Yearbook of Medical Informatics, Table of Contents Yearb Med Inform 2011; 20(01): 103DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1638773 Best Paper Selection Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart Section 5: Decision Support Recommend Article Abstract Full Text References 1 Elkin PL, Liebow M, Bauer BA, Chaliki S, Wahner-Roedler D, Bundrick J, Lee M, Brown SH, Froehling D, Bailey K, Famiglietti K, Kim R, Hoffer E, Feldman M, Barnett GO. The introduction of a diagnostic decision support system (DXplain TM ) into the workûow of a teaching hospital service can decrease the cost of service for diagnostically challenging Diagnostic Related Groups (DRGs). Int J Med Inform 2010; 11 (79) 772-7 2 Matheny ME, Miller RA, Ikizler TA, Waitman LR, Denny JC, Schildcrout JS, Dittus RS, Peterson JF. Development of Inpatient Risk Stratification Models of Acute Kidney Injury for Use in Electronic Health Records. Med Decis Making 2010; 06 (30) 639-50 3 Niemeijer M, Loog M, Abramoff MD, Viergever MA, Prokop M, van Ginneken B. On Combining Computer-Aided Detection Systems. IEEE Trans Med Imaging 2010; 30 (02) 215-23 4 van der Sijs H, van Gelder T, Vulto A, Berg M, Aarts J. Understanding handling of drug safety alerts:a simulation study. Int J Med Inform 2010; 05 (79) 361-9 5 Wright A, Chen ES, Maloney FL. An automated technique for identifying associations between medications, laboratory results and problems. J Biomed Inform 2010; 06 (43) 891-901