Yearb Med Inform 2003; 12(01): 389-390
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1638153
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart

Health Information Systems

L. de Assis Moura Jr.
1   Business Development - Health Care Atech Foundation São Paulo, Brazil
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Weitere Informationen

Address of the author:

Lincoln de A. Moura Jr.; MSc, PhD
Business Development - Health Care
Atech Foundation
President of SBIS - Brazilian Health
Informatics Foundation
President of IMIA-LAC - Regional
Federation of Health Informatics for Latin
America and the Caribbean
Av Macuco 550, Apartment 72
São Paulo SP 04523-001


05. März 2018 (online)




    Address of the author:

    Lincoln de A. Moura Jr.; MSc, PhD
    Business Development - Health Care
    Atech Foundation
    President of SBIS - Brazilian Health
    Informatics Foundation
    President of IMIA-LAC - Regional
    Federation of Health Informatics for Latin
    America and the Caribbean
    Av Macuco 550, Apartment 72
    São Paulo SP 04523-001