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Yearb Med Inform 2000; 09(01): 100-106
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1637948
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1637948
Research and Education
Education and Research at the Department of Medical Informatics Maastricht
Further Information
Address of the authors:
A. Hasman, J.L. Talman
Department of Medical Informatics
Maastricht University
PO Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands
Publication History
Publication Date:
07 March 2018 (online)
- 1 Schmidt H. G. Problem-based learning: rationale and description. Education 1983; 17: 11-6.
- 2 Muijtjens AMM, Donkers HHLM, de Voider WCAM. et al. A problem-oriented course in Medical Informatics. In Van Semmel JH, Zvarova J. eds Knowledge, Information and Medical Education . Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers; 1991: 116-24.
- 3 Ambergen AW, Donker DK, Donkers HHLM. et al. Teaching medical informatics. In Hansen R, Solheim BG, O’Moore RR, Roger FH. eds Proceedings of Medical Informatics Europe ‘88. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag; 1998: 311-5.
- 4 Groothuis S, van Merode GG. MEDMODEL in the health policy and management program at Maastricht University. Proc 1998 Western Multiconference. 1998: 187-91.
- 5 Abraham I, Evers G, Has man A, Tange H, Silkens R, Rein F. A summer institute on computer applications fornursingmanagement: background, curriculum, and evaluation. J Cont Educ Nursing 1991; 29: 31-44.
- 6 Hasrnan A. Recommendations for medical informatics training in the Netherlands. Meth Inform Med 1994; 33: 308-11.
- 7 Hasman A. Education and training in health informatics: the IT-EDUCTRA project. Int J Med Inform 1998; 50: 179-86.
- 8 Hasman A. Education and health informatics. Int J Med Inform 1998; 52: 209-16.
- 9 Muijtjens A, Roos JMA, Arts T, Hasman A, Reneman RS. Extrapolation of incomplete marker tracus by lower rank approximation. Int J Biomed Comput 1993; 33: 219-39.
- 10 Muijtjens AMM, Roos JMA, Arts T, Hasman A, Reneman RS. Tracking markers with missing data by lower rank approximation. J Biomechanics 1997; 30: 95-8.
- 11 Muijtjens AMM, Roos JMA, Arts T, Hasman A. Maximum likelihood estimation in calibrating a stereo camera setup. Med Phys 1999; 26: 310-8.
- 12 Aelen FWL, Arts T, Sanders DGM. et al. Automated quantification of human left ventricular deformation with magnetic resonance cardiac tagging. In Murray A, Arzbaecher R. eds Proc Int Conf Computers in Cardiology 1995. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Inc; 1995: 629-32.
- 13 Groot Koerkamp MAM, Snoep G, Muijtjens AMM, Kemerink GJ. Improving contrast and tracking of tags in cardiac magnetic resonance images. Magn Reson Med 1999; 41: 973-82.
- 14 Muijtjens AMM, Roos JMA, Van OMFM. et al. Measuring regional hypertrophy by radiopaque myocardial markers viewed in 3D with a single X-ray camera. In: Proci EEE Conf Comput Cardiol 1997. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Inc. 1997: 565-8.
- 15 Van Donkelaar CC, Willems PJB, Muijtjens AMM, Drost MR. Strain distribution at the surface of rat medial gastrocnemius muscle during contractions at different lengths. J Biomech 1999; 32: 755-62.
- 16 Schijven RAJ, Talmon JL, Penders R. Kitslaar PJEHM. Decision support system for the diagnosis and therapy planning in patients with peripheral vascular disease. In: Proceedings Computers in Cardiology 1987. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Inc; 1987: 129-32.
- 17 Talmon JL. A multiclass nonparametric partitioning algorithm. Pattern Recogn Letters 1986; 4: 31-8.
- 18 De Bruijn LM, Hasman A, Arends JW. Automatic SNOMED classification-a corpus-based method. Comput Meth Progr Bio 1997; 54: 115-22.
- 19 De Bruijn LM, Hasman A, Arends JW. Automatic coding of diagnostic reports. Meth Inform Med 1998; 37: 260-6.
- 20 Müller B, Hasman A, Blom JA. Building intelligent alarm systems by combining mathematical models and inductive machine learning techniques. Int J Biomed Comput 1997; 41: 107-24.
- 21 Müller B, Hasman A, Blom JA. Building intelligent alarm systems by combining mathematical models and inductive machine learning techniques: Part 2-Sensitivity analysis. Int J Biomed Comput 1997; 42: 165-79.
- 22 Adang RP, Vismans FIE, Talman JL, Hasman A, Ambergen AW, Stockbrugger RW. The diagnostic outcome of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: are referral source and patient age determining factors?. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepat 1994; 6: 329-35.
- 23 Adang RP, Vismans FJE, Talmon JL, Hasman A, Ambergen AW, Stockbrugger RW. Appropriateness of indications for diagnostic upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: association with relevant endoscopic disease. Gastrointest Endoscopy 1995; 42: 390-97.
- 24 Adang RP, Ambergen AW, Talmon JL, Hasman A, Vismans JFE, Stockbrugger RW. The discriminative value of patient characteristics and dyspeptic symptoms for upper gastrointestinal endoscopic diagnoses: A study on the clinical presentation of 1,147 patients. Digestion 1996; 57: 118-34.
- 25 Dupuits FMHM, Pop P, Hasman A, Schouten HJA. A rational request behavior: The development of prediction instruments regarding thyroid function tests in primary care. Meth Inform Med 1999; 38: 31-6.
- 26 Vissers M, Hasman A, Vander Linden CJ. Consultation behaviour of residents supported with a protocol processing system (Proto VIEW) at the emergency ward. Int J Biomed Comput 1995; 38: 181-7.
- 27 Vissers M, Biert J, van der Linden CJ, Hasman A. Effects of a supportive protocol processing system (Proto VIEW) on clinical behaviour of residents in the Accident and Emergency department Comp Meth Prog Bio. 1996; 49: 177-84.
- 28 Vissers M, Hasman A, van der Linden CJ. Impact of a protocol processing system (Proto VIEW) on clinical behaviour of residents and treatment. Int J Biomed Comput 1996; 42: 143-50.
- 29 Vissers MC, Has man A. Building a flexible protocol information system with ‘ready foruse’ web-technology. Int J Med Inform 1999; 53: 163-74.
- 30 Smeets RPAM, Meinardi H, Talmon JL, Hasman A. Agreement and correctness in adjusting antiepileptic drug treatment: a need for rationaldrug treatment?. Epilepsia 1999; 40: 763-8.
- 31 Clarke K, O’Moore R, Smeets R, Talman JL. Brender, McNair P, Nykllnen P, Grimson J, Barber B. A methodology for evaluation of knowledge-based systems in medicine. Artif Intell Med 1994; 6: 107-21.
- 32 Brender Talmon JL, Nykanen McNair P, Demeester M, Beuscart R. On the evaluation of system integration. In Van Gennip EMSJ, Talmon JL. eds Assessment and Evaluation of Information Technologies . Amsterdam: IOS Press; 1995: 189-208.
- 33 Vissers MC, Talman JL. Evaluating the MACRO solution. In Pappas C, Maglaveras N, Scherrer J-R. eds Proceedings of Medical Informatics Europe ‘97 . Amsterdam: IOS Press; 1997: 741-5.
- 34 Gennip EMSJ van, Talman JL. eds Assessment and Evaluation of Infonnation Technologies . Amsterdam: IOS Press; 1995
- 35 Talmon JL, Enning J, Castaneda G, Eurlings F, Hoyer D, Nyklinen P, Sanz F, Thayer C, Vissers M. The VAT AM guidelines. Int J Med Inform. 1999. in press
- 36
- 37 Tange HJ. How to approach the structering of the medical record?: Towards a model for flexible access to free text medical data. Int J Biomed Comput 1996; 42: 27-34.
- 38 Tange HJ, Dreessen VAB, Hasman A, Donkers HHLM. An experimental electronic medical-record system with multiple views on medical narratives. Comput Meth Progr Bio 1997; 54: 157-72.
- 39 Tange HJ, Schouten HC, Kester A, Hasman A. The granularity of medical narratives and its effect on the speed and completeness of information retrieval. J Am Med Inform Assoc 1998; 5: 571-82.
- 40 Merode GG van, Hasman A, Derks J, Schoenmaker B, Goldschmidt HMJ. Advanced management facilities for clinical laboratories. Comput Meth Progr Bio 1996; 50: 195-205.
- 41 Wiesman F, Hasman A. Graphical information retrieval by browsing meta-information. Comput Meth Progr Bio 1997; 53: 135-52.
- 42 Dietz JLG, vander Pol R, Wiesman F. The ARCHIMEDES network system: a system for searching and accessing information in multiple multimedia sources. J Intel Inform Syst 1997; 8: 77-101.
- 43 Egmont-Petersen M, Talman JL, Brender J, McNair P. On the quality of neural net classifiers. Artif Intell Med 1994; 6: 359-81.
- 44 Egmont-Petersen M, Talman JL, Hasman A. Robustness metrics for measuring the influence of additives on the performance of statistical classifiers. Int J Med Inform 1997; 46: 103-12.
- 45 Egmont-Petersen M, Talman JL, Hasman A, Ambergen AW. Assessing the importance of features for multi-layerperceptrons. Neural Networks 1998; 11: 623-35.
Address of the authors:
A. Hasman, J.L. Talman
Department of Medical Informatics
Maastricht University
PO Box 616
6200 MD Maastricht, The Netherlands
- 1 Schmidt H. G. Problem-based learning: rationale and description. Education 1983; 17: 11-6.
- 2 Muijtjens AMM, Donkers HHLM, de Voider WCAM. et al. A problem-oriented course in Medical Informatics. In Van Semmel JH, Zvarova J. eds Knowledge, Information and Medical Education . Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers; 1991: 116-24.
- 3 Ambergen AW, Donker DK, Donkers HHLM. et al. Teaching medical informatics. In Hansen R, Solheim BG, O’Moore RR, Roger FH. eds Proceedings of Medical Informatics Europe ‘88. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag; 1998: 311-5.
- 4 Groothuis S, van Merode GG. MEDMODEL in the health policy and management program at Maastricht University. Proc 1998 Western Multiconference. 1998: 187-91.
- 5 Abraham I, Evers G, Has man A, Tange H, Silkens R, Rein F. A summer institute on computer applications fornursingmanagement: background, curriculum, and evaluation. J Cont Educ Nursing 1991; 29: 31-44.
- 6 Hasrnan A. Recommendations for medical informatics training in the Netherlands. Meth Inform Med 1994; 33: 308-11.
- 7 Hasman A. Education and training in health informatics: the IT-EDUCTRA project. Int J Med Inform 1998; 50: 179-86.
- 8 Hasman A. Education and health informatics. Int J Med Inform 1998; 52: 209-16.
- 9 Muijtjens A, Roos JMA, Arts T, Hasman A, Reneman RS. Extrapolation of incomplete marker tracus by lower rank approximation. Int J Biomed Comput 1993; 33: 219-39.
- 10 Muijtjens AMM, Roos JMA, Arts T, Hasman A, Reneman RS. Tracking markers with missing data by lower rank approximation. J Biomechanics 1997; 30: 95-8.
- 11 Muijtjens AMM, Roos JMA, Arts T, Hasman A. Maximum likelihood estimation in calibrating a stereo camera setup. Med Phys 1999; 26: 310-8.
- 12 Aelen FWL, Arts T, Sanders DGM. et al. Automated quantification of human left ventricular deformation with magnetic resonance cardiac tagging. In Murray A, Arzbaecher R. eds Proc Int Conf Computers in Cardiology 1995. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Inc; 1995: 629-32.
- 13 Groot Koerkamp MAM, Snoep G, Muijtjens AMM, Kemerink GJ. Improving contrast and tracking of tags in cardiac magnetic resonance images. Magn Reson Med 1999; 41: 973-82.
- 14 Muijtjens AMM, Roos JMA, Van OMFM. et al. Measuring regional hypertrophy by radiopaque myocardial markers viewed in 3D with a single X-ray camera. In: Proci EEE Conf Comput Cardiol 1997. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Inc. 1997: 565-8.
- 15 Van Donkelaar CC, Willems PJB, Muijtjens AMM, Drost MR. Strain distribution at the surface of rat medial gastrocnemius muscle during contractions at different lengths. J Biomech 1999; 32: 755-62.
- 16 Schijven RAJ, Talmon JL, Penders R. Kitslaar PJEHM. Decision support system for the diagnosis and therapy planning in patients with peripheral vascular disease. In: Proceedings Computers in Cardiology 1987. The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Inc; 1987: 129-32.
- 17 Talmon JL. A multiclass nonparametric partitioning algorithm. Pattern Recogn Letters 1986; 4: 31-8.
- 18 De Bruijn LM, Hasman A, Arends JW. Automatic SNOMED classification-a corpus-based method. Comput Meth Progr Bio 1997; 54: 115-22.
- 19 De Bruijn LM, Hasman A, Arends JW. Automatic coding of diagnostic reports. Meth Inform Med 1998; 37: 260-6.
- 20 Müller B, Hasman A, Blom JA. Building intelligent alarm systems by combining mathematical models and inductive machine learning techniques. Int J Biomed Comput 1997; 41: 107-24.
- 21 Müller B, Hasman A, Blom JA. Building intelligent alarm systems by combining mathematical models and inductive machine learning techniques: Part 2-Sensitivity analysis. Int J Biomed Comput 1997; 42: 165-79.
- 22 Adang RP, Vismans FIE, Talman JL, Hasman A, Ambergen AW, Stockbrugger RW. The diagnostic outcome of upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: are referral source and patient age determining factors?. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepat 1994; 6: 329-35.
- 23 Adang RP, Vismans FJE, Talmon JL, Hasman A, Ambergen AW, Stockbrugger RW. Appropriateness of indications for diagnostic upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: association with relevant endoscopic disease. Gastrointest Endoscopy 1995; 42: 390-97.
- 24 Adang RP, Ambergen AW, Talmon JL, Hasman A, Vismans JFE, Stockbrugger RW. The discriminative value of patient characteristics and dyspeptic symptoms for upper gastrointestinal endoscopic diagnoses: A study on the clinical presentation of 1,147 patients. Digestion 1996; 57: 118-34.
- 25 Dupuits FMHM, Pop P, Hasman A, Schouten HJA. A rational request behavior: The development of prediction instruments regarding thyroid function tests in primary care. Meth Inform Med 1999; 38: 31-6.
- 26 Vissers M, Hasman A, Vander Linden CJ. Consultation behaviour of residents supported with a protocol processing system (Proto VIEW) at the emergency ward. Int J Biomed Comput 1995; 38: 181-7.
- 27 Vissers M, Biert J, van der Linden CJ, Hasman A. Effects of a supportive protocol processing system (Proto VIEW) on clinical behaviour of residents in the Accident and Emergency department Comp Meth Prog Bio. 1996; 49: 177-84.
- 28 Vissers M, Hasman A, van der Linden CJ. Impact of a protocol processing system (Proto VIEW) on clinical behaviour of residents and treatment. Int J Biomed Comput 1996; 42: 143-50.
- 29 Vissers MC, Has man A. Building a flexible protocol information system with ‘ready foruse’ web-technology. Int J Med Inform 1999; 53: 163-74.
- 30 Smeets RPAM, Meinardi H, Talmon JL, Hasman A. Agreement and correctness in adjusting antiepileptic drug treatment: a need for rationaldrug treatment?. Epilepsia 1999; 40: 763-8.
- 31 Clarke K, O’Moore R, Smeets R, Talman JL. Brender, McNair P, Nykllnen P, Grimson J, Barber B. A methodology for evaluation of knowledge-based systems in medicine. Artif Intell Med 1994; 6: 107-21.
- 32 Brender Talmon JL, Nykanen McNair P, Demeester M, Beuscart R. On the evaluation of system integration. In Van Gennip EMSJ, Talmon JL. eds Assessment and Evaluation of Information Technologies . Amsterdam: IOS Press; 1995: 189-208.
- 33 Vissers MC, Talman JL. Evaluating the MACRO solution. In Pappas C, Maglaveras N, Scherrer J-R. eds Proceedings of Medical Informatics Europe ‘97 . Amsterdam: IOS Press; 1997: 741-5.
- 34 Gennip EMSJ van, Talman JL. eds Assessment and Evaluation of Infonnation Technologies . Amsterdam: IOS Press; 1995
- 35 Talmon JL, Enning J, Castaneda G, Eurlings F, Hoyer D, Nyklinen P, Sanz F, Thayer C, Vissers M. The VAT AM guidelines. Int J Med Inform. 1999. in press
- 36
- 37 Tange HJ. How to approach the structering of the medical record?: Towards a model for flexible access to free text medical data. Int J Biomed Comput 1996; 42: 27-34.
- 38 Tange HJ, Dreessen VAB, Hasman A, Donkers HHLM. An experimental electronic medical-record system with multiple views on medical narratives. Comput Meth Progr Bio 1997; 54: 157-72.
- 39 Tange HJ, Schouten HC, Kester A, Hasman A. The granularity of medical narratives and its effect on the speed and completeness of information retrieval. J Am Med Inform Assoc 1998; 5: 571-82.
- 40 Merode GG van, Hasman A, Derks J, Schoenmaker B, Goldschmidt HMJ. Advanced management facilities for clinical laboratories. Comput Meth Progr Bio 1996; 50: 195-205.
- 41 Wiesman F, Hasman A. Graphical information retrieval by browsing meta-information. Comput Meth Progr Bio 1997; 53: 135-52.
- 42 Dietz JLG, vander Pol R, Wiesman F. The ARCHIMEDES network system: a system for searching and accessing information in multiple multimedia sources. J Intel Inform Syst 1997; 8: 77-101.
- 43 Egmont-Petersen M, Talman JL, Brender J, McNair P. On the quality of neural net classifiers. Artif Intell Med 1994; 6: 359-81.
- 44 Egmont-Petersen M, Talman JL, Hasman A. Robustness metrics for measuring the influence of additives on the performance of statistical classifiers. Int J Med Inform 1997; 46: 103-12.
- 45 Egmont-Petersen M, Talman JL, Hasman A, Ambergen AW. Assessing the importance of features for multi-layerperceptrons. Neural Networks 1998; 11: 623-35.