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DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1617716
Adipositas und Hypogonadismus
Resultate der Testosteron-TherapieObesity and hypogonadismResults from testosterone therapyKorrespondenzadresse
Publication History
Publication Date:
29 December 2017 (online)
Bei adipösen Männern mit Testosteronmangel führt eine Testosteron-Therapie (TTh) zur deutlichen Verbesserung der anthropometrischen Parameter. Bemerkenswert sind dabei vor allem Kontinuität und Nachhaltigkeit der Gewichtsreduktion über Beobachtungszeiträume von bis zu acht Jahren. Unter der TTh kommt es ferner zu einer Rückführung der metabolischen Parameter in Richtung Normbereich, so dass gerade für die häufig auftretende Kombination von Adipositas, metabolischem Syndrom, Diabetes und Herz-Kreislauferkrankungen ein wesentlicher Grundstein für eine Verbesserung des Gesundheitszustands gelegt wird.
Obese, hypogonadal men under testosterone therapy show a substantial improvement of their anthropometric parameters. In particular the continuity and sustainability of the weight reduction must be noted which could be shown during treatment periods of up to eight years. Moreover, under testosterone therapy the metabolic parameters are substantially improved. For the frequent combination of obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases this represents a suitable basis to gain an improved health status.
- 1 Araujo AB, Esche GR, Kupelian V, O’Donnell AB, Travison TG, Williams RE, Clark RV, McKinlay JB. Prevalence of symptomatic androgen deficiency in men. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2007; 92 (11) 4241-4247.
- 2 Araujo AB, Wittert GA. Endocrinology of the aging male. Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2011; 25 (02) 303-319.
- 3 Aversa A, Bruzziches R, Francomano D, Rosano G, Isidori AM, Lenzi A, Spera G. Effects of testosterone undecanoate on cardiovascular risk factors and atherosclerosis in middle-aged men with lateonset hypogonadism and metabolic syndrome: results from a 24-months, randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2010; 07: 3495-3503.
- 4 Bair TL, May H, Le VT, Lappe D, Anderson J, Muhlestein J. Clinical effects of testosterone supplementation among hypo-androgenic men with preexisting severe coronary artery disease: the intermountain heart collaborative study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2016 67. (13_S): 2097.
- 5 Behre HM, Tammela TLJ, Arver S, Tolrá JR, Bonifacio V, Lamche M, Kelly J, Hiemeyer F, Giltay EJ, Gooren LJ. A randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled trial of testosterone gel on body composition and health-related quality-of-life in men with hypogonadal to low-normal levels of serum testosterone and symptoms of androgen deficiency over 6 months with 12 months open-label followup. The Aging Male 2012; 15 (04) 198-207.
- 6 Bhasin S, Woodhouse L, Casaburi R, Singh AB, Mac RP, Lee M, Yarasheski KE, Sinha-Hikim I, Dzekov C, Dzekov J, Magliano L, Storer TW. Older men are as responsive as young men to the anabolic effects of graded doses of testosterone on the skeletal muscle. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2005; 90 (02) 678-688.
- 7 Bhasin S, Pencina M, Jasuja GK, Travison TG, Coviello A, Orwoll E, Wang PY, Nielson C, Wu F, Tajar A, Labrie F, Vesper H, Zhang A, Ulloor J, Singh R, D’Agostino R, Vasan RS. Reference ranges for testosterone in men generated using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in a community-based sample of healthy nonobese young men in the Framingham Heart Study and applied to three geographically distinct cohorts. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2011; 96 (08) 2430-2439.
- 8 Corona G, Maseroli E, Maggi M. Injectable testosterone undecanoate for the treatment of hypogonadism. Expert Opinion of Pharmacotherapy 2014; 15 (13) 1903-1926.
- 9 Dhindsa S, Prabhakar S, Sethi M, Bandyopadhyay A, Chaudhuri A, Dandona P. Frequent occurrence of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in type 2 diabetes. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2004; 89: 5462-5468.
- 10 Dohle GR, Arver S, Bettocchi C, Kliesch S, Punab M, de Ronde W. Leitlinie Männlicher Hypogonadismus. Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie 2013; 10 5-6 279-292.
- 11 Dohle GR, Arver S, Bettocchi C, Jones TH, Kliesch S, Punab M. Guidelines on male hypogonadism. EAU Guidelines. 2015
- 12 Francomano D, Ilacqua A, Bruzziches R, Lenzi A, Aversa A. Effects of 5-year treatment with testosterone undecanoate on lower urinary tract symptoms in obese men with hypogonadism and metabolic syndrome. Urology 2014; 83 (01) 167-174.
- 13 Francomano D, Lenzi A, Aversa A. Effects of fiveyear treatment with testosterone undecanoate on metabolic and hormonal parameters in ageing men with metabolic syndrome. International Journal of Endocrinology. 2014 2014. Article ID 527470.
- 14 Free & bioavailable testosterone calculator.
- 15 Haider A, Yassin A, Doros G, Saad F. Effects of long-term testosterone therapy on patients with “diabesity”: results of observational studies of pooled analyses in obese hypogonadal men with type 2 diabetes. International Journal of Endocrinology. 2014 2014. Article ID 683515.
- 16 Haider A, Yassin A, Haider KS, Doros G, Saad F, Rosano GMC. Men with testosterone deficiency and a history of cardiovascular diseases benefit from long-term testosterone therapy: observational, real-life data from a registry study. Vascular Health and Risk Management 2016; 12: 251-261.
- 17 Haring R, Ittermann T, Völzke H, Krebs A, Zygmunt M, Felix SB, Grabe HJ, Nauck M, Wallaschofski H. Prevalence, incidence and risk factors of testosterone deficiency in a population-based cohort of men: results from the study of health in Pomerania. The Aging Male 2010; 13 (04) 247-257.
- 18 Jockenhövel F. Androgenmangel des älteren Mannes - Was bringt die Testosteron-Substitution?. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 2001; 126 (09) 247-252.
- 19 Kelly DM, Jones TH. Testosterone and obesity. Obesity Reviews 2015; 16: 581-606.
- 20 Laaksonen DE, Niskanen L, Punnonen K, Nyyssönen K, Tuomainen TP, Valkonen VP, Salonen R, Salonen JT. Testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin predict the metabolic syndrome and diabetes in middle-aged men. Diabetes Care 2004; 27 (05) 1036-1041.
- 21 Lunenfeld B, Mskhalaya G, Zitzmann M, Arver S, Kalinchenko S, Tishova Y, Morgentaler A. Recommendations on the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of hypogonadism in men. The Aging Male 2015; 18 (01) 5-15.
- 22 Mock K, Lunglmayr G. Androgene und Östrogene beim alternden Mann. Journal für Urologie und Urogynäkologie 1999; 06 (S2): 5-9.
- 23 Nedogoda SV, Barykina IN, Salasyuk AS, Smirnova VO, Khripaeva VJ. Effects of testosterone replacement therapy on cardio-metabolic, hormonal and anthropometric parameters in obese hypogonadal men with metabolic syndrome. Obesity. 2015 01. (2) doi
- 24 Paasch U, Glander HJ, Stolzenburg JU. Andro- logische Testosteronersatztherapie. Der Urologe 2009; 48 (01) 79-87.
- 25 Saad F, Aversa A, Isidori AM, Zafalon L, Zitzmann M, Gooren L. Onset of effects of testosterone treatment and time span until maximum effects are achieved. Eur J Endocrinol 2011; 165: 675-685.
- 26 Saad F, Yassin A, Doros G, Haider A. Effects of long-term treatment with testosterone on weight and waist size in 411 hypogonadal men with obesity class I-III: observational data from two registry studies. Int J Obes 2016; 40: 162-170.
- 27 Svartberg J, Agledahl I, Figenschau Y, Sildnes T, Waterloo K, Jorde R. Testosterone treatment in elderly men with subnormal testosterone levels improves body composition and BMD in the hip. Int J Impotence Research 2008; 20: 378-387.
- 28 Tajar A, Forti G, O’Neill TW, Lee DM, Silman AJ, Finn JD, Bartfai G, Boonen S, Casanueva FF, Giwercman A, Han TS, Kula K, Labrie F, Lean MEJ, Pendleton N, Punab M, Vanderschueren D, Huhtaniemi IT, Wu FCW. EMAS Group Characteristics of secondary, primary, and compensated hypogonadism in aging men: evidence from the European Male Ageing Study. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2010; 95 (04) 1810-1818.
- 29 Traish AM, Haider A, Doros G, Saad F. Long-term testosterone therapy in hypogonadal men ameliorates elements of the metabolic syndrome: an observational, long-term registry study. Int J Clinical Practice 2014; 68 (03) 314-329.
- 30 Travison TG, Araujo AB, Kupelian V, O’Donnell AB, McKinlay JB. The relative contributions of aging, health, and lifestyle factors to serum testosterone decline in men. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2007; 92 (02) 549-555.
- 31 Vermeulen A. Ageing, hormones, body composition, metabolic effects. World Journal of Urology 2002; 20 (01) 23-27.
- 32 WHO Europa. Adipositas: Eine Herausforderung für die Europäische Region der WHO. Faktenblatt EURO/13/05. Kopenhagen, Bukarest, 12. September 2005.
- 33 Winter A, Marte A, Kelly M, Funaro M, Schlegel P, Paduch D. Predictors of poor response to transdermal testosterone therapy in men with metabolic syndrome. The Journal of Urology 2014; 191 (4, Supplement): e528.
- 34 Wu FCW, Tajar A, Beynon JM, Pye SR, Silman AJ, Finn JD, O’Neill TW, Bartfai G, Casanueva FF, Forti G, Giwercman A, Han TS, Kula K, Lean MEJ, Pendleton N, Punab M, Boonen S, Vanderschueren D, Labrie F, Huhtaniemi IT. Identification of late-onset hypogonadism in middle-aged and elderly men. NEJM 2010; 363 (02) 123-135.
- 35 Zitzmann M. Die Therapie des Hypogonadismus des Mannes. Der Internist 2008; 49 (05) 559-569.
- 1 Araujo AB, Esche GR, Kupelian V, O’Donnell AB, Travison TG, Williams RE, Clark RV, McKinlay JB. Prevalence of symptomatic androgen deficiency in men. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2007; 92 (11) 4241-4247.
- 2 Araujo AB, Wittert GA. Endocrinology of the aging male. Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2011; 25 (02) 303-319.
- 3 Aversa A, Bruzziches R, Francomano D, Rosano G, Isidori AM, Lenzi A, Spera G. Effects of testosterone undecanoate on cardiovascular risk factors and atherosclerosis in middle-aged men with lateonset hypogonadism and metabolic syndrome: results from a 24-months, randomized, doubleblind, placebo-controlled study. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2010; 07: 3495-3503.
- 4 Bair TL, May H, Le VT, Lappe D, Anderson J, Muhlestein J. Clinical effects of testosterone supplementation among hypo-androgenic men with preexisting severe coronary artery disease: the intermountain heart collaborative study. Journal of the American College of Cardiology. 2016 67. (13_S): 2097.
- 5 Behre HM, Tammela TLJ, Arver S, Tolrá JR, Bonifacio V, Lamche M, Kelly J, Hiemeyer F, Giltay EJ, Gooren LJ. A randomized, double-blind, placebocontrolled trial of testosterone gel on body composition and health-related quality-of-life in men with hypogonadal to low-normal levels of serum testosterone and symptoms of androgen deficiency over 6 months with 12 months open-label followup. The Aging Male 2012; 15 (04) 198-207.
- 6 Bhasin S, Woodhouse L, Casaburi R, Singh AB, Mac RP, Lee M, Yarasheski KE, Sinha-Hikim I, Dzekov C, Dzekov J, Magliano L, Storer TW. Older men are as responsive as young men to the anabolic effects of graded doses of testosterone on the skeletal muscle. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2005; 90 (02) 678-688.
- 7 Bhasin S, Pencina M, Jasuja GK, Travison TG, Coviello A, Orwoll E, Wang PY, Nielson C, Wu F, Tajar A, Labrie F, Vesper H, Zhang A, Ulloor J, Singh R, D’Agostino R, Vasan RS. Reference ranges for testosterone in men generated using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry in a community-based sample of healthy nonobese young men in the Framingham Heart Study and applied to three geographically distinct cohorts. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2011; 96 (08) 2430-2439.
- 8 Corona G, Maseroli E, Maggi M. Injectable testosterone undecanoate for the treatment of hypogonadism. Expert Opinion of Pharmacotherapy 2014; 15 (13) 1903-1926.
- 9 Dhindsa S, Prabhakar S, Sethi M, Bandyopadhyay A, Chaudhuri A, Dandona P. Frequent occurrence of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in type 2 diabetes. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2004; 89: 5462-5468.
- 10 Dohle GR, Arver S, Bettocchi C, Kliesch S, Punab M, de Ronde W. Leitlinie Männlicher Hypogonadismus. Journal für Reproduktionsmedizin und Endokrinologie 2013; 10 5-6 279-292.
- 11 Dohle GR, Arver S, Bettocchi C, Jones TH, Kliesch S, Punab M. Guidelines on male hypogonadism. EAU Guidelines. 2015
- 12 Francomano D, Ilacqua A, Bruzziches R, Lenzi A, Aversa A. Effects of 5-year treatment with testosterone undecanoate on lower urinary tract symptoms in obese men with hypogonadism and metabolic syndrome. Urology 2014; 83 (01) 167-174.
- 13 Francomano D, Lenzi A, Aversa A. Effects of fiveyear treatment with testosterone undecanoate on metabolic and hormonal parameters in ageing men with metabolic syndrome. International Journal of Endocrinology. 2014 2014. Article ID 527470.
- 14 Free & bioavailable testosterone calculator.
- 15 Haider A, Yassin A, Doros G, Saad F. Effects of long-term testosterone therapy on patients with “diabesity”: results of observational studies of pooled analyses in obese hypogonadal men with type 2 diabetes. International Journal of Endocrinology. 2014 2014. Article ID 683515.
- 16 Haider A, Yassin A, Haider KS, Doros G, Saad F, Rosano GMC. Men with testosterone deficiency and a history of cardiovascular diseases benefit from long-term testosterone therapy: observational, real-life data from a registry study. Vascular Health and Risk Management 2016; 12: 251-261.
- 17 Haring R, Ittermann T, Völzke H, Krebs A, Zygmunt M, Felix SB, Grabe HJ, Nauck M, Wallaschofski H. Prevalence, incidence and risk factors of testosterone deficiency in a population-based cohort of men: results from the study of health in Pomerania. The Aging Male 2010; 13 (04) 247-257.
- 18 Jockenhövel F. Androgenmangel des älteren Mannes - Was bringt die Testosteron-Substitution?. Deutsche Medizinische Wochenschrift 2001; 126 (09) 247-252.
- 19 Kelly DM, Jones TH. Testosterone and obesity. Obesity Reviews 2015; 16: 581-606.
- 20 Laaksonen DE, Niskanen L, Punnonen K, Nyyssönen K, Tuomainen TP, Valkonen VP, Salonen R, Salonen JT. Testosterone and sex hormone-binding globulin predict the metabolic syndrome and diabetes in middle-aged men. Diabetes Care 2004; 27 (05) 1036-1041.
- 21 Lunenfeld B, Mskhalaya G, Zitzmann M, Arver S, Kalinchenko S, Tishova Y, Morgentaler A. Recommendations on the diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of hypogonadism in men. The Aging Male 2015; 18 (01) 5-15.
- 22 Mock K, Lunglmayr G. Androgene und Östrogene beim alternden Mann. Journal für Urologie und Urogynäkologie 1999; 06 (S2): 5-9.
- 23 Nedogoda SV, Barykina IN, Salasyuk AS, Smirnova VO, Khripaeva VJ. Effects of testosterone replacement therapy on cardio-metabolic, hormonal and anthropometric parameters in obese hypogonadal men with metabolic syndrome. Obesity. 2015 01. (2) doi
- 24 Paasch U, Glander HJ, Stolzenburg JU. Andro- logische Testosteronersatztherapie. Der Urologe 2009; 48 (01) 79-87.
- 25 Saad F, Aversa A, Isidori AM, Zafalon L, Zitzmann M, Gooren L. Onset of effects of testosterone treatment and time span until maximum effects are achieved. Eur J Endocrinol 2011; 165: 675-685.
- 26 Saad F, Yassin A, Doros G, Haider A. Effects of long-term treatment with testosterone on weight and waist size in 411 hypogonadal men with obesity class I-III: observational data from two registry studies. Int J Obes 2016; 40: 162-170.
- 27 Svartberg J, Agledahl I, Figenschau Y, Sildnes T, Waterloo K, Jorde R. Testosterone treatment in elderly men with subnormal testosterone levels improves body composition and BMD in the hip. Int J Impotence Research 2008; 20: 378-387.
- 28 Tajar A, Forti G, O’Neill TW, Lee DM, Silman AJ, Finn JD, Bartfai G, Boonen S, Casanueva FF, Giwercman A, Han TS, Kula K, Labrie F, Lean MEJ, Pendleton N, Punab M, Vanderschueren D, Huhtaniemi IT, Wu FCW. EMAS Group Characteristics of secondary, primary, and compensated hypogonadism in aging men: evidence from the European Male Ageing Study. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2010; 95 (04) 1810-1818.
- 29 Traish AM, Haider A, Doros G, Saad F. Long-term testosterone therapy in hypogonadal men ameliorates elements of the metabolic syndrome: an observational, long-term registry study. Int J Clinical Practice 2014; 68 (03) 314-329.
- 30 Travison TG, Araujo AB, Kupelian V, O’Donnell AB, McKinlay JB. The relative contributions of aging, health, and lifestyle factors to serum testosterone decline in men. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2007; 92 (02) 549-555.
- 31 Vermeulen A. Ageing, hormones, body composition, metabolic effects. World Journal of Urology 2002; 20 (01) 23-27.
- 32 WHO Europa. Adipositas: Eine Herausforderung für die Europäische Region der WHO. Faktenblatt EURO/13/05. Kopenhagen, Bukarest, 12. September 2005.
- 33 Winter A, Marte A, Kelly M, Funaro M, Schlegel P, Paduch D. Predictors of poor response to transdermal testosterone therapy in men with metabolic syndrome. The Journal of Urology 2014; 191 (4, Supplement): e528.
- 34 Wu FCW, Tajar A, Beynon JM, Pye SR, Silman AJ, Finn JD, O’Neill TW, Bartfai G, Casanueva FF, Forti G, Giwercman A, Han TS, Kula K, Lean MEJ, Pendleton N, Punab M, Boonen S, Vanderschueren D, Labrie F, Huhtaniemi IT. Identification of late-onset hypogonadism in middle-aged and elderly men. NEJM 2010; 363 (02) 123-135.
- 35 Zitzmann M. Die Therapie des Hypogonadismus des Mannes. Der Internist 2008; 49 (05) 559-569.