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Yearb Med Inform 1997; 06(01): 67-74
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1637862
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1637862
Review Paper
Health Informatics Standards: A View From Mid-America
Weitere Informationen
Address of the authors:
C.J. McDonald, M.D.
Regenstrief Institute for Health Care
Indiana University Medical Center
1001 West Tenth Street
Indiana 46202-2859
Telefon: +l 317 630 7070
Fax: +1 317 630 6962
10. März 2018 (online)
- 1 Hardin G. The tragedy of the commons.. Science 1968; 162: 1243-8.
- 2 Health Level Seven. An application protocol for electronic data exchange in healthcare environments.. Version 2.3 Ann Arbor: Health Level Seven, Inc.; 1997.
- 3 The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification. Revision 1.1.. 1991 OMG Document Number 91.12.1.
- 4 Rishel W. HL7 with CORBA and OLE: software components for healthcare. In:. Cimino JJ. ed. Proceedings. 1996. AMIA Annual Fall Symposium.. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus Inc; 1996: 95-9
- 5 De Moor GJ. European standards development in healthcare informatics: actual and future challenges.. Int J Biomed Comput 1995; 39: 81-5.
- 6 Huff SM, Rocha RA, Solbrig HR, Barnes MW, Schrank SP, Smith M. Linking a Medical Vocabulary to a Clinical Data Model using ASN.. In Proceedings of the AMIA WG6 Conference, Jacksonville, FL 1997
- 7 Rector AL, Glowinski AJ, Nowlan WA, Rossi-Mori A. Medical-concept models and medical records: an approach based on GALEN and PEN&PAD.. J Am Med In form Assoc 1995; 2: 19-35.
- 8 Alschuler L. ABCD ... SGML. A User's Guide to Structured Information.. Boston, MA: International Thomson Computer Press; 1995
- 9 Kimura M. Overview of medical information standardization in Japan.. In: Proceedings International Symposium for Healthcare Information Standard. 16th JCMI. 1996. Tokyo, Japan: 1996: 29-31
- 10 McCray AT, Razi AM, Bangalore AK, Browne AC, Stavri PZ. The UMLS knowledge source server: A versatile internetbased research tool.. in Cimino JJ. ed. Proceedings. 1996. AMIA Annual Fall Symposium. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus Inc; 1996: 164-8
- 11 McCauley B, Young J. Clark I, Peters M. Incorporation of the Arden Syntax within . the reimplemeritation of a closed-loop decision support system.. Comput Biomed Res 1996; 29: 507-18.
- 12 Jenders RA, Dasgupta B. Assessment of a knowledge-acquisition tool for writing medical logic modules in the Arden syntax. In:. Cimino JJ. ed. Proceedings. 1996. AMIA Annual Fall Symposium. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus Inc; 1996: 567-71
- 13 ASTM E1460 Specification for Defining and Sharing Modular Health Knowledge Bases (Arden Syntax). Philadelphia: American Society for Testing Materials; 1992
- 14 ASTM E1467.91 Standard specification for transferring digital neurophy-siological data between independent computer systems.. Philadelphia: American Society for Testing Materials; 1992
- 15 Kennelly RJ, Wittenber J. New IEEE standard enables data collection for medical applications. In:. Ozbolt J. ed. Transforming Information, Changing Health Care. Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care.. Philadelphia: Hanely & Belfus Inc; 1994: 531-5
- 16 American College of Radiology/National Electrical Manufacturers Association. Digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM). Washington, DC: NEMA Publications PS3.1-PS3.13; 1994
- 17 Chabriais J, Aubry F, Moreau JF, DiPaola R. Management and transmission of medical images. Main standards and norms.. J Radiol 1996; 77: 1105-20.
- 18 Pennebaker WB, Mitchell JL. JPEG still image data compression standard.. New York: VanNostrand Reinhold; 1993
- 19 McDonald CJ. Observations and Opinions: Delivering x-ray images on hospital computer networks.. M D Computing 1992; 9: 348-50.
- 20 Good WF, Maitz GS, Gur D. Joint photographic experts group (JPEG) compatible data compression of mammograms.. Com put Med I mag Grap 1994; 18: 339-42.
- 21 Karson TH, Chandra S, Morehead AJ, Stewart WJ, Nissen SE, Thomas JD. JPEG compression of digital echocardiographic images: impact on image quality.. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1995; 8: 306-18.
- 22 Board of Director of the American Medical Informatics Assoc. Standards for medical identifiers, codes and messages needed to create an efficient computerstored medical record.. J Am Med Inform Assoc 1994; 1: 1-7.
- 23 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Format. Version 3 .2.. Phoenix: National Council for Prescription Drug Programs, Inc.; 1992
- 24 The WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring. The Uppsala Monitoring Centre, Box 26, S-751 03 Uppsala, Sweden..
- 25 MediSourceDAT -Drug Product & Disease Listings with Essential Clinical Content. Multum Information Services, Inc.. 3200 Cherry Creek South Dr., Suite 300, Denver, CO 80209.
- 26 UMDNS staff. Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System:. 1997 edition. ECRI, Plymouth Meeting, PA.
- 27 Rothwell DJ, Cote RA. Managing information with SNOMED: understanding the model.In. Cimino JJ. ed. Proceedings 1996 AM/A Annual Fall Symposium.. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus Inc; 1996: 80-3
- 28 Price C, Bentley TE, Brown PJ, Schulz EB, O'Neil M. Anatomical characterisation of surgical procedures in the read thesaurus. In:. Cimino JJ. ed. Proceedings 1996 AM/A Annual Fall Symposium.. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus Inc; 1996: 110-4
- 29 International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use. Medical Dictionary for Dflg Regulatory Affairs (MEDORA), in development.. Carol McCullough, 7021 Enterprise Ave., McClean, VA. 703 442 0497
- 30 Goltra PS. MEDCIN: A New Nomenclature for Clinical Medicine.. New York: SpringerVerlag; 1997
- 31 Forrey AW, McDonald CJ, DeMoor G, Huff SM, Leavelle D, Leland D, Piers T, Charles L, Griffin B, Stalling F, Tullis A, Hutchins K, Baenziger J. The logical observation identifier names and codes (LOIN C) database: A public use set of codes and names for electronic reporting of clinical laboratory test results.. Clin Chern 1996; 42: 81-90.
- 32 DEEDS Writing Committee. Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems (DEEDS), Release 1.0. January. 1997. Atlanta, GA.:
- 33 De Moor G, Fiers T, Wieme R, Scott P. The research in semantics behind the OpenLabs coding system.. Comput Meth Progr Bio 1996; 50: 169-85.
- 34 Gore MJ. Hospital & commercial labs vie for market control.. Laboratory Industry Report, Washington G-2 Reports 1995; 4: 5-8.
- 35 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry/International Federation of Clinical Chemistry. The Silver Book: Compendium of Terminology and Nomenclature of Properties in Clinical Laboratory Sciences.. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publishers; 1995
- 36 Chemical Abstracts 13th Collective Index (CI) 1997. CAS, Columbus, OH.:
- 37 ATCC Bacteria & Bacteriophages, 19th Edition. Iienta P, Tang J, Cote R. editors. ATCC 1996. Rockville, MD.:
- 38 U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine.. Unified Medical Lan. guage System. 1993. Bethesda, MD.:
- 39 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The SSL Protocol version 3.0.. Internet Draft 1996
- 40 Barrows Jr. RC, Clayton PD. Privacy, confidentiality, and medical records.. J Am Med Inform Assoc 1996; 3: 139-48.
- 41 Committee on Maintaining Privacy and Security in Health Care Applications of the National Information Infrastructure, National Research Council. For the Record: Protecting Electronic Health Information.. Washington DC: National Academy Press; 1997
- 42 Medical Informatics Dept faculty o(the University of Magdeburg. Healthcare security and privacy, quality and safety- the scope of CEN/TC 251 WG6.. 1997: 1-8
- 43 Satomura Y.. Individual medicine for global health care.. In: Proceedings 16th Joint Conference on Medical Informatics. Japan Assoc. of Medical Informatics. 1996; 19-21.
Address of the authors:
C.J. McDonald, M.D.
Regenstrief Institute for Health Care
Indiana University Medical Center
1001 West Tenth Street
Indiana 46202-2859
Telefon: +l 317 630 7070
Fax: +1 317 630 6962
- 1 Hardin G. The tragedy of the commons.. Science 1968; 162: 1243-8.
- 2 Health Level Seven. An application protocol for electronic data exchange in healthcare environments.. Version 2.3 Ann Arbor: Health Level Seven, Inc.; 1997.
- 3 The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification. Revision 1.1.. 1991 OMG Document Number 91.12.1.
- 4 Rishel W. HL7 with CORBA and OLE: software components for healthcare. In:. Cimino JJ. ed. Proceedings. 1996. AMIA Annual Fall Symposium.. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus Inc; 1996: 95-9
- 5 De Moor GJ. European standards development in healthcare informatics: actual and future challenges.. Int J Biomed Comput 1995; 39: 81-5.
- 6 Huff SM, Rocha RA, Solbrig HR, Barnes MW, Schrank SP, Smith M. Linking a Medical Vocabulary to a Clinical Data Model using ASN.. In Proceedings of the AMIA WG6 Conference, Jacksonville, FL 1997
- 7 Rector AL, Glowinski AJ, Nowlan WA, Rossi-Mori A. Medical-concept models and medical records: an approach based on GALEN and PEN&PAD.. J Am Med In form Assoc 1995; 2: 19-35.
- 8 Alschuler L. ABCD ... SGML. A User's Guide to Structured Information.. Boston, MA: International Thomson Computer Press; 1995
- 9 Kimura M. Overview of medical information standardization in Japan.. In: Proceedings International Symposium for Healthcare Information Standard. 16th JCMI. 1996. Tokyo, Japan: 1996: 29-31
- 10 McCray AT, Razi AM, Bangalore AK, Browne AC, Stavri PZ. The UMLS knowledge source server: A versatile internetbased research tool.. in Cimino JJ. ed. Proceedings. 1996. AMIA Annual Fall Symposium. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus Inc; 1996: 164-8
- 11 McCauley B, Young J. Clark I, Peters M. Incorporation of the Arden Syntax within . the reimplemeritation of a closed-loop decision support system.. Comput Biomed Res 1996; 29: 507-18.
- 12 Jenders RA, Dasgupta B. Assessment of a knowledge-acquisition tool for writing medical logic modules in the Arden syntax. In:. Cimino JJ. ed. Proceedings. 1996. AMIA Annual Fall Symposium. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus Inc; 1996: 567-71
- 13 ASTM E1460 Specification for Defining and Sharing Modular Health Knowledge Bases (Arden Syntax). Philadelphia: American Society for Testing Materials; 1992
- 14 ASTM E1467.91 Standard specification for transferring digital neurophy-siological data between independent computer systems.. Philadelphia: American Society for Testing Materials; 1992
- 15 Kennelly RJ, Wittenber J. New IEEE standard enables data collection for medical applications. In:. Ozbolt J. ed. Transforming Information, Changing Health Care. Proceedings of the 18th Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care.. Philadelphia: Hanely & Belfus Inc; 1994: 531-5
- 16 American College of Radiology/National Electrical Manufacturers Association. Digital imaging and communications in medicine (DICOM). Washington, DC: NEMA Publications PS3.1-PS3.13; 1994
- 17 Chabriais J, Aubry F, Moreau JF, DiPaola R. Management and transmission of medical images. Main standards and norms.. J Radiol 1996; 77: 1105-20.
- 18 Pennebaker WB, Mitchell JL. JPEG still image data compression standard.. New York: VanNostrand Reinhold; 1993
- 19 McDonald CJ. Observations and Opinions: Delivering x-ray images on hospital computer networks.. M D Computing 1992; 9: 348-50.
- 20 Good WF, Maitz GS, Gur D. Joint photographic experts group (JPEG) compatible data compression of mammograms.. Com put Med I mag Grap 1994; 18: 339-42.
- 21 Karson TH, Chandra S, Morehead AJ, Stewart WJ, Nissen SE, Thomas JD. JPEG compression of digital echocardiographic images: impact on image quality.. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1995; 8: 306-18.
- 22 Board of Director of the American Medical Informatics Assoc. Standards for medical identifiers, codes and messages needed to create an efficient computerstored medical record.. J Am Med Inform Assoc 1994; 1: 1-7.
- 23 NCPDP Telecommunication Standard Format. Version 3 .2.. Phoenix: National Council for Prescription Drug Programs, Inc.; 1992
- 24 The WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring. The Uppsala Monitoring Centre, Box 26, S-751 03 Uppsala, Sweden..
- 25 MediSourceDAT -Drug Product & Disease Listings with Essential Clinical Content. Multum Information Services, Inc.. 3200 Cherry Creek South Dr., Suite 300, Denver, CO 80209.
- 26 UMDNS staff. Universal Medical Device Nomenclature System:. 1997 edition. ECRI, Plymouth Meeting, PA.
- 27 Rothwell DJ, Cote RA. Managing information with SNOMED: understanding the model.In. Cimino JJ. ed. Proceedings 1996 AM/A Annual Fall Symposium.. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus Inc; 1996: 80-3
- 28 Price C, Bentley TE, Brown PJ, Schulz EB, O'Neil M. Anatomical characterisation of surgical procedures in the read thesaurus. In:. Cimino JJ. ed. Proceedings 1996 AM/A Annual Fall Symposium.. Philadelphia: Hanley & Belfus Inc; 1996: 110-4
- 29 International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use. Medical Dictionary for Dflg Regulatory Affairs (MEDORA), in development.. Carol McCullough, 7021 Enterprise Ave., McClean, VA. 703 442 0497
- 30 Goltra PS. MEDCIN: A New Nomenclature for Clinical Medicine.. New York: SpringerVerlag; 1997
- 31 Forrey AW, McDonald CJ, DeMoor G, Huff SM, Leavelle D, Leland D, Piers T, Charles L, Griffin B, Stalling F, Tullis A, Hutchins K, Baenziger J. The logical observation identifier names and codes (LOIN C) database: A public use set of codes and names for electronic reporting of clinical laboratory test results.. Clin Chern 1996; 42: 81-90.
- 32 DEEDS Writing Committee. Data Elements for Emergency Department Systems (DEEDS), Release 1.0. January. 1997. Atlanta, GA.:
- 33 De Moor G, Fiers T, Wieme R, Scott P. The research in semantics behind the OpenLabs coding system.. Comput Meth Progr Bio 1996; 50: 169-85.
- 34 Gore MJ. Hospital & commercial labs vie for market control.. Laboratory Industry Report, Washington G-2 Reports 1995; 4: 5-8.
- 35 International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry/International Federation of Clinical Chemistry. The Silver Book: Compendium of Terminology and Nomenclature of Properties in Clinical Laboratory Sciences.. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publishers; 1995
- 36 Chemical Abstracts 13th Collective Index (CI) 1997. CAS, Columbus, OH.:
- 37 ATCC Bacteria & Bacteriophages, 19th Edition. Iienta P, Tang J, Cote R. editors. ATCC 1996. Rockville, MD.:
- 38 U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine.. Unified Medical Lan. guage System. 1993. Bethesda, MD.:
- 39 Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). The SSL Protocol version 3.0.. Internet Draft 1996
- 40 Barrows Jr. RC, Clayton PD. Privacy, confidentiality, and medical records.. J Am Med Inform Assoc 1996; 3: 139-48.
- 41 Committee on Maintaining Privacy and Security in Health Care Applications of the National Information Infrastructure, National Research Council. For the Record: Protecting Electronic Health Information.. Washington DC: National Academy Press; 1997
- 42 Medical Informatics Dept faculty o(the University of Magdeburg. Healthcare security and privacy, quality and safety- the scope of CEN/TC 251 WG6.. 1997: 1-8
- 43 Satomura Y.. Individual medicine for global health care.. In: Proceedings 16th Joint Conference on Medical Informatics. Japan Assoc. of Medical Informatics. 1996; 19-21.