Endoscopy 2010; 42: E114-E115
DOI: 10.1055/s-0029-1243981
Unusual cases and technical notes

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Colitis cystica profunda presenting with a mucus pool within the stalk of a pedunculated colon polyp

M.  E.  Jung1 , G.  M.  Cho1 , S.  W.  Byun1 , K.  R.  Do1 , H.  K.  Kim1 , Y.  S.  Cho1 , H.  S.  Chae1 , O.  R.  Shin2 , S.  S.  Kim1
  • 1Department of Internal Medicine, Uijongbu St Mary Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea, Uijongbu, Korea
  • 2Department of Pathology, Uijongbu St Mary Hospital, The Catholic University of Korea, Uijongbu, Korea
Further Information

S. S. KimMD 

Department of Internal Medicine
Uijongbu St Mary’s Hospital

65-1 Gumoh-dong
Uijongbu City
Kyunggido, 480-717
South Korea

Fax: +82-31-8472719

Email: kimss@catholic.ac.kr

Publication History

Publication Date:
19 March 2010 (online)

Table of Contents

A 38-year-old man was admitted for a colon polypectomy. A colonoscopic examination had been carried out in another hospital several days earlier due to hematochezia and a polyp had been found in the sigmoid colon. The 1.5-cm, pedunculated polyp ([Fig. 1]) had a slight bulge in the stalk, and there was a mucosal bridge at the attachment to the intestinal wall, mimicking a submucosal tumor.

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Fig. 1 Colonoscopy showing a 1.5-cm, pedunculated polyp in the sigmoid colon, with a bulging stalk and a mucosal bridge on the attachment of the colonic wall, implying the presence of a submucosal mass in the stalk.

The polyp was resected at the midportion of the stalk using an electrosurgical unit (ERBE VIO 300D, Elektromedizin GmbH, Tubingen, Germany) and snare (SD-9U-1, Olympus, Tokyo, Japan). Grossly, the resected specimen was composed of a head portion and stalk containing yellowish mucus. The remaining part of the stalk in the intestinal wall also contained the yellowish mucus ([Fig. 2]).

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Fig. 2 a, b After endoscopic polypectomy, part of the stalk remained attached to the intestinal wall and was seen to contain a large amount of yellowish mucus.

Histologic examination revealed that the polyp was a typical mixed hyperplastic and adenomatous type, composed of tubular adenoma with low grade dysplasia, adjacent to which was a hyperplastic polyp ([Fig. 3 a, b]).

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Fig. 3 a Histologically, the polyp was a mixed adenomatous and hyperplastic type. There was abundant fibrous tissue and several dilated cystic glands in the submucosa, suggesting colitis cystica profunda (hematoxylin and eosin, magnification × 10). b Typical tubular adenoma on the left and hyperplastic polyp on the right, with a distinctive transition between the two elements (hematoxylin and eosin, magnification × 40). c The dilated cystic gland deep within the stalk remnant was filled with mucin (Alcian blue stain, magnification × 12.5).

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Also, there were multiple mucus-filled cysts under the muscularis mucosa. The cysts were covered with columnar epithelium and were surrounded by fibrous tissue. A large mucus pool in the epithelial lining was seen near the stalk remnant ([Fig. 3 c]). We speculated that the pool of mucus within the stalk stump had resulted from submucosal invasion of the epithelial gland, as seen in colitis cystica profunda.

Colitis cystica profunda is a rare disorder in which benign, epithelial-lined, mucus-filled cysts, of unknown etiology, develop in the mucosa and submucosa of the colon and form polypoid lesions [1]. The disease is rarely accompanied by adenoma. A case report of a single polypoid colitis cystica profunda lesion accompanied by adenocarcinoma on the surface was recently published [2]. However, there has not been any report of a mucus pool within the stalk of a mixed hyperplastic and adenomatous colonic polyp, mimicking submucosal tumor, in colitis cystic profunda.

Competing interests: None




  • 1 Gordon P H. Miscellaneous entities.  In: Gordon PH, Nivatvongs S (eds). Principles and practice of surgery for the colon, rectum, and anus.  St. Louis; Quality Medical Publishing 1999: 1394-1396
  • 2 Mitsunaga M, Izumi M, Uchiyama T. et al . Colonic adenocarcinoma associated with colitis cystica profunda.  Gastrointest Endosc. 2009;  69 759-760

S. S. KimMD 

Department of Internal Medicine
Uijongbu St Mary’s Hospital

65-1 Gumoh-dong
Uijongbu City
Kyunggido, 480-717
South Korea

Fax: +82-31-8472719

Email: kimss@catholic.ac.kr