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DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1609044
Embolization of Bleeding Pinna Arteriovenous Malformation after Ligation of the External Carotid Artery: A Therapeutic Challenge
Address for correspondence
21. Juni 2017
08. September 2017
14. Dezember 2017 (online)
A 25-year-old patient presented with bleeding of right pinna arteriovenous malformation (AVM). There was history of ipsilateral external carotid artery (ECA) ligation 10 years back. Subsequent investigations (ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, digital subtraction angiography) showed recruitment of complex collaterals from the ipsilateral subclavian artery and vertebral artery feeding the recurrent nidus. The patient underwent two sessions of endovascular embolization and one session of percutaneous embolization. We wish to highlight the feasibility of antegrade embolization in such cases via collaterals and role of direct percutaneous treatment.
High-flow arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) develop secondary to a defect in vascular morphogenesis.[1] AVMs in the head and neck region commonly involve the face, while ear is rarely involved.[2] Small and asymptomatic AVMs generally do not require treatment; however, large symptomatic AVMs require embolization and/or surgery.[2] Proximal ligation of the vessels without resecting the nidus is catastrophic because it precludes future endovascular access while the nidus continues proliferating due to collaterization.[3] We report a case of recurrent large pinna AVM that posed as a therapeutic challenge owing to prior ligation of the external carotid artery (ECA).
Case Report
A 25-year-old woman presented to our hospital with history of swelling over right pinna for the last 10 years and two episodes of bleeding. The recent episode was torrential bleeding requiring prolonged compression for control. There was history of similar bleeding episode 8 years back for which right ECA ligation was done. Her present ultrasound examination revealed presence of multiple anechoic channels in the right pinna ([Fig. 1]), with contiguous extension into the retroauricular region. Doppler examination revealed color filing in these areas with low-resistance arterial flow, consistent with AVM ([Fig. 1]). Some of the channels were extending into the parotid gland. Magnetic resonance examination revealed similar findings in form of heterogenous soft tissue thickening with presence of multiple flow voids in the pinna and periauricular region ([Fig. 2]).

Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) was performed with selective catheterization of the ipsilateral (right) common carotid artery (CCA), internal carotid artery (ICA), vertebral artery, and right subclavian artery (in view of the previous history of ECA ligation). A large AVM nidus was seen in the region of right pinna, which was fed primarily by an enlarged tortuous feeder from right subclavian artery and another feeder from right vertebral artery ([Fig. 3]). Distal part of vertebral artery was not seen opacified, which could be explained by the steal phenomenon due to blood flow diversion toward the AVM nidus. The subclavian artery feeder followed the expected course of its costocervical branch. Minimal supply was also noted from the branch of ipsilateral ICA. Angiogram of contralateral ECA did not reveal any collateral supply. The prominent tortuous costocervical branch of the right subclavian artery was selectively cannulated and Progreat (Terumo Medical Corp.) microcatheter (2.7F, Terumo) was advanced until the distal most optimum point near the nidus. It was embolized using 25% glue in mixture of Lipiodol (0.25 cc n-butyl cyanoacrylate, Endocryl, [Baxter] + 0.75 cc Lipiodol [Guerbet]). Postprocedure run was satisfactory revealing significant obliteration of nidus opacification ([Fig. 3]). Immediate postprocedure, the patient had an uneventful course and was discharged after 24 hours of observation. To further reduce the size of nidus, one attempt of ultrasound-guided percutaneous embolization with 50% glue was done after about 2 weeks of the first embolization session ([Fig. 4]). The procedure was uneventful. However, after 3 days of percutaneous embolization (i.e., after almost 20 days of the first embolization session), the patient reported in emergency with torrential bleeding from pretragus point. The bleeding point was different from the puncture site of percutaneous embolization. Bleeding required prolonged compression and surgical ligature of bleeding punctum for control. The patient was taken for repeat embolization session. Selective check angiogram revealed large tortuous recanalized cervicothoracic feeder of the subclavian artery supplying the AVM nidus ([Fig. 5]). There was another less prominent nearby feeder from the subclavian artery, which on selective cannulation showed reformation of distal ECA with insignificant contribution to AVM nidus. The flow in distal part of the vertebral artery was found to be restored ([Fig. 5F]) secondary to successful partial embolization (first session) and subsequent reduction in size of common AVM nidus. This time also, the prominent recanalized costocervical feeder was embolized in the similar way to the first session. The other subclavian feeder to AVM was not embolized due to its insignificant contribution to AVM nidus and anticipated nontarget embolization through reformed ECA. Immediate post procedure angiogram revealed the successful reduction in the opacification of AVM nidus ([Fig. 5]). No periprocedural or immediate postprocedural complications occurred. The patient was kept on follow-up. Her follow-up ultrasonography (USG) after 1 and 4 months revealed significant reduction in the AVM nidus with presence of progressive thrombotic obliteration of channels ([Fig. 6]). There has been no recurrence of bleeding up to 1 year post last embolization.

Arteriovenous malformations are rare in the auricular region.[4] These are composed of a central nidus with anomalous arteriovenous shunts and fed by a network of collateral vascular channels.[4] AVM size can increase due to various factors, including trauma, infection, or hormonal influences such as puberty and pregnancy.[5] Presenting symptom may be deformity, pain, ulceration, and bleeding that can sometimes be fatal. The patient first presented with external bleeding from right pinna swelling at the age of 17 years. History and physical examination can provide information that is useful for diagnosis of superficial AVMs of the head and neck. Plain radiograph and computed tomography have limited role as diagnostic tools. Diagnosis is usually made with color Doppler imaging, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is the investigation of choice that helps differentiate the high- versus low-flow malformation as well as to document the extent of lesion.[1] [5] Small and asymptomatic AVMs generally do not require treatment; however, for large symptomatic AVMs, embolization followed by surgery is the treatment of choice.[2] As per the morphology on angiogram, AVMs can be classified into four types.[6] Type I refers to arteriovenous fistula morphology with maximum three separate arteries and single draining vein. Type II is arteriolovenous fistula type. Type III AVMs have a nidus between the arteries and veins. Type IIIa has a nondilated nidus (seen as blush or fine striations) and IIIb has dilated nidus. This case conformed to type IIIb on DSA.
Surgical ligation of the proximal vessel, as one of the treatment options of AVM, is obsolete now, as it not only aggravates the lesion by formation of collateral circulation but also precludes the endovascular embolization on follow-up.[7] ECA ligation used to be the only surgical approach when the patient presented in emergency (with bleeding, airway obstruction or heart failure), but now it has been abandoned.[8] Though there is immediate relief of symptoms, the long-term results are poor due to development of extensive collaterals, making further management difficult.[8] In this patient, history of ligation of right ECA was present, which resulted in subsequent progressive increase in the size of swelling due to extensive collateralization of AVM nidus. Even though currently ligation of the feeding artery is seldom done, some patients may have undergone ligation in the past and present with recurrence. Aim of treatment in AVM is to obliterate the nidus, which is usually achieved using liquid embolic agents having endothelial-cidal properties (ethanol and glue).[9] If the feeder arteries are blocked using coils, this would serve to reduce the flow and short-term symptom relief, but complicate further management similar to what ligating the feeder arteries does.
Collateral blood supply to the AVM nidus after ECA ligation can come from the branches of the internal carotid artery, vertebral artery, and thyrocervical trunk[10] or from the contralateral ECA. In this patient, collateral blood supply was from the cervical branch of ipsilateral costocervical trunk of the subclavian artery and vertebral artery. There was also absence of contrast filling of vertebral artery distal to collateral circulation on angiogram, which was likely due to steal phenomenon and diversion of blood through collateral channels to AVM nidus. This was restored after successful embolization.
After ECA ligation, endovascular treatment of AVM is challenging due to difficulty in access of nidus, but few innovative approaches have been described in such a scenario. Retrograde puncture of the superficial temporal artery to gain access of AVM nidus is possible if the antegrade approach is not feasible because of prior ECA ligation. Wang et al reported successful retrograde embolization of a bleeding maxillary AVM via the superficial temporal artery after a previous ECA ligation in a 15-year-old boy.[11] Retrograde transvenous ethanol embolization is another effective therapy for AVMs, which can be resorted after conventional treatment options have failed. However, it is associated with high complication rate and can be attempted as the last resort.[12] Surgical reconstruction of the previously ligated ECA is also another feasible option; however, it is associated with inherent risks of immediate AVM engorgement and cardiac decompensation due to sudden rise in cardiac load.[8] In this patient, good accessible collateral network from the subclavian artery made us capable of approaching the nidus via antegrade route (through catheterization of collateral vessel) followed by successful embolization. Nonrecurrence of bleeding with good reduction in nidus size also exemplifies the role of percutaneous embolization that in this case presumably halted the recruitment of collateral channels and recanalization of feeders after second embolization. As there was no significant supply from the ICA or ophthalmic artery to the AVM, we did not encounter any neurologic complication during or after embolization.
Auricular AVM is relatively uncommon. Embolization followed by a wide excision and repair is the treatment of choice. Prior ECA ligation to control bleeding AVM presents a therapeutic challenge inciting extensive collateralization and precluding further antegrade catheter access. The purpose of this report was to describe our experience with the antegrade approach of embolizing pinna AVM by catheterizing the collateral vessel after previous ECA ligation and possible added role of percutaneous embolization.
Conflict of Interest
Source of Support
- 1 Meher R, Varshney S, Pant HC. Arteriovenous malformation related to the pinna. Hong Kong Med J 2008; 14 (02) 157-159
- 2 Flye MW, Jordan BP, Schwartz MZ. Management of congenital arteriovenous malformations. Surgery 1983; 94 (05) 740-747
- 3 Erdmann MW, Jackson JE, Davies DM, Allison DJ. Multidisciplinary approach to the management of head and neck arteriovenous malformations. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1995; 77 (01) 53-59
- 4 Seccia A, Salgarello M, Farallo E, Falappa PG. Combined radiological and surgical treatment of arteriovenous malformations of the head and neck. Ann Plast Surg 1999; 43 (04) 359-366
- 5 Boyd JB, Mulliken JB, Kaban LB, Upton III J, Murray JE. Skeletal changes associated with vascular malformations. Plast Reconstr Surg 1984; 74 (06) 789-797
- 6 Cho SK, Do YS, Shin SW. , et al. Arteriovenous malformations of the body and extremities: analysis of therapeutic outcomes and approaches according to a modified angiographic classification. J Endovasc Ther 2006; 13 (04) 527-538
- 7 Svendsen PA, Wikholm G, Fogdestam I, Anniko M, Mendel L. Direct puncture of large arteriovenous malformations in head and neck for embolisation and subsequent reconstructive surgery. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg 1994; 28 (02) 131-135
- 8 Riles TS, Berenstein A, Fisher FS, Persky MS, Madrid M. Reconstruction of the ligated external carotid artery for embolization of cervicofacial arteriovenous malformations. J Vasc Surg 1993; 17 (03) 491-498
- 9 Legiehn GM, Heran MKS. A step-by-step practical approach to imaging diagnosis and interventional radiologic therapy in vascular malformations. Semin Intervent Radiol 2010; 27 (02) 209-231
- 10 Fan X-D, Zhu L, Su L-X. [Embolization of craniofacial arteriovenous malformations after the ligation of external carotid artery] [in Chinese]. Zhonghua Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi Zhonghua Kouqiang Yixue Zazhi Chin. J Stomatol (Brux) 2008; 43 (06) 336-338
- 11 Wang C, Yan Q, Xie X, Li J, Zhou D. Embolization of a bleeding maxillary arteriovenous malformation via the superficial temporal artery after external carotid artery ligation. Korean J Radiol 2008; 9 (02) 182-185
- 12 van der Linden E, van Baalen JM, Pattynama PMT. Retrograde transvenous ethanol embolization of high-flow peripheral arteriovenous malformations. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2012; 35 (04) 820-825
Address for correspondence
- 1 Meher R, Varshney S, Pant HC. Arteriovenous malformation related to the pinna. Hong Kong Med J 2008; 14 (02) 157-159
- 2 Flye MW, Jordan BP, Schwartz MZ. Management of congenital arteriovenous malformations. Surgery 1983; 94 (05) 740-747
- 3 Erdmann MW, Jackson JE, Davies DM, Allison DJ. Multidisciplinary approach to the management of head and neck arteriovenous malformations. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 1995; 77 (01) 53-59
- 4 Seccia A, Salgarello M, Farallo E, Falappa PG. Combined radiological and surgical treatment of arteriovenous malformations of the head and neck. Ann Plast Surg 1999; 43 (04) 359-366
- 5 Boyd JB, Mulliken JB, Kaban LB, Upton III J, Murray JE. Skeletal changes associated with vascular malformations. Plast Reconstr Surg 1984; 74 (06) 789-797
- 6 Cho SK, Do YS, Shin SW. , et al. Arteriovenous malformations of the body and extremities: analysis of therapeutic outcomes and approaches according to a modified angiographic classification. J Endovasc Ther 2006; 13 (04) 527-538
- 7 Svendsen PA, Wikholm G, Fogdestam I, Anniko M, Mendel L. Direct puncture of large arteriovenous malformations in head and neck for embolisation and subsequent reconstructive surgery. Scand J Plast Reconstr Surg Hand Surg 1994; 28 (02) 131-135
- 8 Riles TS, Berenstein A, Fisher FS, Persky MS, Madrid M. Reconstruction of the ligated external carotid artery for embolization of cervicofacial arteriovenous malformations. J Vasc Surg 1993; 17 (03) 491-498
- 9 Legiehn GM, Heran MKS. A step-by-step practical approach to imaging diagnosis and interventional radiologic therapy in vascular malformations. Semin Intervent Radiol 2010; 27 (02) 209-231
- 10 Fan X-D, Zhu L, Su L-X. [Embolization of craniofacial arteriovenous malformations after the ligation of external carotid artery] [in Chinese]. Zhonghua Kou Qiang Yi Xue Za Zhi Zhonghua Kouqiang Yixue Zazhi Chin. J Stomatol (Brux) 2008; 43 (06) 336-338
- 11 Wang C, Yan Q, Xie X, Li J, Zhou D. Embolization of a bleeding maxillary arteriovenous malformation via the superficial temporal artery after external carotid artery ligation. Korean J Radiol 2008; 9 (02) 182-185
- 12 van der Linden E, van Baalen JM, Pattynama PMT. Retrograde transvenous ethanol embolization of high-flow peripheral arteriovenous malformations. Cardiovasc Intervent Radiol 2012; 35 (04) 820-825