Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Table of Contents Thromb Haemost 1959; 03(02): 237-256DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1654385 Originalarbeiten — Original Articles — Travaux Originaux Schattauer GmbH Prothrombin as Co-Factor of the Circulating Anticoagulant in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus? A Loeliger 1 Clinic for Internal Medicine (Director: Prof. J. Mulder), University Hospital, Leyden, Holland , with the technical assistance of Miss, E. J. J Alsbach 1 Clinic for Internal Medicine (Director: Prof. J. Mulder), University Hospital, Leyden, Holland › Author Affiliations Recommend Article Abstract Full Text PDF Download References References 1 Barkhan P. Observations on a coagulation defect characterised by thrombocytopenia with a circulating anticoagulant. S. Afr. J. med. Sci 1952; 17: 87 2 Biggs R, Macfarlane R. G. Human blood coagulation and its disorders. Black-well Scientific Publ; Oxford: 1957 3 Bonnin J. A, Cohen A. K, Hicks N. D. Coagulation defects in a case of systemic lupus erythematosus with thrombocytopenia. Brit. J. Haematol 1956; 2: 168 4 Conley C. L, Hartmann R. C. A hemorrhagic disorder caused by circulating anticoagulant in patients with disseminated lupus erytematosus. J. clin. Invest 1952; 31: 621 5 Dameshek W. Systemic lupus erythematosus: A complex auto-immune disorder? Ann. internat. Med 1958; 48: 707 6 AAAAAFrick P. G. Acquired circulating anticoagulants in systematic “collagen disease”. Blood 1955; 10: 691 7 Hartert H. Klinische Blutgerinnungsstudien mit der Thrombelastographie. Dtsch. Arch. klin. Med 1952; 199: 284 (293, 402, 414) 8 van Herwerden M. A. Een eenvoudige telmethode voor bloedplaatjes. Ned. T. Geneesk 1915; 11: 1866 9 Hicks N. D, Pitney W. R. A rapid screening test for disorders of thromboplastin generation. Brit. J. Haematol 1957; 3: 227 10 Hitzig W. H, Labhart A, Uehlinger E. Transitorische Hemmkörperhämo-philie bei Rheumatismus. Helv. med. Acta 1951; 18: 410 11 Kovács E. Steigerung der endogenen Antithrombokinase-Produktion bei Lungenembolie und Myokardinfarkt. Thromb. Diath. haem 1957; 1: 541 12 Laurell A. B, Nilsson I. M. Hypergammaglobulinemia, circulating anticoagulant, and biologic false positive Wassermann reaction. J. Lab. clin. Med 1957; 49: 694 13 Lee S. L. Laboratory studies in systemic lupus erythematosus. AMA Arch. Dermat 1956; 73: 313 14 Lee S. L, Sanders M. A disorder of blood coagulation in systemic lupus erythematosus. J. clin. Invest 1955; 34: 1814 15 Ley A. B, Reader G. G, Sorenson C. W, Overman R. S. Idiopathic hypoprothrombinemia associated with hemorrhagic diathesis and the effect of vitamin K. Blood 1951; 6: 740 16 Loeliger A. Über den Nachweis eines neuen Blutgerinnungsfaktors: Faktor VIL Wien. Z. inn. Med 1952; 33: 169 17 Loe liger A, Hers J. F. Ph. Chronic Antithrombinaemia (Antithrombin V) with haemorrhagic diathesis in a case of rheumatoid arthritis with hypergammaglobulinaemia. Thromb. Diath. haem 1957; 1: 499 18 Mueller J. F, Ratnoff O, Heinle R. W. Observations on the characteristics on an unusual circulating anticoagulant. J. Lab. clin. Med 1951; 38: 254 19 Owren P. A, Aas K. The control of dicumarol therapy and the quantitative determination of prothrombin and proconvertin. Scand. J. clin. Lab. Invest 1951; 3: 201 20 vanderPol E. T, Kettenborg H. K, de Vries S. L. Een modificatie van de “thrombin generation test”. Ned. T. Geneesk 1956; 100: 1900 21 Post C. R, den Ottolander G. J. H, Hoorweg P. G. Een familiale vorm van idiopathische hypoprothrombinaemie. Ned. T. Geneesk 1956; 100: 1981 22 Quick A. J. Hemorrhagic diseases. Lea & Febiger; Philadelphia: 1957 23 Ramot C, Singer K. An unusual circulating anticoagulant in systemic lupus erythematosus. Acta haemat. (Basel) 1956; 16: 158 24 Seligmann M. Etudes immunologiques sur le lupus érythémateux disséminé. Rev. Franç. d’Etud. Clin. et Biol 1958; 3: 558 25 Seligmann M, Milgrom F, Trefouel J. Mise en évidence par la fixation du complément de la réaction entre acide désoxyribonucléique et sérum de malades atteints de lupus érythémateux disséminé. C. R. Acad. Sci. (Paris) 1958; 245: 1472 26 Swift S. A serum anticoagulant factor in systemic lupus erythematosus. AMA Arch. Dermat 1956; 74: 296 27 Verstraete M, Vandenbroucke J. Occurence and mode of action of endogenous circulating anticoagulant. J. Lab, clin. Med 1956; 48: 673