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DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1656216
Chronic Antithrombinaemia (Antithrombin V) with Haemorrhagic Diathesis in a Case of Rheumatoid Arthritis with Hypergammaglobulinaemia[*]
Publication History
Publication Date:
05 June 2018 (online)
A report is represented on a 44-year-old patient suffering, since 1938, from very slowly progressive rheumatoid arthritis. Haemorrhagic manifestations have been seen since 1951 (large cutaneous and muscular haemorrhages, microhaematuria and macrohaematuria, possibly also articular haemorrhages). In addition to an extremely marked increase in γ-globulins to values above 8 g/100 ml (γ-globulins with a normal sedimentation constant S 7) a circulating anticoagulant was demonstrable, which is held responsible for the marked increase in clotting time, “prothrombin” time and thrombin time. The hypothesis is forwarded that this is a physiological anticoagulant showing a marked increase. Since it is different from the four antithrombins described by Seegers it is referred to as antithrombin-V. Antithrombin-V occurs both in the plasma and in the serum and appears to be bound to the (ß)γ-fraction. It is a thrombin inhibitor which, unlike antithrombin-II, has no direct effect on thromboplastin and thrombin formation. Antithrombin-V cannot be neutralized by protamine sulphate; it is heat-stable, not dialysable and not adsorbed onto BaSO4. Thrombelastography made it possible clearly to demonstrate that an increase in antithrombin-V is associated with a marked increase in clotting time but causes no pathological course of clot formation.
Therapeutic results obtained with ACTH and cortisone are favourable: the activity of antithrombin-V decreases parallel with a decrease in γ-globulin values, and the clotting time is normalized. The patient has received, during the past 16 months, oral cortisone treatment (25 mg thrice daily), and is at present free of complaints, although clinical and laboratory findings show a gradual increase in symptoms respectively γ-globulin values with a slight increase in clotting time.
The possible significance of the antithrombin-V activity in the protection against thrombo-embolism is briefly mentioned.
No conflict of interest has been declared by the author(s).
* A preliminary report of this case, which will be published in Ned. T’schr. v. Geneesk. (74), has been given on the occasion of the Congres of Dutch Society of Haematology at Utrecht (November, 24th, 1956).
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- 17 Conley C. L, Rathbun H. K, Morse W. I, Robinson J. E. Circulating anticoagulant as a cause of hemorrhagic diathesis in man. Bull. Johns Hopk. 83: 288 1948;
- 18 Conn H. O, Klatskin G. Filter paper electrophoretic patterns of serum in multiple myeloma. Amer. J. Med. 16: 822 1954;
- 19 Cooper G. R, Rein C. R, Beard J. W. Electrophoretic analysis of Kala-Azar human serum. Hypergammaglobulinaemia associated with seronegative reactions for syphilis. Proc. Soc. exp. Biol. (N. Y.) 61: 179 1946;
- 20 Cramer R, Matter M, Loeliger A. Die Hämophilie B. Zwei familiäre Fälle der Bluterkrankheit, bedingt durch den Mangel eines neuen Gerinnungsfaktors (“Christmas Factor”). Helv. paediat. acta 8: 185 1953;
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- 22 van Creveld S, Hoorweg P. G, Paulssen M. M. P. Researches on a circulating anticoagulant in a haemophiliac. Effect of administration of ACTH and Cortisone. Blood 8: 125 1953;
- 23 van Creveld S, Paulssen M. M. P. A form of haemorrhagic diathesis carac-terised by the lack of the third clotting factor, normally present in blood platelets (thrombocytopathia haemophilica). Ann. paediat. (Basel) 181: 193 1953;
- 24 Crisalii M, Cotellessa G. Sindrome emorragica da anticoagulante in circola presente della nascita. Minerva pediat. (Torino) 3: 441 1951;
- 25 Deutsch E. Blutgerinnungsfaktoren. Franz Deuticke; Wien: 1955
- 26 Deutsch E. Hemmkörperhämophilie. Klin. Wschr. 19: 28 1950;
- 27 Dreskin O. H, Rosenthal N. A hemophilia-like disease with prolonged coagulation time and circulating anticoagulant, report of a case in a female. Blood 5: 46 1950;
- 28 Dijckerhoff H, Marx R, Ziegier W. Anaphylaxie und Blutgerinnung. Zschr. ges. exp. Med. 108: 772 1941;
- 29 Dijckerhoff H, Ruhl G. Über den Antithrombingehalt des Blutes im anaphylaktischen Zustand. Biochem. Z. 303: 316 1940;
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- 31 Eagle H, Johnston C. G, Ravdin I. S. A prolonged coagulation time subsequent to anaphylactic shock. Bull. John Hopkins Hosp. 60: 428 1937;
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- 33 Fonio A. Über den Aufbau und die Retraktion des Fibringerinnsels in physiologischer und pathologischer Beziehung. Schweiz, med. Wschr. 84: 785 1954;
- 34 Frick P. G. Acquired circulating anticoagulant in systemic collagen disease; autoimmune thromboplastin deficiency. Blood 10: 691 1955;
- 35 Frick P. G. Haemophilia-like disease following pregnancy, with transplacental transfer of an acquired circulating anticoagulant. Blood 8: 598 1953;
- 36 Glazko A. J, Ferguson J. H. Kinetics of thrombin inactivation as influenced by physical conditions, trypsin and serum. J. gen. Physiol. 24: 169 1940;
- 37 Glazko A. J, Greenberg D. M. Mechanism of inhibiting effect of electrolytes and heparin on blood coagulation. Amer. J. Physiol. 128: 399 1940;
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