Lege artis - Das Magazin zur ärztlichen Weiterbildung, Table of Contents Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie up2date 2012; 6(03): 165-177DOI: 10.1055/s-0031-1298957 Persönlichkeitsstörungen, Impulskontrollstörungen und dissoziative Störungen Body Integrity Identity Disorder – Körperidentität durch erwünschte Behinderung Erich Kasten Recommend Article Abstract Buy Article Full Text References Literatur Neff D, Kasten E. Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID): What do health care professionals know?. Eur J Counselling Psychol 2010; 1: 16-30 First MB. Desire for amputation of a limb: paraphilia, psychosis or a new type of identity disorder.. Psychol Med 2005; 34: 1-10 Johnson AJ, Liew S-L, Aziz-Zadeh L. Demographics, learning and imitation, and body schema in Body Integrity Identity Disorder.. Indiana University Undergraduate Journal of Cognitive Science 2011; 6: 8-15 Veale D. A compelling desire for deafness.. 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