Yearbook of Medical Informatics, Table of Contents Yearb Med Inform 2013; 22(01): 187-188DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1638874 Best Paper Selection Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart Section 9 Clinical Research Informatics Recommend Article Abstract Full Text References 1 Eder J, Gottweis H, Zatloukal K. IT solutions for privacy protection in biobanking. Public Health Genomics 2012; 15 (5) 254-62. 2 Jensen PB, Jensen LJ, Brunak S. Mining electronic health records: towards better research applications and clinical care. Nat Rev Genet 2012; Jun 13 (6) 395-405. 3 Sittig DF, Hazlehurst BL, Brown J, Murphy S, Rosenman M, Tarczy-Hornoch P, Wilcox AB. A survey of informatics platforms that enable distributed comparative effectiveness research using multi-institutional heterogeneous clinical data. Med Care 2012; Jul 50 Suppl S49-59. 4 Tasneem A, Aberle L, Ananth H, Chakraborty S, Chiswell K, McCourt BJ, Pietrobon R. The database for aggregate analysis of (AACT) and subsequent regrouping by clinical specialty. Plos One 2012; 7 (3) e33677.