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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1638832
A Scoping Review of Telehealth
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Publication Date:
05 March 2018 (online)
Objectives: This scoping review of the telehealth literature over the past year was conducted to provide a snapshot of some of the current developments in the field. As with any scoping review, only a subset of papers was examined, and the rigorous methods of a systematic review are not applied.
Methods: We surveyed selected dimensions of the current literature, specifically targeting telehealth or eHealth interventions at the patient (or micro) level in this scoping review. Considering the lack of clarity around the terms like mHealth, eHealth, telehealth, and telemedicine, efforts were made understand and harmonize the terminology as part of the review process.
Results: A total of 171 papers that matched the search criteria were culled from the literature. After discussion and debate, a total of 26 papers were retained and classified into at least one of 5 conceptual categories that were derived form a concept analysis. The five categories are Preventive and Therapeutic Effects; Health Service Utilization; Challenges & Opportunities for Enhanced User Centered Design; Low-powered studies/inconclusive evidence; and Future trends in telehealth. Each of these 5 concept categories are discussed to provide a better understanding of present opportunities, challenges, and the overall prospects for telehealth advancement.
Conclusions: The field is expanding and maturing rapidly. There is a need for larger scale studies that balance rigor while reducing translational latency. Additional attention to implementation science methods is recommended as global telehealth projects accelerate.
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- 25 Acosta-Lobos A, Riley JP, Cowie MR. Current and future technologies for remote monitoring in cardiology and evidence from trial data. Future Cardiol 2012; 8 (3) 425-37.
- 26 Bui AL, Fonarow GC. Home monitoring for heart failure management. J Am Coll Cardiol 2012; 59 (2) 97-104. PMCID: 3254025.
- 27 Huckvale K, Car M, Morrison C, Car J. Apps for asthma self-management: a systematic assessment of content and tools. BMC Med 2012; 10: 144. PMCID: 3523082.
- 28 van den Berg N, Schumann M, Kraft K, Hoffmann W. Telemedicine and telecare for older patients--a systematic review. Maturitas 2012; 73 (2) 94-114.
- 29 McGeary DD, McGeary CA, Gatchel RJ. A comprehensive review of telehealth for pain management: where we are and the way ahead. Pain Pract 2012; 12 (7) 570-7.
- 30 Chiang LC, Chen WC, Dai YT, Ho YL. The effectiveness of telehealth care on caregiver burden, mastery of stress, and family function among family caregivers of heart failure patients: a quasi-experimental study. Int J Nurs Stud 2012; 49 (10) 1230-42.
- 31 Young LB. Telemedicine interventions for substance-use disorder: a literature review. J Telemed Telecare 2012; 18 (1) 47-53.
- 32 Car J, Gurol-Urganci I, de Jongh T, Vodopivec-Jamsek V, Atun R. Mobile phone messaging reminders for attendance at healthcare appointments. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2012 7. CD007458.
- 33 Nimmon L, Poureslami I, Fitzgerald JM. What counts as cultural competency in telehealth interventions? A call for new directions. J Telemed elecare 2012; 18 (7) 425-6.
- 34 Collins SA, Currie LM, Bakken S, Vawdrey DK, Stone PW. Health literacy screening instruments for eHealth applications: a systematic review. J Biomed Inform 2012; 45 (3) 598-607. PMCID: 3371171.
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- 37 Ho K, Binfet JT, Cordeiro J, Lauscher HN. Public Engagement in eHealth: Toward Improving Equity in Health Evidence and Health System Renewal. 2012 p. 177-88.
- 38 Rietdijk R, Togher L, Power E. Supporting family members of people with traumatic brain injury using telehealth: a systematic review. J Rehabil Med 2012; 44 (11) 913-21.
- 39 Ciere Y, Cartwright M, Newman SP. A systematic review of the mediating role of knowledge, self-efficacy and self-care behaviour in telehealth patients with heart failure. J Telemed Telecare 2012; 18 (7) 384-91.
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