The Effect of Beta Adrenergic Blockade upon Exercise-Induced Changes in Blood Coagulation and Fibrinolysis
B.J Britton
Surgical Unit, St. Bartholomews Hospital, London EC 1; Nuffield Institute of Comparative Medicine, Regents Park, London NW I; Department of Surgery, Hope Hospital, Salford, Lanes.
W.G Wood
Surgical Unit, St. Bartholomews Hospital, London EC 1; Nuffield Institute of Comparative Medicine, Regents Park, London NW I; Department of Surgery, Hope Hospital, Salford, Lanes.
Muriel Smith
Surgical Unit, St. Bartholomews Hospital, London EC 1; Nuffield Institute of Comparative Medicine, Regents Park, London NW I; Department of Surgery, Hope Hospital, Salford, Lanes.
Christine Hawkey
Surgical Unit, St. Bartholomews Hospital, London EC 1; Nuffield Institute of Comparative Medicine, Regents Park, London NW I; Department of Surgery, Hope Hospital, Salford, Lanes.
M.H Irving
Surgical Unit, St. Bartholomews Hospital, London EC 1; Nuffield Institute of Comparative Medicine, Regents Park, London NW I; Department of Surgery, Hope Hospital, Salford, Lanes.