Yearbook of Medical Informatics, Table of Contents Yearb Med Inform 2011; 20(01): 121-124DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1638749 Synopsis Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart Knowledge Representation and Management: Benefits and Challenges of the Semantic Web for the Fields of KRM and NLP A.-M. Rassinoux 1 Information Systems Division, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland , Section Editor for the IMIA Yearbook Section on Knowledge Representation and Management › Author Affiliations Recommend Article Abstract Full Text PDF Download Keywords KeywordsSemantic Web - Natural language processing (NLP) - knowledge extraction - semantic annotation References References 1 Berners-Lee T, Hendler J, Lassila O. The Semantic Web. Sci Am 2001; 34-43. 2 Feigenbaum L, Herman I, Hongsermeier T, Neumann E, Stephens S. The Semantic Web in action. Sci Am 2007; Dec; 297 (06) 64-71. 3 Klein D, Manning CD. Accurate unlexicalized parsing. Proc of the 41st Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2003; 423-30. 4 Bontcheva K, Tablan V, Maynard D, Cunningham H. Evolving GATE to Meet New Challenges in Language Engineering. Nat Lang Eng 2004; 10: 349-73. 5 Ferrucci D, Lally A. UIMA: an architectural approach to unstructured information processing in the corporate research environment. Nat Lang Eng 2004; 10 (3:4): 327-48. 6 Rassinoux AM. Decision Support, Knowledge Representation and Management: Structuring Knowledge for Better Access. In: Geissbuhler A, Kulikowski C, editors. IMIA Yearbook of Medical Informatics 2008. Methods Inf Med 2008; 47 Suppl 1: 80-2. 7 Rassinoux AM. Decision Support, Knowledge Representation and Management: Towards Interoperable Medical terminologies. In: Geissbuhler A, Kulikowski C, editors. IMIAYearbook of Medical Informatics 2009. Methods Suppl 2009; 99-102. 8 Rassinoux AM. Decision Support, Knowledge Representation and Management: Transforming Textual Information into Useful Knowledge. In: Kulikowski C, Geissbuhler A, editors.Yearb Inform Med 2010; 64-7. 9 Bui QC, Nualláin BO, Boucher CA, Sloot PM. Extracting causal relations on HIV drug resistance from literature. BMC Bioinformatics 2010; 11: 101. 10 Cao YG, Cimino JJ, Ely J, Yu H. Automatically extracting information needs from complex clinical questions. J Biomed Inform 2010; Dec; 43 (06) 962-71. 11 Coulet A, Shah NH, Garten Y, Musen M, Altman RB. Using text to build semantic networks for pharmacogenomics. J Biomed Inform 2010; Dec; 43 (06) 1009-19. 12 Denny JC, Peterson JF, Choma NN, Xu H, Miller RA, Bastarache L, Peterson NB. Extracting timing and status descriptors for colonoscopy testing from electronic medical records. J Am Med Inform Assoc 2010; Jul-Aug; 17 (04) 383-8. 13 Jahiruddin Abulaish M, Dey L. A concept-driven biomedical knowledge extraction and visualization framework for conceptualization of text corpora. J Biomed Inform 2010; Dec; 43 (06) 1020-35. 14 Bodenreider O. Lexical, terminological and ontological resources for biological text mining. In: Ananiadou S, McNaught J, editors. Text mining for biology and biomedicine: Artech House 2006; 43-66. 15 Maynard D, Li Y, Peters D. NLP Techniques for Term Extraction and Ontology Population. In: Buitelaar P, Cimiano P. editors. Bridging the Gap between Text and Knowledge - Selected.. 16 Liu K, Hogan WR, Crowley RS. Natural Language Processing methods and systems for biomedical ontology learning. J Biomed Inform 2011; 44: 163-79. 17 Uren V, Cimiano P, Iria J, Handschuh S, Vargas-Vera M, Motta E, Ciravegna F. Semantic annotation for knowledge management: Requirements and a survey of the state of the art. Journal of Web Semantics 2006; 14-28. 18 Bada M, Hunter L. Desiderata for ontologies to be used in semantic annotation of biomedical documents. J Biomed Inform 2011; 44 (01) 94-101.