Endoscopy 2011; 43: E76
DOI: 10.1055/s-0030-1256255
Unusual cases and technical notes

© Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) presenting with acute pancreatitis

V.  Senadhi1 , D.  Arora2 , N.  Jani1 , 3
  • 1Johns Hopkins University/Sinai Hospital Program in Internal Medicine, Sinai Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
  • 2Elmhurst Hospital/Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, USA
  • 3Division of Gastroenterology, Greater Baltimore Medical Center (GBMC), Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Further Information

V. Senadhi

Johns Hopkins University/Sinai Hospital Program in Internal Medicine

2606B Gage Court
Maryland 21209

Fax: +1-678-623-5999

Email: vsenadhi@hotmail.com

Publication History

Publication Date:
02 March 2011 (online)

Table of Contents

A 58-year old woman presented with constant epigastric abdominal pain radiating to her back, of 1 week’s duration. The patient had associated nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and weight loss. Physical examination revealed midepigastric tenderness without a palpable mass. Pertinent laboratory values included serum amylase of 410 units/L and lipase of 471 units/L.

Abdominal computed tomography (CT) scan revealed a 6-cm cystic mass between the stomach and pancreas, as well as mild pancreatitis ([Fig. 1]). Upper endoscopy showed extrinsic compression of the stomach along the lesser curvature, prohibiting passage of the scope to the pylorus. Endoscopic ultrasound revealed a 6 × 6-cm heterogeneous, well-rounded mass with calcifications and a calcified rim originating from the gastric mucosa, along with upstream dilation of the pancreatic duct to 1 cm ([Fig. 2]). Fine-needle aspiration revealed spindle cells. During surgery, a well-rounded mass originating from the gastric antrum was found to have prolapsed into the second portion of the duodenum, obstructing the pancreatic duct. The patient underwent a partial resection of the anterior gastric wall. Final surgical pathology revealed diffuse c-kit positivity, confirming the mass was a gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). Postoperatively, the patient’s pancreatitis resolved, and she has not had a recurrence of her pancreatitis.

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Fig. 1 a Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) obstructing the pancreatic head, with upstream dilation. b Prolapsed GIST protruding into the duodenum and obstructing the pancreatic duct.

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Fig. 2 a Endoscopic ultrasound (linear view) revealing a 6 × 6-cm gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). b Endoscopic ultrasound (linear view) revealing GIST-induced dilatation of the pancreatic duct to 1 cm.

Although there are reports of duodenal GISTs mimicking pancreatic cancer, there are no known reports where acute pancreatitis (fulfilling two of three criteria) is secondary to a GIST [1]. In conclusion, we report a rare case of gastrointestinal stromal tumor presenting as acute pancreatitis, which, to our knowledge, is the first reported case in the literature.


Competing interests: None



V. Senadhi

Johns Hopkins University/Sinai Hospital Program in Internal Medicine

2606B Gage Court
Maryland 21209

Fax: +1-678-623-5999

Email: vsenadhi@hotmail.com



V. Senadhi

Johns Hopkins University/Sinai Hospital Program in Internal Medicine

2606B Gage Court
Maryland 21209

Fax: +1-678-623-5999

Email: vsenadhi@hotmail.com

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Fig. 1 a Gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST) obstructing the pancreatic head, with upstream dilation. b Prolapsed GIST protruding into the duodenum and obstructing the pancreatic duct.

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Fig. 2 a Endoscopic ultrasound (linear view) revealing a 6 × 6-cm gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST). b Endoscopic ultrasound (linear view) revealing GIST-induced dilatation of the pancreatic duct to 1 cm.