Yearb Med Inform 2006; 15(01): 166-173
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1638490
Research & Education
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart

Biomedical Informatics Research and Education at the EuroMISE Center

J. Zvarova
1   European Centre for Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology, Institute of Computer Science AS CR, Prague, Czech Republic
› Institutsangaben
The work was partly supported by the Research Institutional Plan AV0Z10300504 of the Institute of Computer Science, the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic and by the project CZ04307/42011/0013.
Weitere Informationen

Correspondence to

Prof. RNDr. Jana Zvarova, DrSc
EuroMISE Centre
Institute of Computer Science AS CR
Pod Vodarenskou vezi 2
182 07 Prague 8
Czech Republic


07. März 2018 (online)




In the paper we described the partial achievements reached by the EuroMISE Center in research and higher education, supporting better healthcare in future information society.


Through the research cooperation, the EuroMISE Centre suggests publicly available tools and methods that allow the application of new technologies for various healthcare organizations and citizens, with a special focus on the national environment of the Czech Republic. It provides a platform for a greater level of research cooperation with the usage of the most up-to-date information and communication technologies and a wide spectrum of clinical and genetic data and knowledge.


Results of research and higher education of the EuroMISE Centre in the field of Biomedical Informatics are described in outputs of national and European projects. Further results have been published and/or presented at national and international meetings and incorporated in education and healthcare practice.


The long-term effect of postgraduate doctoral education in the field of biomedical informatics consists in the rapid increase of scientists that are needed in the Czech Republic to reach the goals of information society in health care. The multidisciplinary research at the EuroMISE Center moves towards direct usage in the informational support of diagnostics and therapy, mining of the medical databases, and in the customization of healthcare based on the clinical and genetic profile of a patient.

Haux R, Kulikowski C, editors. IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2006. Methods Inf Med 2006; 45 Suppl 1: S166-73.



  • References

  • 1 Zvarova J. Education in the Methodology Field of Health Care Euro-MISE, Methods Inf Med. 1994; 33 (03) 315-7.
  • 2 Zvarova J, Engelbrecht R, van Bemmel JH. Education in Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology. Int J Med Inf 1997; 45 (1/2): 3-8.
  • 3 Hasman A, Albert A, Wainwright P, Klar R, Sosa M. eds. Education and Training in Health Informatics in Europe. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 1995
  • 4 IT EDUCTRA CD. Commision of the European Communities. 1998
  • 5 Zvarova J, Zvara K. Evaluation of Knowledge Using ExaMe Program on the Internet. In: Iakovidis I, Maglaveras N, Trakatellis A. editors. User Acceptance of Health Telematics Applications. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2000: 145-51.
  • 6 Martinkova P, Zvara jr. K, Zvarova J, Zvara K. The New Features of the ExaMe Evaluation System and Reliability of its Fixed Tests. Methods Inf Med. 2006 45(3).
  • 7 Martin-Sanchez F, Iakovidis I, Norager S, Maojo V, deGroen P, Van der Lei J. et al. Synergy between Medical Informatics and Bioinformatics: Facilitating Genomic Medicine for Future HealthCare. J Biomed Inform 2005; 37: 30-42.
  • 8 van Bemmel JH, Zvarova J. editors. Knowledge, Information and Medical Education. Amsterdam: North Holland; 1991
  • 9 Haux R, Leven FJ, Moehr JR, Protti DJ. (eds.). Health and Medical Informatics Education. Methods Inf Med 1994; (33) 03: 246-331.
  • 10 Hovenga E. Changing Academic Roles: New Approaches to Teaching and Learning. Methods Inf Med. In press 2006
  • 11 Moehr J. Where to in the Next 10 Years of Health Informatics Education?. Methods Inf Med. In press 2006
  • 12 Zvarova J. Basic Statistics for Biomedical Disciplines. Carolinum; 2000. 2002, 2004, in Czech.
  • 13 Zvarova J, Mazura I. Stochastic Genetics. Prague: Carolinum; 2002. in Czech.
  • 14 Bencko V, Hrach K, Maly M, Pikhart H, Reissigova J, Svaeina S, Tomeckova M, Zvarova J. Statistical Methods in Epidemiology. Volume 1, 2, Prague: Carolinum; 2003. in Czech.
  • 15 Zvarova J, Hanzlicek P, Hejl H, Jirkovec Z, Pikhart H, Pøibik V, Smitkova V, Zvara K. Basic Informatics for Biomedicine and Health Care. Prague: Carolinum; 2002. in Czech.
  • 16 Zvarova J, Svacina S. New Czech Postgraduate Doctoral Program in Biomedical Informatics. In: Surjan G, Engelbrecht R, McNair P. editors. Health Data in the Information Society, Proceedings of MIE 2002. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2002: 766-9.
  • 17 Duplaga M, Zielinski K, Ingram D. editors. Transformation of Healthcare with Information Technologies, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. Vol 105. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2004
  • 18 Zvarova J, Hanzlicek P, Peleska J, Preckova P, Svatek V, Valenta Z. editors. Proceedings of the International Joint Meeting EuroMISE 2004, EuroMISE s.r.o. Prague: 2004
  • 19 Kaiser K, Miksch S, Tu SW. editors. Computer-based Support for Clinical Guidelines and Protocols Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol 101. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2004
  • 20 Zvarova J, Pribik V. Information Society in Czech Healthcare Starting Point to Prognosis for the Year 2013. Int J Med Inf 2002; 66: 59-68.
  • 21 Tomeckova M, Rauch J, Berka P. Guide to Atherosclerosis Risk Factors Data. In: Berka P, Cremilleux B. editors. Discovery Challenge 2004. A Collaborative Effort in Knowledge Discovery from Databases. Caen: University of Caen; 2004
  • 22 Monhart Z, Grunfeldova H, Kadleckova Jansky P, Zvarova J. Register of Acute Myocardial Infarction – Searching for Generally Applicable Model (in Czech). Supplementum Cor Vasa 2004; 46 (04) 60.
  • 23 Zvarova J. On the Medical Informatics Structure. Int J Med Inf 1997; 44: 75-82.
  • 24 Vajda I, Vesely A, Zvarova J. On the Amount of Information Resulting from Empirical and Theoretical Knowledge. Reviste Matematica Complutense 2005. In press 2005
  • 25 Zvarova J, Vajda I. On Genetic Information, Diversity and Distance. Methods Inf Med. In press 2005
  • 26 Semecky J, Zvarova J. On Regular Analysis of Medical Reports. In: Proceedings of NLPBA 2002. Cyprus: 2002: 13-6.
  • 27 Antolik J. Automatic Annotation of Medical Records. In: Engelbrecht R, Geissbuhler A, Lovis C, Mihalas G. editors. Connecting Medical Informatics and Bio-Informatics. Proceedings of MIE 2005. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2005: 817-22.
  • 28 Preckova P, Spidlen J, Zvarova J. International Nomenclatures and Metathesauruses in Healthcare. Acta Informatica Medica (submitted).
  • 29 Hanzlicek P, Spidlen J, Nagy M. Universal Electronic Health Record MUDR. In: Duplaga M, Zielinski K, Ingram D. editors. Transformation of Healthcare with Information Technologies. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2004: 190-201.
  • 30 Hanzlicek P, Spidlen J, Heroutova H, Nagy M. User Interface of MUDR Electronic Health Record. Int J Med Inform 2005; 74 2-4 221-7.
  • 31 Spidlen J, Hanzlicek P, Zvarova J. MUDRLite – Health Record Tailored to your Particular Needs. In: Duplaga M, Zielinski K, Ingram D. editors. Transformation of Healthcare with Information Technologies. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2004: 202-9.
  • 32 Spidlen J, Hanzlícek P, Riha A, Zvarova J. Flexible Information Storage in MUDR2 EHR Int J Med Inf. In press 2006
  • 33 Teuberova Z, Spidlen J, Pies M, Nagy M, Dostalova T, Hanzlicek P. et al. Interactive Structured Dental Cross, Protetyka Stomatologiczna, A Vision of Modern Prosthodontics EPA 2005. 5 2005: 7.
  • 34 Mor P, Aziz B, Samson T, Dongwen W, Omolola O, Quing Z. Guideline Interchange Format 3.5 Technical Spec. Available from: GLIF_TECH_SPEC.pdf InterMed Collaboratory; 2002
  • 35 Kolesa P, Spidlen J, Zvarova J. Obstacles to Implementing an Execution Engine for Clinical Guidelines Formalized in GLIF. In: Engelbrecht R, Geissbuhler A, Lovis C, Mihalas G. editors. Connecting Medical Informatics and Bio-Informatics. Proceedings of MIE 2005. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2005: 563-8.
  • 36 Buchtela D, Peleska J, Vesely A, Zvarova J. Method of GLIF Model Construction and Implementation. In: Engelbrecht R, Geissbuhler A, Lovis C, Mihalas G. editors. Connecting Medical Informatics and Bio-Informatics. Proceedings of MIE 2005. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2005: 779-84.
  • 37 Zvarova J, Buchtela D, Hanzlicek P, Spidlen J, Vesely A. On Direct Comparing of Medical Guidelines with Electronic Health Record. In: Bubak M, van Albada GD, Sloot P, Dongarra J. editors. Proceedings of ICCS 2004. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 2004: 1133-9.
  • 38 Buchtela D, Peleska J, Vesely A, Zvarova J. Presentation of Medical Guidelines on a Computer. In: Zielinski K, Duplaga M, Ingram D. editors. Transformation of Healthcare with Information Technologies. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2004: 166-71.

Correspondence to

Prof. RNDr. Jana Zvarova, DrSc
EuroMISE Centre
Institute of Computer Science AS CR
Pod Vodarenskou vezi 2
182 07 Prague 8
Czech Republic

  • References

  • 1 Zvarova J. Education in the Methodology Field of Health Care Euro-MISE, Methods Inf Med. 1994; 33 (03) 315-7.
  • 2 Zvarova J, Engelbrecht R, van Bemmel JH. Education in Medical Informatics, Statistics and Epidemiology. Int J Med Inf 1997; 45 (1/2): 3-8.
  • 3 Hasman A, Albert A, Wainwright P, Klar R, Sosa M. eds. Education and Training in Health Informatics in Europe. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 1995
  • 4 IT EDUCTRA CD. Commision of the European Communities. 1998
  • 5 Zvarova J, Zvara K. Evaluation of Knowledge Using ExaMe Program on the Internet. In: Iakovidis I, Maglaveras N, Trakatellis A. editors. User Acceptance of Health Telematics Applications. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2000: 145-51.
  • 6 Martinkova P, Zvara jr. K, Zvarova J, Zvara K. The New Features of the ExaMe Evaluation System and Reliability of its Fixed Tests. Methods Inf Med. 2006 45(3).
  • 7 Martin-Sanchez F, Iakovidis I, Norager S, Maojo V, deGroen P, Van der Lei J. et al. Synergy between Medical Informatics and Bioinformatics: Facilitating Genomic Medicine for Future HealthCare. J Biomed Inform 2005; 37: 30-42.
  • 8 van Bemmel JH, Zvarova J. editors. Knowledge, Information and Medical Education. Amsterdam: North Holland; 1991
  • 9 Haux R, Leven FJ, Moehr JR, Protti DJ. (eds.). Health and Medical Informatics Education. Methods Inf Med 1994; (33) 03: 246-331.
  • 10 Hovenga E. Changing Academic Roles: New Approaches to Teaching and Learning. Methods Inf Med. In press 2006
  • 11 Moehr J. Where to in the Next 10 Years of Health Informatics Education?. Methods Inf Med. In press 2006
  • 12 Zvarova J. Basic Statistics for Biomedical Disciplines. Carolinum; 2000. 2002, 2004, in Czech.
  • 13 Zvarova J, Mazura I. Stochastic Genetics. Prague: Carolinum; 2002. in Czech.
  • 14 Bencko V, Hrach K, Maly M, Pikhart H, Reissigova J, Svaeina S, Tomeckova M, Zvarova J. Statistical Methods in Epidemiology. Volume 1, 2, Prague: Carolinum; 2003. in Czech.
  • 15 Zvarova J, Hanzlicek P, Hejl H, Jirkovec Z, Pikhart H, Pøibik V, Smitkova V, Zvara K. Basic Informatics for Biomedicine and Health Care. Prague: Carolinum; 2002. in Czech.
  • 16 Zvarova J, Svacina S. New Czech Postgraduate Doctoral Program in Biomedical Informatics. In: Surjan G, Engelbrecht R, McNair P. editors. Health Data in the Information Society, Proceedings of MIE 2002. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2002: 766-9.
  • 17 Duplaga M, Zielinski K, Ingram D. editors. Transformation of Healthcare with Information Technologies, Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. Vol 105. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2004
  • 18 Zvarova J, Hanzlicek P, Peleska J, Preckova P, Svatek V, Valenta Z. editors. Proceedings of the International Joint Meeting EuroMISE 2004, EuroMISE s.r.o. Prague: 2004
  • 19 Kaiser K, Miksch S, Tu SW. editors. Computer-based Support for Clinical Guidelines and Protocols Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, Vol 101. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2004
  • 20 Zvarova J, Pribik V. Information Society in Czech Healthcare Starting Point to Prognosis for the Year 2013. Int J Med Inf 2002; 66: 59-68.
  • 21 Tomeckova M, Rauch J, Berka P. Guide to Atherosclerosis Risk Factors Data. In: Berka P, Cremilleux B. editors. Discovery Challenge 2004. A Collaborative Effort in Knowledge Discovery from Databases. Caen: University of Caen; 2004
  • 22 Monhart Z, Grunfeldova H, Kadleckova Jansky P, Zvarova J. Register of Acute Myocardial Infarction – Searching for Generally Applicable Model (in Czech). Supplementum Cor Vasa 2004; 46 (04) 60.
  • 23 Zvarova J. On the Medical Informatics Structure. Int J Med Inf 1997; 44: 75-82.
  • 24 Vajda I, Vesely A, Zvarova J. On the Amount of Information Resulting from Empirical and Theoretical Knowledge. Reviste Matematica Complutense 2005. In press 2005
  • 25 Zvarova J, Vajda I. On Genetic Information, Diversity and Distance. Methods Inf Med. In press 2005
  • 26 Semecky J, Zvarova J. On Regular Analysis of Medical Reports. In: Proceedings of NLPBA 2002. Cyprus: 2002: 13-6.
  • 27 Antolik J. Automatic Annotation of Medical Records. In: Engelbrecht R, Geissbuhler A, Lovis C, Mihalas G. editors. Connecting Medical Informatics and Bio-Informatics. Proceedings of MIE 2005. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2005: 817-22.
  • 28 Preckova P, Spidlen J, Zvarova J. International Nomenclatures and Metathesauruses in Healthcare. Acta Informatica Medica (submitted).
  • 29 Hanzlicek P, Spidlen J, Nagy M. Universal Electronic Health Record MUDR. In: Duplaga M, Zielinski K, Ingram D. editors. Transformation of Healthcare with Information Technologies. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2004: 190-201.
  • 30 Hanzlicek P, Spidlen J, Heroutova H, Nagy M. User Interface of MUDR Electronic Health Record. Int J Med Inform 2005; 74 2-4 221-7.
  • 31 Spidlen J, Hanzlicek P, Zvarova J. MUDRLite – Health Record Tailored to your Particular Needs. In: Duplaga M, Zielinski K, Ingram D. editors. Transformation of Healthcare with Information Technologies. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2004: 202-9.
  • 32 Spidlen J, Hanzlícek P, Riha A, Zvarova J. Flexible Information Storage in MUDR2 EHR Int J Med Inf. In press 2006
  • 33 Teuberova Z, Spidlen J, Pies M, Nagy M, Dostalova T, Hanzlicek P. et al. Interactive Structured Dental Cross, Protetyka Stomatologiczna, A Vision of Modern Prosthodontics EPA 2005. 5 2005: 7.
  • 34 Mor P, Aziz B, Samson T, Dongwen W, Omolola O, Quing Z. Guideline Interchange Format 3.5 Technical Spec. Available from: GLIF_TECH_SPEC.pdf InterMed Collaboratory; 2002
  • 35 Kolesa P, Spidlen J, Zvarova J. Obstacles to Implementing an Execution Engine for Clinical Guidelines Formalized in GLIF. In: Engelbrecht R, Geissbuhler A, Lovis C, Mihalas G. editors. Connecting Medical Informatics and Bio-Informatics. Proceedings of MIE 2005. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2005: 563-8.
  • 36 Buchtela D, Peleska J, Vesely A, Zvarova J. Method of GLIF Model Construction and Implementation. In: Engelbrecht R, Geissbuhler A, Lovis C, Mihalas G. editors. Connecting Medical Informatics and Bio-Informatics. Proceedings of MIE 2005. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2005: 779-84.
  • 37 Zvarova J, Buchtela D, Hanzlicek P, Spidlen J, Vesely A. On Direct Comparing of Medical Guidelines with Electronic Health Record. In: Bubak M, van Albada GD, Sloot P, Dongarra J. editors. Proceedings of ICCS 2004. Berlin: Springer-Verlag; 2004: 1133-9.
  • 38 Buchtela D, Peleska J, Vesely A, Zvarova J. Presentation of Medical Guidelines on a Computer. In: Zielinski K, Duplaga M, Ingram D. editors. Transformation of Healthcare with Information Technologies. Amsterdam: IOS Press; 2004: 166-71.