Geburtshilfe Frauenheilkd 2012; 72(2): 149-153
DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1298289
Original Article
GebFra Science
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Serum Folate and Cobalamin Levels in Women Using Combined Contraceptive Vaginal Ring

Folsäure- und Vitamin-B12-Serumkonzentrationen bei Anwenderinnen eines Vaginalrings zur hormonellen Kontrazeption
S. Bussen
Gynecological private practice, Viernheim
D. Bussen
Gynecological private practice, Viernheim
› Author Affiliations
Further Information


PD Dr. Stefanie Bussen
Gynecological private practice
Rathausstraße 25
68519 Viernheim

Publication History

received 28 January 2012
revised 28 January 2012

accepted 3 01 January 2012

Publication Date:
05 March 2012 (online)



Purpose: The aim of our study was to evaluate the effects of combined contraceptive vaginal rings on serum concentrations of folate and cobalamin in healthy users. Material and Methods: Case-control study on cobalamin and folate status of 45 healthy female nulligravidae using a combined contraceptive vaginal ring for > 3 months and 45 healthy controls. Factors interfering with vitamin metabolism were thoroughly controlled. Results: Cobalamin and folate levels did not differ between the groups. Vegetarian diet, smoking or obesity did not have a significant influence. Conclusions: The use of a combined contraceptive vaginal ring provides an appropriate hormonal contraception in women with pre-existing cobalamin deficiency or restrictive diet habit in order to avoid interferences between vitamin B12 metabolism and exogenously applied estrogens.



Fragestellung: Ziel dieser Studie war es, den Einfluss der Anwendung eines Verhütungsrings zur hormonellen Kontrazeption auf die Folsäure- und Vitamin-B12-Serumkonzentrationen bei gesunden Anwenderinnen zu untersuchen. Material und Methodik: Die Folat- und Vitamin-B12-Serumspiegel von 45 gesunden Ringanwenderinnen wurden nach einer Anwendungsdauer von 3 Monaten mit denen eines altersentsprechenden Kontrollkollektivs unter sorgfältiger Berücksichtigung möglicher Einflussfaktoren verglichen. Ergebnisse: Die Folat- und Vitamin-B12-Serumkonzentrationen unterschieden sich zwischen Studien- und Kontrollkollektiv nicht signifikant. Es konnte kein Einfluss von vegetarischer Ernährung, Nikotinabusus oder Übergewicht nachgewiesen werden. Schlussfolgerung: Bei fehlendem Nachweis eines negativen Einflusses auf den Folsäure- und Vitamin-B12-Stoffwechsel müssen bei der Anwendung des Vaginalrings zur hormonellen Kontrazeption keine besonderen Ernährungs- oder Supplementierungsempfehlungen berücksichtigt werden.



The use of hormonal contraceptives is widespread throughout the fertile period from adolescence to perimenopause [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8]. A wide variety of formulas [9], [10], [11], application methods [12], [13], [14], [15] and therapeutic regimes [16], [17], [18], [19], [20], [21], [22] have been developed and assessed.

The information that is available in the literature concerning the serum levels of folate (folic acid) in women using oral contraceptive pills is still somewhat conflicting. Some studies have shown diminished serum or plasma concentrations of folate in users of oral contraceptives when compared to controls [23], [24], whereas others have found similar levels of folate in oral contraceptive users and non-pregnant female volunteers [25], [26], [27], [28], [29]. These divergent observations are hard to reconcile. It should be mentioned, however, that the folate concentration in serum and, to a lesser extent, in the erythrocyte is dependent on fasting and nutritional status, eating habits and recent vitamin supplementation, and that previous studies may not have been able to control all theses confounding factors. In addition, the process of handling and storage of blood samples has to be considered. As the folate concentration within the erythrocyte exceeds the corresponding serum level, hemolysis during the pre-analytic phase may lead to elevated levels. On the other hand, it has been well documented that women using oral contraceptives show decreased intestinal resorption of folate [29], supporting the assumption that there should be a tendency towards decreased serum folate levels in women taking oral birth control pills. Differences between studies may also have been attributable to the type of progestin and the dosage of ethinyl estradiol of the oral contraceptives. Previous studies mainly referred to oral contraceptives containing 35–50 µg ethinyl estradiol per pill but during the past several years there has been a shift towards the preferential use of low dose oral contraceptives containing 20 µg [14], [17], [21].

A significant decrease in serum or plasma levels of cobalamin in women using oral contraceptives has been shown by several authors [24], [25], [26], [30], [31]. A similar effect has been observed in men treated with high doses of estrogens in order to treat prostatic cancer [32]. The suppression of serum cobalamin levels is presumably dependent on the dose of ethinyl estradiol contained in the oral contraceptives [25].

While the low dose oral contraceptives contain at least a daily dosage of 20 µg ethinyl estradiol, the combined contraceptive vaginal ring releases only 15 µg ethinyl estradiol per day [33], [34], [35], [36]. Little information is available on the effect of combined contraceptive vaginal rings on the vitamin B12 and folic metabolism. Therefore, we considered it appropriate to investigate the effects of a combined contraceptive vaginal ring on folate and cobalamin concentrations in a case-control setting and to determine the prevalence of folate and cobalamin deficiency among combined contraceptive vaginal ring users.


Material and Methods

Subjects and controls

The study included 45 volunteers who were healthy nulligravid females of reproductive age (mean ± standard deviation: 23.2 ± 4.5 years, range: 18–38 years). None of them had a history of gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, vascular or renal disease, thyroid dysfunction, epilepsy or eating disorder, none was currently taking any medication that could possibly interfere with the folate or cobalamin metabolism or had been on vitamin supplementation during the last 3 months. The mean body mass index (± standard deviation) was 22.5 ± 2.6 kg/m2 (range: 19.0–27.1 kg/m2). Obese women (BMI > 30 kg/m2) were not included. Smoking and vegetarian eating habits were permitted. All volunteers were continuously using a combined contraceptive vaginal ring (Nuvaring®, Essex Pharma, München, Germany). This device is a flexible ring, made of ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer, 54 mm in diameter releasing a daily dosage of 120 µg etonogestrel and 15 µg ethinyl estradiol. The ring was placed intravaginally and left for three weeks followed by a ring-free week. The combined contraceptive vaginal ring was used for at least 3 months before the folate and cobalamine studies were performed. The mean duration of usage (± standard deviation) was 28.1 ± 25.2 months (range: 22–153 months). Informed consent was obtained from all women before recruitment.

45 nulligravid female volunteers of similar age served as controls (mean ± standard deviation: 24.3 ± 4.2 years, range 18–39 years) and body mass index (mean ± standard deviation: 21.2 ± 2.6 kg/m2 range: 18.8–27.3 kg/m2); had not been using hormonal contraceptives during the last 3 months and met the above-mentioned criteria. Fasting venous blood samples were routinely drawn between 8:00 and 10:00 a. m. without visible hemolysis using dry 7.5 ml-vacutainer tubes with beads and clot activator for serum separation (Sarstedt Monovette®, Nürnberg, Germany). Samples were protected from light and kept at + 4 °C up to 24 hours until the folate and cobalamin measurements were performed. If the samples were not analyzed on the day of blood collection, they were centrifuged and the supernatants were frozen at −20 °C until analysis was performed as recommended by the manufacturer.


Folate and cobalamin analysis

Serum concentrations of folate and cobalamin were determined by commercially available assays. For the measurement of folic acid, an ion-capture assay (IMx Folsäure®, Abbott, Wiesbaden, Germany) was used according to the manufacturerʼs instructions. The normal range for the serum concentration of folic acid was 3.1–12.4 ng/ml. Values < 2.8 ng/ml were defined as folate deficiency and those between 2.8 and 3.1 ng/ml as “subnormal folate status”. The lowest level of detection of folate was 0.8 ng/ml. The intra- and interassay coefficients of variation were < 8.3 and < 9.3 % respectively.

For the measurement of vitamin B12, an automated intrinsic-factor coated micro-particle enzyme immunoassay (MEIA; IMx B12, Abbott, Wiesbaden, Germany) was used according to the manufacturerʼs instructions. The normal range for the serum concentration of vitamin B12 was 223–1132 pg/ml, vitamin B12 deficiency was defined as values < 179 pg/ml, and those between 197 and 223 pg/ml as “subnormal vitamin B12 status”. The lowest level of detection of vitamin B12 was 60 pg/ml. The intra- and interassay coefficients of variation were < 4.5 and 8.5 %, respectively. All assays allow the storage of sera at + 2–8 °C for up to 24 h or at −20 °C up to 1 month before the actual measurement.


Statistical analysis

Results for age, body mass index and duration of ring use are given in mean ± standard deviation (SD). Values for cobalamin and folate serum concentrations are expressed as median and range. The distribution of serum folate and cobalamin levels in study and control subjects was compared using Mann-Whitney U-Test, as both vitamins did not show a Gaussian normal distribution in the test of van der Waerden. Correlation between the serum concentrations of folate and cobalamin and between the levels of both vitamins and age, body mass index and duration of combined contraceptive vaginal ring use were calculated using Spearmanʼs rank coefficient of correlation (ρ). P < 0.05 was considered to be significant.



Cobalamin serum levels of women using a combined contraceptive vaginal ring (median: 571 range: 191–1140 pg/ml) were similar to those of the controls (median: 653 pg/ml, range: 201–1665 pg/ml, p = 0.53) ([Fig. 1]). As shown in [Table 1], the percentages of reduced, normal and elevated cobalamin levels did not differ significantly (p = 0.82) between the study and the control group.

Zoom Image
Fig. 1 Distribution of serum cobalamin concentrations in users of a combined contraceptive vaginal ring (n = 45) and controls (n = 45) showing the mean value and standard deviations.

Table 1 Percentages of normal, elevated, subnormal and deficient cobalamin status in users of combined contraceptive vaginal ring and controls.

Cobalamin levels

Deficient (< 179)

Subnormal (179–223)

Normal (223–1 132)

Elevated (> 1 132)

All cobalamin values are in pg/ml.

Ring users (n = 45)


4 (9 %)

36 (80 %)

5 (11 %)

Controls (n = 45)


1 (2 %)

38 (84 %)

6 (13 %)

There was no significant difference (p = 0.72) between the serum folate concentrations in the study group (median: 8.9 ng/ml, range: 3.0–15.5 ng/ml) and in controls (median: 9.2 ng/ml, range: 2.9–16.2 ng/ml) ([Fig. 2]). Furthermore, the percentages of reduced, normal and elevated folate levels did not differ significantly (p = 0.76) between the two groups ([Table 2]). Seventy percent of women (71 % of the study and 77 % of the control group) had concentrations of both vitamins within the normal range. However, 5 women (4 study and 1 control subjects) had subnormal vitamin B12 levels and 4 women (1 study and 3 control subjects) had subnormal folate levels as defined previously. Marked cobalamin or folate deficiency was identified in none of the study or control subjects.

Zoom Image
Fig. 2 Distribution of serum folate concentrations in users of a combined contraceptive vaginal ring (n = 45) and controls (n = 45) showing the mean value and standard deviations.

Table 2 Percentages of normal, elevated, subnormal and deficient folate status in users of combined contraceptive vaginal ring and controls.

Folate levels

Deficient (< 2.8)

Subnormal (2.8–3.1)

Normal (3.1–12.4)

Elevated (> 12.4)

All folate values are in ng/ml.

Ring users (n = 45)


1 (2 %)

40 (89 %)

4 (9 %)

Controls (n = 45)


3 (7 %)

37 (82 %)

5 (11 %)

No significant correlation was found between age and vitamin concentrations in either study group (p = 0.28 for cobalamin, p = 0.32 for folate, n. s.), in controls (p = 0.29 and p = 0.22, n. s.) or in the entire population (p = 0.19 and p = 0.28, n. s.) The body mass index did not correlate with the cobalamin or folate status in the two groups (p = 0.31). A significant correlation between the two vitamins was observed neither in the study group (p = 0.38), nor in the controls (p = 0.29) or in the entire population (p = 0.35).

In ring users, there was no significant correlation between the duration of combined contraceptive vaginal ring use and cobalamin (p = 0.67) or folate levels (p = 0.55). Vegetarian eating habits (9 %) and smoking (29 %) had no significant impact on the serum levels of vitamin B12 (p = 0.60 and 0.16, n. s.) and folate (p = 0.72 and 0.57, n. s.).



Several previous case-control studies demonstrated decreased cobalamin and/or folate serum concentrations in users of orally administered combined contraceptives [24], [26], [28], [30], [31]. There was evidence that the influence of oral contraceptives on the metabolism of those two vitamins is dose-dependent since the impact was more obvious in formulations with 35–50 µg than in low dose pills containing 20 µg ethinyl estradiol [25]. It is presumed that the influence on vitamin B12 or folic acid metabolism is associated with the intake of ethinyl estradiol contained in the pill because cobalamin concentrations were unchanged in elderly women using hormonal replacement therapy with either estradiol or conjugated equine estrogens but similar progestins as contained in modern oral contraceptives [35]. As the effect of the use of oral contraceptives on cobalamin concentration is presumably dose-dependent, it could be assumed that this depression should be either diminished or absent with a contraceptive vaginal ring releasing only a daily dosage of 15 µg ethinyl estradiol. It should be noted that we were not able to identify ring users with particularly low concentrations, fulfilling the criteria for marked cobalamin deficiency. We feel confident that our results are reliable because we were aiming at a careful and thorough control of variables that are known to have an influence on the cobalamin levels and metabolism. Main variation factors for vitamin B12 concentrations include vegetarian eating habits [36], smoking and alcohol consumption, previous medical or surgical history, use of drugs and the ratio of weight and height [37], [38], [39]. Subjects with a cobalamin deficiency may be asymptomatic or may have hematologic, neuropsychiatric, or gastrointestinal problems [40], [41], [42]. The exact biological significance of cobalamin deficiency without clinical symptoms remains unclear [43]. There is now general consensus that periconceptional supplementation with 400 µg folate per day is effective in the prevention of neural tube defects [44], [45], [46].



From the observations in this study, it is unlikely that previous use of a combined contraceptive vaginal ring should interfere with folate metabolism. Women who plan to conceive should receive a daily supplementation with 400 µg folate 3 months prior to discontinuing use of oral contraceptives.


Conflict of Interest


  • References

  • 1 Schaudig K. Hormonal contraception in adolescents – a bone risk?. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2010; 70: A7
  • 2 Käser O. On the history of contraception and a look to the future. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 1983; 43: 2-7
  • 3 Hirsch U, Nischan P, Ebeling K. Use of oral contraceptives in middle-aged women in the GDR. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 1990; 50: 538-541
  • 4 Foth D, Göretzlehner G. Contraception during perimenopause. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2010; 70: 104-111
  • 5 Mueck AO, Rakov V, Keller H et al. Bleeding pattern, efficacy and acceptance of low dose continuous combined HRT with estradiol/norethisterone acetate switching directly from oral contraception. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2005; 65: 389-395
  • 6 Mueck AO, Wallwiener D. Contraception in adolescents aged 14 years or younger. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2006; 66: 309-312
  • 7 Gille G. Successful teenager outpatient management: decreasing incidence of teenager pregnancies since 2004. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2011; 71: 228-231
  • 8 Wallwiener M, Wallwiener LM, Seeger H et al. Endocrinology: Incidence of sexual desire disorders in German female medical students and the influence of contraception on libido. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2011; 71: 76-78
  • 9 Fitz R, Grünberger W, Vytiska-Binstorfer F. First experiences with a levonorgestrel-ethinylestradiol combination in postcoital contraception. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 1989; 49: 1087-1089
  • 10 Reuther T, Bayrhammer J, Kerscher M. Improvement of skin physiology in women using an oral contraceptive ethinyl estradiol/chlormadinone acetate. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2010; 70: 1006-1010
  • 11 Cirkel U, Schneider HPG. Incidence of side effects caused by a three-stage preparation applied in 10034 women. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 1990; 50: 969-973
  • 12 Ludwig M, Dittmer R, Budde U. Thrombophilia and hormonal contraception. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2007; 67: 1371-1374
  • 13 Freundl G, Baur S, Bremme M et al. Has behaviour in family planning changed in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1985?. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 1991; 51: 127-134
  • 14 von Have M, Oppelt P, Müller A et al. Contraception. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2005; 65: R173-R199
  • 15 Tschudin S, Zanotelli D, Blitzer J et al. Experiences with medical abortion, in particular postabortion control, treatment in case of residuals and subsequent contraception. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2004; 64: 1299-1304
  • 16 Völker W, Reitmann I, Kannengießer U et al. Steroid contraception and hyperprolactinaemia. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 1981; 41: 199-203
  • 17 Podlinski K, Porsch B, Krüssel JS et al. Knowledge about contraception of women in the reproductive age: The German results of a survey initiated by the European Group of Contraception (EGOC). Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2004; 64: 941-952
  • 18 Schanzer K. Psychosomatic aspects of oral contraception. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 1991; 51: 955-958
  • 19 Heinemann L, Lewis M, Kühl-Habich D et al. Use of oral contraceptives and risk of cancer of uterine corpus or ovary – two case-control studies. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2003; 63: 1018-1026
  • 20 Alexander H. Influence of oral contraceptives on fertility. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2003; 63: 382-383
  • 21 Kimmerle R, Schmitt G, Berger M. Contraception in type 1 diabetic women: a survey of 808 women of fertile age. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 1994; 54: 691-696
  • 22 Porsch B, Podlinski K, Bender HG et al. Abortions, unintended pregnancies and emergency contraception among women in fertile age – the German results of a survey initiated by the European Group of Contraception (EGOC). Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2004; 64: 953-961
  • 23 Lambie DG, Johnson RH. Drugs and folate metabolism. Drugs 1985; 30: 145-155
  • 24 Tyrer LB. Nutrition and the pill. J Reprod Med 1984; 29: 547-550
  • 25 Sütterlin M, Bussen S, Rieger L et al. Serum folate and vitamine B12 levels in women using modern oral contraceptives containing 20 ug ethinyl estradiol. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2003; 107: 57-61
  • 26 Mooij PN, Thomas CM, Doesburg WH et al. Multivitamin supplementation in oral contraceptive users. Contraception 1991; 44: 277-288
  • 27 Dvorakova J, Bocanova E, Stribrny J et al. Total plasma homocysteine in women using oral contraceptives. Clin Biochem Metab 1998; 6: 112-115
  • 28 Green TJ, Houghton LA, Donovan U et al. Oral contraceptives did not affect biochemical folate indices and homocysteine concentrations in adolescent females. J Am Diet Assoc 1998; 98: 49-55
  • 29 Steegers-Theunissen RP, vam Rossum JM, Steegers EA et al. Sub-50 oral contraceptives affect folate kinetics. Gynecol Obstet Invest 1993; 36: 230-233
  • 30 Hjelt K, Brynskov J, Hippe E et al. Oral contraceptives and the cobalamin (Vitamin B12) metabolism. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1985; 64: 59-63
  • 31 Brattström L, Israelsson B, Olsson A et al. Plasma homocysteine in women on oral oestrogen-containing contraceptives and in men with oestrogen-related prostatic carcinoma. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 1992; 52: 283-287
  • 32 van den Heuvel MW, van Bragt AJ, Alnabawy AK et al. Comparison of ethinyl estradiol pharmakinetics in three hormonal contraceptive formulations: the vaginal ring, the transdermal path and an oral contraceptive. Contraception 2005; 72: 168-174
  • 33 Bruni V, Pontello V, Luisi S, Petraglia F. An open-label multicentre trial to evaluate the vaginal bleeding pattern of the combined contraceptive vaginal ring Nuvaring. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2008; 139: 65-71
  • 34 Kashanian M, Shahpourian F, Zare O. A comparison between monophasic levonorgestrel-ethinyl estradiol 150/30 and triphasic levonorgestrel-ethinyl estradiol 75-125/3-40-30 contraceptive pills for side effects and patients satisfaction: a study in Iran. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2010; 150: 47-51
  • 35 Carmel R, Howard JM, Green R et al. Hormone replacement therapy and cobalamin status in elderly women. Am J Clin Nutr 1996; 64: 856-859
  • 36 Janelle KC, Barr SL. Nutrient intake and eating behaviour scores of vegetarian and non-vegetarian women. J Am Diet Assoc 1995; 95: 180-186
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  • 39 Klee GC. Cobalamin and folate evaluation: measurement of methylmalonic acid and homocysteine versus vitamin B12 and folate. Clin Chem 2000; 46: 1277-1283
  • 40 Dharmarajan TS, Norkus EP. Approaches to vitamin B12 deficiency: early treatment may prevent devasting complications. Postgrad Med 2001; 110: 99-105
  • 41 Marcaud V. Syndrome neuro-anaemique. Rev Prat 2001; 51: 1211-1214
  • 42 Hultberg B, Isaksson A, Nilsson K et al. Markers for the functional availibility of cobalamin/folate and their association with neuropsychiatric symptoms in elderly. Int J Geriatr Psychiatry 2001; 16: 873-878
  • 43 Werler MM, Shapiro S, Mitchell A. Periconceptional folic acid exposure and risk of occurent neural tube defects. J Am Med Assoc 1993; 269: 1257-1261
  • 44 Koebnick C, Heins UA, Hoffmann I et al. Vitamin B12 during pregnancy: implications for prenatal care. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2002; 62: 117-233
  • 45 Heinz J, Kästner S, Seewald M et al. Insufficient periconceptional intake of folic acid to prevent neural tube defects. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2006; 66: 156-162
  • 46 Stegl S, Schmidt A, Salzer H. Folic acid supplementation for the prevention of neural tube defects: what do patients and physicians know?. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2000; 60: 26-29


PD Dr. Stefanie Bussen
Gynecological private practice
Rathausstraße 25
68519 Viernheim

  • References

  • 1 Schaudig K. Hormonal contraception in adolescents – a bone risk?. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2010; 70: A7
  • 2 Käser O. On the history of contraception and a look to the future. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 1983; 43: 2-7
  • 3 Hirsch U, Nischan P, Ebeling K. Use of oral contraceptives in middle-aged women in the GDR. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 1990; 50: 538-541
  • 4 Foth D, Göretzlehner G. Contraception during perimenopause. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2010; 70: 104-111
  • 5 Mueck AO, Rakov V, Keller H et al. Bleeding pattern, efficacy and acceptance of low dose continuous combined HRT with estradiol/norethisterone acetate switching directly from oral contraception. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2005; 65: 389-395
  • 6 Mueck AO, Wallwiener D. Contraception in adolescents aged 14 years or younger. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2006; 66: 309-312
  • 7 Gille G. Successful teenager outpatient management: decreasing incidence of teenager pregnancies since 2004. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2011; 71: 228-231
  • 8 Wallwiener M, Wallwiener LM, Seeger H et al. Endocrinology: Incidence of sexual desire disorders in German female medical students and the influence of contraception on libido. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2011; 71: 76-78
  • 9 Fitz R, Grünberger W, Vytiska-Binstorfer F. First experiences with a levonorgestrel-ethinylestradiol combination in postcoital contraception. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 1989; 49: 1087-1089
  • 10 Reuther T, Bayrhammer J, Kerscher M. Improvement of skin physiology in women using an oral contraceptive ethinyl estradiol/chlormadinone acetate. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2010; 70: 1006-1010
  • 11 Cirkel U, Schneider HPG. Incidence of side effects caused by a three-stage preparation applied in 10034 women. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 1990; 50: 969-973
  • 12 Ludwig M, Dittmer R, Budde U. Thrombophilia and hormonal contraception. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2007; 67: 1371-1374
  • 13 Freundl G, Baur S, Bremme M et al. Has behaviour in family planning changed in the Federal Republic of Germany since 1985?. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 1991; 51: 127-134
  • 14 von Have M, Oppelt P, Müller A et al. Contraception. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2005; 65: R173-R199
  • 15 Tschudin S, Zanotelli D, Blitzer J et al. Experiences with medical abortion, in particular postabortion control, treatment in case of residuals and subsequent contraception. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2004; 64: 1299-1304
  • 16 Völker W, Reitmann I, Kannengießer U et al. Steroid contraception and hyperprolactinaemia. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 1981; 41: 199-203
  • 17 Podlinski K, Porsch B, Krüssel JS et al. Knowledge about contraception of women in the reproductive age: The German results of a survey initiated by the European Group of Contraception (EGOC). Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2004; 64: 941-952
  • 18 Schanzer K. Psychosomatic aspects of oral contraception. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 1991; 51: 955-958
  • 19 Heinemann L, Lewis M, Kühl-Habich D et al. Use of oral contraceptives and risk of cancer of uterine corpus or ovary – two case-control studies. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2003; 63: 1018-1026
  • 20 Alexander H. Influence of oral contraceptives on fertility. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2003; 63: 382-383
  • 21 Kimmerle R, Schmitt G, Berger M. Contraception in type 1 diabetic women: a survey of 808 women of fertile age. Geburtsh Frauenheilk 1994; 54: 691-696
  • 22 Porsch B, Podlinski K, Bender HG et al. Abortions, unintended pregnancies and emergency contraception among women in fertile age – the German results of a survey initiated by the European Group of Contraception (EGOC). Geburtsh Frauenheilk 2004; 64: 953-961
  • 23 Lambie DG, Johnson RH. Drugs and folate metabolism. Drugs 1985; 30: 145-155
  • 24 Tyrer LB. Nutrition and the pill. J Reprod Med 1984; 29: 547-550
  • 25 Sütterlin M, Bussen S, Rieger L et al. Serum folate and vitamine B12 levels in women using modern oral contraceptives containing 20 ug ethinyl estradiol. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2003; 107: 57-61
  • 26 Mooij PN, Thomas CM, Doesburg WH et al. Multivitamin supplementation in oral contraceptive users. Contraception 1991; 44: 277-288
  • 27 Dvorakova J, Bocanova E, Stribrny J et al. Total plasma homocysteine in women using oral contraceptives. Clin Biochem Metab 1998; 6: 112-115
  • 28 Green TJ, Houghton LA, Donovan U et al. Oral contraceptives did not affect biochemical folate indices and homocysteine concentrations in adolescent females. J Am Diet Assoc 1998; 98: 49-55
  • 29 Steegers-Theunissen RP, vam Rossum JM, Steegers EA et al. Sub-50 oral contraceptives affect folate kinetics. Gynecol Obstet Invest 1993; 36: 230-233
  • 30 Hjelt K, Brynskov J, Hippe E et al. Oral contraceptives and the cobalamin (Vitamin B12) metabolism. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 1985; 64: 59-63
  • 31 Brattström L, Israelsson B, Olsson A et al. Plasma homocysteine in women on oral oestrogen-containing contraceptives and in men with oestrogen-related prostatic carcinoma. Scand J Clin Lab Invest 1992; 52: 283-287
  • 32 van den Heuvel MW, van Bragt AJ, Alnabawy AK et al. Comparison of ethinyl estradiol pharmakinetics in three hormonal contraceptive formulations: the vaginal ring, the transdermal path and an oral contraceptive. Contraception 2005; 72: 168-174
  • 33 Bruni V, Pontello V, Luisi S, Petraglia F. An open-label multicentre trial to evaluate the vaginal bleeding pattern of the combined contraceptive vaginal ring Nuvaring. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2008; 139: 65-71
  • 34 Kashanian M, Shahpourian F, Zare O. A comparison between monophasic levonorgestrel-ethinyl estradiol 150/30 and triphasic levonorgestrel-ethinyl estradiol 75-125/3-40-30 contraceptive pills for side effects and patients satisfaction: a study in Iran. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2010; 150: 47-51
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Fig. 1 Distribution of serum cobalamin concentrations in users of a combined contraceptive vaginal ring (n = 45) and controls (n = 45) showing the mean value and standard deviations.
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Fig. 2 Distribution of serum folate concentrations in users of a combined contraceptive vaginal ring (n = 45) and controls (n = 45) showing the mean value and standard deviations.