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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1629883
Vaccines: A Reappraisal
Publication History
Publication Date:
30 March 2018 (online)
By the end of the opening chapter, the author has made the case for allowing childhood diseases to run their course and, in their wake, create both specific and nonspecific immunities. The reader is also made to understand that vaccine-mediated immunity falls short in those aforementioned immunities and that a chronic, autoimmune disease state can be additionally created.
By the end of the closing chapter, the author has summarised ‘the sacrament of modern medicine’ to be pseudo-science and offers the suggestion that a better clinical research model be created. Comprehensive safety and efficacious trials need to be radically redesigned while being conducted and supervised by a truly independent agency. He further suggests that the definition of vaccine-related injuries and illnesses needs to be broadened to include subclinical autoimmune phenomena and overt chronic disease ‘…as well as nonspecific activation and intensification of preexisting conditions and tendencies’.
Moskowitz adds several more important points to be included in his suggested model before mentioning the broader issue of runaway capitalism, which blindly promotes the growth of bad science and medicine. Dr. Peter Rost, a former vice president of the drug company Pfizer, in the 2015 Gardasil documentary, One More Girl, admitted:
‘… that all vaccine safety and efficacy studies are funded, designed, and micromanaged by the manufacturers themselves to fabricate whatever results will best promote the virtues and hide the defects of their products, and thus insure and maximise their commercial success’.– p. 248.
Between these two chapters are 13 others which deal with all the relevant vaccination topics, for example ‘the role of Aluminum adjuvants’; ‘neurotoxic reactions the rule, not the exception’; ‘death as an inherent risk of the vaccination process’; ‘other vaccine ingredients’; ‘DPT encephalopathy’; ‘the Wakefield Saga’; ‘the CDC cover-up’ and so on. These are not chapter titles but subtitles of small essays within.
Moskowitz discusses the individual vaccines and devotes an entire chapter to the big three—DPT, DTP and DTAP.
He weaves countless personal stories and anecdotes, most of which are too lengthy to quote here. One interesting and shameful caveat he cites relates to the vaccine research scientist, William Thompson, PhD, who admitted he had suppressed data about the MMR vaccine in a 2004 article published in the journal Pediatrics:
‘[He] submitted written testimony to Congress that high officials in the CDC ordered him and his colleagues at the agency to bury their own data, which showed a marked increase in autism in young boys who had received the MMR vaccine, and that he continued to do so for many years, until his conscience got the better of him…’. – p. 248.
The author is a doctor having around 50 years of experience and one of our most respected contributors offers all of this in an easy-to-follow and clear narrative. Simply put, he is one of the homeopathic community's most accomplished writers.
Vaccines: a reappraisal is well produced and, need I say, well researched. It deserves a wide audience. May I suggest that after your purchase and perusal, you loan it to an allopathic colleague. However, make a note of who you loaned it to because it just might start travelling.
Jay Yasgur, RPh, MSc, is a licensed pharmacist who also specialises in homeopathy and plant spirit medicine. His book Yasgur's Homeopathic Dictionary and Holistic Health Reference, 4th ed., is a standard reference in the field. Another book which he compiled is 111 Great Homeopaths and is translated into six languages. He may be contacted at:;
No conflict of interest has been declared by the author(s).