Paris Classification is used to classify gastrointestinal superficial neoplastic lesions and also to estimate submucosal invasion. We aimed to evaluate the interobserver agreement for this classification among westerns endoscopists.
A total of 54 superficial gastric lesions were independently classified according to Paris classification by 8 endoscopists. Observers were asked to classify 2 sets of images – first, obtained with high resolution white light (HR-WL) endoscopy and second, with the same HR-WL images paired with images obtained with high resolution Narrow Band Imaging (HR-NBI) – HR-WL+ NBI image group.
The overall interobserver agreement when asked to classify in I, II or III was good both using HR-WL images and HR-WL + NBI images (wK of 0.65 and 0.70, respectively). The proportion of agreement for type III lesions was 0.48 for HR-WL images increasing significantly to 0.74 in the HR-WL+NBI group. The interobserver agreement for the identification of a IIc component was only moderate (wK 0,47) and did not improve with HR-NBI namely for experts and beginners, whereas it increased for trainees (from 0.19 to 0.47). The observers had higher specificity than sensitivity in predicting submucosal invasion and with HR-NBI images the sensitivity improved among the less experienced endoscopists.
Overall, the reliability of Paris classification is moderate to good. Both training and the use of technology such as NBI may improve both reliability and accuracy.