Thromb Haemost 1957; 01(03/04): 433-444
DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1656211
Originalarbeiten – Original Article – Travaux Originaux
Schattauer GmbH

The blood coagulation mechanisms in thrombocytopenic blood[*)]

Shirley A. Johnson Ph.D.
1   From Henry Ford Hospital, Department of Laboratories, and Division of Hematology
M. June Caldwell B.A.
1   From Henry Ford Hospital, Department of Laboratories, and Division of Hematology
Raymond W. Monto M.D.
1   From Henry Ford Hospital, Department of Laboratories, and Division of Hematology
› Institutsangaben
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05. Juni 2018 (online)



Thrombocytopenic serum supports a short prothrombin consumption time, however, the same serum contains as little prothrombin as normal serum. The prothrombin consumption test of thrombocytopenic serum can be prolonged by adsorption on BaCO3 or reduced again by the addition of the sodium citrate eluate. The antihemophilic activity of thrombocytopenic blood disappears when the blood clots as in normal blood and autoprothrombin I is present in much smaller amounts than in normal serum. The authors suggest that a new factor, a possible derivative of prothrombin, is responsible for the short prothrombin consumption value in thrombocytopenic blood.




Die Autoren geben an, dass kein Interessenkonflikt besteht.

*) The authors wish to extend their grateful thanks to Dr. J. Frederic Johnson, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, College of Medicine, Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan for determination of two-stage ac-globulin values in thrombocytopenic serum, and to Dr. H. O. Singher, Ortho Research Laboratories, Raritan, New Jersey.

  • Bibliography

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  • 2 Brinkhous K. M. Clotting defect in hemophilia deficiency in a plasma factor required for platelet utilization. Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. (N. Y.) 66: 117 1947;
  • 3 Seegers W. H, Johnson S. A, Fell C, and Alkjaersig N. Activation of purified prothrombin with platelets combined with various crude biochemical preparations. Amer. J. Physiol. 178: 1 1954;
  • 4 Bergsagel D. E, and Hougie C. Intermediate stages in the formation of blood thromboplastin. Brit. J. Haemat. 2: 113 1956;
  • 5 Seegers W. H, Alkjaersig N, and Johnson S. A. On the nature of the blood coagulation mechanisms in certain clinical states. Amer. J. clin. Path. 25: 983 1955;
  • 6 Quick A. J, Shanberge J. N, and Stefanini M. The coagulation defect in thrombocytopenic purpura. J. Lab. clin. Med. 34: 761 1949;
  • 7 Douglas A. S. Antihemophilic globulin consumption during blood coagulation. Blood 11: 429 1956;
  • 8 Alexander B, and deVries A. A factor in serum which accelerates the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin: III Its relationship to the coagulation defect of the thrombocytopenic blood. Blood. 4: 747 1949;
  • 9 Seegers W. H. The purification of prothrombin. Record of Chemical Progress 143 1953
  • 10 Schneider C. L, Claxton E. B, Hughes C. H, and Johnson S. A. Bovine platelets in large quantities. Amer. J. Physiol. 179: 236 1954;
  • 11 Ware A. G, and Seegers W. H. Two-stage procedure for the quantitative determination of prothrombin concentration. Amer. J. clin. Path. 19: 471 1949;
  • 12 Owen Jr. C. A, Hurn M. M, and Mann F. D. Dextran as a substitute for acacia in assay of plasma prothrombin. Amer. J. clin. Path. 25: 1279 1955;
  • 13 Mertz E. T, and Owen Jr. C. A. Imidazole buffer: Its use in blood clotting studies. Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. (N. Y.) 43: 204 1940;
  • 14 Johnson S. A, Caldwell M. J, and Priest E. M. The effect of the oral anticoagulant “Marcumar” on prothrombin and related components of the blood coagulation mechanisms. Circulation Res. In press
  • 15 Quick A. J. Nature of bleeding in jaundice. J. Amer. med. Ass. 110: 1658 1938;
  • 16 Warner E. D, Brinkhous K. M, and Smith H. D. A quantitative study on blood clotting; prothrombin fluctuations under experimental conditions. Amer. J. Physiol. 114: 667 1936;
  • 17 Johnson S. A, and Seegers W. H. Use of purified prothrombin in the study of hemophilia and plasma thromboplastin component (PTC) deficiency. J. appi. Physiol. 6: 429 1954;
  • 18 Seegers W. H, and Smith H. P. Factors which influence the activity of purified thrombin. Amer. J. Physiol. 137: 348 1942;
  • 19 Sussman L. N, Cohen I. B, and Gilller R. Clinical application of simplified serum prothrombin consumption test. J. Amer. med. Ass. 156: 702 1954;
  • 20 Mann F. D, and Hurn M. Co-thromboplastin, a probable factor in coagulation of blood. Amer. J. Physiol. 164: 105 1951;
  • 21 Seegers W. H, Johnson S. A, and Penner J. A. Quantitative concepts related to prothrombin and autoprothrombin I activity. Can. J. Biochem. and Physiol. 34: 887 1956;
  • 22 Ware A. G, and Seegers W. H. Plasma accelerator globulin: partial purification, quantitative determination, and properties. J. biol. Chem. 172: 699 1948;
  • 23 Stefanini M, and Campbell E. W. Isolation, purification, assay and properties, in vitro, and in vivo of the platelet thromboplastin factor (P.T.F.) Fifth international Congress Hematology, 171 (1954) (abstract)
  • 24 Lee P. H, Johnson S. A, and Seegers W. H. Platelet co-thromboplastin: A platelet factor(s) related to the blood clotting mechanisms. Thrombosis et Diathesis Hemorrhagica. In press
  • 25 Johnson S. A, and Seegers W. H. Studies on the plasma defect in haemophilia. Revue Hémat. 9: 529 1954;
  • 26 Johnson S. A, and Seegers W. H. Platelet cofactor activity in the haemophilias. Proc. Intern. Hem. Sym. 1956
  • 27 Seegers W. H, and Johnson S. A. Conversion of prothrombin to autoprothrombin II (Platelet cofactor II) and its relation to the blood clotting mechanisms. Amer. J. Physiol. 184: 259 1956;
  • 28 Biggs R. Some observations on the blood of patients with factor VII deficiency. Brit. J. Hemat. 2: 413 1956;
  • 29 Duckert F, Fluckinger P, and Koller F. Le role du facteur X dans la formation de la thromboplastine sanguine. Rev. Hémat. 9: 489 1954;
  • 30 Hougie C. Effect of Russell‘s viper venom (Stypen) on Stuart clotting defect. Proc Soc. exp. Biol. (N. Y.) 3: 570 1956;

  • Bibliography

  • 1 Alkjaersig N, Abe T, and Seegers W. H. Purification and quantitative determination of platelet factor 3. Amer. J. Physiol. 181: 304 1955;
  • 2 Brinkhous K. M. Clotting defect in hemophilia deficiency in a plasma factor required for platelet utilization. Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. (N. Y.) 66: 117 1947;
  • 3 Seegers W. H, Johnson S. A, Fell C, and Alkjaersig N. Activation of purified prothrombin with platelets combined with various crude biochemical preparations. Amer. J. Physiol. 178: 1 1954;
  • 4 Bergsagel D. E, and Hougie C. Intermediate stages in the formation of blood thromboplastin. Brit. J. Haemat. 2: 113 1956;
  • 5 Seegers W. H, Alkjaersig N, and Johnson S. A. On the nature of the blood coagulation mechanisms in certain clinical states. Amer. J. clin. Path. 25: 983 1955;
  • 6 Quick A. J, Shanberge J. N, and Stefanini M. The coagulation defect in thrombocytopenic purpura. J. Lab. clin. Med. 34: 761 1949;
  • 7 Douglas A. S. Antihemophilic globulin consumption during blood coagulation. Blood 11: 429 1956;
  • 8 Alexander B, and deVries A. A factor in serum which accelerates the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin: III Its relationship to the coagulation defect of the thrombocytopenic blood. Blood. 4: 747 1949;
  • 9 Seegers W. H. The purification of prothrombin. Record of Chemical Progress 143 1953
  • 10 Schneider C. L, Claxton E. B, Hughes C. H, and Johnson S. A. Bovine platelets in large quantities. Amer. J. Physiol. 179: 236 1954;
  • 11 Ware A. G, and Seegers W. H. Two-stage procedure for the quantitative determination of prothrombin concentration. Amer. J. clin. Path. 19: 471 1949;
  • 12 Owen Jr. C. A, Hurn M. M, and Mann F. D. Dextran as a substitute for acacia in assay of plasma prothrombin. Amer. J. clin. Path. 25: 1279 1955;
  • 13 Mertz E. T, and Owen Jr. C. A. Imidazole buffer: Its use in blood clotting studies. Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. (N. Y.) 43: 204 1940;
  • 14 Johnson S. A, Caldwell M. J, and Priest E. M. The effect of the oral anticoagulant “Marcumar” on prothrombin and related components of the blood coagulation mechanisms. Circulation Res. In press
  • 15 Quick A. J. Nature of bleeding in jaundice. J. Amer. med. Ass. 110: 1658 1938;
  • 16 Warner E. D, Brinkhous K. M, and Smith H. D. A quantitative study on blood clotting; prothrombin fluctuations under experimental conditions. Amer. J. Physiol. 114: 667 1936;
  • 17 Johnson S. A, and Seegers W. H. Use of purified prothrombin in the study of hemophilia and plasma thromboplastin component (PTC) deficiency. J. appi. Physiol. 6: 429 1954;
  • 18 Seegers W. H, and Smith H. P. Factors which influence the activity of purified thrombin. Amer. J. Physiol. 137: 348 1942;
  • 19 Sussman L. N, Cohen I. B, and Gilller R. Clinical application of simplified serum prothrombin consumption test. J. Amer. med. Ass. 156: 702 1954;
  • 20 Mann F. D, and Hurn M. Co-thromboplastin, a probable factor in coagulation of blood. Amer. J. Physiol. 164: 105 1951;
  • 21 Seegers W. H, Johnson S. A, and Penner J. A. Quantitative concepts related to prothrombin and autoprothrombin I activity. Can. J. Biochem. and Physiol. 34: 887 1956;
  • 22 Ware A. G, and Seegers W. H. Plasma accelerator globulin: partial purification, quantitative determination, and properties. J. biol. Chem. 172: 699 1948;
  • 23 Stefanini M, and Campbell E. W. Isolation, purification, assay and properties, in vitro, and in vivo of the platelet thromboplastin factor (P.T.F.) Fifth international Congress Hematology, 171 (1954) (abstract)
  • 24 Lee P. H, Johnson S. A, and Seegers W. H. Platelet co-thromboplastin: A platelet factor(s) related to the blood clotting mechanisms. Thrombosis et Diathesis Hemorrhagica. In press
  • 25 Johnson S. A, and Seegers W. H. Studies on the plasma defect in haemophilia. Revue Hémat. 9: 529 1954;
  • 26 Johnson S. A, and Seegers W. H. Platelet cofactor activity in the haemophilias. Proc. Intern. Hem. Sym. 1956
  • 27 Seegers W. H, and Johnson S. A. Conversion of prothrombin to autoprothrombin II (Platelet cofactor II) and its relation to the blood clotting mechanisms. Amer. J. Physiol. 184: 259 1956;
  • 28 Biggs R. Some observations on the blood of patients with factor VII deficiency. Brit. J. Hemat. 2: 413 1956;
  • 29 Duckert F, Fluckinger P, and Koller F. Le role du facteur X dans la formation de la thromboplastine sanguine. Rev. Hémat. 9: 489 1954;
  • 30 Hougie C. Effect of Russell‘s viper venom (Stypen) on Stuart clotting defect. Proc Soc. exp. Biol. (N. Y.) 3: 570 1956;