Lege artis - Das Magazin zur ärztlichen Weiterbildung, Table of Contents Pädiatrie up2date 2013; 08(04): 347-366DOI: 10.1055/s-0033-1353607 Infektionskrankheiten © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York Zeckenübertragene Erkrankungen bei Kindern und Jugendlichen Hans-Iko Huppertz Recommend Article Abstract Buy Article Full Text References Literatur 1 Halperin JJ, Baker P, Wormser GP. Common misconceptions about Lyme disease. Am J Med 2013; 126: 264.e1-7 2 Kaiser R. Tick-borne encephalitis in Germany and clinical course of the disease. Int J Med Microbiol 2002; 291: 58-61 3 Schmolck H, Maritz E et al. Neurologic, neuropsychologic and encephalographic findings after European tick-borne encephalitis in children. J Child Neurol 2005; 20: 500-508 4 Fowler A, Forsman L et al. Tick-borne encephalitis carries a high risk of incomplete recovery in children. J Pediatr 2013; 163: 555-560 5 Hellenbrand W, Altmann D, Seedat J. FSME: Risikogebiete in Deutschland. Epidemiologisches Bulletin 6. Mai 2013. . 18. Berlin: Robert Koch-Institut; 2013: 151-162 6 Donoso Matke O, Escadafal C et al. Tick-borne encephalitis in Europe, 2007 to 2009. Euro Surveill 29.09.2011; 16 [ohne Seitenzahl] Im Internet: http://www.eurosurveillance.org/ViewArticle.aspx?ArticleId=19976 ; Stand: 24.9.2013 7 [Anonym]. Vaccines against tick-borne encephalitis: WHO position paper. Wkly Epidemiol Rec 2011; 86: 241-256 8 Demicheli V, Debalini MG, Rivetti A. Vaccines for preventing tick-borne encephalitis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 21.01.2009; 1 CD000977. 9 Deutsche Akademie für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin Hrsg. Stellungnahme der Kommission für Infektionskrankheiten und Impffragen zur Prävention von Infektionen mit dem durch Zecken übertragenen Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis (FSME)-Virus im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Im Internet: http://dakj.de/media/stellungnahmen/infektionskrankheiten-impffragen/2013-fruehsommer-meningoenzephalitis.pdf ; Stand: 24.9.2013 10 Stanek G, Wormser GP et al. Lyme borreliosis. Lancet 2012; 379: 461-473 11 Huppertz HI, Böhme M, Standaert SM et al. Incidence of Lyme borreliosis in the Würzburg region of Germany. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 1999; 18: 697-703 12 Huppertz HI. Childhood Lyme borreliosis in Europe. Eur J Ped 1990; 149: 814-821 13 Brunner J, Moschovakis G, Prelog M et al. Lyme neuroborreliosis: aetiology and diagnosis of facial palsy in children from Tyrol. Klin Padiatr 2010; 222: 302-307 14 Cohn KA, Thompson AD, Shah SS et al. Validation of a clinical prediction rule to distinguish Lyme meningitis from aseptic meningitis. Pediatrics 2012; 129: e46-53 15 Huppertz HI, Dressler F. Lyme disease. In: et al. Cassidy JT, Petty RE. Textbook of pediatric rheumatology. 6th. ed. Philadelphia: Saunders; 2011: 579-590 16 Huppertz HI, Bentas W, Haubitz I et al. Diagnosis of pediatric Lyme arthritis using a clinical score. Eur J Ped 1998; 157: 304-308 17 Huppertz HI, Bartmann P, Heininger U et al. Rational diagnostic strategies for Lyme borreliosis in children and adolescents: recommendations by the Committee for Infectious Diseases and Vaccinations of the German Academy for Pediatrics and Adolescent Health. Eur J Pediatr 2012; 171: 1619-1624 18 Wilske B, Fingerle V, Schulte-Spechtel U. Microbiological and serological diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis. FEMS Immunol Med Microbiol 2007; 49: 13-21 19 Goettner G, Schulte-Spechtel U, Hillermann R et al. Improvement of Lyme borreliosis serodiagnosis by a newly developed recombinant immunoglobulin G and IgM line immunoblot assay and addition of VlsE and DbpA homologues. J Clin Microbiol 2005; 43: 3602-3609 20 [Anonym]. Seroprävalenz der Lyme-Borreliose bei Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland. Epidemiologisches Bulletin 10. April 2012. 14. Berlin: Robert Koch-Institut; 2012: 113-120 21 Cerar T, Ruzic-Sabljic E, Glinsek U et al. Comparison of PCR methods and culture for the detection of Borrelia spp. in patients with erythema migrans. Clin Microbiol Infect 2008; 14: 653-658 22 Hasset AL, Radvanski DC, Buyske S et al. Role of psychiatric comorbidity in chronic Lyme disease. Arthritis Care Res 2008; 59: 1742-1749 23 Dressler F, Yoshinari NH, Steere AC. The T-cell proliferative assay in the diagnosis of Lyme disease. Ann Intern Med 1991; 115: 533-539 24 Auwaerter PG, Bakken JS, Dattwyler RJ et al. Lancet Infect Dis 2011; 11: 713-719 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21867956 25 Fryland L, Wilhelmsson P, Lindgren PE et al. Low risk of developing Borrelia burgdorferi infection in the south-east of Sweden after being bitten by a Borrelia burgdorferi-infected tick. Int J Infect Dis 2011; 15: e174-e181 26 Huegli D, Moret J, Rais O et al. Prospective study on the incidence of infection by Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato after a tick bite in a highly endemic area of Switzerland. Ticks Tick-borne Dis 2011; 2: 129-136