Nervenheilkunde, Table of Contents Nervenheilkunde 2018; 37(06): 379-382DOI: 10.1055/s-0038-1667393 Editorial Schattauer GmbH Warum gibt es Musik? M. Spitzer 1 Ulm › Author Affiliations Recommend Article Abstract Full Text PDF Download References Literatur 1 Barkow JH, Cosmides L, Tooby J. (eds.) The adapted mind: Evolutionary psychology and the generation of culture. Oxford: University Press; 1992 2 Clayton M. The social and personal functions of music in crosscultural perspective. In: Hallam S, Cross I, Thaut M. (eds.), Oxford handbook of music psychology. 35-44 Oxford: University Press; 2009 3 Conard NJ, Malina M, Münzel SC. New flutes document the earliest musical tradition in southwestern Germany. Nature 2009; 460: 737-740. 4 Darwin C. Zur Abstammung des Menschen (undatierter Nachdruck). Oldenbourg: Taschenbuch, Kirchheim; 1971/1874. 5 Dissanayake E. Ritual and ritualization: Musical means of conveying and shaping emotion in humans and other animals. In: Brown S, Voglsten U. (eds.) Music and manipulation: On the social uses and social control of music. 31-56 New York: Berghahn Books; 2006 6 Fernald A. Intonation and communicative intent in mothers’ speech to infants: Is the melody the message?. Child Development 1989; 60: 1497-1510. 7 Fitch WT. The biology and evolution of music: a comparative perspective. Cognition 2006; 100: 173-215. 8 Hahn J. Neue besondere Funde aus dem Geißenklösterle und dem Hohle Fels. Eine 36.000 Jahre alte Knochenflöte aus dem Geißenklösterle. In: Scheer A. (Hrsg.), Höhlenarchäologie im Urdonautal bei Blaubeuren. 87-89 Urgeschichtliches Museum; Blaubeuren: 1994 9 Haidt J, Seder JP, Kesebir S. Hive psychology, happiness, and public policy. Journal of Legal Studies 2008; 37: 133-S156. 10 Hill GE. Plumage coloration is a sexually selected indicator of male quality. Nature 1991; 350: 337-339. 11 Huron D. Is music an evolutionary adaptation?. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2001; 930: 43-61. 12 Kammer T, Spitzer M. Macht Musizieren wirklich schlau? Transfereffekte auf kognitive Leistungen. Nervenheilkunde 2018; 37: 392-397. 13 Kirschner S, Ilari B. Joint drumming in Brazilian and German preschool children: cultural differences in rhythmic entrainment, but no pro-social effects. J Cross Cult Psychol 2014; 45: 137-166. 14 Kirschner S, Tomasello M. Joint drumming: social context facilitates synchronization in preschool children. J Exp Child Psychol 2009; 102: 299-314. 15 Kuney D, Turk I. New perspectives on the beginnings of music: Archeological and musicological analysis of a middle paleolithic bone “flute”. In: Wallin NL, Merker B, Brown S. (eds.) The origins of music. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; 2000: 235-268. 16 Merker B. Synchronous chorusing and the Origins of music. Musicae Scientiae. (Special Issue 1999–2000): 59-73. 17 Miller GF. Evolution of human music through sexual selection. In: Wallin NL, Merker B, Brown S. (eds.) The origins of music. Cambridge: MIT Press; 2000: 329-360. 18 Mithen S. The singing neanderthals: The origins of music, language, mind, and body. London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson; 2005 19 Negro JJ, Grande JM, Tella JL, Garrido J, Hornero D, Donázar JA, Sanchez-Zapata JA, BenItez JR, Barcell M. Coprophagy: an unusual source of essential carotenoids. Nature 2002; 416: 807-808. 20 Puts DA. et al. Sexual selection on male vocal fundamental frequency in humans and other anthropoids. Proc R Soc B 2016; 283: 20152830. 21 Spitzer M. Musik im Kopf. Stuttgart: Schattauer; 2002/2014. 22 Spitzer M. Musik: Von der Koordination zur Kooperation Prosoziale Effekte von Musizieren, Singen und Tanzen. Nervenheilkunde 2018; 37: 433-438. 23 Trehub SE. Musical predispositions in infancy. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2001; 930: 1-16. 24 West PM, Packer C. Sexual selection, temperature, and the lion’s mane. Science 2002; 297: 1339-1343. 25 Wilson EO. Sociobiology: The new synthesis. Harvard: University Press; 1975 26 Zahavi A, Zahavi A. The Handicap Principle. Oxford: University Press; 1997 27 Zhang J, Harbottle G, Wang C, Kong Z. Oldest playable musical instruments found at Jiahu early neolithic site in China. Nature 1999; 401: 366-368. 28 Hagen EH, Bryant GA. Music and dance as a coalition signaling system. Hum Nat 2003; 14: 21-51.