Thromb Haemost 1959; 03(02): 286-296
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1654389
Originalarbeiten — Original Articles — Travaux Originaux
Schattauer GmbH

The Mechanism of Fibrinolysis Induced by Bacterial Pyrogens[*)]

E Deutsch
1   Central Coagulation Laboratory, The First Medical Department, University of Vienna School of Medicine, Head Prof. Dr. E. Lauda, and The Second Department for Gynecology, University of Vienna School of Medicine, Head Prof. Dr. H. Zacherl
P Elsner
1   Central Coagulation Laboratory, The First Medical Department, University of Vienna School of Medicine, Head Prof. Dr. E. Lauda, and The Second Department for Gynecology, University of Vienna School of Medicine, Head Prof. Dr. H. Zacherl
with the technical assistance of,
I Marschner
1   Central Coagulation Laboratory, The First Medical Department, University of Vienna School of Medicine, Head Prof. Dr. E. Lauda, and The Second Department for Gynecology, University of Vienna School of Medicine, Head Prof. Dr. H. Zacherl
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Publication Date:
08 June 2018 (online)



1. The mechanism of the activation of plasmin in blood after intravenous injection of bacterial pyrogens was studied.

2. There was plasmin and an activator present in the spontaneous lytic blood samples. In cases with a high level of plasmin a low amount of plasminogen was found and vice versa.

3. There seem to be two mechanisms of activation. In the most cases the activator has the properties of a fibrinokinase. In the other type a fibrinolysokinase was found.

4. The resistence of the activator against changes in pH and influence of temperature was studied. It was found that the activator was very resistent at acid pH, and, therefore, it shoud be classified as a stable type activator. In addition to this a small amount of a labile type activator seems to be present.

5. Some fibrinolytic activity develops in vitro if the pyrogens are incubated with cell-containing plasma or blood. It is supposed that the leucocytes are involved in the activation mechanism.




*) This work was supported by grants from The Blood Research Foundation, Washington, D. C., USA, and Dr. A. Wander A. G., Bern, Switzerland.

  • References

  • 1 Albrechtsen O. K. The fibrinolytic activity of menstrual blood. Acta endocrin 1956; 23: 219
  • 2 Astrup T, Müllertz S. The fibrin plate method for estimating fibrinolytic activity. Arch. Biochem. and Biophys 1952; 40: 346
  • 3 Astrup T, Sterndorff I. A fibrinolytic system in human milk. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. and Med 1953; 84: 605
  • 4 Astrup T, Sterndorff I. The plasminogen activator in animal tissue. Acta physiol. Scand 1956; 36: 250
  • 5 Cranston W. I, Goodale F, Snell E. S, Wendt F. The role of leucocytes in the initial action of bacterial pyrogens in man. Clin. Sci 1956; 15: 219
  • 6 Eichenberger E. Fibrinolyse nach intravenöser Injektion bakterieller Pyrogene. Acta neuroveg 1955; 11: 201
  • 7 Eichenberger E, Schmidhauser-Kopp M, Hurni H, Fricsay M, Westphal O. Biologische Wirkungen eines hochgereinigten Pyrogens (Lipopoly-saccharids) aus Salmonella Abortus equi. Schweiz. med. Wschr 1955; 85: 1190-1213.
  • 8 Eichenberger E, Schönholzer G. Fibrinolyse als Form der unspezifischen Reizbeantwortung. Verh. Dtsch. Ges. inn. Med 1956; 62: 200
  • 9 Elsner P. Fibrinolyse in Schwangerschaft und Geburt. Fortschritte der Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie. Karger; Basel: 1957: 6
  • 10 Elsner P, Deutsch E, Kratochwil A. Untersuchungen über die Pyre-xalfibrinolyse. Wien. med. Wschr. im Druck
  • 11 Hoff F. Fieber, unspezifische Abwehrvorgänge, unspezifische Therapie. Thieme; Stuttgart: 1957: 87
  • 12 Hörder M. H, Kickhöfen B. Vergleichende Untersuchungen über den Nachweis der Fibrinolyse nach Injektion eines bakteriellen Lipopolysaccharids (Pyrexal). Acta haemat 17: 321 1957;
  • 12a Hörder M. H, Wendt F. Fibrinolyse und Gerinnungsfaktoren nach Injektion von bakteriellen und endogenen Pyrogenen beim Menschen, VII. Internat. Kongr. Haematol; Rom: 1958: 391
  • 13 Kaulla K. N. Fibrinolysis induced in humans by bacterial pyrogens, VI. Internat. Congr. Haemat; Boston: 1956: 454
  • 14 Kaulla K. N, Weil J. Pyrogen-induced fibrinolysis in man. Fed. Proc 1956; 15: 194
  • 15 Lassen M. Heat denaturation of plasminogen in the fibrin plate method. Acta physiol. Scand 1952; 27: 371
  • 16 Meneghini P. La shock-vaccino terapia nella cura di un caso di traumatica della vena cava inf. Arch. “E. Maragliano” di Patol. e clin 1949; 4: 771
  • 17 Meneghini P. Le traitement fibrinolytique des thromboses et des embolies. Thrombose und Embolie; Basel: 1954: 873
  • 18 Müllertz S. Components interacting in the formation of plasminogen activator in human blood. Thrombose und Embolie; Basel: 1954: 75
  • 19 Müllertz S. The plasmin activator system in human blood. Thrombose und Embolie; Basel: 1954: 79
  • 20 Müllertz S. Activation of plasminogen. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci 1957; 68: 38
  • 20a Olesen E. S. Peptone activation of a serum fibrinolytic system. Acta pharm. tox. 1958: 15
  • 21 Remmert L. F, Cohen P. P. Partial purification and properties of a proteolytic enzyme of human serum. J. biol. Chem 1949; 181: 431
  • 22 Sabatini G.E, Meneghini P. La shock-vaccinoterapia nella cura delle trombo-angiopatie. L’informatore Medico, Sez. Clin. Scient 1950; 4: 171
  • 23 Schönholzer G, Eichenberger E. Klinische und experimentelle Gesichtspunkte zur Anwendung fibrinolytisch wirkender Lipopolysaccharide. Helv. med. Acta 1956; 23: 641
  • 24 Schramm G, Westphal O, Lüderitz O. Über bakterielle Reizstoffe, III. Physikalisch-chemisches Verhalten eines hochgereinigten Coli-Pyrogens. Z. Naturforsch 1952; 7b: 594
  • 25 Westphal O, Lüderitz O. Chemische Erforschung von Lipopolysacchariden gramnegativer Bakterien. Angew. Chemie 1954; 66: 407
  • 26 Westphal O, Lüderitz O, Eichenberger E, Keiderling W. Über bakterielle Reizstoffe, I. Reindarstellung eines Polysaccharid-Pyrogens aus Bacterium coli. Z. Naturforsch 1952; 7b: 536

  • References

  • 1 Albrechtsen O. K. The fibrinolytic activity of menstrual blood. Acta endocrin 1956; 23: 219
  • 2 Astrup T, Müllertz S. The fibrin plate method for estimating fibrinolytic activity. Arch. Biochem. and Biophys 1952; 40: 346
  • 3 Astrup T, Sterndorff I. A fibrinolytic system in human milk. Proc. Soc. exper. Biol. and Med 1953; 84: 605
  • 4 Astrup T, Sterndorff I. The plasminogen activator in animal tissue. Acta physiol. Scand 1956; 36: 250
  • 5 Cranston W. I, Goodale F, Snell E. S, Wendt F. The role of leucocytes in the initial action of bacterial pyrogens in man. Clin. Sci 1956; 15: 219
  • 6 Eichenberger E. Fibrinolyse nach intravenöser Injektion bakterieller Pyrogene. Acta neuroveg 1955; 11: 201
  • 7 Eichenberger E, Schmidhauser-Kopp M, Hurni H, Fricsay M, Westphal O. Biologische Wirkungen eines hochgereinigten Pyrogens (Lipopoly-saccharids) aus Salmonella Abortus equi. Schweiz. med. Wschr 1955; 85: 1190-1213.
  • 8 Eichenberger E, Schönholzer G. Fibrinolyse als Form der unspezifischen Reizbeantwortung. Verh. Dtsch. Ges. inn. Med 1956; 62: 200
  • 9 Elsner P. Fibrinolyse in Schwangerschaft und Geburt. Fortschritte der Geburtshilfe und Gynäkologie. Karger; Basel: 1957: 6
  • 10 Elsner P, Deutsch E, Kratochwil A. Untersuchungen über die Pyre-xalfibrinolyse. Wien. med. Wschr. im Druck
  • 11 Hoff F. Fieber, unspezifische Abwehrvorgänge, unspezifische Therapie. Thieme; Stuttgart: 1957: 87
  • 12 Hörder M. H, Kickhöfen B. Vergleichende Untersuchungen über den Nachweis der Fibrinolyse nach Injektion eines bakteriellen Lipopolysaccharids (Pyrexal). Acta haemat 17: 321 1957;
  • 12a Hörder M. H, Wendt F. Fibrinolyse und Gerinnungsfaktoren nach Injektion von bakteriellen und endogenen Pyrogenen beim Menschen, VII. Internat. Kongr. Haematol; Rom: 1958: 391
  • 13 Kaulla K. N. Fibrinolysis induced in humans by bacterial pyrogens, VI. Internat. Congr. Haemat; Boston: 1956: 454
  • 14 Kaulla K. N, Weil J. Pyrogen-induced fibrinolysis in man. Fed. Proc 1956; 15: 194
  • 15 Lassen M. Heat denaturation of plasminogen in the fibrin plate method. Acta physiol. Scand 1952; 27: 371
  • 16 Meneghini P. La shock-vaccino terapia nella cura di un caso di traumatica della vena cava inf. Arch. “E. Maragliano” di Patol. e clin 1949; 4: 771
  • 17 Meneghini P. Le traitement fibrinolytique des thromboses et des embolies. Thrombose und Embolie; Basel: 1954: 873
  • 18 Müllertz S. Components interacting in the formation of plasminogen activator in human blood. Thrombose und Embolie; Basel: 1954: 75
  • 19 Müllertz S. The plasmin activator system in human blood. Thrombose und Embolie; Basel: 1954: 79
  • 20 Müllertz S. Activation of plasminogen. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci 1957; 68: 38
  • 20a Olesen E. S. Peptone activation of a serum fibrinolytic system. Acta pharm. tox. 1958: 15
  • 21 Remmert L. F, Cohen P. P. Partial purification and properties of a proteolytic enzyme of human serum. J. biol. Chem 1949; 181: 431
  • 22 Sabatini G.E, Meneghini P. La shock-vaccinoterapia nella cura delle trombo-angiopatie. L’informatore Medico, Sez. Clin. Scient 1950; 4: 171
  • 23 Schönholzer G, Eichenberger E. Klinische und experimentelle Gesichtspunkte zur Anwendung fibrinolytisch wirkender Lipopolysaccharide. Helv. med. Acta 1956; 23: 641
  • 24 Schramm G, Westphal O, Lüderitz O. Über bakterielle Reizstoffe, III. Physikalisch-chemisches Verhalten eines hochgereinigten Coli-Pyrogens. Z. Naturforsch 1952; 7b: 594
  • 25 Westphal O, Lüderitz O. Chemische Erforschung von Lipopolysacchariden gramnegativer Bakterien. Angew. Chemie 1954; 66: 407
  • 26 Westphal O, Lüderitz O, Eichenberger E, Keiderling W. Über bakterielle Reizstoffe, I. Reindarstellung eines Polysaccharid-Pyrogens aus Bacterium coli. Z. Naturforsch 1952; 7b: 536