Yearb Med Inform 1994; 03(01): 61-68
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1637994
Review Paper
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart

Medical Image Processing in an Era of High-Performance Computing

Casimir A. Kulikowski
1   Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Leiguang Gong
1   Department of Computer Science, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
› Institutsangaben
Weitere Informationen

Address of the authors:

Casimir A. Kulikowski, Ph.D.
Leiguang Gong, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ 08903


05. März 2018 (online)



Advanced radiology practices are already benefiting from powerful and increasingly more economical computing and networking facilities. Medical image processing methods have improved dramatically over the past five years, with sophisticated 3D display, visualization and analysis techniques allowing increased integration of multiple modalities of imaging, flexible environments for imaging analysis, and P ACS (picture archiving and communication systems) for ease of transmission and retrieval. Emerging directions involve teleradiology and telesurgery virtual reality applications, the development of new image database techniques, and the building of large visual databases like that of the Visible Human Project. Challenging problems of image segmentation, registration, and multimodal image fusion are still with us. Building dynamic, flexible electronic atlases will have a profound effect on the understanding of structure and function from the level of cellular physiology to gross anatomy, but requires the development of new techniques of visual knowledge representation and more standardized ways of defining the conceptual and linguistic constructs of visual objects in biomedicine, for linkage to medical records, research results, and educational materials. Methods for reasoning with visual information in the context of multimedia information systems present an inviting challenge to the upcoming generation of researchers in medical informatics.



  • References

  • 1 Udupa JK, Herman GT. eds. 3D Imaging in Medicine . Boca Raton FL: CRC Press; 1991
  • 2 Ackerrnan MJ. The visible human project. In: Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference 11, SPIE. . San Diego, CA: 1994. (in press)
  • 3 Bloom FE. Databases of brain information. In: Toga AW. ed. Three-Dimensional Neuroimaging . New York: Raven Press; 1990: 273-306.
  • 4 Vannier MW, Yates RE, Whitestone J. Electronic imaging of the human body. In: Frisse ME. ed. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. . New York: McGraw Hill; 1992: 35-9.
  • 5 Rogers WT, Moser AR, Schwaber JS. Digital brain atlas for anatomical data comparison and integration. In: Toga A W. ed. Three-Dimensional Neuroimaging. New York: Raven Press; 1990. 1-23-48
  • 6 Rector AL, Nowlan WA, Kay S. Foundations for an electronic medical record. Meth Inform Med 1991; 30: 179-86.
  • 7 Bolens M, Borst F, Scherrer JR. Organizing the clinical data in the medical record. MD Comput 1992; 9: 149-55.
  • 8 McDonald CJ, Tierney WM, Overhage JM, Martin DK, Wilson GA. The Regenstrief Medical Record System: 20 years of experience in hospitals, clinics, and neighborhood health centers. MD Com put 1992; 9: 206-17.
  • 9 Breant CM, Taira RK, Huang HK. Interfacing aspects between the picture archiving communication systems, radiology information systems, and hospital information systems. J Digit Imag 1993; 6: 88-94.
  • 10 Dayhoff RE, Maloney DL. An integrated multidepartmental hospital imaging system: usage of data across specialties. In: Symposium of Computer Application in Medical Care. 1993: 30-39.
  • 11 Ratib O, Ligier Y, Funk M. etal. Distributed architecture for image archival in a hospital-wide PACS. In: SPTE Conference Proceedings on PACS Design and Evaluation. 1992: 1654.
  • 12 Wiltgen M, Gell G, Graif E. etal An integrated picture archiving and communication system--radiology information system in a radiological department. J Digitlmag 1993; 6: 16-24.
  • 13 Kaltenborn K-F, Rienhoff O. Virtual reality in medicine. Meth Inform Med 1993; 32: 407-17.
  • 14 Committee on Physical, Mathematical and Engineering Sciences, Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology, Office of Science and Technology Policy High Performance Computing and Communications: Toward a Natural Information Infrastructure . Washington DC: 1994
  • 15 Beard D, Parrish D, Stevenson D. A cost analysis of film image management and four PACS based on different network protocols. J Digit Imag 1990; 3: 108-18.
  • 16 Farmell EJ, Zappulla RA. Three-dimensional data visualization and biomedical applications. CRC Critical Review in Biomedical Imaging. Boca Raton FL: CRC Press, 1989; 16: 323-63.
  • 17 Hoehne KH, Fuchs H, Pizer SM. eds. 3D Imaging in Medicine: Algorithms, Systems, Applications . Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1990
  • 18 Robb RA. ed. Visualization in Biomedical Computing. SPTE Proceedings 1992. Bellingham WA: 1992
  • 19 Wood SL. Visualization and modeling of 3-D structures. IEEE Eng Med Biomed 1989; 11: 72-9.
  • 20 Udupa JK. 3D Visualization of Images. Tech Rep No. MIPG 196, Medical Image Processing Group, University of Pennsylvania, June 1993
  • 21 Proceedings of SPTE Medical Imaging VI: PACS Design and Evaluation. . 1992. 1654 Bellingham WA:
  • 22 Huang HK, Ratib O. et al eds. Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS). NATO ASI F Series. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1991
  • 23 Robb RA, Hanson DP. A software system for interactive and quantitative visualization of biomedical images. Sci Med 1991; 1 14: 1
  • 24 Udupa JK, Hung HM, Odhner D, Goncalves RJ, Samarasekera S. 3DVIEWNIX: a data-, machine-, and application-independent software system for multidimensional data visualization and analysis. SPIE Proceedings 1992; 1653: 185-91.
  • 25 Ligier Y, Funk M, Ratib O. etal. Object oriented design of a portable platform for medical image manipulation. In: MEDINFO-92. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1992: 26-32.
  • 26 Hoffman EA, Gnanaprakasam D, Gupta KB. et al. VIDA: An environment for multidimensional image display and analysis. In SPIE Proc Biomed Image Processing and 3-D Microscopy 1992; 1660: 1-18.
  • 27 Rosenfeld A. Survey: Image analysis and computer vision. CVGIP: Imag Underst 1992; 55: 349-80.
  • 28 Brown L. A survey of image registration techniques. ACM Comp Surv 1992; 24: 326-76.
  • 29 Rabbani M, Jones PW. Digital Image Compression Techniques. Bellingham W A: SPIE Optical Engineering Press; 1991
  • 30 Stewart BK, Dwyer SJ, Huang HK, Kangarloo H. Design of a high-speed, high-resolution teleradiology system. In: Proceedings SPJE Medical imaging VI: PACS Design and Evaluation 1992; 1654: 66-80.
  • 31 Lindberg DAB, Humphreys BL, McCray AT. The unified medical language system. In: van Bemmel JH, McCray AT. eds. Yearbook of Medical Informatics 93. 1993: 41-51.
  • 32 Friedman C. The UMLS coverage of clinical radiology. In: Clayton PD. ed. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. . New York: McGraw Hill; 1991: 199-203.
  • 33 Cote R, Rothwell DJ. eds. Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine . (3rd ed). Chicago IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992
  • 34 INDEX for Radiological Diagnoses. (4thed). Reston, VA: American College of Radiology; 1992
  • 35 Bell DS, Pattison-Gordon E, Greenes RA. Experiments in concept modeling for radiographic image reports. JAMIA 1994. (in press)
  • 36 Pavlidis T. Why progress in machine vision is so slow. Pattern Recogn Letters 1992; 13: 221-5.
  • 37 Report of the Board of Regents. NLM Long Range Plan: Electronic Imaging. NIH Publication NO. 90-2197. April 1990
  • 38 Rosenblatt F. The perceptron --a perceiving and recognizing automaton. Report 85-460-1, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Ithaca NY Jan 1958
  • 39 Duda R, Hart P. Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis . New York: Wiley; 1973
  • 40 Lodwick GS, Haun CL, Smith WE, Keller RF, Robertson ED. Computer diagnoses of primary bone tumors: a preliminary report. Radiology 1963; 80: 273-5.
  • 41 Sahoo P.K., Soltani S., Wong K.C. A Survey of Thresholding Techniques, Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing. 1988; 41: 233-60.
  • 42 Rosenfeld A, Thurston M. Edge and curve detection for visual scene analysis. IEEE TRANS Comput 1971; C20: 562-9.
  • 43 Marr D, Hildreth E. Theory of edge detection. Proc R Soc London 1980; B207: 187-217.
  • 44 Canny JF. A computational approach to edge detection. IEEE TRANS Pattern Anal Machine Intell 1986; 8: 679-98.
  • 45 Muzzolini R, Yang YH, Pieron R. Multiresolution texture segmentation with application to diagnostic ultrasound images. IEEE TRANS. Med Imag 1993; 12: 108-23.
  • 46 Umbaugh S, Moss R, Stoecker W, Hance G. Automatic color segmentation algorithms with application to skin tumor feature identification. IEEE Eng Med Bio, Sep 1993: 75-82.
  • 47 Suetens P, Fua P, Hanson AJ. Computational strategies for object recognition. ACM Comput Surv 1992; 24: 5-61.
  • 48 Bajscy R, Kovacic S. Multiresolution elastic matching. Comput Vision Graph Image Process 1989; 46: 1-21.
  • 49 Matsuyama T. Expert systems for image processing: knowledge-based composition of image analysis processes. Com put Vision Graph and Imag Process 1989; 48: 22-49.
  • 50 Gong L, Kulikowski CA, Mezrich R. Knowledge-based experimental design for planning biomedical image analysis.. In: MEDINFO-92. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1992: 628-34.
  • 51 Tagare HD, Gandi GR, Duncan JS, Jaffe CC. Arrangement: A geometric indexing scheme for image browsers. In: Lewhelt et al, eds. Computer Assisted Radiology’91. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1991
  • 52 Marr D. Vision . New York, NY: Freeman; 1982
  • 53 Jolesz F, Kikinis R, Shtern F. The vision of human-guided computerized surgery: the high-tech operating room. In: Taylor R, Lavalle S, Burdea G, Mosges R. eds. Computer Integrated Surgery 1994. Cambridge MA: MIT Press;
  • 54 Aloimonos J, Shulman D. Integration of Visual Modules . San Diego: Academic Press; 1989
  • 55 Herman GT. Image Reconstruction from Projections: The Fundamentals of Computerized Tomography . New York: Academic Press; 1980
  • 56 Vannier MW, Butterfield RL, Rickman DL. et al. Multispectral magnetic resonance image analysis. CRC Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 1987; 15: 117-44.
  • 57 Udupa JK, Raya SP. Sphere-based interpolation of multidimensional objects. IEEE TRANS Med Imag 1990; 9: 32-79.
  • 58 Goshtasby A, Turner DA, Ackerman LV. Matching of tomographic slices for interpolation. IEEE TRANS Med Imag 1992; 11: 507-16.
  • 59 Pelizzari CA, Tan KK, Levin DN, Chen GT, Bolter J. Interactive 3-D patientimage registration. In: Colchester ACF, Hawkes DJ. eds.Information Processing in Medica Imaging. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1991: 132-41.
  • 60 Van den Elsen PAD, Pol EJ, Viergever MA. Medical imaging matching – a review with classification. IEEE Trans Med Biol Eng 1993: 26-39.
  • 61 Fright WR, Linney AD. Registration of 3-D head surfaces using multiple landmarks. IEEE Trans Med Imag 1993; 12: 515-20.
  • 62 Lang P, Stieger PLindquist. Threedimensional reconstruction of magnetic resonance images: comparison of surface and volume rendering techniques. In: Arenson RL, Friedenberg RM. eds. Proceedings SCAR90, Computer Application to Assisted Radiology. . Carlsbad CA: Symposia Foundation; 1990: 520-6.
  • 63 Ney DR, Fishman EK, Magid D, Drebin RA. Volumetric rendering of computed tomography data: principles and techniques. IEEE Comp Graph Appl 1990; 10: 24-32.
  • 64 Tiede U, Hoehne KH, Bomans M. et al. Investigation of 3-D rendering algorithms. IEEE Comp Graph App 1990; 10: 41-53.
  • 65 Elvins T. A survey of algorithms for volume visualization. Comp Graph 1992; 26: 194-201.
  • 66 Udupa JK, Odhner D. Shell rendering: fast volume rendering and analysis of fuzzy surfaces. SPIE Proceedings, 1992; 1653: 35-43.
  • 67 Evans AC, Marett S, Torrescorzo J, Ku S, Callens L. MRI-PET correlation in three dimension. using a volume-ofinterest (VOI) atlas. J Cerebr Blood Flow Meth 1991; 11A: 69-78.
  • 68 Hawkes DJ, Hill DLG, Bracey EC. Multi-modal data fusion to combine anatomical and pathological information in the head and heart. In: Reiber JHC, van der Wall EE. eds. Cardio-Vascular Nuclear Medicine and MRI. Dordrecht: Kluwer; 1992: 113-30.
  • 69 Stytz M, Frieder G, Frieder O. Threedimensional medical imaging: algorithms and computer systems. ACM Comp Surv 1991; 23: 422-99.
  • 70 Udupa JK. Computer aspect of 3D imaging in medicine: a tutorial. In: Udupa JK, Herman GT. eds. 3D Imaging in Medicine. Boca Raton FL: CRC Press; 1991: 2-69.
  • 71 Udupa J, Odhner D, Samarasekera S. et al. The 3DVIEWNIX Software System: User Manual . Technical Report No. MIPG203, Medical Image Processing Group, University of Pennsylvania, Sept 1993
  • 72 Herman GT. Quantitation using 3D images. In: Udupa JK, Herman GT. eds. 3D Imaging in Medicine. Boca Raton FL: CRC Press, Inc; 1991
  • 73 Gillespie JE, Gholkar A, Isherwood I. Three-dimensional computed tomographic reformations: assessment of clinical efficacy. In: Udupa JK, Herman GT. eds. 3D Imaging in Medicine Boca Raton FL: CRC Press, Inc; 1991: 103-44.
  • 74 Swets JA, Picket RM. Evaluation of Diagnostic Systems: Methods from Signal Detection Theory . New York, NY: Academic Press; 1992
  • 75 Johnson REY, ankaskas BC, Perry JR. et al. Agreement experiments: a method for quantitatively testing new medical image display approaches. Proceedings of SPIE: Medical Imaging IV 1992; 1234: 621-30.
  • 76 Soltanian-Zadeh H, Windham JP, Peck DJ, Yagle AE. Comparative analysis of several transformations for enhancement and segmentation of magnetic resonance image scene sequences. IEEE TRANS Med Imag 1992; 11: 302-18.
  • 77 Pizer SM, Cullip TJ, Fredricksen RE. Toward interactive object definition in 3-D scalar images. In: Hoehne KH. et al eds. 3D Imaging in Medicine: Algoritlvns, Systems, Applications. Berlin: Spinger-Verlag; 1990: 379-97.
  • 78 Qian W, Clarke LP, Kallergi M, Li HD. et al. Adaptive order statistic filtering and wavelet transform for feature enhancement in mammography. Proceedings of the 15th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-EMS 1993; 15: 62-3.
  • 79 Amartur S, Piraino D, Takefuji Y. Optimization neural networks for the segmentation of magnetic resonance images. IEEE TRANS Med Imag 1992; 11: 215-20.
  • 80 Ozkan F, Dawant B, Maciunas R. Neural-network-based segmentation of multi-model medical imaging: a comparative and prospective study. IEEE TRANS Med Imag 1993; 12: 534-44.
  • 81 Brummer ME, Mersereau RM, Eisner RL, Lewine RRJ. Automatic detection of brain contours in MRI data sets. IEEE TRANS Medimag 1993; 12: 153-66.
  • 82 Staib L, Duncan J. Boundary finding with parametrically deformable models. IEEE TRANS PAMI 1992; 14: 1061-75.
  • 83 Duncan J. Know ledge-directed left ventricular boundary detection in equilibrium radionuclide angiography. IEEE Trans Med Imag 1987; 6: 325-36.
  • 84 Kapouleas I, Kulikowski CA. Modelbased system for the interpretation of MR human brain scans. SPIE Proc Med Imag II 1988: 429-37.
  • 85 Suh Y, Eisner RL, Mersereau RM, Pettigrew R. Knowledge-based system for boundary detection of four-dimensional cardiac magnetic resonance image sequences. IEEE TRANS Med I mag 1993; 12: 65-72.
  • 86 Li C, Goldgof D, Hall L. Knowledge-based classification and tissue labeling -of MR images of human brain. IEEE TRANS Med Imag 1993; 12: 740-50.
  • 87 Vannier MW, Marsh J, Warren J. Three-dimensional CT reconstruction images for anatomical surgical planning and evaluation. Radiology 1984; 150: 150-79.
  • 88 Cutting CF, Bookstein B, Grayson L, Fellingham L, McCarthy J. Three dimensional automated design of craniofacial surgical procedures. Plast Reconst Surg 1986; 77: 877
  • 89 Kokinis R, Gleason PL, Jolesz F. Surgical planning using computer assisted 3- D reconstruction. In: Taylor R, Lavalle S, Burdea G, Mosges R. eds. Computer Integrated Surgery. Cambridge MA: MIT Press; 1994
  • 90 Jolesz F, Shtem F. The operating room of the future. Investigative Radiology 1992; 27: 326-8.
  • 91 Fishman EK, Magid D, Ney DR, Kuhlman JE. Three dimensional imaging: orthopedic application. In: Udupa JK, Herman GT. eds. 3D Imaging in Medicine. Boca Raton FL: CRC Press, Inc; 1991: 223-59.
  • 92 Allen L, Frieder O. Exploiting database technology in the medical arena. IEEE Eng Med Bio. March 1992: 42-9.
  • 93 Chang SK, Lin S. Picture archiving and abstraction techniques for pictorial databases. IEEETRANSPAMI 1984; 6: 475-84.
  • 94 Tsichritzis D. Visual Objects. Geneva: University of Geneva; 1993
  • 95 Swanson LW. Brain Maps: Structure of the Rat Brain . New York: Elsevier; 1992
  • 96 Bloom FE, Yong W. Brain Browser . New York: Academic Press; 1992
  • 97 Eno K, Sundsten JW, Brinkley JF. A multimedia anatomy browser incorporating a knowledge base and 3-D images. Proc Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care 1991; 15: 727
  • 98 Brinkley JF, Prothero JS, Prothero JW, Rosse C. A framework for the design of knowledge-based systems in structural biology. Proc Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care 1989; 13: 61-5.
  • 99 Bookstein FL. Morphometries. In: Toga A W. ed. Three-Dimensional Neuroimaging. New York: Raven Press; 1990: 167-88.

Address of the authors:

Casimir A. Kulikowski, Ph.D.
Leiguang Gong, Ph.D.
Department of Computer Science
Rutgers University
New Brunswick, NJ 08903

  • References

  • 1 Udupa JK, Herman GT. eds. 3D Imaging in Medicine . Boca Raton FL: CRC Press; 1991
  • 2 Ackerrnan MJ. The visible human project. In: Proceedings of Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conference 11, SPIE. . San Diego, CA: 1994. (in press)
  • 3 Bloom FE. Databases of brain information. In: Toga AW. ed. Three-Dimensional Neuroimaging . New York: Raven Press; 1990: 273-306.
  • 4 Vannier MW, Yates RE, Whitestone J. Electronic imaging of the human body. In: Frisse ME. ed. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. . New York: McGraw Hill; 1992: 35-9.
  • 5 Rogers WT, Moser AR, Schwaber JS. Digital brain atlas for anatomical data comparison and integration. In: Toga A W. ed. Three-Dimensional Neuroimaging. New York: Raven Press; 1990. 1-23-48
  • 6 Rector AL, Nowlan WA, Kay S. Foundations for an electronic medical record. Meth Inform Med 1991; 30: 179-86.
  • 7 Bolens M, Borst F, Scherrer JR. Organizing the clinical data in the medical record. MD Comput 1992; 9: 149-55.
  • 8 McDonald CJ, Tierney WM, Overhage JM, Martin DK, Wilson GA. The Regenstrief Medical Record System: 20 years of experience in hospitals, clinics, and neighborhood health centers. MD Com put 1992; 9: 206-17.
  • 9 Breant CM, Taira RK, Huang HK. Interfacing aspects between the picture archiving communication systems, radiology information systems, and hospital information systems. J Digit Imag 1993; 6: 88-94.
  • 10 Dayhoff RE, Maloney DL. An integrated multidepartmental hospital imaging system: usage of data across specialties. In: Symposium of Computer Application in Medical Care. 1993: 30-39.
  • 11 Ratib O, Ligier Y, Funk M. etal. Distributed architecture for image archival in a hospital-wide PACS. In: SPTE Conference Proceedings on PACS Design and Evaluation. 1992: 1654.
  • 12 Wiltgen M, Gell G, Graif E. etal An integrated picture archiving and communication system--radiology information system in a radiological department. J Digitlmag 1993; 6: 16-24.
  • 13 Kaltenborn K-F, Rienhoff O. Virtual reality in medicine. Meth Inform Med 1993; 32: 407-17.
  • 14 Committee on Physical, Mathematical and Engineering Sciences, Federal Coordinating Council for Science, Engineering and Technology, Office of Science and Technology Policy High Performance Computing and Communications: Toward a Natural Information Infrastructure . Washington DC: 1994
  • 15 Beard D, Parrish D, Stevenson D. A cost analysis of film image management and four PACS based on different network protocols. J Digit Imag 1990; 3: 108-18.
  • 16 Farmell EJ, Zappulla RA. Three-dimensional data visualization and biomedical applications. CRC Critical Review in Biomedical Imaging. Boca Raton FL: CRC Press, 1989; 16: 323-63.
  • 17 Hoehne KH, Fuchs H, Pizer SM. eds. 3D Imaging in Medicine: Algorithms, Systems, Applications . Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1990
  • 18 Robb RA. ed. Visualization in Biomedical Computing. SPTE Proceedings 1992. Bellingham WA: 1992
  • 19 Wood SL. Visualization and modeling of 3-D structures. IEEE Eng Med Biomed 1989; 11: 72-9.
  • 20 Udupa JK. 3D Visualization of Images. Tech Rep No. MIPG 196, Medical Image Processing Group, University of Pennsylvania, June 1993
  • 21 Proceedings of SPTE Medical Imaging VI: PACS Design and Evaluation. . 1992. 1654 Bellingham WA:
  • 22 Huang HK, Ratib O. et al eds. Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS). NATO ASI F Series. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1991
  • 23 Robb RA, Hanson DP. A software system for interactive and quantitative visualization of biomedical images. Sci Med 1991; 1 14: 1
  • 24 Udupa JK, Hung HM, Odhner D, Goncalves RJ, Samarasekera S. 3DVIEWNIX: a data-, machine-, and application-independent software system for multidimensional data visualization and analysis. SPIE Proceedings 1992; 1653: 185-91.
  • 25 Ligier Y, Funk M, Ratib O. etal. Object oriented design of a portable platform for medical image manipulation. In: MEDINFO-92. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1992: 26-32.
  • 26 Hoffman EA, Gnanaprakasam D, Gupta KB. et al. VIDA: An environment for multidimensional image display and analysis. In SPIE Proc Biomed Image Processing and 3-D Microscopy 1992; 1660: 1-18.
  • 27 Rosenfeld A. Survey: Image analysis and computer vision. CVGIP: Imag Underst 1992; 55: 349-80.
  • 28 Brown L. A survey of image registration techniques. ACM Comp Surv 1992; 24: 326-76.
  • 29 Rabbani M, Jones PW. Digital Image Compression Techniques. Bellingham W A: SPIE Optical Engineering Press; 1991
  • 30 Stewart BK, Dwyer SJ, Huang HK, Kangarloo H. Design of a high-speed, high-resolution teleradiology system. In: Proceedings SPJE Medical imaging VI: PACS Design and Evaluation 1992; 1654: 66-80.
  • 31 Lindberg DAB, Humphreys BL, McCray AT. The unified medical language system. In: van Bemmel JH, McCray AT. eds. Yearbook of Medical Informatics 93. 1993: 41-51.
  • 32 Friedman C. The UMLS coverage of clinical radiology. In: Clayton PD. ed. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care. . New York: McGraw Hill; 1991: 199-203.
  • 33 Cote R, Rothwell DJ. eds. Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine . (3rd ed). Chicago IL: College of American Pathologists; 1992
  • 34 INDEX for Radiological Diagnoses. (4thed). Reston, VA: American College of Radiology; 1992
  • 35 Bell DS, Pattison-Gordon E, Greenes RA. Experiments in concept modeling for radiographic image reports. JAMIA 1994. (in press)
  • 36 Pavlidis T. Why progress in machine vision is so slow. Pattern Recogn Letters 1992; 13: 221-5.
  • 37 Report of the Board of Regents. NLM Long Range Plan: Electronic Imaging. NIH Publication NO. 90-2197. April 1990
  • 38 Rosenblatt F. The perceptron --a perceiving and recognizing automaton. Report 85-460-1, Cornell Aeronautical Laboratory, Ithaca NY Jan 1958
  • 39 Duda R, Hart P. Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis . New York: Wiley; 1973
  • 40 Lodwick GS, Haun CL, Smith WE, Keller RF, Robertson ED. Computer diagnoses of primary bone tumors: a preliminary report. Radiology 1963; 80: 273-5.
  • 41 Sahoo P.K., Soltani S., Wong K.C. A Survey of Thresholding Techniques, Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Processing. 1988; 41: 233-60.
  • 42 Rosenfeld A, Thurston M. Edge and curve detection for visual scene analysis. IEEE TRANS Comput 1971; C20: 562-9.
  • 43 Marr D, Hildreth E. Theory of edge detection. Proc R Soc London 1980; B207: 187-217.
  • 44 Canny JF. A computational approach to edge detection. IEEE TRANS Pattern Anal Machine Intell 1986; 8: 679-98.
  • 45 Muzzolini R, Yang YH, Pieron R. Multiresolution texture segmentation with application to diagnostic ultrasound images. IEEE TRANS. Med Imag 1993; 12: 108-23.
  • 46 Umbaugh S, Moss R, Stoecker W, Hance G. Automatic color segmentation algorithms with application to skin tumor feature identification. IEEE Eng Med Bio, Sep 1993: 75-82.
  • 47 Suetens P, Fua P, Hanson AJ. Computational strategies for object recognition. ACM Comput Surv 1992; 24: 5-61.
  • 48 Bajscy R, Kovacic S. Multiresolution elastic matching. Comput Vision Graph Image Process 1989; 46: 1-21.
  • 49 Matsuyama T. Expert systems for image processing: knowledge-based composition of image analysis processes. Com put Vision Graph and Imag Process 1989; 48: 22-49.
  • 50 Gong L, Kulikowski CA, Mezrich R. Knowledge-based experimental design for planning biomedical image analysis.. In: MEDINFO-92. Amsterdam: Elsevier; 1992: 628-34.
  • 51 Tagare HD, Gandi GR, Duncan JS, Jaffe CC. Arrangement: A geometric indexing scheme for image browsers. In: Lewhelt et al, eds. Computer Assisted Radiology’91. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1991
  • 52 Marr D. Vision . New York, NY: Freeman; 1982
  • 53 Jolesz F, Kikinis R, Shtern F. The vision of human-guided computerized surgery: the high-tech operating room. In: Taylor R, Lavalle S, Burdea G, Mosges R. eds. Computer Integrated Surgery 1994. Cambridge MA: MIT Press;
  • 54 Aloimonos J, Shulman D. Integration of Visual Modules . San Diego: Academic Press; 1989
  • 55 Herman GT. Image Reconstruction from Projections: The Fundamentals of Computerized Tomography . New York: Academic Press; 1980
  • 56 Vannier MW, Butterfield RL, Rickman DL. et al. Multispectral magnetic resonance image analysis. CRC Critical Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, 1987; 15: 117-44.
  • 57 Udupa JK, Raya SP. Sphere-based interpolation of multidimensional objects. IEEE TRANS Med Imag 1990; 9: 32-79.
  • 58 Goshtasby A, Turner DA, Ackerman LV. Matching of tomographic slices for interpolation. IEEE TRANS Med Imag 1992; 11: 507-16.
  • 59 Pelizzari CA, Tan KK, Levin DN, Chen GT, Bolter J. Interactive 3-D patientimage registration. In: Colchester ACF, Hawkes DJ. eds.Information Processing in Medica Imaging. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 1991: 132-41.
  • 60 Van den Elsen PAD, Pol EJ, Viergever MA. Medical imaging matching – a review with classification. IEEE Trans Med Biol Eng 1993: 26-39.
  • 61 Fright WR, Linney AD. Registration of 3-D head surfaces using multiple landmarks. IEEE Trans Med Imag 1993; 12: 515-20.
  • 62 Lang P, Stieger PLindquist. Threedimensional reconstruction of magnetic resonance images: comparison of surface and volume rendering techniques. In: Arenson RL, Friedenberg RM. eds. Proceedings SCAR90, Computer Application to Assisted Radiology. . Carlsbad CA: Symposia Foundation; 1990: 520-6.
  • 63 Ney DR, Fishman EK, Magid D, Drebin RA. Volumetric rendering of computed tomography data: principles and techniques. IEEE Comp Graph Appl 1990; 10: 24-32.
  • 64 Tiede U, Hoehne KH, Bomans M. et al. Investigation of 3-D rendering algorithms. IEEE Comp Graph App 1990; 10: 41-53.
  • 65 Elvins T. A survey of algorithms for volume visualization. Comp Graph 1992; 26: 194-201.
  • 66 Udupa JK, Odhner D. Shell rendering: fast volume rendering and analysis of fuzzy surfaces. SPIE Proceedings, 1992; 1653: 35-43.
  • 67 Evans AC, Marett S, Torrescorzo J, Ku S, Callens L. MRI-PET correlation in three dimension. using a volume-ofinterest (VOI) atlas. J Cerebr Blood Flow Meth 1991; 11A: 69-78.
  • 68 Hawkes DJ, Hill DLG, Bracey EC. Multi-modal data fusion to combine anatomical and pathological information in the head and heart. In: Reiber JHC, van der Wall EE. eds. Cardio-Vascular Nuclear Medicine and MRI. Dordrecht: Kluwer; 1992: 113-30.
  • 69 Stytz M, Frieder G, Frieder O. Threedimensional medical imaging: algorithms and computer systems. ACM Comp Surv 1991; 23: 422-99.
  • 70 Udupa JK. Computer aspect of 3D imaging in medicine: a tutorial. In: Udupa JK, Herman GT. eds. 3D Imaging in Medicine. Boca Raton FL: CRC Press; 1991: 2-69.
  • 71 Udupa J, Odhner D, Samarasekera S. et al. The 3DVIEWNIX Software System: User Manual . Technical Report No. MIPG203, Medical Image Processing Group, University of Pennsylvania, Sept 1993
  • 72 Herman GT. Quantitation using 3D images. In: Udupa JK, Herman GT. eds. 3D Imaging in Medicine. Boca Raton FL: CRC Press, Inc; 1991
  • 73 Gillespie JE, Gholkar A, Isherwood I. Three-dimensional computed tomographic reformations: assessment of clinical efficacy. In: Udupa JK, Herman GT. eds. 3D Imaging in Medicine Boca Raton FL: CRC Press, Inc; 1991: 103-44.
  • 74 Swets JA, Picket RM. Evaluation of Diagnostic Systems: Methods from Signal Detection Theory . New York, NY: Academic Press; 1992
  • 75 Johnson REY, ankaskas BC, Perry JR. et al. Agreement experiments: a method for quantitatively testing new medical image display approaches. Proceedings of SPIE: Medical Imaging IV 1992; 1234: 621-30.
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