Yearbook of Medical Informatics, Table of Contents Yearb Med Inform 2005; 14(01): 538-574DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1638460 Best Paper Selection Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart Section 7: Bioinformatics Recommend Article Abstract Full Text References 1 Covitz PA, Hartel F, Schaefer C, De Coronado S, Fragoso G, Sahni H, Gustafson S, Buetow KH. caCORE: a common infrastructure for cancer informatics. Bioinformatics. 2003 19. 18 2404-12 2 Lambrix P, Habbouche M, Perez M. Evaluation of ontology development tools for bioinformatics. Bioinformatics. 2003 19. 12 1564-71 3 Martin-Sanchez F, Iakovidis I, Norager S, Maojo V, de Groen P, Van der Lei J, Jones T, Abraham-Fuchs K, Apweiler R, Babic A, Baud R, Breton V, Cinquin P, Doupi P, Dugas M, Eils R, Engelbrecht R, Ghazal P, Jehenson P, Kulikowski C, Lampe K, De Moor G, Orphanoudakis S, Rossing N, Sarachan B, Sousa A, Spekowius G, Thireos G, Zahlmann G, Zvarova J, Hermosilla I, Vicente FJ. Synergy between medical informatics and bioinformatics: facilitating genomic medicine for future health care. J Biomed Inform. 2004 37. 01 30-42 4 Mitchell JA, McCray AT, Bodenreider O. From phenotype to genotype: issues in navigating the available information resources. Methods Inf Med. 2003 42. 05 557-63