Yearb Med Inform 2004; 13(01): 192-196
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1638193
Research and Education
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart

Medical Informatics Education in Bosnia and Herzegovina

I. Masic
1   Medical Faculty University of Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina
› Institutsangaben
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Address of the author:

Izet Masic
Medical Faculty
Center for Medical Informatics
University of Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina


05. März 2018 (online)



Medical informatics, as a separate medical discipline, is quickly developing in our country, both in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In our country, medical informatics has been a separate subject for the last ten years with regard to Medical curriculum at the biomedical faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This is in accordance with the project of education related to the Bologna declaration and the project EURO MEDICINA. Last year, the Chair of Medical Informatics of the Medical Faculty in Sarajevo celebrated ten years of its existence.

The research was performed using a separate questionnaire patterning data with defined characteristics for the quality assessment of the performed course. The total attitude of the assessed students shows dominant satisfaction with the majority of the parameters that are important for the assessment of the quality and the tuition contents which were evaluated through use of the questionnaire. Education in the field of medical informatics is based on the concept which is used in developed countries, according to the recommendations of the working groups of the European and international association of medical informatics. Theoretical and practical teaching and training performance as a whole is performed by use of the computer equipment, and the final knowledge check of the students is also performed using the Data Base Management System MSAccess specifically designed to cover full teaching and training material by using question sets in the data base which encircled nearly 1500 question combinations. In this paper, the author presents ten years of experience of medical informatics education at biomedical faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina.



  • References

  • 1 Mašic I, Ridanovic Z. Medicinska informatika [Medical Informatics]. Avicena. Sarajevo 2000; 5-35.
  • 2 Mašic I, Pandza H. Praktikum iz medicinske informatike [Practical training in Medical Informatics]. Avicena: Sarajevo; 1999: 61-74.
  • 3 Ramic-Catak A, Masic I. Distance learning – ucenje sa distance u medicinskoj edukaciji [Distance learning – Distance learning in medical education]. AIM 2002; 10 (02) 63-6.
  • 4 Masic I, Bilalovic N, Karcic S, Kudumovic M, Pasic E. Telemedicine and Telematics in B&H in the war and after postwar period. Eur J Med Res 2002; 7 Suppl (Suppl. 01) 47.
  • 5 Mašic I. Pašic E, Kudumovic M. Deset godina edukacije iz medicinske informatike na Medicinskom fakultetu u Sarajevu [Ten years of Medical Informatics education at the Medical Faculty in Sarajevo]. Med Arh 2002; 56 (04) 233-9.
  • 6 Pašic E. Mašic I. Teleispit na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu [Teleexam at the Medical Faculty of the University of Sarajevo]. Glas Medicinara 2003; 1 (01) 50-2.
  • 7 Mašic I. Deset godina rada i razvoja Katedre za Medicinsku informatiku Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu [Ten years of work and development of the Chair of Medical Informatics at the Medical Faculty of University of Sarajevo]. AIM 2002; 10 3-4 165-7.

Address of the author:

Izet Masic
Medical Faculty
Center for Medical Informatics
University of Sarajevo
Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • References

  • 1 Mašic I, Ridanovic Z. Medicinska informatika [Medical Informatics]. Avicena. Sarajevo 2000; 5-35.
  • 2 Mašic I, Pandza H. Praktikum iz medicinske informatike [Practical training in Medical Informatics]. Avicena: Sarajevo; 1999: 61-74.
  • 3 Ramic-Catak A, Masic I. Distance learning – ucenje sa distance u medicinskoj edukaciji [Distance learning – Distance learning in medical education]. AIM 2002; 10 (02) 63-6.
  • 4 Masic I, Bilalovic N, Karcic S, Kudumovic M, Pasic E. Telemedicine and Telematics in B&H in the war and after postwar period. Eur J Med Res 2002; 7 Suppl (Suppl. 01) 47.
  • 5 Mašic I. Pašic E, Kudumovic M. Deset godina edukacije iz medicinske informatike na Medicinskom fakultetu u Sarajevu [Ten years of Medical Informatics education at the Medical Faculty in Sarajevo]. Med Arh 2002; 56 (04) 233-9.
  • 6 Pašic E. Mašic I. Teleispit na Medicinskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Sarajevu [Teleexam at the Medical Faculty of the University of Sarajevo]. Glas Medicinara 2003; 1 (01) 50-2.
  • 7 Mašic I. Deset godina rada i razvoja Katedre za Medicinsku informatiku Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu [Ten years of work and development of the Chair of Medical Informatics at the Medical Faculty of University of Sarajevo]. AIM 2002; 10 3-4 165-7.