Neuropediatrics 2015; 46(01): 001-002
DOI: 10.1055/s-0035-1544186
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York

Neuropediatrics News 2015

Barbara Plecko
1   Department of Neuropediatrics, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Eugen Boltshauser
2   Department of Neuropediatrics, Prof. Emeritus, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
Bernd A. Neubauer
3   Department of Neuropediatrics, University of Giessen, Giessen, Germany
› Author Affiliations
Further Information

Address for correspondence

Prof. Barbara Plecko, MD
University Children's Hospital
Steinwiesstrasse 75, CH-8032 Zurich

Publication History

Publication Date:
19 January 2015 (online)

Dear Readers of Neuropediatrics

Another new year has just begun and we want to take the occasion to wish you all a happy, healthy, and fruitful year of 2015.

As you may be aware, Neuropediatrics is the official journal of the „Gesellschaft für Neuropädiatrie“ (GNP). In this editorial, we want to update you on recent changes in our board, following the election at the „Neurowoche“ in Munich in September 2014. Barbara Plecko (Zurich) and Bernd Neubauer (Giessen) have stepped down as president and treasurer of the society and so have Maja Steinlin (Bern) and Kevin Rostasy (Datteln, formerly Innsbruck)—the Swiss and Austrian representatives. Ulrike Schara (Essen) has been elected as the new president and Matthias Kieslich (Frankfurt) has been reelected as vice president. Thomas Lücke (Bochum) will take the responsibility as the new treasurer, Andreas Sprinz (Havixbeck) as the new secretary, and Folkert Fehr (Heidelberg) will represent the Child Neurologists working in private practice. Andrea Klein (Zurich) and Manuela Baumgartner (Linz) have been elected as the new representatives for Switzerland and Austria, respectively. GNP is a prospering society with now 903 members, mainly deriving from the German-speaking, European countries. Being a scientific society and a nonprofit organization, rising taxes and running costs necessitated a cut of expenses during the past year of 2014. Beyond trimming the society's infrastructure, we felt that this was the right time to reevaluate an online-only subscription for the members of our society. Thieme, as our longstanding partner, has offered a new contract with a package of online-only subscription for all members and the option of print issues on an individual level at an additional rate of €30. Technical details have been communicated to all GNP members early in 2015. The new contract allowed us to leave the membership fees of €130 unchanged, saving about €80per member. The board took this decision in the best interest of our members as this will allow coverage of the running costs of our society, independently of the varying surplus from our yearly conferences.

Neuropediatrics, as the official journal of our society, is dedicated to publish articles that focus on neurobiology, neurology, and neurogenetics of childhood disorders. In the year of 2014, we have been able to publish a total of 30 original articles, 5 invited review articles, 5 editorials, and 25 short communications in 6 issues, covering 410 pages. The three Editors-in-Chief, supported by a group of associated editors as well as by an editorial board, aim at short turnaround times and early online access of accepted articles. On this occasion, we also want to thank the many reviewers, who by their expert opinion, contribute to the high quality of our journal. The past year has brought the introduction of supplementary online material as well as patient videos as an instantly appreciated novelty. In line with many other journals, Neuropediatrics had to become more restrictive in accepting single case reports. As the editors are convinced that descriptions of rare clinical entities still deserve publication, this section will be preserved, but submissions of case reports need to present exceptional observations of broader importance. During the Neurowoche in Munich, the editorial team felt that many abstract presentations of the yearly GNP conference were of high quality and would be of interest to a greater circle of child neurologists. Thus we want to encourage active participants of the GNP conference to submit their work for publication in Neuropediatrics. Our society has a longstanding relation to the Neuropediatrics journal and it is due to all of us to fill this journal with valuable content and to sustain its high quality in the near and far future.

Thank You, Reviewers!

Till Acker

Filippo Arrigoni

Stephane Auvin

Robert Avery

James Barkovich

Thomas Bast

Christoph Berger

Günther Bernert

Faith Bischof

Astrid Blaschek

Eugen Boltshauser

Ingo Borggraefe

Knut Brockmann

Marco Carotenuto

Caterina Cerminara

Chao Cho-Ming

Alexander Claviez

Russell C. Dale

Joseph M. Dooley

Olivier Dulac

Friedrich Ebinger

Harald Erhardt

Evans Gareth

Dirk Faas

Martha Feucht

Dirk Fischer

Bernhard Frey

Carlo Fusco

Sabina Gallati

Svetlana Gataullina

Lucia Gerstl

Kevin Gordon

Michael A. Grotzer

Claudine Gysin

Johannes Haeberle

Martin Häusler

Martin Haeusler

Andreas Hahn

Hans Hartmann

Florian Heinen

Ingo Helbig

Christoph Helmstaedter

Raoul Hennekam

Johann Holthausen

David Holzmann

Yuji Inaba

Bale James

Andreas Jansen

Andreas Jödicke

Matthias Kieslich

Janbernd Kirschner

Katrin Klebermass-Schrehof

Joerg Klepper

Gerhard Kluger

Stefan Koelker

Hirohumi Komaki

Uri Kramer

Kathrin Krohn

Jonathan Kurz

Mirjam Landgraf

Suvi liimatainen

Doris Lin

Marios Loukas

Rolf Maier

Volker Mall

Yuji Masuda

Victor Mautner

Johannes Mayr

Jennifer McGuire

Friedrike Moeller

Maria Mosquera

Wolfgang Mueller-Felber

Ulrich Müller

Kazuhiro Muramatsu

Rima Nabbout

David Nadal

Toshisaburo Nagai

Nardo Nardocci

Sona Narual

Giancarlo Natalucci

Jun Natsume

Bernd A. Neubauer

David Neubauer

Erik Niks

Kenichi Oishi

Akihisa Okumura

Heather Olson

Hitoshi Osaka

Robert Ouvrier

Jessica Panzer

Zoltan Patay

Aurelia Peraud

Heike Philippi

Barbara Plecko

Daniela Pohl

Andrea Poretti

Susana Quijano-Roy

Georgia Ramantani

Markus Rauchenzauner

James Reese

Andrea Rossi

Kevin Rostásy

Sahar Saleem

Gebhard Sammer

Harvey Sarnat

Ulrike Schara

Deborah Sival

Nicola Specchio

Maja Steinlin

Volker Straub

Marc Tardieu

Regina Trollmann

Andreas van Baalen

Adeline Vanderver

Federico Vigevano

Axel Weber

Marko Wilke

Michel Willemsen

Jan-Maarten Wit

Claus Wittekindt

Gabriele Wohlrab

Nicole Wolf

Courtney Wusthoff

Werner Zenz

Jill Zwicker


Address for correspondence

Prof. Barbara Plecko, MD
University Children's Hospital
Steinwiesstrasse 75, CH-8032 Zurich