinesis severity decreased significantly.[47] This was followed up with a randomized controlled trial involving 48 patients which compared mime therapy with patient without any treatment. The results confirmed that patients undergoing 3 months of mime therapy not only increased their facial symmetry at rest and with voluntary movement, but also significantly decreased their synkinesis score.[48]

Despite these findings, high-quality evidence regarding the overall efficacy of facial therapy in patients with established PPFS remains sparse. In 2023, a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials showed that that physical therapy reduces nonrecovery in patients with acute peripheral facial palsy. However, it also concluded that the efficacy of facial therapy in reducing sequelae such as synkinesis remains uncertain.[49] Fujiwara et al noted that while physical rehabilitation, including mirror biofeedback and massage, prevented worsening of synkinesis in female and younger patients, synkinesis scores still deteriorated in older patients and especially in males.[50]



Largely due to the success of facial therapy and chemodenervation, surgery has traditionally only played a secondary role in treatment of synkinesis, with some questioning its role at all.[37] Although a multitude of procedures have been described, two main surgical approaches exist: selective neurectomy and myectomy. Our search yielded 10 studies reporting surgery as the main treatment for synkinesis and two reporting surgical outcomes as part of a multimodal approach in combination with BTX-A and biofeedback. All included surgical papers described retrospective cohorts and often presented a new technique pioneered at a particular center or even by a single surgeon.

In 1991, Guerrissi presented his experience resecting the zygomaticus major for treatment of oculo–oral synkinesis.[51] The study proposed that selective myectomy yields superior outcomes over neurectomy due to the complex and variable anastomoses between terminal nerve branches of the facial nerve. Additionally, the study concluded that the upper part of the buccinator and zygomaticus minor are sufficient to compensate for the loss of zygomaticus major, hence the ability to elevate the corner of the mouth was unaffected following myectomy.[51]

Similarly, Yoshioka suggested partial orbicularis neuromyectomy.[52] The study describes resecting a peripheral 1-cm-wide strip of the lower orbicularis oculi muscle to address synkinetic eye closure. The multitude of terminal facial nerve branches in this region are resected together with the muscle, resulting in a definitive neurectomy of the branches of the facial nerve that innervate the lower orbicularis oculi muscle. However, the disadvantage of this procedure is that it results in complete paralysis of the lower orbicularis muscle for several months. Furthermore, slight recurrence of synkinesis has been observed 6 months after the operation.[52] Alternative procedures, such as endoscopic brow lifting, have also been explored as a treatment option for periocular synkinesis and are reported to control synkinesis symptoms more effectively than BTX-A.[53]

For patients with moderate-to-severe synkinesis, especially when combined with an unacceptable smile, a more radical approach with combined myectomy and neurectomy followed by free functioning muscle transplantation has been proposed.[54] Following extensive neuromyectomies of the synkinetic muscles and triggering facial nerve branches in the cheek, nose, and neck regions, a free functioning gracilis flap is used for hemifacial reanimation. Although reporting good outcomes for synkinesis control and smile reanimation, revision surgery for secondary deformity was necessary in 53%.[54]

In similar cases, other studies implement a single-stage masseteric–zygomatic nerve transfer. The procedure aims to separate the innervation of the eyelids from that of the zygomatic muscular complex which in turn becomes reinnervated by the masseteric nerve. This technique corrects the synkinesis and simultaneously enhances muscle tone at rest and smile excursion.[55] A cross-facial nerve graft (CFNG) can be added end-to-side to the zygomatic nerve to enhance synchrony between the healthy and pathological side of the face and to restore spontaneity.[56]

Alternatively, a two-stage procedure with CFNGs has also been used to directly innervate the synkinetic muscle groups via their corresponding nerves from the healthy contralateral side.[57] [58]

Recently, the most common surgical approach to PPFS patients with some degree of remaining active zygomatic muscle function has been selective neurectomy. Although various techniques have been described, a standard rhytidectomy approach is usually chosen to access the distal branches of the facial nerve. Once identified, the individual branches are isolated and selectively transected to separate smile and eye closure ([Fig. 3]). It also aims at reducing the activity of antagonistic muscles while preserving the neural input to key muscles, therefore effectively strengthening the smile mechanism.[59] Larger cohorts undergoing such procedures are now starting to appear. In 2023, Park et al published their experience with selective neurectomy based on a retrospective analysis of 122 cases. The findings demonstrate that selective neurectomy provides satisfactory outcome regarding facial tightness as well as narrowing of the eyelid aperture and improves the vertical inclination of the corner of the mouth, however, the improvement of the horizontal angles remain suboptimal.[60]

Zoom Image
Fig. 3 (A) Normal anatomy. (B) Aberrant regeneration of fascicles from the buccal branch along the zygomatic branch after facial nerve injury resulting in oculo–oral synkinesis. (C) Selective neurectomy: individual branches are isolated and selectively transected to separate smile and eye closure.

Currently, there is limited reporting regarding the longevity of these surgical interventions. van Veen et al demonstrated that, although patients undergoing selective neurectomy for periocular synkinesis usually experience a symptom-free interval after the surgery, most required renewed BTX-A treatment later on. At 3.5 years postsurgery follow-up, 9 out of 10 patients required treatment with BTX-A. Additionally, the study noted that patients maintained a larger palpebral fissure width long-term, and that previously refractory patients now demonstrated good response to BTX-A.[61]


Limitations, Challenges, and Prospects

As discussed initially, there are many limitations encountered in this study. The majority of included studies were either observational cohorts (79%) or of a retrospective design (45%). Most of these studies were rated to be of poor quality according to the Newcastle–Ottawa scale for cohort studies.[62] Only six papers (16%) represented prospective, randomized controlled trials, yet with an average number of 32.7 participants (range 20–48)—they were small, leaving on average only 16.3 participants per intervention group, and associated with a significant risk of bias.

In general, most studies only involved a very limited number of patients, 47% less than 30. While cohorts with more significant numbers of participants have been published in recent years, the issue remains that many of these publications report on a center's daily practice rather than investigate a specific scientific question. The significant heterogeneity in study population and design, lack of control groups, differences in postoperative follow-up as well as the use of a variety of subjective and objective assessment tools to quantify synkinesis make comparison between studies difficult and render quantitative meta-analysis almost impossible. The fact that 54% of all included studies were published in the last 5 years (46% in the last 3 years) illustrates that these issues are still very much ongoing.

The available clinical cohorts show that most patients with PPFS are treated in a multimodal approach. While highlighting the success of such a combination of facial therapy, chemodenervation and surgery, this also makes it almost impossible to determine to what extent each modality contributed to the final outcome.[57] [58] Comparing modalities based on the available single-therapy cohorts is prone to bias as is obvious from the example of BTX-A versus selective neurectomy: Firstly, patients referred for and willing to undergo selective neurectomy tend to represent more severe cases. Secondly, these are usually patients that have exhausted or failed conservative treatments such as BTX-A or facial rehabilitation.[60]

Selective chemodenervation with botulinum toxin and facial therapy remain the cornerstones in the treatment of PPFS. BTX-A offers patients a quick symptomatic improvement, reduction of synkinesis, and overall symmetrization of the face. There are few contraindications and although adverse events occasionally occur, the effect is reversible within 3 to 4 months.[26] BTX-A has been used since 1984,[63] has an established safety profile and is a relatively cost-effective intervention.[64] Specialized facial therapy using forms of neuromuscular retraining or mime therapy paired with a direct feedback mechanism not only enhance these effects but also achieve stable long-term improvements for the patient. The combination of these two modalities seems to be particularly successful and has led to many theories being postulated. Perhaps the best explanation is that BTX-A injections allow patients to overcome aberrant facial movements and concentrate on neuromuscular relearning of untargeted muscles during the temporary chemodenervation, therefore basically creating a window of opportunity for facial therapy.[41]

Surgical options are being refined and have shown promising results. Nevertheless, a certain unpredictability, significant revision rate and steep learning curve remain.[59] Furthermore, surgical techniques and expertise vary greatly between centers. For now, the use of these techniques primarily seems suitable for patients with severe synkinesis or those who did not adequately respond to conservative measures.

In general, patients with established PPFS should be managed by an interdisciplinary team able to offer all available options, tailored to the specific needs of the individual patient. Such a multimodal approach not only reduces objective synkinesis scores but also PROMs. Although even helpful in those with chronically neglected synkinesis, it should be established as soon as possible to achieve the best possible outcome.[65]



PPFS is associated with significant functional and psychosocial consequences for affected patients. The lack of comparative studies, standardized evaluation tools as well as inconsistencies in outcome reporting hinder our understanding of this complex condition. Until higher quality scientific evidence is available, it remains a challenge best approached in an interdisciplinary team. An individualized multimodal therapeutic concept consisting of facial therapy, chemodenervation, and surgery should be tailored to meet the specific needs of the patient.


Conflict of Interest

None declared.

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  • 19 Teixeira LJ, Valbuza JS, Prado GF. Physical therapy for Bell's palsy (idiopathic facial paralysis). Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2011; (12) CD006283
  • 20 Lapidus JB, Lu JCY, Santosa KB. et al. Too much or too little? A systematic review of postparetic synkinesis treatment. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2020; 73 (03) 443-452
  • 21 Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM. et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ 2021; 372: n71
  • 22 Coulson SE, Croxson GR, Adams RD, O'Dwyer NJ. Reliability of the “Sydney,” “Sunnybrook,” and “House Brackmann” facial grading systems to assess voluntary movement and synkinesis after facial nerve paralysis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2005; 132 (04) 543-549
  • 23 Mehta RP, WernickRobinson M, Hadlock TA. Validation of the Synkinesis Assessment Questionnaire. Laryngoscope 2007; 117 (05) 923-926
  • 24 Chuang DCC, Chang TNJ, Lu JCY. Postparalysis facial synkinesis: clinical classification and surgical strategies. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2015; 3 (03) e320
  • 25 Mountain RE, Murray JAM, Quaba A. Management of facial synkinesis with Clostridium botulinum toxin injection. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci 1992; 17 (03) 223-224
  • 26 Toffola ED, Furini F, Redaelli C, Prestifilippo E, Bejor M. Evaluation and treatment of synkinesis with botulinum toxin following facial nerve palsy. Disabil Rehabil 2010; 32 (17) 1414-1418
  • 27 Maria CM, Kim J. Individualized management of facial synkinesis based on facial function. Acta Otolaryngol 2017; 137 (09) 1010-1015
  • 28 Díaz-Aristizabal U, Valdés-Vilches M, Fernández-Ferreras TR. et al. Effect of botulinum toxin type A in functionality, synkinesis and quality of life in peripheral facial palsy sequelae. Neurología (Engl Ed) 2023; 38 (08) 560-565
  • 29 Filipo R, Spahiu I, Covelli E, Nicastri M, Bertoli GA. Botulinum toxin in the treatment of facial synkinesis and hyperkinesis. Laryngoscope 2012; 122 (02) 266-270
  • 30 Neville C, Venables V, Aslet M, Nduka C, Kannan R. An objective assessment of botulinum toxin type A injection in the treatment of post-facial palsy synkinesis and hyperkinesis using the synkinesis assessment questionnaire. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2017; 70 (11) 1624-1628
  • 31 Dall'Angelo A, Mandrini S, Sala V. et al. Platysma synkinesis in facial palsy and botulinum toxin type A. Laryngoscope 2014; 124 (11) 2513-2517
  • 32 Patel PN, Owen SR, Norton CP. et al. Outcomes of buccinator treatment with botulinum toxin in facial synkinesis. JAMA Facial Plast Surg 2018; 20 (03) 196-201
  • 33 Kanerva M. Buccinator synkinesis treated by botulinum toxin in facial palsy and hemifacial spasms. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2021; 74 (07) 1464-1469
  • 34 Pescarini E, Butler DP, Perusseau-Lambert A, Nduka C, Kannan RY. Targeted chemodenervation of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle for the management of jaw discomfort in facial synkinesis. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2021; 74 (12) 3437-3442
  • 35 Thomas AJ, Larson MO, Braden S, Cannon RB, Ward PD. Effect of 3 commercially available botulinum toxin neuromodulators on facial synkinesis: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Facial Plast Surg 2018; 20 (02) 141-147
  • 36 de Jongh FW, Schaeffers AWMA, Kooreman ZE. et al. Botulinum toxin A treatment in facial palsy synkinesis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2023; 280 (04) 1581-1592
  • 37 Husseman J, Mehta RP. Management of synkinesis. Facial Plast Surg 2008; 24 (02) 242-249
  • 38 Gil-Martínez A, Lerma-Lara S, Hernando-Jorge A. et al. Influence of mirror therapy (Specular Face Software) on electromyographic behavior of the facial muscles for facial palsy. Brain Sci 2021; 11 (07) 930
  • 39 Pourmomeny AA, Pourali E, Chitsaz A. Neuromuscular retraining versus BTX-A injection in subjects with chronic facial nerve palsy, a clinical trial. Iran J Otorhinolaryngol 2021; 33 (116) 151-155
  • 40 Jeong J, Lee JM, Kim J. Neuromuscular retraining therapy combined with preceding botulinum toxin A injection for chronic facial paralysis. Acta Otolaryngol 2023; 143 (05) 446-451
  • 41 Azuma T, Nakamura K, Takahashi M. et al. Mirror biofeedback rehabilitation after administration of single-dose botulinum toxin for treatment of facial synkinesis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2012; 146 (01) 40-45
  • 42 Lee JM, Choi KH, Lim BW, Kim MW, Kim J. Half-mirror biofeedback exercise in combination with three botulinum toxin A injections for long-lasting treatment of facial sequelae after facial paralysis. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2015; 68 (01) 71-78
  • 43 Mandrini S, Comelli M, Dall'angelo A. et al. Long-term facial improvement after repeated BoNT-A injections and mirror biofeedback exercises for chronic facial synkinesis: a case-series study. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2016; 52 (06) 810-818
  • 44 Pourmomeny AA, Asadi S, Cheatsaz A. Management of facial synkinesis with a combination of BTX-A and biofeedback: a randomized trial. Iran J Otorhinolaryngol 2015; 27 (83) 409-415
  • 45 Monini S, De Carlo A, Biagini M. et al. Combined protocol for treatment of secondary effects from facial nerve palsy. Acta Otolaryngol 2011; 131 (08) 882-886
  • 46 Micarelli A, Viziano A, Granito I. et al. Combination of in-situ collagen injection and rehabilitative treatment in long-lasting facial nerve palsy: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2021; 57 (03) 366-375
  • 47 Beurskens CHG, Heymans PG. Physiotherapy in patients with facial nerve paresis: description of outcomes. Am J Otolaryngol 2004; 25 (06) 394-400
  • 48 Beurskens CHG, Heymans PG. Mime therapy improves facial symmetry in people with long-term facial nerve paresis: a randomised controlled trial. Aust J Physiother 2006; 52 (03) 177-183
  • 49 Nakano H, Fujiwara T, Tsujimoto Y. et al. Physical therapy for peripheral facial palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Auris Nasus Larynx 2024; 51 (01) 154-160
  • 50 Fujiwara K, Furuta Y, Yamamoto N, Katoh K, Fukuda S. Factors affecting the effect of physical rehabilitation therapy for synkinesis as a sequela to facial nerve palsy. Auris Nasus Larynx 2018; 45 (04) 732-739
  • 51 Guerrissi JO. Selective myectomy for postparetic facial synkinesis. Plast Reconstr Surg 1991; 87 (03) 459-466
  • 52 Yoshioka N. Selective orbicularis neuromyectomy for postparetic periocular synkinesis. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2015; 68 (11) 1510-1515
  • 53 Bran GM, Börjesson PKE, Boahene KD, Gosepath J, Lohuis PJFM. Effect of endoscopic brow lift on contractures and synkinesis of the facial muscles in patients with a regenerated postparalytic facial nerve syndrome. Plast Reconstr Surg 2014; 133 (01) 121-129
  • 54 Chuang DCC, Chang TNJ, Lu JCY, Zavala A. Surgical treatment for postparalytic facial synkinesis: a 35-year experience. Plast Reconstr Surg 2022; 150 (03) 631-643
  • 55 Gray ML, Hu S, Gorbea E, Mashkevich G. Masseteric-zygomatic nerve transfer for the management of eye closure-smile excursion synkinesis. Am J Otolaryngol 2020; 41 (04) 102479
  • 56 Biglioli F, Kutanovaite O, Rabbiosi D. et al. Surgical treatment of synkinesis between smiling and eyelid closure. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2017; 45 (12) 1996-2001
  • 57 Terzis JK, Karypidis D. Therapeutic strategies in post-facial paralysis synkinesis in adult patients. Plast Reconstr Surg 2012; 129 (06) 925e-939e
  • 58 Terzis JK, Karypidis D. Therapeutic strategies in post-facial paralysis synkinesis in pediatric patients. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2012; 65 (08) 1009-1018
  • 59 Azizzadeh B, Irvine LE, Diels J. et al. Modified selective neurectomy for the treatment of post-facial paralysis synkinesis. Plast Reconstr Surg 2019; 143 (05) 1483-1496
  • 60 Park TH, Park IS, Kim J. How to enhance the success of selective neurectomy for facial synkinesis by considering the patient's preferences: lesson learned from a retrospective analysis of 122 cases. Aesthetic Plast Surg 2024; 48 (07) 1249-1257
  • 61 van Veen MM, Dusseldorp JR, Hadlock TA. Long-term outcome of selective neurectomy for refractory periocular synkinesis. Laryngoscope 2018; 128 (10) 2291-2295
  • 62 Lo CKL, Mertz D, Loeb M. Newcastle-Ottawa Scale: comparing reviewers' to authors' assessments. BMC Med Res Methodol 2014; 14 (01) 45
  • 63 Frueh BR, Felt DP, Wojno TH, Musch DC. Treatment of blepharospasm with botulinum toxin. A preliminary report. Arch Ophthalmol 1984; 102 (10) 1464-1468
  • 64 Hernández Herrero D, Abdel Muti García E, López Araujo J, Alfonso Barrera E, Moraleda Pérez S. Cost of peripheral facial palsy treatment with Botulinum Toxin type A. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2022; 75 (01) 271-277
  • 65 Neville C, Gwynn T, Young K. et al. Comparative study of multimodal therapy in facial palsy patients. Arch Plast Surg 2022; 49 (05) 633-641
  • 66 Krag AE, Glick S, Hembd A, Rozen SM. The effect of depressor anguli oris muscle block on facial symmetry in synkinetic facial paralysis patients and its role in preoperative assessment. Plast Reconstr Surg 2021; 147 (03) 455-465

Address for correspondence

Cédric Zubler, MD
Department of Plastic and Hand Surgery, Inselspital University Hospital Bern, University of Bern
Freiburgstrasse 18, Bern 3010

Publication History

Accepted Manuscript online:
11 April 2024

Article published online:
11 May 2024

© 2024. The Author(s). This is an open access article published by Thieme under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonDerivative-NonCommercial License, permitting copying and reproduction so long as the original work is given appropriate credit. Contents may not be used for commercial purposes, or adapted, remixed, transformed or built upon. (

Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc.
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  • 3 Crumley RL. Mechanisms of synkinesis. Laryngoscope 1979; 89 (11) 1847-1854
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  • 5 van Veen MM, Quatela O, Tavares-Brito J. et al. Patient-perceived severity of synkinesis reduces quality of life in facial palsy: a cross-sectional analysis in 92 patients. Clin Otolaryngol 2019; 44 (03) 483-486
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  • 16 Madhok VB, Gagyor I, Daly F. et al. Corticosteroids for Bell's palsy (idiopathic facial paralysis). Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2016; 7 (07) CD001942
  • 17 Gagyor I, Madhok VB, Daly F, Sullivan F. Antiviral treatment for Bell's palsy (idiopathic facial paralysis). Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2019; 9 (09) CD001869
  • 18 Menchetti I, McAllister K, Walker D, Donnan PT. Surgical interventions for the early management of Bell's palsy. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2021; 1 (01) CD007468
  • 19 Teixeira LJ, Valbuza JS, Prado GF. Physical therapy for Bell's palsy (idiopathic facial paralysis). Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2011; (12) CD006283
  • 20 Lapidus JB, Lu JCY, Santosa KB. et al. Too much or too little? A systematic review of postparetic synkinesis treatment. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2020; 73 (03) 443-452
  • 21 Page MJ, McKenzie JE, Bossuyt PM. et al. The PRISMA 2020 statement: an updated guideline for reporting systematic reviews. BMJ 2021; 372: n71
  • 22 Coulson SE, Croxson GR, Adams RD, O'Dwyer NJ. Reliability of the “Sydney,” “Sunnybrook,” and “House Brackmann” facial grading systems to assess voluntary movement and synkinesis after facial nerve paralysis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2005; 132 (04) 543-549
  • 23 Mehta RP, WernickRobinson M, Hadlock TA. Validation of the Synkinesis Assessment Questionnaire. Laryngoscope 2007; 117 (05) 923-926
  • 24 Chuang DCC, Chang TNJ, Lu JCY. Postparalysis facial synkinesis: clinical classification and surgical strategies. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2015; 3 (03) e320
  • 25 Mountain RE, Murray JAM, Quaba A. Management of facial synkinesis with Clostridium botulinum toxin injection. Clin Otolaryngol Allied Sci 1992; 17 (03) 223-224
  • 26 Toffola ED, Furini F, Redaelli C, Prestifilippo E, Bejor M. Evaluation and treatment of synkinesis with botulinum toxin following facial nerve palsy. Disabil Rehabil 2010; 32 (17) 1414-1418
  • 27 Maria CM, Kim J. Individualized management of facial synkinesis based on facial function. Acta Otolaryngol 2017; 137 (09) 1010-1015
  • 28 Díaz-Aristizabal U, Valdés-Vilches M, Fernández-Ferreras TR. et al. Effect of botulinum toxin type A in functionality, synkinesis and quality of life in peripheral facial palsy sequelae. Neurología (Engl Ed) 2023; 38 (08) 560-565
  • 29 Filipo R, Spahiu I, Covelli E, Nicastri M, Bertoli GA. Botulinum toxin in the treatment of facial synkinesis and hyperkinesis. Laryngoscope 2012; 122 (02) 266-270
  • 30 Neville C, Venables V, Aslet M, Nduka C, Kannan R. An objective assessment of botulinum toxin type A injection in the treatment of post-facial palsy synkinesis and hyperkinesis using the synkinesis assessment questionnaire. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2017; 70 (11) 1624-1628
  • 31 Dall'Angelo A, Mandrini S, Sala V. et al. Platysma synkinesis in facial palsy and botulinum toxin type A. Laryngoscope 2014; 124 (11) 2513-2517
  • 32 Patel PN, Owen SR, Norton CP. et al. Outcomes of buccinator treatment with botulinum toxin in facial synkinesis. JAMA Facial Plast Surg 2018; 20 (03) 196-201
  • 33 Kanerva M. Buccinator synkinesis treated by botulinum toxin in facial palsy and hemifacial spasms. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2021; 74 (07) 1464-1469
  • 34 Pescarini E, Butler DP, Perusseau-Lambert A, Nduka C, Kannan RY. Targeted chemodenervation of the posterior belly of the digastric muscle for the management of jaw discomfort in facial synkinesis. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2021; 74 (12) 3437-3442
  • 35 Thomas AJ, Larson MO, Braden S, Cannon RB, Ward PD. Effect of 3 commercially available botulinum toxin neuromodulators on facial synkinesis: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Facial Plast Surg 2018; 20 (02) 141-147
  • 36 de Jongh FW, Schaeffers AWMA, Kooreman ZE. et al. Botulinum toxin A treatment in facial palsy synkinesis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol 2023; 280 (04) 1581-1592
  • 37 Husseman J, Mehta RP. Management of synkinesis. Facial Plast Surg 2008; 24 (02) 242-249
  • 38 Gil-Martínez A, Lerma-Lara S, Hernando-Jorge A. et al. Influence of mirror therapy (Specular Face Software) on electromyographic behavior of the facial muscles for facial palsy. Brain Sci 2021; 11 (07) 930
  • 39 Pourmomeny AA, Pourali E, Chitsaz A. Neuromuscular retraining versus BTX-A injection in subjects with chronic facial nerve palsy, a clinical trial. Iran J Otorhinolaryngol 2021; 33 (116) 151-155
  • 40 Jeong J, Lee JM, Kim J. Neuromuscular retraining therapy combined with preceding botulinum toxin A injection for chronic facial paralysis. Acta Otolaryngol 2023; 143 (05) 446-451
  • 41 Azuma T, Nakamura K, Takahashi M. et al. Mirror biofeedback rehabilitation after administration of single-dose botulinum toxin for treatment of facial synkinesis. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2012; 146 (01) 40-45
  • 42 Lee JM, Choi KH, Lim BW, Kim MW, Kim J. Half-mirror biofeedback exercise in combination with three botulinum toxin A injections for long-lasting treatment of facial sequelae after facial paralysis. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2015; 68 (01) 71-78
  • 43 Mandrini S, Comelli M, Dall'angelo A. et al. Long-term facial improvement after repeated BoNT-A injections and mirror biofeedback exercises for chronic facial synkinesis: a case-series study. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2016; 52 (06) 810-818
  • 44 Pourmomeny AA, Asadi S, Cheatsaz A. Management of facial synkinesis with a combination of BTX-A and biofeedback: a randomized trial. Iran J Otorhinolaryngol 2015; 27 (83) 409-415
  • 45 Monini S, De Carlo A, Biagini M. et al. Combined protocol for treatment of secondary effects from facial nerve palsy. Acta Otolaryngol 2011; 131 (08) 882-886
  • 46 Micarelli A, Viziano A, Granito I. et al. Combination of in-situ collagen injection and rehabilitative treatment in long-lasting facial nerve palsy: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Eur J Phys Rehabil Med 2021; 57 (03) 366-375
  • 47 Beurskens CHG, Heymans PG. Physiotherapy in patients with facial nerve paresis: description of outcomes. Am J Otolaryngol 2004; 25 (06) 394-400
  • 48 Beurskens CHG, Heymans PG. Mime therapy improves facial symmetry in people with long-term facial nerve paresis: a randomised controlled trial. Aust J Physiother 2006; 52 (03) 177-183
  • 49 Nakano H, Fujiwara T, Tsujimoto Y. et al. Physical therapy for peripheral facial palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Auris Nasus Larynx 2024; 51 (01) 154-160
  • 50 Fujiwara K, Furuta Y, Yamamoto N, Katoh K, Fukuda S. Factors affecting the effect of physical rehabilitation therapy for synkinesis as a sequela to facial nerve palsy. Auris Nasus Larynx 2018; 45 (04) 732-739
  • 51 Guerrissi JO. Selective myectomy for postparetic facial synkinesis. Plast Reconstr Surg 1991; 87 (03) 459-466
  • 52 Yoshioka N. Selective orbicularis neuromyectomy for postparetic periocular synkinesis. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2015; 68 (11) 1510-1515
  • 53 Bran GM, Börjesson PKE, Boahene KD, Gosepath J, Lohuis PJFM. Effect of endoscopic brow lift on contractures and synkinesis of the facial muscles in patients with a regenerated postparalytic facial nerve syndrome. Plast Reconstr Surg 2014; 133 (01) 121-129
  • 54 Chuang DCC, Chang TNJ, Lu JCY, Zavala A. Surgical treatment for postparalytic facial synkinesis: a 35-year experience. Plast Reconstr Surg 2022; 150 (03) 631-643
  • 55 Gray ML, Hu S, Gorbea E, Mashkevich G. Masseteric-zygomatic nerve transfer for the management of eye closure-smile excursion synkinesis. Am J Otolaryngol 2020; 41 (04) 102479
  • 56 Biglioli F, Kutanovaite O, Rabbiosi D. et al. Surgical treatment of synkinesis between smiling and eyelid closure. J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2017; 45 (12) 1996-2001
  • 57 Terzis JK, Karypidis D. Therapeutic strategies in post-facial paralysis synkinesis in adult patients. Plast Reconstr Surg 2012; 129 (06) 925e-939e
  • 58 Terzis JK, Karypidis D. Therapeutic strategies in post-facial paralysis synkinesis in pediatric patients. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2012; 65 (08) 1009-1018
  • 59 Azizzadeh B, Irvine LE, Diels J. et al. Modified selective neurectomy for the treatment of post-facial paralysis synkinesis. Plast Reconstr Surg 2019; 143 (05) 1483-1496
  • 60 Park TH, Park IS, Kim J. How to enhance the success of selective neurectomy for facial synkinesis by considering the patient's preferences: lesson learned from a retrospective analysis of 122 cases. Aesthetic Plast Surg 2024; 48 (07) 1249-1257
  • 61 van Veen MM, Dusseldorp JR, Hadlock TA. Long-term outcome of selective neurectomy for refractory periocular synkinesis. Laryngoscope 2018; 128 (10) 2291-2295
  • 62 Lo CKL, Mertz D, Loeb M. Newcastle-Ottawa Scale: comparing reviewers' to authors' assessments. BMC Med Res Methodol 2014; 14 (01) 45
  • 63 Frueh BR, Felt DP, Wojno TH, Musch DC. Treatment of blepharospasm with botulinum toxin. A preliminary report. Arch Ophthalmol 1984; 102 (10) 1464-1468
  • 64 Hernández Herrero D, Abdel Muti García E, López Araujo J, Alfonso Barrera E, Moraleda Pérez S. Cost of peripheral facial palsy treatment with Botulinum Toxin type A. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 2022; 75 (01) 271-277
  • 65 Neville C, Gwynn T, Young K. et al. Comparative study of multimodal therapy in facial palsy patients. Arch Plast Surg 2022; 49 (05) 633-641
  • 66 Krag AE, Glick S, Hembd A, Rozen SM. The effect of depressor anguli oris muscle block on facial symmetry in synkinetic facial paralysis patients and its role in preoperative assessment. Plast Reconstr Surg 2021; 147 (03) 455-465

Zoom Image
Fig. 1 (A) Normal anatomy. (B) Aberrant regeneration of fascicles from the buccal branch along the zygomatic branch after facial nerve injury. (C) As a result, the patient develops involuntary oculo–oral synkinesis.
Zoom Image
Fig. 2 Flow diagram of eligible studies. After screening and applying exclusion criteria, 38 studies from the initial 201 items were included in this systematic review.
Zoom Image
Fig. 3 (A) Normal anatomy. (B) Aberrant regeneration of fascicles from the buccal branch along the zygomatic branch after facial nerve injury resulting in oculo–oral synkinesis. (C) Selective neurectomy: individual branches are isolated and selectively transected to separate smile and eye closure.