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Yearb Med Inform 2003; 12(01): 193-203
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1638162
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1638162
Research and Education
Informatics Research, Development, and Training at the Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications
Further Information
Address of the author:
Alexa T. McCray
National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
Phone: +1 301 496 4441
Fax: +1 301 435 3146
Publication History
Publication Date:
05 March 2018 (online)
- 1 Ackerman MJ., Banvard RA.. Imaging outcomes from the National Library of Medicine’s Visible Human Project. Comput Med Imaging Graph 2000; 24 (03) 125-6.
- 2 Aronson AR.. Effective mapping of biomedical text to the UMLS Metathesaurus: The Meta Map program. Proc AMIA Symp 2001; 17-21.
- 3 Aronson AR., Bodenreider O., Chang HF., Humphrey SM., Mork JG., Nelson SJ.. et al. The NLM indexing initiative. Proc AMIA Symp 2000; 17-21.
- 4 Bodenreider O., Rindflesch TC., Burgun A.. Unsupervised corpus-based method for extending a biomedical terminology. Proceedings of the Workshop on Natural Language Processing in the Biomedical Domain, North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2002; 53-60.
- 5 Bodenreider O.. Experiences in visualizing and navigating biomedical ontologies and knowledge bases. Proceedings of the ISMB 2002 Bio-ontologies SIG meeting 2002; 29-32.
- 6 Bodenreider O.. Using UMLS semantics for classification purposes. Proc AMIA 2000; 86-90.
- 7 Burgun A., Bodenreider O.. Aspects of the taxonomic relation in the biomedical domain. In Welty C., Smith B.. editors Collected papers from the Second International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems. New York: ACM Press; 2001: 222-33.
- 8 Fan Y., Hwang K., Gill M., Huang HK.. Some connectivity and security issues of NGI in medical imaging applications. Journal of High Speed Networks 2000; 9: 3-13.
- 9 Ford G., Hauser SE., Le DX., Thoma GR.. Pattern matching techniques for correcting low confidence OCR words in a known context. Proc SPIE. Document Recognition and Retrieval 2001; VIII: 241-9.
- 10 Hauser SE., Le DX., Thoma GR.. Automated zone correction in bitmapped document images. Proc SPIE, Document Recognition and Retrieval 2000; VII: 248-58.
- 11 Humphrey SM., Rindflesch TC., Aronson AR.. Automatic indexing by discipline and high-level categories: methodology and potential applications. In Soergel D.. et al. editors Advances in classification research. Proceedings of the 11th ASIST SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop. 2001
- 12 Kim J., Le DX., Thoma GR.. Automated labeling in document images. Proc SPIE, Vol 4307, Document Recognition and Retrieval 2001; VIII: 111-22.
- 13 Le DX., Straughan SR., Thoma GR.. Greek alphabet recognition technique for biomedical documents. Proc 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol 2002; III: 86-91.
- 14 Le DX., Tran LQ., Chow J., Kim J., Hauser SE., Moon CW.. et al. Automated medical records citation records creation for webbased online journals. Proc 14th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems 2001; 315-20.
- 15 Locatis C.. Instructional design and technology in healthcare. In Reiser R., Dempsey J.. editors Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology, Upper Saddle River. New Jersey: Merrill/ Prentice-Hall; 2002: 225-38.
- 16 Long LR., Thoma GR.. Identification and classification of spine vertebrae by automated methods. Proc SPIE Medical Imaging 2001: Image Processing 2001; 1478-89.
- 17 Long LR., Thoma GR.. Use of shape models to search digitized spine x-rays. Proc. IEEE Computer-Based Medical Systems 2000; 255-60.
- 18 Long LR., Thoma GR.. Landmarking and feature localization in spine x-rays. Journal of Electronic Imaging 2001; 10 (04) 939-56.
- 19 Lu CJ., Bangalore A., Tse T.. Developing web browser recording tools using serverside programming technology. In: Proceedings of Web Net 2000, World conference on WWW and Internet. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education 2000; 372-7.
- 20 Marcelo AB., Fontelo PA.. A pathology report metadata registry: Framework for semantic interoperability across disparate systems. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2001; 125 (08) 1014-15.
- 21 McCray AT., Gallagher ME.. Principles for digital library development. Commun ACM 2001; 44 (05) 48-54.
- 22 McCray AT.. Better access to information about clinical trials. Ann Intern Med 2000; 133 (08) 609-14.
- 23 McCray AT., Bodenreider O., Malley JD., Browne AC.. Evaluating UMLS strings for natural language processing. Proc AMIA Symp 2001; 448-52.
- 24 Nishinaga N., Tatsumi H., Gill M., Akashib A., Nogawa H., Reategui I.. Trans-Pacific demonstration of Visible Human. Space Communications 2002; 17 (04) 303-11.
- 25 Parascandola JA.. From germs to genes: Trends in drug therapy, 1852-2002. Pharmacy in History 2002; 44: 3-11.
- 26 Parascandola J.. The pharmaceutical sciences in America, 1852-1902. J Am Pharm Assoc 2000; 40: 733-5.
- 27 Pearson G., Moon CW.. Bridging two biomedical journal databases with XML: A case study. Proc 14th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems 2001; 309-14.
- 28 Rindflesch TC., Tanabe L., Weinstein JN., Hunter L.. EDGAR: extraction of drugs, genes and relations from the biomedical literature. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2000; 517-28.
- 29 Rindflesch TC., Rajan JV., Hunter L.. Extracting molecular binding relationships from biomedical text. Proceedings of the 6th Applied Natural Language Processing Conference 2000; 188-95.
- 30 Rodgers RPC., Sherwin Z.. A management system for network-sharable locally installed software: Merging RPM and the depot scheme under Solaris. LISA XV: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Systems Administration Conference 2001; 267-72.
- 31 Thoma GR., Ford G.. Automated data entry system: performance issues. Proc SPIE Document Recognition and Retrieval IX. 2002: 181-90.
- 32 Thoma GR., Ford G., Le DX., Li Z.. Text verification in an automated system for the extraction of bibliographic data. Proc 5th International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems. 2002: 423-32.
- 33 Tran LQ., Moon CW., Le DX., Thoma GR.. Web page downloading and classification. Proc 14th IEEE Symposium on Computer- Based Medical Systems. 2001: 321-6.
- 34 Walker FL., Thoma GR.. A SOAP-enabled system for an online library service. Proc Info Today. 2002: 320-9.
- 35 Walker FL., Thoma GR.. Web-based document image processing. Proc SPIE: Internet Imaging 2000; 268-77.
- 36 Weeber M., Mork JG., Aronson AR.. Developing a test collection for biomedical word sense disambiguation. Proc AMIA Symp 2001; 746-50.
- 37 Xiaocheng L., Prettyman M., Antonucci R.. System expansion and integration with agents in HSTAT. Proceedings of the World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics. 2000
- 38 Yoo TS., Morris J., Chen DT., Burgess J., Richardson AC.. Template guided intervention: Interactive visualization and design for medical fused deposition models. Proceedings of the Workshop on Interactive Medical Image Visualization and Analysis. 2001: 45-8.
- 39 Yoo TS.. Toward validation databases for medical imaging: Engineering a scientific rendezvous. Proceedings of VISIM Workshop on Information Retrieval 2001; 7-10.
- 40 Zamora G., Sari-Sarraf H., Mitra S., Long R.. Analysis of the feasibility of using active shape models for segmentation of gray scale images. Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2002: Image Processing. 2002: 1370-81.
Address of the author:
Alexa T. McCray
National Library of Medicine
8600 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20894
Phone: +1 301 496 4441
Fax: +1 301 435 3146
- 1 Ackerman MJ., Banvard RA.. Imaging outcomes from the National Library of Medicine’s Visible Human Project. Comput Med Imaging Graph 2000; 24 (03) 125-6.
- 2 Aronson AR.. Effective mapping of biomedical text to the UMLS Metathesaurus: The Meta Map program. Proc AMIA Symp 2001; 17-21.
- 3 Aronson AR., Bodenreider O., Chang HF., Humphrey SM., Mork JG., Nelson SJ.. et al. The NLM indexing initiative. Proc AMIA Symp 2000; 17-21.
- 4 Bodenreider O., Rindflesch TC., Burgun A.. Unsupervised corpus-based method for extending a biomedical terminology. Proceedings of the Workshop on Natural Language Processing in the Biomedical Domain, North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2002; 53-60.
- 5 Bodenreider O.. Experiences in visualizing and navigating biomedical ontologies and knowledge bases. Proceedings of the ISMB 2002 Bio-ontologies SIG meeting 2002; 29-32.
- 6 Bodenreider O.. Using UMLS semantics for classification purposes. Proc AMIA 2000; 86-90.
- 7 Burgun A., Bodenreider O.. Aspects of the taxonomic relation in the biomedical domain. In Welty C., Smith B.. editors Collected papers from the Second International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems. New York: ACM Press; 2001: 222-33.
- 8 Fan Y., Hwang K., Gill M., Huang HK.. Some connectivity and security issues of NGI in medical imaging applications. Journal of High Speed Networks 2000; 9: 3-13.
- 9 Ford G., Hauser SE., Le DX., Thoma GR.. Pattern matching techniques for correcting low confidence OCR words in a known context. Proc SPIE. Document Recognition and Retrieval 2001; VIII: 241-9.
- 10 Hauser SE., Le DX., Thoma GR.. Automated zone correction in bitmapped document images. Proc SPIE, Document Recognition and Retrieval 2000; VII: 248-58.
- 11 Humphrey SM., Rindflesch TC., Aronson AR.. Automatic indexing by discipline and high-level categories: methodology and potential applications. In Soergel D.. et al. editors Advances in classification research. Proceedings of the 11th ASIST SIG/CR Classification Research Workshop. 2001
- 12 Kim J., Le DX., Thoma GR.. Automated labeling in document images. Proc SPIE, Vol 4307, Document Recognition and Retrieval 2001; VIII: 111-22.
- 13 Le DX., Straughan SR., Thoma GR.. Greek alphabet recognition technique for biomedical documents. Proc 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Vol 2002; III: 86-91.
- 14 Le DX., Tran LQ., Chow J., Kim J., Hauser SE., Moon CW.. et al. Automated medical records citation records creation for webbased online journals. Proc 14th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems 2001; 315-20.
- 15 Locatis C.. Instructional design and technology in healthcare. In Reiser R., Dempsey J.. editors Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology, Upper Saddle River. New Jersey: Merrill/ Prentice-Hall; 2002: 225-38.
- 16 Long LR., Thoma GR.. Identification and classification of spine vertebrae by automated methods. Proc SPIE Medical Imaging 2001: Image Processing 2001; 1478-89.
- 17 Long LR., Thoma GR.. Use of shape models to search digitized spine x-rays. Proc. IEEE Computer-Based Medical Systems 2000; 255-60.
- 18 Long LR., Thoma GR.. Landmarking and feature localization in spine x-rays. Journal of Electronic Imaging 2001; 10 (04) 939-56.
- 19 Lu CJ., Bangalore A., Tse T.. Developing web browser recording tools using serverside programming technology. In: Proceedings of Web Net 2000, World conference on WWW and Internet. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education 2000; 372-7.
- 20 Marcelo AB., Fontelo PA.. A pathology report metadata registry: Framework for semantic interoperability across disparate systems. Arch Pathol Lab Med 2001; 125 (08) 1014-15.
- 21 McCray AT., Gallagher ME.. Principles for digital library development. Commun ACM 2001; 44 (05) 48-54.
- 22 McCray AT.. Better access to information about clinical trials. Ann Intern Med 2000; 133 (08) 609-14.
- 23 McCray AT., Bodenreider O., Malley JD., Browne AC.. Evaluating UMLS strings for natural language processing. Proc AMIA Symp 2001; 448-52.
- 24 Nishinaga N., Tatsumi H., Gill M., Akashib A., Nogawa H., Reategui I.. Trans-Pacific demonstration of Visible Human. Space Communications 2002; 17 (04) 303-11.
- 25 Parascandola JA.. From germs to genes: Trends in drug therapy, 1852-2002. Pharmacy in History 2002; 44: 3-11.
- 26 Parascandola J.. The pharmaceutical sciences in America, 1852-1902. J Am Pharm Assoc 2000; 40: 733-5.
- 27 Pearson G., Moon CW.. Bridging two biomedical journal databases with XML: A case study. Proc 14th IEEE Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems 2001; 309-14.
- 28 Rindflesch TC., Tanabe L., Weinstein JN., Hunter L.. EDGAR: extraction of drugs, genes and relations from the biomedical literature. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2000; 517-28.
- 29 Rindflesch TC., Rajan JV., Hunter L.. Extracting molecular binding relationships from biomedical text. Proceedings of the 6th Applied Natural Language Processing Conference 2000; 188-95.
- 30 Rodgers RPC., Sherwin Z.. A management system for network-sharable locally installed software: Merging RPM and the depot scheme under Solaris. LISA XV: Proceedings of the Fifteenth Systems Administration Conference 2001; 267-72.
- 31 Thoma GR., Ford G.. Automated data entry system: performance issues. Proc SPIE Document Recognition and Retrieval IX. 2002: 181-90.
- 32 Thoma GR., Ford G., Le DX., Li Z.. Text verification in an automated system for the extraction of bibliographic data. Proc 5th International Workshop on Document Analysis Systems. 2002: 423-32.
- 33 Tran LQ., Moon CW., Le DX., Thoma GR.. Web page downloading and classification. Proc 14th IEEE Symposium on Computer- Based Medical Systems. 2001: 321-6.
- 34 Walker FL., Thoma GR.. A SOAP-enabled system for an online library service. Proc Info Today. 2002: 320-9.
- 35 Walker FL., Thoma GR.. Web-based document image processing. Proc SPIE: Internet Imaging 2000; 268-77.
- 36 Weeber M., Mork JG., Aronson AR.. Developing a test collection for biomedical word sense disambiguation. Proc AMIA Symp 2001; 746-50.
- 37 Xiaocheng L., Prettyman M., Antonucci R.. System expansion and integration with agents in HSTAT. Proceedings of the World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, and Informatics. 2000
- 38 Yoo TS., Morris J., Chen DT., Burgess J., Richardson AC.. Template guided intervention: Interactive visualization and design for medical fused deposition models. Proceedings of the Workshop on Interactive Medical Image Visualization and Analysis. 2001: 45-8.
- 39 Yoo TS.. Toward validation databases for medical imaging: Engineering a scientific rendezvous. Proceedings of VISIM Workshop on Information Retrieval 2001; 7-10.
- 40 Zamora G., Sari-Sarraf H., Mitra S., Long R.. Analysis of the feasibility of using active shape models for segmentation of gray scale images. Proceedings of SPIE Medical Imaging 2002: Image Processing. 2002: 1370-81.