Rubi ideae folium, a traditional remedy for pain relief and smooth muscle relacation especially as support before and during child delivery has been recently assessed by the HMPC [1] and has not yet been monographed in the European Pharmacopeia. The development of the valid quality control methods for identification, contaminants and content assay is ongoing. This study developed an HPTLC method according to the novel.
Four different mobile phases have been tested until the ideal mix of anhydrous formic acid R, water R, ethylacetate R (10:10:80, V/V/V) was chosen for good fingerprint separation. Hyperosid (2 mg/10 mL in methanol) und Chlorogenic acid (2 mg/10 mL in methanol) serve as System Suitability Solution for SST and Rutin (2 mg in 10 mL Methanol) applied as Rf reference value.
The results are a clear and well separated fingerprint – the prominent yellow band has not yet clearly identified. Results from TLC-ESI-MS and TLC-MALDI analysis give mass values which suggest the presence of quercitin glucoronide. However these results need to be confirmed by further in depth isolation and structure elucidation invetigations.
[1] EMA (2012), Assessment report on Rubus idaeus L, folium. Commitee on Herbal medicinal products. EMA/HMPC/44209/2012
[2] EDQM (2017), 2.8.25. High performance thin-layer chromatography of herbal drugs and herbal drug preparations. Ph Eur Edition 9.0